Clearing Misconceptions - Yusuf Estes

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you you you Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] you you [Music] [Music] you you now hum dude inaudible out of me who are lovely gentlemen muslimeen was selected Amaterasu la creme why I need worse fbi's Marina shadow Allah your love in the law what the luxury callow I'd shuttle up do or so what's on my lick me now hamdulillah last panel teller guides whoever He wills to his straight path and it's not for us really the guide anybody but it is for us to deliver a message and I try to remind myself about that everyday because so many times people will ask me the question how can we get this person to Islam how can I get that person to Muslim how can we give Shahada to somebody that is a atheist or somebody that's you know Christian or Jew or you know but the fact is that Islam is not really a religion it belongs to human beings it's a way of life prescribed by the one who created all of us in the first place so how in the world could we really come up with something that is any different than what Allah has ordered we can't otherwise we're making a new religion anyway Islam as you well know is really based on the verb as llama meaning that it's a relationship between us and our Creator so how would it be that you or I would get between somebody else and Almighty Allah anyway so we're just delivering a message and then it's a lot of guys whoever wills he says he says in the Quran a rhetorical question mandala the yesh burrow into who in the hidden e who is there that could come between a law and his creation except that he wills he has to give him the permission to do it and of course that would not mean that it's a true intercession anyway intercession being one who would be like um someone would have power beside Allah to be able to go up and say hey let this guy off the hook he's a friend of mine oh ok I have to do that no it doesn't work like that even when we're Sulu like he saw the lining of his sullivan the day of judgment is going to be put in a high position such a position to actually go in front of allah subhanaw taala how is he gonna go in front of allah like this oh no no no he's gonna go and put his head on the ground yes insensitive and then he will supplicate that's a nice word he's gonna make drive according to however Allah inspires him this is what he said this is what he said himself meaning that he doesn't even know what he's gonna be saying but Allah will inspire him with the words so you can see right away with his head on the ground and allow basically putting words in his mouth to do what to take his Ummah those who were followers of more handsome out of the fire Pal what are some good news here in fact there's a whole lot of good news when you compare Islam to anything else I've spent most of my life as a Christian so obviously I do know a little bit about it and Christianity is teaching us that the people that are the believers according to at least certain groups of Christians they're not gonna die they're gonna be like pulled up and saved others will tell you that there's a eternal life that they get that everybody else doesn't get the syllable we'll talk about being in paradise everybody else opposed to hell but the boot in Islam is that everybody gets this eternal life it's not limited everybody needs eternal life good or bad everybody everybody gets eternal life the problem is where that's the problem there's some more good news bad news that comes up which one you want first how many say they give me the bad news first oh yeah give me the bad news first bad news is some people Muslims are gonna go to hell it's bad news you're a friend good news they won't have to stay that that's a good news because anybody who even had a speck you know actually use the term ingrain like a small grain smaller than a grain of rice something tiny this much belief that there really is only one guy Allah they have this belief in Allah that none is deserving in your worship none is deserving any devotion and none is deserving any of this kind of attention other than the one true God they have this then they will get out of the Hellfire eventually still kind of like bad news good news eventually how bad is Hellfire you ever thought about that some people might say well you know I did some bad things but hey I'll just go to hell for a little while and stow away that's not a bad deal or they might say that well there are different levels in the helm some worse than others maybe I'll just go to the Buddhist place like that Buddhist place is there a Goodis place in the Hellfire there's levels though there's one level it's so bad even though rocks that are burning there are afraid of it it's really horrible the worst is that even the fire itself is afraid that's horrible that's reserved for the worst of the worst of the worst problem Amin Silla dies the lung had an uncle Abu Talib you know about his uncle no he's a good guy by our standards by human being standards we say it's a good guy he was nice it was kind he did your deeds he supported the Muslims he helped them when nobody else would help them in fact the only thing about the guy was he just wouldn't say the Shahada well it was only a really bad thing about it he just refused to say there's only one god worthy of my worship he said you know what I'm coming from a culture background of people that worship these gods and how could that be now he's on his deathbed how would it look you know to everybody if I abandon the religion of my forefathers for this look right people might you know think I was like a coward or something so now I'll just stay with what I got any gun he died without the caliber like that liver and soul results are Salaam was making no hug for him praying for him they said I'll keep doing that unless Allah shows me something other than that and of course that's when the person that we run comes and it makes it clear that you can do that if somebody died without the kanima you don't pray for him because Allah knows and we go along he knows how we don't know so then the process son told us his uncle Abu Talib would be in the best part of the Hellfire the best part what's the best part of Hellfire standing on rocks that are so hot your brains are boiling that's the best part no wonder they call it hell and what about the one who said we'll only be there a short time I'm talking about you know 10 now 50 years 100 years who cares maybe exists that the Brahma thought salaam Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him told us about two people that will come on the day of judgment one of them he had everything in this life anything he asked for he got it the other one he didn't get the things that he asked for now the one who had everything when angel of death came to him to take his soul he wants one more thing a feast set in front of him and he got that then angel took his soul the other one he didn't even get to drink a glass of water dollie water with water and he didn't get that an angel to Kisel know everything in this life they put him into in the next life they put him into the Hellfire like you might put a pin into something and pull it out how quick could you do that no maybe you got a pillow or something you just take a pin that's what a nanosecond in the one who had nothing in this life didn't get the things you want put him into paradise same where you put a pin and pull it out now the one that had everything after coming out of the fire that this the second the asking in your whole life where you had everything he said did you ever see anything good he said I've never ever seen anything good the other one that had all the difficulties in this life put him into the Paradise just for a second I'm pull him out and ask him now in your whole life you ever see anything bad he said in my whole life I never saw anything bad so the experience of either one totally removes whatever you were concerned about here what were you worried about here because I guarantee you as soon as you get to the next leg you're not gonna remember it either way if you wind up in a bad place you don't remember anything good about of this place so all the stuff that you're chasing after all the things you're trying to build up here all of the wealth the power the society the status of you can zip horrible the other one the one who is sacrificing in this life the one who is suffering in this life you're still gonna forget about all that as soon as you get to paradise of course it's gonna be everything that you wanted and more you will not be able to fathom in this life either one of those two places there's just no way now the Prophet peace be upon him taught us something about this too he said there's use the word like hijab covering there's a covering over the Hellfire a covering over the Hellfire which is your vain desires nufs your desires but you see the Hellfire is being good because of your desires but there's a covering over the paradise makes it unattractive to you because of what it's the things you didn't like in this world so just a lot of the things that we look at every day if you flip them and look at it from the other side that's really the reality of the next life so receiving things in this life is likely if you want to keep everything balanced is likely to put you in a very bad way giving things in this life will do what put you in a better condition you know this is not this is not unlike in other words it's just like the teaching of Christianity simple statement and Christianity you hear it all the time especially at Christmastime when somebody wants you to give a gift it says it's better to give than to receive it's exactly this is exactly how it goes if you understand that and then you can understand a little bit about what Islam is teaching us when it says the prophet sallal I leave some peace be upon him taught us I'm doing your sins no movement or attendance of guests does anybody speak like it honor being anybody speak Arabic one two three four five six seven eight nine okay whoa more ladies than milliner's speaking arabic language you are right well you know what I said for those of you don't know Arabic I'll go slow dunya means the material world that we live in dunya the material world that we live in signal movement Sigyn in Arabic means a prison or a jail movement is a believer so this material life is a prison for a believer what general and that means the paradise for the kafir disbeliever is that true the prophet sallallaahu someone he said it Prophet Muhammad peace that's me a bunny told is this do we believe that well let's look at it permanent if you go to prison what's the first thing that you notice besides the bars what is the first thing you notice you can't be with the people you want to be with right you can't be with the one you love the most right no so is that the same for us as Muslims we love Allah more than anything but we can't be what the lockers were here and loves not here we love Prophet Muhammad sublights a lot more than anything but he's not here he's in the next life waiting huh so that's what we want well not were the ones who love we're not with the righteous people we're not with the ones who died sacrifice before all of the prophets all these great wonderful people they're not with us so this whole life isn't prison that's one about food in the prison what happens is we want food do you like it this they give you a little sheet at night you can fill it out with you t-bone mashed potatoes and gravy iced tea fresh peas corn cob popcorn yeah like some popcorn and I think I'll have cherries Jubilee for dessert and turn it in and what will you get mush baby you're lucky to get oatmeal that's it and it won't be hot anyway I'm alright anybody ever been in Britain I work in prisons I know but if you haven't been around one but in any talk database minute and you don't get to eat what you want is this true for the Muslims in this world there's a lot of things we can't eat legally in Islam you're not supposed to eat pork right huh and somebody's telling me we're not supposed to be eating lions and tigers and bears oh my I didn't want to eat a line in any way did you did you imagine that mmm you got a hamburger out of alignment I guess it'd be no different than giraffe burger that doesn't suffer could be endure but coming back to the subject we can't drink what we want in it there's a lot of drinking things that people are doing all the time we can do that what about clothes in prison can you pick out the clothes you like tailor comes by measures you up for a new heart chef grammar suit don't forget the best or they just or you two things that upper and the lower go for it understood dad's too loose okay but the bottom any color uh-huh that prisons never have a cool cover network so in our life we also have a dress code yeah Muslims have a dress code and it doesn't always go along with where was the coolest fashion they were watching you guys on TV right no so again there's a good comparison but by now we've discovered that hey that prison here is not as bad as being a Muslim it's not so bad after all is it but now let's look at it from the other point of view the paradise for the disbeliever now the promises on use the word kafir kafir comes from kaffir kafar is is a verb meaning to cover up something this literally is covering like what Allah makes gopher you know how many we know that Allah does cat for huh he does all the time we hope he does when he covers up our sins kuffara it covers up your sins when you go to him and repent and then he keeps it covered up for you so that's cavada covering it up but the idea in islam of cover actually it means disbelief because the one who's doing this has been exposed in some way or another to truth and they're covering it up the truth never goes away what they endeavour to cover it up and of course they'll never be successful at it but now what about this life being a paradise for one who is covering the truth many times we see people who are bad people we know they're bad they do really bad things but somehow or another they wind up with a lot of good stuff in this life they do it's kind of amazing certain individuals and their groups who will go out and literally destroy other people and take away from them in their property crush their families and then all of a sudden they got big houses nice cars and and you're thinking wow why they get all of this if you use the human standard to compare you'd have to make the conclusion that being bad is better than being good because the good guys according to this always finish last very seldom do you see somebody who is humble and kind and sweet generous charity giving is going to be the leader a leader of any country is that true and that's not that I would pick on any particular leader of any country especially because I need to go to all these countries but at the same time we have to ask ourselves how is it in this world that these aggressive individuals who will compromise immediately to get what they want how is it they get only this stuff and then the ones who are sacrificing the ones who are really kind people many times they wind up with nothing and the good health is even going to these bad guys and diseases coming to the good guys and atheists will look at that and say see that proves there's no God it does that's how it that's his evidence right there and this of course is the ultimate cover-up hidden so how does that work and we think about it when somebody is getting everything they want in this life they better think twice because it could mean you've got nothing waiting for you in the next life and that's pretty scary have you said I don't have to worry about it I'm a Muslim I got news for you that's the same thing Christian says I don't you worry about it I'm a Christian that's the same thing Jew says that's the same thing Hindu says in fact that's what everybody says as long as to what they're getting what they want and it's not really until we start losing and we start thinking and hey wait a minute maybe let me think about my religion now well now it's a good time to go to God why well I'm having a problem before everything with school so but now it's time to think and what about the one no now watch this there's there's one more in this category on the thing about the one who is quote unquote the capper the one who covers the truth one who doesn't believe me God yeah doesn't Lee or believes in all kinds of gods makes up gods as he goes whatever good luck guys you know the kind you carry in your pocket you need something you whip it out hey got my lucky guy you heard about that right guys one of these bracelets and things like it's gonna cure I'm gonna give them something and they got lucky bracelet lucky ring lucky horseshoe lucky what you heard about that with some by the way some societies over those centuries believe that if you put a horseshoe over the door it was good luck I won't always wonder what would happen to slam the door and it fell down the gate wouldn't think it was very good luck witty now what about the rant exploitive you ever heard about good luck rabbit's foot people used to carry those when I was a kid they had keychains that had this piece of a real rabbit's foot hanging on it and then you'd be like you go to start the car you leave that dangling foot and I would think how was that lucky for the rabbit you know here goes Easter Bunny he's on crutches gone hey one lucky for me but what about the one who doesn't believe the bad guy okay he's really mad he's a thief he's a rotten liar he's alcoholic he's a bum he does everything bad I don't want you be any more ideas than that but he also is poor he's poor he has nothing in this life and he also gets diseases he also has cancer tuberculosis something like that you know and he's laying there in the hospital bed you know and he's complaining it you tell him that e rasool' science alankara a dune usage no movement what genital cafe you tell him Prophet Muhammad said sigh so now I'm dead this dear world is the only paradise for you guys but it's the prison for the Muslims believers and he's gonna say oh yeah oh yeah hey what about me look at the condition I'm in see how bad off I am and I don't believe what you believe so that disproved your theory mmm you forgot I just told you when we started the program good night that one in second and the Hellfire will wipe out any good you ever saw in this life so by contrast in comparison that guy in Hellfire for one second will look back on the worst condition and this life can go hey man that was heaven that was paradise that was Jenna and amazing they did for us living in this life it's sometimes difficult to keep it in perspective to remember that this really isn't our ultimate resting place we're not going to stay here you're not going to keep continuing here it seems like it but you woke up yesterday you woke up today good chance you'll wake up tomorrow but Allah Alan will you sleep where you can absolutely keep going on we do whatever we do hmm I got away with it another day let's do it again another day opens up for you hey here we go again the first year of your life was 365 days have used the Sun calendar 354 views and Counting doesn't really matter you don't remember - I don't remember first year nobody remembers second year you stagger around fall over - coffee table stuff like that rich says how cute you are there you learn how to talk fourth year they wish they'd never taught you you know it goes 5th year you going to school and then the world really starts opening up to you and you're like wow look at all the stuff going on oh man in school that's an amazing thing I hate and then sometimes and secret all the way from the first to the sixth grade we used to call the elementary school the beginning or primary school and you meet friends you start learning about other things but all along the way you never ever for one second think about one day I may wake up dead in other words it's not wake up at all it doesn't enter your mind you go through the middle school you go into the high school and somewhere along there now somebody dies your aunt dies your grandmother dies some teacher you know died somebody died somebody you knew their name or you knew something about them they died now you're like ha sue nothing to see them anymore no they're gone hmm well there's still that's other people around or maybe somebody really close to you dies and it makes you think but still you move on and this continues on through your life now as you get older you start thinking a little bit more about it because more and more the people you know die until you get around 80 or 90 and now almost everybody you used to know it's dead then maybe you'll start thinking hey that could be me next but in reality it could be any one of us is in I'm in that wrong is there any guarantee you're gonna go to bed tonight wake up tomorrow morning not really is there any guarantee that you will eventually die think about that one we don't really think of that one do we that's the only most obvious fact of life is that then we never think about it almost never but it's the most obvious fact as soon as you're born you're going closer and closer to the day you die that's all more reason why you shouldn't celebrate a birthday it's just good closer to die think about it what are you celebrating happy birthday to you you're another year closer to being dead you scary admit any minute any one of us and I've seen it happen I remember one time talking about the subject about death and dying and the next morning in the newspapers I was flying out it was mentioned this story there was in Trinidad that a lady had come to the speech that night she had asked her son to go with her was in the paper he said now I want to stay with my friends she got a phone call at the venue at the place tell her to get home something's happened your son he's like 20 years old okay she came home he was laying on the kitchen floor dead huh you know aren't you glad you came to my speech tonight but it makes you think the one thing that we know is gonna happen regardless you don't have to be a Muslim to figure it out you don't have to be a Christian an atheist anybody has got to come to grips the conclusion you're gonna die I'm gonna die not in the Bible I found a passage or it's a real popular one we used to use it all the time but we didn't really think about it when we said it we really didn't never tried to analyze it because a lot of stuff we're Christian and you just say what everybody else says and go along with it and it's fun sorta but it says in John 3:16 for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son all that stuff were lost that whosoever believeth in him will not die but they're gonna live forever everlasting life is what it says in the church that I went to at that time the preacher used to tell us because you've been asking but you mean really don't die he said yeah if you really really believe when the rapture comes you're gonna be picked up and carried up into heaven and you won't have to go through the experience of dying that sounds good my son's really good I mean and there's people who believe it not a lot but there are some but if you read the same book the same exact book it tells them that Jesus died so evidently he didn't believe it and I never caught that one I also didn't catch the fact that for the last 2,000 years everybody that breaks D died so they must not eat actually I'm sure it didn't mean literally what it said obviously not Jesus wouldn't have said something like that anyway but what did Allah say clearly in the quran qaloo Knutson directed their mote every soul will taste death so let's talk about that Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him he pulled us about what's going to happen in the very end days of this earth he talked about the earthquakes he talked about the signs that would come he even talked about what's gonna happen in Mecca about the destruction of the Kaaba he told us of some of the big upheavals in the earth itself mountains coming down like carded wool that's in the Quran many of the things that are going to take place in the very last days are very scary but then eventually there won't be anybody left and after the last human being dies when there's nobody left at all there's still angels and that's when the law is going to tell the Angel of Death to go to the angels and to begin to take their row their souls from them the Angel of Death will begin removing the souls of the angels until the only one left is the Archangel the holy spirit roohul qudoos that's the title real angel Gabriel is the holy spirit that's what it says in the Quran we know that which by the way was another big revelation for yours true me because I always wondered about this Holy Ghost Holy Spirit thing and when I found that in Islam oh it made a lot of sense not part of a Trinity it's just the title of the angel Gabriel but even then Allah will send the angel of death the mountable mote to him and say take his soul now nobody can resist the angel of death when he comes that's it in fact the only one ever in history to stand up to the angel of death really was who Musa al-salaam yeah he smacked him remember most of us lemon Moses is the one who hit the Egyptian and killed him dead with one pop remember that he didn't mean to kill him I just want to put it down a little bit but when after the age of the death take drink like boom he not desire remember in the age of deaths going back what is I'm hanging up to Allah say my eye out but a lot of told you you know this is time for you to die say had said go along with it now when it comes to danger of gibreel I Salaam the Angel of Death is taking this great and amazing soul the Holy Spirit Himself taking his soul then there's nobody left except the angel of death and love says take your own soul and he did and as he was removing his own soul his last words if I would have known it was like this I could have never taken the first one I want to think about death the Angel of Death says this if I would have known it felt like this I couldn't have taken the first one now nobody's left at all now the Prophet is telling us what's been given to him in Revelation he's telling us what's going to happen not that he has any control over not that he's added or taking away but he's just honest this is what's going to happen and then after a period of time as long as the law wills it could be for us millions of years or two seconds but it's up to a long but as long as Allah wills and then he's going to say now where are those kings that they wanted to set up as partners with me in worship where are they and there will be of course no answer and then Allah will cause everything to come back he'll bring it all back again all of us and that's what I said this is good news everybody's going to be brought back everybody will be brought back every single soul shall be brought back in the body and a lot of people are complaining about this it's mentioned in Quran and even today how will I be brought back in a body how is that Hey I mean after our bones turn to dust you say gonna come back oh boy where you get that stuff but who created you in the first place when we started out you and I all of us when we started out we were what we call today in embryology and hey as I got a teeny teeny egg fertilized by sperm attaching inside the wall of the room or womb and starting out cleaning hanging and forming an alibi and from that we came forth yes or no so how did that turn into bones there's no bones in it there's nothing in it you if you want to go ahead put it under a microscope and take a look that's not a little bitty human being that's what people used to think that's what people used to think that there were little teeny tiny human beings it's kinda like got bigger inside of the mother and get out this is what they got now embryology is a science 1,400 years ago excuse me 400 years ago in the West nobody had a clue 1400 years ago Allah clearly spelled it out from the time we are conceived inside of our mothers the trimesters the development the in shape out of shape all of the shapes even talking about our hearing develops before our eyes all of this is in the Quran as a sign as a proof to the human being who created you who knows most about you who's the one that blew life into you and who's the one that wrote for you your risk on your daily bread who is the one who provides even the oxygen you breathe and you don't have the courtesy to say thank you that's the point isn't it that's the point and Allah will bring us all back everyone I'm so be brought back and we will have bodies and nobody will have any clothes on because that that wouldn't part of the deal now I show the life of the Prophet peace people she asked oh you know because Muslim women how they dress they're all very very conservative super conservative very modest and she's concerned he said don't worry about it because nobody's gonna be looking at anybody else on that day they're all gonna be walking around saying Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi Arabic it means myself my trouble money and what is this huh to be today that's all the concern we're gonna have cuz we'll all realize clearly then what we should have been realizing right hearing what we didn't plan for them we didn't get ready for that hmm oh yeah we did to them well I don't know what you have here in Australia but back home we got the Keogh plan in 405 and all this retirement benefits or working towards putting some pinched in the side planning all the time planning you know build it up okay I'm ready to go not one thing did we plan for the next leg nothing nothing and so there you stand on the day of judgment and the Sun will be brought close just so much over the heads of the people that they will be standing in their own sweat to the neck and no relief from the Sun no relief from this heat no shade no they were ill the value of allah subhanaw taala the shades of allah subhan allah thought and this is only going to be for certain people the ones planned ahead the ones that really thought about it and they didn't try to get stuff for this dunya they wanted it for that effort for the Hereafter because they realized what the prophet saw the lights on I'm said was true I do you says no movement or genital gather this material life is a prison to a believer but it's the only paradise for the disbelievers alhamdulillah alhamdulillah bill I mean who Allah teach on nervously all the praise the one who made us Muslim I'll leave you with that thought it was great to be with all of you tonight and I thank Allah so much that he guided me before I met the angel of death and I pray for everybody I meet that Allah will guide them the same way because that's the best thing to happen to the others there's also my love here what somebody can romp Tula
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 79,794
Rating: 4.8582678 out of 5
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Id: 8L5goZmG_Us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 35sec (2975 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2009
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