Create Procedural Stepped Landscapes with Nodes!!! (Blender Tutorial)

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how's it goin everybody so in today's tutorial we're gonna be tackling this render right here this really cool kind of steps looking map so we're gonna be making that all with procedural materials if you want to get this project file you're seeing right here you can get that in the description for a dollar everybody on patreon you'll be getting that for free on all three tiers if you don't know about the patreon you get exclusive tutorials weekly project files for my different studies and things like that you get speed art videos and breakdowns of different projects as well as monthly procedural material so we have the wood pack the iridescent pack the glitch pack and I just released the metal pack so you can go get all that in the description I also show my client work and you get 50% off on my recent release which is a hundred looping animations all the project files that you can get into and look at and learn from and improve on your motion design so all of that is in the description alright now let's get into this tutorial alright so let's open up a blank document here and I'm going to be using cycles for this now you can use Evie the only thing you can't do in Evie is the actual node displacement but if you're fine with just having a bump map that's totally cool I'm gonna be using cycles though so I'm gonna hit shift a we're gonna go ahead and get a plane I'm gonna hit s5 just to scale them up a bit control a apply that scale and then I'm gonna subdivide them really quickly give him a hundred cuts and then go to the modifiers and add in a subdivision surface modifier so right over here so now he's relatively high poly let's go ahead and hop on over to shading because that's where everything is gonna be happening so let's click new let's get in a color ramp now the the goal his only purpose is to add color to the things are gonna be going on behind that so just keep that in mind it won't be affecting the special little node we're gonna be using in a minute so put this color in right there and in the white portion pick whatever color you want to be in your scene so I'm gonna go with a nice orange and so it's going to go from orange and gradient into a black which is gonna look really cool let's get in a noise texture and plug the factor into the color ramp I'm going to hit ctrl T and then use the object coordinate if you don't have the node Wrangler out on control T won't work it comes with blender by default and then I'm going to bring my detail down to zero so we need to put in a real interesting node right over here so what I'm gonna do is shift a search and type in map range right here you're gonna want to use the map range and it's very very similar to a color ramp so what we're gonna do is we're gonna use the little stop I mean stepped linear so it's a lot similar to a a constant so but this is the step linear and what that's gonna do is you can see it has these hard edges so if I were to bring my steps up really big you would go back to like a normal but what this step linear does is it kind of adds these hard edges but it gives it a layered look so if you do say eight you have eight layers of a color change so to really make that sort of really sell that you're gonna want to play with the min and Max so right up here and then you'll play with the Max and then once you see if you bring that min down that minimum so it brings this black portion then you play with the max it'll start to bring in those eight different layers of look and then just play with the minimum and maximum till you get something you really like so this looks like something I want I'm gonna give it zero point three on the scale actually let's go with one for now so that's super big I'm just gonna hold down right about there as plug gonna look really cool now you can use this an Eevee it works just fine it looks really really cool but I want to actually make these layers go and in effect my actual geometry so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna hit Z go to the render view which will give me cycles I mean this to give myself some of those default HDR eyes to play with the scene and I'm gonna bring this guy right down here and right over here I'm gonna search displacement and we're gonna get in a displacement plug the displacement into the displacement and then bring that over here and plug the result into the scale that's not gonna do anything of course because we don't have it enabled right now it's just acting like a bump map so we need to go to the material right down here on settings and then we're here on surface and go to displacement only and now it's displacing I like how the black portions are at the top and the the lighter parts are at the bottom so I'm just gonna hit this flip my color ramp and then bring in the black portions to give it some more contrast so now we have this it's working just fine what I'm gonna do is put my viewport on the subdivision surface at 3:00 and make my render at 5:00 and that's going to give you a really nice look so now we have this really cool looking thing and of course you can go into the color ramp and add other colors say make a pink so all of this can work together and give you a really cool mappy looking just render and one thing you can do if I go back here to material view if you don't like the smart parts that are poking up you want them to be positioned in different spots you can take your noise texture and go to 4d and then you can use the w and sort of move them around so you're not messing with the scale it's staying at the same but you're just sort of randomizing what things look like and you can go back to the render view to see how that looks and then what I'm gonna do take my camera right here ctrl alt 0 snap it to view and then in the camera settings I'm gonna go to an orthographic view and then see how that looks in the render of course got to get my lights in so this is looking really really cool what I'm gonna do just to uh I'm gonna bring my orthographic scale in some just like this oops did too much so I gotta go farther out this is a really really cool way to make some very simple but really striking wallpapers and then I'm gonna go ahead and hit this drop down go back to the default scene world scene lights and I'm going to get in an environment texture and I'm gonna open up just a 8dr from HDR I Haven so right here and then it pops that in there and then we'll go back to shading and I want to and I'm just gonna remove this purple one not a fan of that I like how it looks just with this sort of monochrome and then I can bring it in the black a little bit so we have this I'll bring up my scale a little bit to zero point so your point six and that looks really really cool we'll go back to layout see how that looks and then we'll just render it of course remembering that your subdivision is at five I think that looks the best but it all depends on what your computer can handle so don't crash your computer of course save your file and then render render image see how that looks and the render is finished this looks super super cool you sell this as a wallpaper asset anything like that it's really useful I'll probably be putting this as my wallpaper in a little bit and there you go the only issue I found with this node as you can see these kind of colors are overlapping and spots where it displaces I'm not totally sure why it does that personally I kind of like it looks really stylized but that's not intentional stylizing so you don't have control over that if anybody knows why it's doing that let me know in the comments I'll be sure to pin that to the top other than that that's how you make these really cool little map range things and there you go thanks for watching
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 86,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Beginner, Blender tutorial, Blender Animation, Blender Abstract, Blender Particles, Blender Lines, Blender Cinema 4D, Blender Abstract Tutorial, Blender loop, Blender VJ Loop, project breakdown, blender breakdown, Blender 2.80, blender 2.8 tutorial, Blender Eevee, Blender 3D, Blender Guru, Remington Graphics, Intro To Blender, blender vaporwave, vaporwave eevee, CG Cookie, Midge Sinnaeve
Id: aJW8aroznqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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