The secret to how to make your game look good in Unity | all you need to know about post processing

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<b>Have you ever had the experience that when you create or get a good-looking game asset</b> <b>you assume it'll look even better in Unity</b> <b>But when you import it into Unity, it looks like this</b> <b>Well, this happens to me a lot when I first learn Unity</b> <b>and it just felt so hard to get a consistent good visual in Unity regardless of what asset I was using at the time</b> <b>Luckily, I eventually came out with a formula that will always make my game look good</b> <b>in this video, I will walk you through the process, and your game will never look bad again!</b> <b>It turns out, this is all about three things that you need to do right</b> <b>1.Change the color space from Gamma to Linear</b> <b>2.Setup the main light & secondary light</b> <b>3.Color-grading in the post-process volume</b> <b>Before we get into the details</b> <b> I want to briefly mention that the asset I use in this video is from </b> <b>a Udemy course I just created on how to make a 3D Action game with Unity</b> <b>when you purchase the course</b> <b>not only you can get access to the full course, but you will also get the Asset package I created</b> <b>including three characters, animations, and environment prefabs.</b> <b>So if you are interested in the course</b> <b>please click the link in the description</b> <b>and I also left a time-limited discount coupon code for you</b> <b>All right, let's get started</b> <b>First, let's go to [File]->[Building settings]->[Player settings]</b> <b>Click [Play] on the left side, then you'll see Color Space on the right side</b> <b>Let's change it from Gamma to Linear</b> <b>Next, let's select the camera</b> <b>enable Post Processing under the rendering tab</b> <b> and make sure Anti-aliasing is also enabled</b> <b>Then let's change Background type to solid color </b> <b>you can pick up any color in the color wheel here</b> <b>Next, let's set up our lights, select our main light </b> <b> change Shadow type to soft</b> <b>then rotate the light until we feel like the shadow is in the right position to help us emphasize the volume of the models</b> <b>I'm also gonna give the light blue color to give the scene a night tone</b> <b>Now it's time to add our post-processing volume</b> <b>Right-click in the hierarchy then select [Volume]->[Global volume]</b> <b>Click [New] to create a new profile</b> <b>Then click Add Override to add a tonemapping</b> <b>When set the mode to ACES</b> <b>you can see the color becomes more natural</b> <b>Before we color grade the scene, we want to add a secondary light to light up the dark area</b> <b>Let's disable the shadow, rotate it to an angle that roughly perpendicular to the main light</b> <b>Also change it to a warm color, to create contrast in the scene</b> <b> All right, let's go back to the post-processing volume</b> <b>Add Vignette</b> <b> and tweak its settings and color</b> <b>Then let's add Lift Gamma Gain </b> <b>& Shadows Midtones Highlights</b> <b>These two are where we do the color-grading</b> <b>When it comes to color-grading, the general rule is to create contrast</b> <b> so we want to add cold colors to the shadows and warm colors to midtones</b> <b>But there is no specific rule as to what color you should use here</b> <b>please just take time and play with the colors</b> <b> I also add Color Curves</b> <b>because I want to desaturate the dark and light parts </b> <b>keeping the color saturated across the entire spectrum is not a good idea</b> <b>When I'm happy with the result, I'll start adding some final touch</b> <b> Here I'm just adding some spotlights to give the scene some pink color to make the trees pop out</b> <b>Ok, we are all done!</b> <b>I hope you enjoy the video </b> <b>please don't forget to hit the scribe button and give me a thumbs-up to help me boost the channel</b> <b>have a nice day</b>
Channel: Single-Minded Ryan
Views: 59,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unity, Unity 3D, Unity2022, Render, Renderer, good-looking game, how to make, good look, good visual, game asset, game tutorial, Unity tutorial, post processing, post process, post-process, lighting, color-grading, color grading, unreal, video game, how to make video game, how to create video game, how to use unity, how to use unreal, udemy, udemy discount, 3D model, blender, how to model, devlog, godot
Id: yQMywArQfyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 14sec (314 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 06 2022
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