Intro To Shading Nodes in Blender 2.90! PART 2

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how's it going guys so today's tutorial is a part two of the last shading tutorial i made if you haven't seen it uh you definitely want to watch that first before going into this one because i'm going to assume you have seen that one so i'm going to assume a little bit of knowledge but by the end of today's tutorial through learning those steps and things that i'm going to teach you we're going to be making this really cool greeble procedural material it's totally procedural there is no displacement happening this plane and there's also only one face of geometry it is all completely procedural and it's really cool we have fun little details going on in here so let's hop on over and by the end of this you're gonna know what all of these nodes are and it's really not that complicated it's really just cutting things up into sections and building it out it's sort of like what we did last week just doing that a couple times and then merging them together that's kind of the basic concept but i'm going to show you how to merge stuff and how to get them to talk to each other if you want to just purchase this material you can get it in the description for a dollar everybody on patreon you'll be getting that for free on all three tiers if you're not aware of the patreon i release several exclusive tutorials a month i talk about my client work i have a really cool project walkthrough that i'm going to be going through that's going to be up in a couple days so many cool things we have the new stucco material pack that came out this month we released 10 procedural materials a month on the patreon we have i think around maybe 80 or 90 so far in total on the patreon so you can go check all that out and yeah let's get into this project all right so first we're just going to get in a flat plane of geometry and i like to scale it up just a little bit so i'm going to hit s5 control a and apply the scale you need to apply the scale otherwise the materials aren't going to scale up correctly they're going to pave a little bit differently than mine versus yours so let's hop on over here to shading and we are here in the look dev i always like to crunch these windows in i should probably just have that in by default but i always forget so i'm going to bring this up here and we're just going to be looking at this plane here so we're going to click new and here we have the principal bsdf our best friend we're going to slide on over here to metallic and make the color a little bit darker now i'm going to show you the very basic principle of the concept i'm going to show you as the goal for this tutorial so again like i said two different things speaking to each other so i'm going to hit shift d and duplicate this guy and i want them both to be plugged into here we can't do that without a mix shader not a mix rgb but a mix shader can't type today in my x mix shader pop that in there and we're going to pop this guy here on the bottom shader socket and i usually like to just bring him up here for visual organization purposes so what i'm going to do is i'm going to make the roughness all the way down to zero here on this one so you can differentiate which ones are speaking so like always get your color ramp here plug that here you always have to have a color ramp so you can crunch anything going behind it adding you a really good level of control i'm gonna get a voronoi we're going to be using a lot of voronoi for this tutorial just because they all kind of look good together and i want this to look cool as the end product i'm going to hit ctrl t while clicking on the voronoi and using the object coordinate like i mentioned in the last tutorial you need to have the node wrangler add-on enabled comes in the blender by default just go and look at it look for it in the modifiers all right so here on so here on distance we're going to plug in the distance into the color ramp and as you can see it's looking funny it's looking interesting i'm gonna scale down to one so things get bigger now you can see these two different materials speaking i'm going to go from linear to constant giving this whole thing a hard edge so we can see things more clearly this is how you can make polka dots by the way um so now you can see which ones are speaking where so this whole line of of course is spitting out this black and white image going into the factor and you can see these two sockets here so it's saying any ones that are black show this really glossy material and any ones that are white of course in this black and white image show this rough material and that is the very basic bones version of what we're going to be doing here but we're i'm going to show you a bunch of more cool things here i can't speak today that's terrible grammar but what i'm going to do is i'm going to go back here and say this and then i'm going to go here to chebychev i want to get a very blocky look and then one thing i like to do is go from f1 to f2 f2 just seems to have more detail in the voronoi pattern and i'm a big fan of that so you can see how this has way more detail in different lines and things like that rather than the other one so we have this now i want the rough portion to actually be kind of extruding out giving me some depth giving me some bump so the bump node is what we want so we're going to be focusing on this principle first so we're going to be making a nice big string of nodes what i'm going to do is i'm going to highlight these guys i'm going to hit g to bring it up and let's go ahead and get that bump node so shift a b u m bump node and we're going to put the normal here into the normal and then we want to use this voronoi but we don't want to use this color ramp because this color ramp is set to constant so you when we plug it into the bump node we actually won't get any detail because it's flattening the whole situation so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to highlight these i'm going to take this guy and hit shift d and then on constant go back here to ease so now you can see this gradient allowing it to be more bumpy rather than flat so i'm going to bring him down here and plug him into the height and then i'm just going to take this use the distance very important to use the distance and not the color the distance allows you to get bump and not flat and then we're going to plug that there and so now you can see that's going on i'm going to bring this back here to normal and then now we have really cool bumping going on it's a really cool pattern it's really nice but okay this is cool enough but it's really just smooth and i want to add more detail i want it to be really cool looking greeble material so one really cool thing you can do is you can add endless amounts of bumping detail by just getting another bump node so shift d and you'll plug the normal to the normal onto this bump node so it speaks to this one i'll get another voronoi texture v-o-r voronoi texture i'm going to get this whole mapping situation plug it into the vector on my node and then um we're going to get the distance here and plug it into actually let's get the color because i don't want it to be i just want to be flat so now you can see we have more bumping going on and then i'll go from ilucidian to manhattan so we can get some really cool looks here and then we can bring that up a little bit and now we have another level of detail on top of this and then we can bring the strength down if you don't want to be super strong i like it right here and here we are we have a really nice gribble so now what last thing i want to do is add a little bit of roughness detail here like we did in the last video i do want to bring these guys back a little bit just for organization and visual so i'm going to get another color ramp so i'm going to duplicate him plug into the roughness here and then i'm going to get a must grave that's my favorite to get a little added detail onto uh metal so i'm gonna plug that there and we're gonna plug the height right here into the color ramp so let's get that just like that so now looks all messed up what we're gonna do is get the dimension down to zero detail up and so now we have this we're going to click on the black portion because it's too glossy we don't like that bring this up to something like this and then now what i don't like is how contrasty it is in terms of the the rough to gloss ratio so i'm going to click the white and bring it closer to the gray so if you bring it here it's almost non-existent so we can bring it something like this and now you have some subtle detail in your grebel which is super super cool if also if you know what grebel means it just means like blocky techy looking sci-fi stuff so now we have a little bit of detail in our roughness but not too much it's not too loud and we don't want super loud so now we have that now we could start focusing on this really really shiny portion and so that is going to be this guy so now we're going to be working on that so i'm going to just highlight these guys and move them up just like this and let's focus on designing him so this is going to be a really cool fun one what i'm going to do is i'm going to go straight here and get in a bump node and get in a color ramp here just the standard procedure just like that so normal and then color here into the height we're going to get our brick this time be br we'll get our brick texture because that'll be a fun one and then i'm just going to get a new mapping situation for this one so ctrl t after clicking on the brick texture and using the object coordinate and then plugging the color into the color ramp and so now we have detail in the super glossy portion and i'm going to bring my roughness up just so it's not quite as annoying so now we have this what i always like to do is i'll bring my mortar smoothness to something like this it gives you a bigger gap so if you're bringing more smoothness like that so you just want them touching and then we'll bring our mortars up size i'm gonna give it 0.05 actually sorry i messed that up bring it here i like that so now we have this we can bring it up pretty big detail and then let's go and screw with it here on the vector line like i showed you in the last video and we're going to get an avoranoi fluorinoid texture let's go ahead and make it chebychev here and then we'll pop it right here on the vector line and we're going to use distance super important let's get that mix rgb situation like we did last time right here also this can just be really cool as a standalone thing it actually speaks more motherboardy if you want but i want to kind of change it up a little bit so now we have that and use this object coordinate on color 2 so we can make them speak to each other so now we have the factor here what i'm going to do is i'm just going to bring the factor in until we have something like this now we have this and so now we have a more interesting pattern here on the bottom and then all i want to do now is take these guys here shift d duplicate it and we'll plug them into the roughness we'll also just plug this mapping situation here into the vector and then i want him this bottom portion to be less rough and more glossy so we'll bring this all the way down here to something like that and then now we have that it's a little too dirty looking so we'll bring him to speak just like that okay so now we have this really cool situation like that it looks like so now i don't like how much space there is so we'll go here to this top portion going into the original one which is controlling everything so we can bring him something like that and say i can bring this a little bit bigger as well so now we have this really cool situation last thing i want to do is add some glowing lights how do i do that now you technically could use this emission socket but i really don't like it it's just not very powerful and it's not really a lot of control it has its uses a lot of times with fog and different stuff like that but in this case it's just not going to work so we're going to treat it like we just did so i'm gonna just for visual representation hit g and bring all these guys over here i like to keep them separated just so that we can tell who is who so keep here keep this here and then we'll highlight all these guys and then bring them here and then we can bring this guy just like that okay so now we have this big set up here what i want to do is get another mix shader so i'll duplicate him plug him here so now of course we're still dealing with this bottom portion which is this um really detailed portion here but now we're going to get another mix shader and an emission get an emission node and we'll plug it here on this bottom socket like this and you can now you'll see it start to speak to it just like that all we're going to do is get really simple we'll get a voronoi then we use this uh mapping here on the voronoi we do need to get a color ramp c-o-l color ramp we'll plug the uh we'll plug the color here we'll get a chebychev f2 for more detail and then we'll plug it here into the factor and so now you can kind of see it working we'll bring our color here to blue bring our strength up and then we'll bring this and if we can actually just put it to constant to get that hard edge and then now we have some glowing lights i'll pop on over here to my ev settings really quickly so we can see bloom just for the fun of it and now we have something really cool and you can bring it up you can bring it down more subtle bring up the scale too bring down the scale all that fun stuff and now we've created a really crazy looking really really cool greeble material and uh yeah now one quick tip here if you go back here to shading say these look like they're going in they're sticking in and not sticking out you can go here to the uh the bump nodes so now we're dealing with these big portions right here on this node if you click invert it'll look like they're going in so you can see how it is so you can make them go in or out it's kind of an optical illusion so you'll have to figure it out but uh in case they're you know cutting in instead of poking out you can deal with that so now we've created this really cool gribble board and you can even apply that to any geometry you want i'll just subdivide this and smooth them out and uh so i'll hide him so see we'll go to material view and apply that new material and now we have it on a circle and see i can scale them up just like that he kind of behaves weird on a circle but again it's a procedural material you can do whatever you want apply it to any material you can apply this to a character anything you want you can have tons of fun and it's just super super cool in detail now you can use this concept on anything you want not just metallic materials but more organic or like leather cloth anything you want you can really speak to as many things as you want and have them really behave in a very cool interesting way and there's endless possibilities with this so that is part two i think i'll probably be stopping the series here this is kind of my regular process when making material so i don't really get any more complex than that so yeah thank you guys for watching and i hope you learned something
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 29,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Beginner, lava, Blender Rocks, Blender Procedural, Blender nodes, Blender node, Blender Procedural Shading, Blender Cycles, Blender Eevee, Easy Blender Tutorial, Blender 2.8, Blender tutorial, Blender Animation, Blender Abstract Tutorial, blender breakdown, Blender 2.80, blender 2.8 tutorial, Blender 3D, Blender Guru, Remington Graphics, Intro To Blender, blender vaporwave, CG Cookie, Midge Sinnaeve, Blender Wood, Procedural Wood
Id: SWqpmrOjZs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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