Strong Winds and Heavy Ice in Texas!

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[Music] good morning we are leaving Galveston Texas this morning and it is very very windy we're showing wind from the north at 20 28 gusting to 34 and fortunately for us it's right down the runway so that's good we have just filed and I'm gonna pick up a this here got three for visibility one two zero a sky condition overcast 1200 temperature 1 7 Celsius 2.14 Celsius altimeter 3 0 1 0 remarks density altitude 0 okay Galveston ground Malibu 4 4 4 Delta tango is at the FBO ready McMurray apart - Malcolm field Lisa tengo dos ground clearance is on a request you were detention or don't think we're ready Jane did she either with her we have the man wedding is or don't think Roy three six eight cells unwrapped brothel cross Rory three to go a back with the clerk's war don't go okay three six cross runway three-two [Music] okay [Music] before all the time to have it situated or just tango we're ready boozled for delta-tango is cleared to self concealed airport radar vectors industry Niner departure to the industry V or directed Dillman as file to maintain 2000 expect 1 2001 serve minutes after departure used to the purchase one three four point four five seven five seven a male with Wardell tango clear Tanaka filled their radar vectors the industry nine departure then industry then given up to you two thousand again expect one to zero and ten one thirty four four five and seven four five seven o'clock for a Melvin morning Oh Lou Cordell potato Clara or don't echo we're ready to go recess no before don't attend garage template for Dylan tengo Roy three six clear for takeoff Colonel of kidding two five zero everything off three six and left utilize your delicately okay here we go here we go [Music] [Music] I'll boot so we're doing the tango contact Hastinapur chair over to departure okay good morning melon before tango [Music] [Music] okay we I am seeing 1,300 [Music] [Music] Bertram elevate four four four delta-tango 1.54 mm now before forth delta-tango he's depressed economy pain 7,000 up to 7,000 Mel before don't Curt Schilling 63 7,500 for 7,000 at least 63 Houston a first expect dial is from we briefed on the left a talent so Charlie thank you sir and before delta-tango TURN RIGHT heading c70 right to to 7-0 mortals that one 60-32 Center means a four thousand till it takes 3,000 all right we have some weather you set the plungers and here's November 5 hours you probably do you have a Alec Sadler's just under 4 mm it every five five zero with you Charlie using aperture radar contact maintain 2,000 and which they're out to assassinate other sources out every third whiskey Charlie Roger were you any today yeah go inside outside on Oh pepper spray for downtown repair whiskey Carolingian about seven zero come prepare whiskey Charlie Roger common maintain 3000 brothers laugh 3,000 and a little flower wrap it was once my buyer mm see I just that's at 4:24 turn left anyone easier why feels like it before okay that altered the dare at 160 39 degrees off six straight to the left before delta-tango turn or ain't heading up her either their own right to three-zero-zero boredom that wayne 60-32 cinema containing 3000 the only six returned three go for their whiskey Charlie turn left heading that their 5-0 little flat bills they were doing before Delta King goes on Tucker birds chirp on one to seven point one to number one June morning as I said for 24 there approach Malibu for primordial tango 5,000 therefore footboard of the thing goes east the butcher's Paulo maintain one 4000 expected a Chicano one 4000 and we're on okay well the parts of the stuff was 5255 we're out of 1700 for five thousand are heading at two nine zero another 53:55 contact east approach one 26.67 2016 15 when I take 67 will see a spouse for twelve thousand fifty therefore $44 thing goes cathedra Spock Spock okay it is a rainy [Music] and now context actually you can see the screen here so northern Mexico all the way up Toronto at least Toronto it's not farther yeah Toronto is a line of rained [Music] got a nice little gap here to squeeze our way through it no I'm grateful breath though we are just capping off a two-week trip first week was spent serving in a prison ministry in Florida then after that my family and I took some of the full-time prison ministry staff down two a Bahamas for a couple of days just for a nice little vacation and it was incredible that was my first time ever going to the Bahamas and we really enjoyed it and I was surprised how paintless it was in terms of procedures and DHS compiling and flight plans customs and all that sort of stuff it was it was fairly painless and it's definitely a place that we'd like to return though we're making our way back to Phoenix today and it looks like yes soon as we get out of this precip just looks like it ends just east of the Austin area be clear always corporal for double tango contact he didn't approach 26.67 get it he's a good morning Melvin for for for dos tango eight point six four one now before that thing thank you 73 sir one that I might have one-fourth oh you're one-niner me the 50 to 55 kgs Center one three three point one five one 32:15 for Southwest 5250 population okay so very interesting departure there grateful that we had it was 28 gusting to 34 right on the nose so it was pretty straightforward we're going to be getting some pretty strong headwinds on the way have filed for 12,000 to give 14,000 and soft showing a 20-knot headwind and and a half-hour play all right so we're just starting to enter IMC here at 10,400 hopefully we're chillin anybody gonna use Center 1 3 3 1 i 32:15 in uh yes caught the doctor at 12 a so I didn't get a chance to captured video that as we walked out to the plane this morning went obviously was howling and we noticed a Canadian registered Cessna 172 that was parked facing away from the wind and literally when it would gust set in the notice we would come off the ground and it would just sit on its tail my guess is it's probably been doing ah to win I put that thing I'll give you a couple options take a little bit further north with facilities arrivals coming here or if you wanted to take 18,000 other parties whatever type of a direct box Mordo pega wolf people taking me now I afford up hangover for now maintain a 1/6 off and stick one 8,000 up to one six thousand port opening okay well looks like we're gonna have a 31 not headwind episode out of tango after he's 1 3 2 1 1 good morning Malcolm four four four 23 for one thousand four four four devastated Center Club and maintained by the whole one eight zero until 2004 them Sanga moderate precipitation started okay miles when you're able and if that doesn't leave you top of the weather just let me know correct from that board Julia with you Center out soft into 335 that looks great I like that line not that I necessarily trust the next read completely but looks better than what it did at this point mine forward-facing GoPro froze with no warning if the battery died on the rear facing camera so all I have left is the panel camera I kept the panel video because as you're about to see I started picking up ice just after I leveled off at 18,000 feet in between cycling the ice boots I pulled the power back to crew settings but watch what happens with the airspeed and pitch over the next few minutes I reported the ice to ATC and since I was moving through intermittent IMC I decided to hold off on requesting an altitude change for now and just keep a close eye on while the boots were shedding the ice I noticed that it was building up faster than I could get rid of it at this point I decided that if my air speed got below 120 knots indicated with cruise power and I wasn't going to remain in the clear I would ask for lower at this point it was clear that it was going to continue and get worse so I requested and received a descent down to 16,000 feet as I hit 17,000 feet I realized that we were in fear for good and we're going to stay on top of everything else so ATC allowed us to stay there as you can see we picked up quite a bit more ice in the descent but I was glad to know that it was building up even more honored under the wings interestingly we carried this ice on the leading edge for the next hour in clear air before it finally dissipated completely once again lesson learned I should have gotten a climb early on into the colder air and to get above it all had we not broken into the clear at 17,000 feet we would have picked up quite a bit more before we ever found warm air below by comparison the rest of the ship home was uneventful it's difficult for me to receive updated routing just after we Testament as a TC wants to keep a south military airspace which is just east of Phoenix on days like today I just cancel IFR receive direct my help Airport there was a wonderful trip that many new experiences for us but we're glad to be home I'm sick over the fact that due to continued GoPro issues I don't have any useful video from the flights to and from the Bahamas to be honest with you I'm ready to throw them all into a fire
Channel: Malibu Flyer
Views: 31,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PA46, Malibu, KGLS, IFR, Icing, Garmin, TXi
Id: T-iqe7S9I9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 48sec (1368 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 14 2018
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