The Return of Jesus - Yusuf Estes

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you know hunger is our philomene gulanee channel mostly Muslim rule of green while Ali was a psy a shadow da illa Allah wife new luxury clock wise and 100 I'm so sorry hello Masha Aloha Louie na is anybody here everybody's here huh if you're not here raise your hand okay one from Egypt to for me too Oh Sadie yeah not you they're still coming in the door marshal of the tickets are free run hope this luck you have any Muslims with us today advise Muslim raise your hand huh anybody it's not Muslim yet raise your hand one doing the right I got against rounded by all these terrorists I love it Muslim I that's lip I'm gonna wring that newspaper too much let the bird up here that's it what were you trying to tell me with a bird and Yusuf is for the birds or what but my my name is Yusuf can you say uses huh you got a right the first time all these years my wife still says useless if they let her that the left anything um good luck we have a very special and beautiful subject tonight and I feel very happy very honored that allah subhanaw taala god almighty would let me be the one to talk about this favorite topic of mine and this topic is face it in the Mariam now for the Muslims we knew exactly what that but somebody who doesn't know the Arabic language they might say what did he send us that we translate that to say Jesus the Son of Mary please be a problem I wanted to mention before we got started a couple of things in the etymology of words saying what we do we mean by these words and the first word that we want to talk about tonight is Arisa and and how come you say ASA was ASA why don't you just say Jesus like normal people actually if you read from the Old Testament the book or the Torah of the yahoodi the Jewish you'll find it the person that's mentioned there is named they have one they say he saw he saw and this person is not the Jesus that we know today but we find that this word was used long long long ago one of the descendants from Abraham and by the way while we're on the subject of names we don't say Abraham his name was Ibrahim and you should learn that because George they don't eat ham so they like I told you they laugh at anything we'll have a very good crowd with us tonight munch Allah and this subject of Jesus at a salon peace be upon him is a very special one to me because for many years almost 50 years always a Christian and Christians they love Jesus after all that's what Christian means this is somebody who follows Christ but guess what that's another word that we have to understand where does it mean where did it come from Christ comes from Christos Christos is not Arabic it's not Hebrew it's not Aramaic it's Greek this is a Greek word Christos and it got shortened to crisp and then it became pronounced Christ so basically what we're learning is when we take things to English we mispronounce them pretty bad so it's nice to know how to go back to the original language and get a feel of what it was like 2,000 years ago for Jesus and even all the way back five six ten thousand years ago from Musa horse Musa ah can you guess moose it must be Moses yeah say and Ibrahim how about this one no who's not no one yeah how about Yaqoob Jacob that's good how about Ayub you can't guess I could never have guessed that if somebody didn't tell me I wouldn't know I know whose are you is that Jacob also no no job job if his job it needs to have an e on the end or two O's must be job and we all need a job you know especially these days Joba Ayub actually he was a very very special messenger of allah span teller a prophet of god because he had a character about him that if you know any buddhists and you'd like to help them know about Islam they say so many good things about Buddha one of the things they told me is that Buddha gave his own arm so the lion could eat it said the lion has to have something to eat - so just give him my arm you know we don't know if it's a true story because obviously they don't authenticate what they do like we do with Hades but what we do know is for sure the Prophet Muhammad SAW sallam told us about this person Joba and what he said about ru that he was so really humble in front of Allah in many many ways we didn't really even meet somebody like this it was very very humble and when he was afflicted with his disease and everything so suffering so much he had what we call maggot in his on his arm you know some disease and this life form called maggot living there it fell off onto the ground and he picked it up and he put it back and they said was this he said all of the creatures and even this thing have their wrist but their daily bread is what's written for them and he put him back so he could live I think that the more we know about all of the prophets it helps us to understand something in Islam outside when you come in to this door you noticed just over here to my left as you go out there are stories of some of the prophets just a little taste to let you understand you might start out saying okay I know who is Noah and I know who's Abraham and Woodman why do you call him the second father of humanity on why Abraham you saying is the friend of Allah why Moses you said he's the common law what is okay take some time and understand that these are great people to us I noticed that somebody put on there they are ordinary people I I know they were trying to say that they weren't gods and that's fine but they're not ordinary people because ordinary people like us we make a lot of bad mistakes our prophets our prophets didn't make these major mistakes they didn't do what some people say they did because all the prophets to us as Muslims they're very high they're very very very high we put them above our own head because we not just because we love them we honor them we revere them and we follow them and how could we follow somebody who's doing bad things so a prophet somebody who is coming to give us a message from Almighty God he has to have outstanding character his character has to be above reproach so that that people following him would not make the same kinds of mistakes now you might say well the Bible says this the Bible says that as soon as you do I'm going to ask you which Bible there are many and one of them may say something I don't know one maybe doesn't say that because not all of them are the same for us we don't have two different opinions any question you have about Islam especially when you're here at this Center you need to know these two things in Islam we have to tell the truth or else we can go to hell forever Muslims will never knowingly lie about anything to do with Islam never and the second thing is the proof even if we made a mistake and it could happen you can verify it because everything in Islam is clear it's right in front of you what do you want to know about Islam it's there we have only one Quran not two versions not three not four not five it's going on and it's only Quran in the trattoria in the Arabic language the same holds true for the heavy we know the prophets Elijah Nami said and this is sahih bukhari chapter one called kitab Lehman in the sahih of his collection and it says on the authority of umar radiyaallahu anhu Alima bindiya that every single action will be according to the intention no there's not two versions of this and if you ask any Muslim what's the first study they could tell you this and if you ask him even you start the hadith he can finish it for you the same is true of the Quran somebody start to recite something and he stops maybe the amount forget something or is hesitating there will be somebody in the crowd in the Jomon who will help him if he was to say for instance out the blemish eternal regime bismillahi r-rahman r-rahim cool who Allahu Ahad Allah who's so my lamb Gollum Gollum now see all I said was lamb woman well I'm gonna but they know the rest of it because this is how it works in Islam so for those who don't know and you never had a chance to be around Muslims to find out there is not two versions it's one and you can check it out to us these prophets all of them are far above us but they're not God they are human beings just like us they're born they eat food they drink not alcohol and they go to the bathroom and they get home and they die for us as Muslims with our description of Almighty Allah they couldn't be Allah none of them could be Allah Abraham could not be Allah and anybody who's Jewish she would say yeah that's right and Moses couldn't be a law and it would say yeah that makes sense how could Moses be alone and if you said or what about Jesus no no he could be God one what would you say that because he's the Christ ah now we came back to the word that I was talking about he's the Christ don't you believe he's the cry yes we do well there you are there's your proof why do you think Christ means God if it did then Christians would all be gods duh or you gots a name must be good school well no like one is you just think for a minute when you say this word you didn't know what it is maybe somebody will tell you it's Messiah oh you believe he's the Messiah the Messiah is predicted in the Old Testament did you know that the word Christos is the translation of the word Messiah this is the Lord just another language if I said bait huh from Arabic bait I'm not talking about the English word you know to catch fish talking about bait a house in English its house you didn't change any we were talking about the words so somebody one of the preachers said I used to know that they used to say a lot of stuff one of me said Jesus is the logos and the people were like really yes it serves in the Bible he's the logos wow that sounds pretty powerful than it Lugo's anybody know what's logos huh he didn't know okay you know the image on the outside of the building that blue thing that's called the logo you got one up here yeah that's a logo this is the blue image of this building that we're in isn't it or is that a person making salat maybe I don't know I'm just looking in this is called a logo why do you know it's called the logo from the same word from Greek it means word itself means so this represents a word when something or picture represents a word you call it a logo like coca-cola has a logo and by the way if you turn coca-cola upside down and backwards and move some letters around it kind of looks like la mecha la Mohammed but you have to twist it a lot but the good news you can flip it back over after that twist it around this way it said Muslim waste their time on the computer anyone yeah you get that one right Muslims I love you but you waste your time Ursula so anyway the word the word logo literally means word that's all but it was a new way to capture his audience logos and he became famous suddenly everybody was saying logos logos logos and people are amazed oh he's the logos it means word exactly what it means word and if you said Jesus is the word we would say it's in the Quran kilometer-long the word of Allah but how that works and it's out there on the wall you can read it for yourself how that works is what Allah said in the Quran chapter 19 called surah Miriam and by the way before going to further how important is married to us who very important Allah says she's the best woman he created and when we say even a maryam the son of mary this is a very special title and she's a very special lady in fact Allah look how Allah gave her so much distinction he has a chapter chapter 4 called the women that's for all the women doesn't have to even be Muslim he talks about women but the only one mentioned by clear name and everything in the Quran and she has not only her name mentioned throughout the Quran she has her own chapter chapter Miriam that's chapter 19 so this how much Allah is bragging about her than how good she is now when the angel came to Miriam she was a young girl and she was in the temple and the angel came to her and told her that she was going to have a baby and how is this since no man has touched me and by the way she's telling angel and you keep your distance - yeah there he said take it easy you know because I'm giving a Texas translation of it so he says your Lord says he's done - what Allah says your Lord says it is easy it's easy for Allah whenever he wants anything done he just says kun fire kun how is it cool fire kun be and it is and this is what we find really the monistic religions before islam saying the same thing any commandment of allah he says be and it is just like that no hesitation not a nanosecond then and so this was the creation of Jesus in the first place so he is the word of Allah spoken and the word becomes alive becomes flesh and what is that that's the miracle now we find I'm comparing the horse to the Bible by backgrounds and Bible can't help it we find in the book of John a story like this in the beginning was the word the Word was God and God spoke the word order became flesh and like that we know that this is not no for us and somebody and the translation said the Word was God but in the corn a Greek it didn't say that it just said the word God meaning this like an Arabic well there's a lot of things that we don't have all these little connectors in Arabic but you know what it means clearly and so Calvin - long tell them up to law there's only two words their word and Allah but it doesn't mean a law is the word of the word is the law or any of that because how would you speak and make yourself exist that's kind of strange but anyway we'll come back to our subject in our subject is about Jesus in particular the last days his return to the earth in order to do this I'll naturally have to skip over a lot of the stuff I love to talk about but just let me take a second or two a couple minutes maybe to talk about Jesus that I saw and his mission he's born as we now know a miracle birth in a way no other person was ever born he was born with no father is that a miracle yes is that the biggest miracle that ever happened no of course not the universe is a bigger miracle I'm sorry you know one person is important but the universe that's pretty vague but okay just human being is that the biggest miracle that ever having a human being huh no not exactly was there ever a woman a woman however who is born with no mother a mother no mother he had a mother children come out of the mother but how could a woman be born and no mother so where did Eve come from oh is that a bigger miracle yes or no yes or no bigger or no so wait a minute what about Adam did he have a mother no father no in fact was it he created from dirt yes or no if you can believe that and all the Bible we're talking about or Quran that were talking about they say the same thing if you believe that why would you put a bigger thing on Eve how long then Adam you don't get excited about Adam look at us normal we see people being coming up out of the dirt every day but a lady coming from a bonus is a lazy ah gee burn hold on now later one of the descendants thousands of years later a girl has a baby but no husband no father just a miracle birth so we have miracle birth one way but we also had a miracle birth another way a woman born with no mother and wait the biggest miracle of obviously has to be Adam coming from dirt normally no father and by the way would never worship Adam or Eve would we no of course not so already you start to see a different perspective that the Muslims have about Jesus at the same time we will tell you that he did many miracles not only he was a miracle in his birth something out of the ordinary something out of does it fit the science but it happened he also did miracles curing the leper one who has a skin disease turning somebody is sick they get well somebody is blind born blind and now they can see that's a big miracle but how about this somebody's dead no heartbeat no pulse dead turning to you know not smelling so good anymore and then bring them back to life this is what we believe Jesus did this by the permission of Allah how by the permission of Allah this is what we find in the Bible it doesn't say any difference he said everything I do by what by fill for sure this is amazing a miracle but these are signs so that we know he is the Prophet we know he is the one who is the messenger giving us the message I don't trust messenger who comes to me knock the door who is it messenger okay what give me all your money the king said to hand over all your money to me huh Yeah right do you have any ID uh no I left it in my other bicycle mm-hmm but really really I'm not joking I mean you know like just give me 50 percent what you got it's okay what do you believe this guy of course not what are you going to give him a hard time that's what you give me maybe I'm going to call the police 911 I want to get rid of this guy because I don't believe me but if somebody came when he said no really really I'm I work for the king he told me to come and talk to you and I asked for ID he brings me some proof has I deal with him okay it says his name has his picture looks like him okay could be but do you have any other sign do you have ID'd you have a business card something to show me and he said oh yeah I have this emblem from the King that is the Kings emblem the official emblem royal seal yeah that's probably from the king I better get my act together do what he said to do this makes sense so in the same way Allah made sure that the people didn't have any option he sent his prophets with miracles and science every prophet who came came with miracles and signs so the people had no doubt that they knew I'll give you only one other example because we really do have to move forward as our subject but there was one of the prophets of all-mighty in law who came to his people and he was telling them the message the message is and they said we don't listen to you but the message where Noah no listen to you you're no messenger you're just one of us a common person even though they saw his good character they saw his nice way he's humble he's kind he's soul but at the same time they don't want to believe him because the message is a big message this why don't you see this big rock why don't you make a camel come out of this rock and she's pregnant with the baby camel won't you do that then we'll believe so Allah made the rock opened up like a egg you know I'm saying poop it is a gamble and she's pregnant exactly like they said what was the name of the prophet southern did that happen yes and then Allah gave them a test now this is another thing when Allah gives you a big sign he then gives you a big test imagine this so Allah made it so the camel drinks all the water out of there well and then the next day they can have the water but then the next day the camo drinks all the water and the next day they drink it but now the problem someone they said why we have to wait for water man this is a big pain this camel is drinking all this water you know and we need water were in the desert you know so one of them he said I'll kill it and he killed become and for this I'll now destroyed them but it's not just because he killed camel is it it's because of their disbelief even after the proof comes to them when you sadly Sam came he gave many signs to pharaoh and pharaoh would say uh yeah okay but then he would change his mind every time even with no red see open up and here with the children of Israel by Musa Moses Allison el and when they got to the other side here's Philo chasing them and the children visual saying all we knew we shouldn't have done this man they're going to get us all we're in big trouble they were worried but then a lot closer water in on Pharaoh and his people and look what I lost says huh look what he says because you refuse to believe because the guy and look what he's saying first he saying ok I believe in the God the Lord of the children of Israel and Moses I believe in him now and I'm a Muslim he said it we know water was coming in on him unless it now now no way Allah gonna accept it now and then he said it will preserve you in your body as a sign now and guess what that's one of the reasons why some of the scientists today have become Muslims because they saw this sign when they found hey here's one of the ancient Pharaoh's preserved with no embalming fluid preserved without the regular embalming take it how did they the sewol he drowned it's evident that he drowned that and they said we'll make this as Moses but Moses himself but the Pharaoh Moses could be the you know this guy they brought in dr. maurice bucaille he examined it and he found to his surprise oh my god this could easily be the one mentioned Bible that could be a true story and when the Muslims there in Egypt said so said no this could be they said so it's in the Quran it says Allah will preserve him in the body as a sign there is so we believe it dr. maurice bucaille wrote two books very famous what's the origin of man and the other one he wrote the Bible Quran in science and by the way he said a shadow of that is I love law I shall go home well that brings us now to the message what was the message of these prophets what did they bring it was such a hard thing for the people to accept what was it was being said it was so tough on them that they would reject even with these miracles in front of them what is it that Jesus Salas Allah was telling his people la ilaha illa llah lai lai la la what does that mean well if you've been around the Arabs around their family and they got children you know this word lie all the time laughs now you know what it means I have to tell you though no no no so la ilaha illah is the word in English God Allah has no equivalent in English there is no equivalent for the word Allah in English so we substituted the word God with a big G the same way the translators did when they translated the Hebrew and put a God with a big G or a God with the little G and please I'm sorry but can't you be more creative than that because when people are talking they don't have any way to show you the big G little G you know be like I was talking about that guys little god this and then the big order you know was that it don't make any sense and when you start a sentence you have to start with a big G anyway so how do you make a distinction the word Allah comes from the room but it's unique because you can say I'll Iran that means the God so Allah does not mean the god Ali law means the God are they huh that's the gods a lolly huh the gods but the word Allah coming from the root means about worship there's one part of the understanding in Islam called Cal he Tallulah here which is the monotheistic understanding of worship and that's from this word Allah Allah cannot be made plural the word cannot have two or three or four and the word Allah cannot have gender male or female can't do that now right away somebody could say Oh Matt please I got a translation of Quran right here and it says he is the law Allah he is this him his it's all over the place masculine and this is only out of respect it's only out of respect because the Lord does not have gender not he not she not like anything in the creation basically in Oahu SMU bussiere means they're in anything like a lot nothing there isn't anything like a lot but he is all-hearing and all seen and that's not like us is it is it can you see everything of course not I can't even see everything in the room I mean I've I turn around oh now oh but now I can't see you or whether you know and as far as hearing well dogs can hear more than we hear don't they come on so for sure we realize that Allah is not like creation but now the other one might say hey I found in the Quran it said we our us what about that what kind of boy is that along in his cabinet members is that a law in his Parliament is that a lawn is Jamaat is that a law in the Angels what is this about well that that fortunate thing for us is English has the same thing and that's the respect you give to someone because of their high status like a king or queen when they make any decree they never say aye they say we we declare the following decree on this date on this place like this so they use a week our and us and to help you with the English and degress for a moment to show you something when we speak to people and talk to them directly we don't treat them the same as we talk about something else if I said these chairs over here these chairs those bottles over there they are nice those chairs are lovely I use the word are because it's plural but if I have something by itself this camera is a nice camera rather small aimed at my stomach sergej but it is and those are always it's that way in English yes or no no it's not because when I speak to you or about myself I change it I speak to you and we're one person you're single and need your brother single will make going for you that's your job you're supposed to laugh ah that's better much nicer okay here we go but seriously a person by themselves you just now caught it okay a person had themselves over here and you're saying to them you is my friend well from Egypt abusive Sayyidi or you say you are my friend are and when I speak about myself do I say I is some parts of New York yes we do but other let me say I am and this is that royal status that we're using okay so I said this because this is the message this is the message you have to know who is the law this is his name and it's an amazing name is talking about the center of worship he's the center of worship not plural and not having any partners whatsoever perfect name for the perfect God yes or no that's of course and by the way it's the name used by the Jews and Christians hope what do you say no no no no no yes yes SSS well I'll prove it to you when you go into a hotel check in the hotel put your bags down go to the bed there's a little table with a lamp and you pull out the drawer what's in there not the yellow pages somebody already beat you to that but the Bible is still sitting there in it open it up its place by the Guineans and let's go like this home one two a day four five six seven ah look right there translation into 27 different languages will do Spanish Mandarin Chinese but in alphabetical order the first one is Afrikaans language which is similar to German number two idea Oh let's see what it says it says it right there because they took the verse from John 3:16 for God so loved the world look what it says in Arabic for Allah so loved the world whoa why it says Allah huh because that's the Arabic word for Christians God it's the Arabic word for the Jewish the same way and if you doubt what I said talk to the people at the Gideon Department about their translator and if you have a chance says they any of you ever seen the Bible in Arabic Khattab amongst us anybody have you seen it page one Genesis 17 times Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah so this is his name and now The Messenger of Allah were talking about tonight Issa his name wasn't Jesus that's an English word that didn't exist even a thousand years ago the word God did not exist a thousand years ago the word Jesus did not exist a thousand years ago the word mama did the word Allah did those existed but anyway to come back to our main subject what about Jesus what was his message he was telling the people you have to worship God alone without partners and I am his messenger to you and they didn't have a big problem with that because they wanted the Messiah because the Messiah to come to them at that time was going to lead them to victory defeat their enemy and they were a match they were going to overthrow the Romans and take over the world which they said is rightfully theirs because they are the chosen ones they were very ready for that and by the way that's true the name itself yahood means guided Allah chose them and gave them guidance he did not all whom accepted it but he gave him this great favour everything was rocking along pretty good nice it was nice they were happy with him so much so you read in the Bible that says anyway that they were putting down those palm leaves on Sunday on the first day of the week putting down these bombs and they were saying Hosanna Hosanna and they're happy come writing it on the donkey coming in and then what happened how come three or four days later they want to give him what happened read it in the Quran chapter 61 verse 6 verse 5 first of all it talks about Moses who said a slump to my count my people count making his people and he said to them I am The Messenger of Allah to you huh telling him what lai lalala and the next verse Jesus ISA and Salam he said and I'm the messenger of yo - from Allah telling you the same thing and and he said something new a prophet to come after me who is Maho Ahmed they were who know yoga the guy you have to do you're the Messiah you have to give us the victory let's go kill some people you think I'm lying wait a minute wait a minute some people talk about Islam spread with the sword have you ever heard this this lands fragrance or your dad we learned today when we were over at the carnegie mellon university as a matter of fact the word Islam would not allow that the word Islam one of the meanings in there is this sincerity and how do you force somebody to be sincere huh you can't so Islam can't spread by any kind of for so coercion any any type it won't work wouldn't be Islam it would be his slam got it so it couldn't nevermind it doesn't say in the New Testament that Jesus told him now is the time to sell your quoting buy a sword what sword and I did not come with peace I came with a sword what sword now you want our preacher told me was a kid I said why did he he didn't come with peace you're always telling about Jesus came when Peter said he said no no no no no you don't understand when the people used to copy it knows manuscripts it was late at night their candles are burning in they can hardly see and somebody was eating spaghetti you know it's in Italy and they dropped and spaghetti fell to look like a s and that's why they got sort it used to say word I came with a word hey that's pretty good for shooting from the hip around the spot I thought he did go no today huh I mean this guy could sell you scars like crazy spaghetti I forgot to tell you there wasn't even any worse they don't have any any word sword anywhere in the Arabic or Hebrew or Aramaic this is not this is not the one they have saved they have won a devil Sam many words but not that word so I looked through the Bible I want to see I have a concordance for the Bible and I look through there oh the word sword is more than 200 times oh my god in the Bible how many more than 200 Oh sword sword sword take the sword and kill them the sword and stalk about this sword a lot even on the day when they're having this big altercation and yes cemani when Jesus had been praying and oh let this cup pass for me even so your will be done and then what happens got two swords out there fighting and one of the Chiefs slaves gets his ear cut off and then Jesus don't put your swords away let's make a comparison you want to let's go get the Quran what page well first time you find the word Quran is in which chapter hold on what wait a minute I'm sorry mate Oh guess what now which word though Manik who's am safe will any of those words not one there is no word even though there are many words in Arabic for sword not once anywhere in Quran which word religion spread by the sword never mind that let's come back to our subject yeah I'm not I'm not going to bring up the Crusades oops sorry all the Inquisition oh darn it just let it go I want to talk about Jesus at least among some people when I came into Islam they said you turned your back on Jesus your left Jesus you left the religion of Jesus and after I had read the Quran I said let me explain to you I'm closer to Jesus now than I ever was before because I know who he really is and I know he really is coming back there is no doubt in my mind and since I was a small boy and I heard in the Book of Revelations Jesus will come back I said I wish I would be with those people who see him when he comes back and there's no doubt in my mind because our prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam peace be upon him Muhammad listened and he said clear Jesus peace be upon him did not die it's in the Quran as well did not die but rather baldie what is with the law something else was made apparent to them remember when we were in Mumbai and you fixed that one for us I'm that it wasn't somebody else on the cross didn't say that it just says something was made apparent and they've been arguing about it ever since ah but what we do know Allah is merciful and he answered the prayers of Jesus and Jesus asking let this pass for me so Allah lifted him up brought him not in the sense like elevate or something I don't know who cares what we're talking about in the last day how will he come back angels will be with him and you'll come back not only we believe it we know where will he come to Mecca you he's going to go to bloody Shem better food I like the flu too bloody show very nice Surya but by the way I eat fool - I know he's Egyptian Dorian but seriously when Jesus additional comes back he will be coming back to Syria Surya and when he comes back it will be a time of great turmoil we know this because he will be leading the believers against great battles of ever going on do you think that's possible these days could it be that in a Muslim country there could be battles and fighting as possible yeah anyhow when he comes look what's going to happen it's going to be time for which Salah morning's a lot right Roger and when he comes they're going to say Oh lead the Sun up for us lead the prayer force you say you I'm not coming with anything new you know I'm just going to pray behind your Imam break see how beautiful and then he will lead the believers against bad opposition but they will win they'll be very successful and at that time that will be the appearance of the one-eyed false God called in Arabic Missy had a job or the false christs Missy remember Maceda we did we didn't talk about Missy we need to talk about that Christ comes from Missy Messiah we mentioned that part but what does Messiah mean there you know Messiah means white no windshield wipers wipe well wipe wipe because no this is real this is Missy it is what Muslims make when we have one to wipe over the top of our socks and when we make wudu we wipe them mess is it and the ladies can just go over the top of her hijab or they Mountain he can go over the top of his ibama or I don't know but the point we're trying to get is this word is a simple word and it comes from Hebrew let this Arabic Hebrew in Arabic all is the like in many places and that custom was that when they anointed a king for the Jewish tribe they would bring him and for all the people and they would bring as they tuned this is the olive the oil from the olive and they would take this olive oil and they would anoint his head and they would say this is our King we accept him as our king and when they would do this this is called what and no one is having it done to him miss Messiah he was the Messiah so they had all of their kings were messiahs them special in here is anointed by Allah to be the king the king of the Jews and that's what he was and that's what he will be when he returns and he will be leading all the believers there will be Jews who will recognize him good news Christians also will recognize him and Muslims too will recognize him and they will follow him and the one who is the one I devil or the Dajjal or they call him also the Missy I did y'all that's another name for him he's mentioned in the Bible to him he's going to die and how strange it's mentioned in the hadith that he will dissolve from Jesus coming back it's amazing you should read the stories about this and when he comes back after this takes place there's going to be such peace it's going to be almost like like paradise on earth not really but nice it's going to be peace calm people following him have it easy and you've heard an expression may be it from the Christian talking about when the lamb lays down with Lyonne because it would be so peaceful that there won't be these kinds of violence and things now that some all of us would look forward to wouldn't it be lovely and this is the teaching in Islam and then finally finally finally Jesus and all of his followers there will be a vapor that comes across and they'll fall asleep and then they'll die now some have offered that this is some kind of a time when they'll be like picked up by a flying saucer or something and go floating away and they won't really die in that but everybody will die and this is a good way for us to end the program tonight is to mention about this I said in the Quran kourounis and I could devote every single soul will taste death brothers sisters we're going to die all of us were mourn but nobody chose to be born on a certain day at a certain time certain place we had nothing to do with it our mother knows more about that than we do and she knows a lot about it but we really do have one thing to be responsible for how do we die the message that came with Adam Noah Abraham Moses David Suleiman Jesus and Muhammad peace and blessings be upon them all was a beautiful and simple message by ilaha illa-llah there's no doors except Allah and Allah sums it up in a very lovely way in chapter 3 verse 32 surah al-imran when he says ya alladhina amanu attic Allah haka to Cudahy well Ottoman to Manila one tungsten oh you who are the believers who have come to faith have taqwa for Allah respect fear of Allah that's his right and don't die except in the state of full surrender submission obedience sincerity and peace to him I had to translate the word as lama to be in this state with him so we see that Jesus fulfilled really all of the scripture he fulfilled the Old Testament as coming and leading to victory he came then he went on a hiatus they call it when he left it but he's coming back and when he comes back he will have that victory he predicted one would come after him and he came that was Mohamed so we find that this is exactly right and in the New Testament obviously if you read John chapters 1416 you find that surely he's saying something I have to leave so that the comforter they translated perfectly goes from the cony greek to english as comforter some places counselor some places as different things the main thing was he said somebody's coming after me and he came the Spirit of Truth the comforter the counselor dad vachetta and Mohamed Salah vitam Salam was all of this and much more as well we know without doubt he was speaking about Mormons as well in any case for us as Muslims we're saying congratulations to the Jews what you thought is going to happen no problem your Messiah will come he's already been here you know recognizing the first time but I hope you're recognizing second time for the Christians we say to you congratulations as well because your book still has even though you lost the original you still have some truth in it and we can verify it for you as well and for the Muslims I hope and pray that you'll stay awake because this is a very important subject when Jesus returns we have to be on that state of a we must be in this state of a taco when it comes back so for all of those who follow the monotheistic faith congratulations this is the greatest thing believe in one God and follow your messenger and believe believe in Jesus peace and blessings be upon him is coming and returning back that's my prayer for all of us I mean someone would like to come up and accept Islam Wow mark mashallah good news I remember when I made sure Hara I cried and every time I give shahadat the people I cry I love giving Shahada come on up no no come with him come with him come on first of all tell everybody your name Joe Joe okay and where you from from Lubin's the Philippines what's your city I'll buy the there's no city is only a rabbit you know so you're a country boy yeah yeah okay now do you know about Allah oh yeah use that one it's the only what is the only one but okay you know about Mohammed Mohammed is a prophet lost money that I think he's a lost rabbit well Mohammed's the last prophet ISA is coming back to finish the job that what you meant have you heard our program that I'm sure completion that's okay don't lie yeah yeah I heard the problem that's why I know do you want to be a Muslim pif as you know how to make bombs it doesn't matter hahaha hamdullah you know a lot of people they will say a lot of things about you because you accepted Islam but who cares I only want to know what Allah is going to say about me on the day of judgment if my Lord accepts me that's all I care I accepted Islam just like you 17 years ago but when you accept Islam you become just like when you came from your mother brand new brand new no sins no scratches no dents no mileage good shake mashallah mashallah and yeah I have a little bit of fun so the other thing is you get to keep all your good deeds and no bad deeds Allah wipes it clean and a person starts over completely like a brand new person oh and there's something else you get a special connection with your Lord and you can pray and ask him for anything and he will answer your prayers not good okay now what we do a formal you already believe it so inshallah in your heart you're already a Muslim don't worry yeah but what we do is a formal introduction for you and for all of your brothers and sisters we're just going to say it out loud and is English okay and then we'll do it Arabic okay so we'll say English and if you if any part of what I say you don't agree with you stop me but if you agree then you say it okay all right oh you know we are experts in this we're highly trained in this I'm gonna be watching you I'm just gonna say that okay okay that's good because I know the English you know the Arabic good stuff without of it that's it no English first a lot of expense Jay he doesn't look do you know Arabic oh man I guess so it has to be in language he knows right or wrong listen know what he's getting into yeah where's your proof okay you're troublemaker we know now we go about this place uh-huh okay you ready all right hmm I swear I swear there's no God to worship there's no God to worship except Allah except Allah and I swear and I swear Muhammad Muhammad is His Messenger Allah oh Allah now wait a minute wait a minute before everybody starts hugging this guy yeah take it easy on him don't break his ribs but but remember now he's been forgiven of everything I'm standing here on this place on this day and this time everything's brand new for you and you have a door that you can make its first door let's help him with it I'll show you what to do you just repeat after me allahumma allah give Hidayah give entire to Yusuf Estes using I mean what jamia good all of us Andy you like that oh yeah translation I said o our Lord give guidance to use Festus and all of us say army included you say I mean I mean I mean congratulations watch the love hum dig it up at how many a lot of baloney mashallah you okay you have anything you'd like to say nothing more your moist want to thank you know these what I want since 2002 I want to be a Muslim you know Allah Akbar the seven years yeah mashallah and a lot let you do it tonight while we were here thank you very much thank you thank Allah hum do you love sugar Allah this is great we're very very happy for you anything else I'm very much happy to be a most one of the Muslim yeah yes inshallah this is your brother and these are your brothers look at your brother's then you have a lot of brothers lot of sisters mashallah now we have a ceremony afterwards everybody likes to hug you but you don't get to hug the sisters you can toss up in what don't do it at each other no in college and now that we've really experienced in front of right in front of our eyes what it is for the transition for someone he's been waiting seven years for this but you don't have to wait seven years if there's anybody here in the audience now who has not had this opportunity or would like to do it now it's a beautiful time for the ladies you don't have to come up on the stage but if somebody would like to accept Islam to make the public Shahada you just put up your hand like this and we can help you with it even if you're maybe you know you got a Muslim name grew up with a Muslim passport but didn't really follow Islam you'd like to get all of that behind you you can do that too because when you do the Shahada with sincerity Allah he forgives all the mistakes you start fresh just like our friend it was now going to be a Muslim is Muslim and you have a name you know I don't have yet the truth is of chosen but I had already chosen minute really were talking here is chosen in joy and what is here Yousuf Yousuf Allah whoa this is yousef a big new sip I'll adopt him mashallah mashallah that was fast you know I was cutest name um about 10 o clock in the morning this morning yeah yeah then about in the morning did you know I was gonna be here I don't know you don't even know who I don't have any idea I don't even know who I am masha'Allah that's pretty wild I like this every time I come to this place for NAR something amazing happens something that I take home and it's in my heart a memory and then you know what when when I'm away from you guys I miss you and I want to come back here again and again and again so much o Lord we thank Allah so much for this mashallah thank you very much for everything
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 470,526
Rating: 4.6612144 out of 5
Keywords: The, Return, of, Jesus, Yusuf, Estes, urdu music, inspirational, debate, preaching, religion, gospel, lecture, bible, trinity, islam, allah, god, quran
Id: 7xKm91vNTSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 17sec (3857 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2010
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