Leaving at the right time / Texarkana to Prattville

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but we left texarkana at the right time yeah i don't think we want to be there too much longer and looks like it's probably not a good evening to go to florida seven 3700 q seven thousand five hundred character two niner two point two one out four two nine or nine or two remarks lightning distance terrain system test okay for the texas canada area available i was a fly watch advice on initial contact you have oscar oh it's gonna be closer to one five three zulu win one five zero eight visibility 1-0 thunderstorms in the vicinity 2 3 700 q 7 500 chapter 2 9 over 2.21 out for 299 or 2. remarks lightning distant north these approaching youth landing runway one three has a sweating place for the texas mechanic area available on highway watch advice on initial contact you have oscar dexcan tower information um charlie alpha looking for ifr to one alpha nine airport blazer no four zero trolley awfully clear that one alpha nine airport asp file cloud maintain two thousand expect one one thousand one zero minutes after departure departure frequency one two three point nine or two squawk three six one seven navajo four zero charlie alpha is going to one outfit nine smile two thousand feet one one thousand feet ten minutes later one two three point nine two for departure three six one seven on the transponder information oscar ready taxi attacker before the trial three back correct runway one three attacked the attacks way off thank you charlie alpha ready to go runway one three where's your character only one three landing traffic hold short one three four zero twelve walker beach jet 400. i believe not a premiere i don't know you know what i do i oh know if i know the difference between a pro i don't either i just knew there was one inbound i didn't know what that was it or not one julie kilo turn right at the end texas park to be attacked with charlie and alpha cross runway two two at charlotte charlie alpha cross runway two two and charlie into the rams for juliet kill now i hope four zero charlie allen takes kent tower only one three clears your take on proceed on course clown maintain five thousand clear for takeoff on course up to five thousand runway one three four zero charlie number uh for their charity after equipment flight conditions don't climb out any precipitation or tournaments you may encounter you can pass it on to departure control please zero charlie alpha we'll let them know appreciate it good lewis yes sir [Music] so we got our clearance down to san antonio yes are you ready copy go ahead sir november 551 julie kilo clear the san antonio airport has filed clown maintain two thousand expect flight level three two zero one zero into after departure departure frequency one two three point nine or two squawk three six six zero five two thousand thirty two and ten twenty three ninety two thirty six sixty in the box for juliet kilo we should departure over to departure have a good evening for zero charlie and departure piper navajo four zero charlie alpha one thousand one hundred for five thousand uh direct el dorado return out for santa roger raider contract maintain one one thousand up to one one thousand four zero trillion [Music] oh it looks like we're leaving at the right time yep yeah i was hoping that that's my text i was looking at the weather i'm like god what's going on guys are you gonna be there all night or we would be okay i think most of the stuff actually looks worse than it is yeah i mean well it's it's falling apart but and they need the rain here i mean look at the dust clouds over there i think those are fire are they but apparently i was talking some guys at the fbo and apparently there's a burn ban right now in this area four zero twenty alpha contract four center one two six point three two one two six point three two and uh texarkana tower asked us to pass along ride report everything's nice and smooth no precipitation four zero roger ellen raidwell temperature three i'm sorry two niner niner three two niner niner three arrow two the backup [Music] fort worth center piper navajo four zero charlie alpha four thousand eight hundred for one one eleven thousand navajo four zero charlie alpha four percent of roger eldridge two niner niner three two nine nine three zero jolly album well welcome back board head to uh prep prepville alabama be a little over two and a half hours by the time we uh level off and everything two hours fifteen is what i was showing uh earlier like i said we should get faster the further we go hopefully we can sneak out of here before uh what is this thing alberto or something it starts with an eye a manual i forget yeah that tropical distormous looks like it just be a little bit of rain right now i need to go a little bit to the left maybe a little bit see what it looks like see how close it moves into us now we're level 11 000. a little bit on the nose so we're only getting 196 miles an hour across the ground true air speed of 188. a little weather we may contend with a little bit further down the road but uh it looks right now worst case we just deep a little left we should be good should be a nice little fight for now see how it works out a little bit but we're a little bit further down and uh looks like we're still on a good path hurting along the edge of it nice and clear in front of us go ahead everything else is pretty far south of us but the third one good nice and dark there let's see z01 the center maintained one three thousand the uh straightforward student under niner one but it looks pretty good out in front of us looks like eleven thousand feet was a good one a little bit lower we'd be in the soup so uh we'll keep checking in and seeing how it works out but uh looks like we're gonna be in some nice clear air soon well we're already in spo there but weather be that behind us oh we're about uh 25 minutes out we're gonna have to start descending here so pretty uneventful we we were just to the left of everything pretty much but we left texarkana at the right time yeah i don't think we want to be there too much longer and looks like it's probably not a good evening to go to florida not right now starting to glow over there on the right louis the exhaust of these engines comes out the top and snakes down and that and that grill exhaust pipe comes through and it's 1500 degree stainless steel so you it's cherry red yeah that right now is uh 1481. a couple degrees that's just a little bit similar density altitude 2 100. automated weather observation zero zero one six zulu weather win two seven zero 12 30 contract seven two zero four four five two thousand temperatures delta two point two zero alpha two so two seven zero at three barely blowing right down one of the runways i know to make it nice and easy and our left downwind and atlanta piper navajo four zero charlie alpha is ready for lower when you can work it out for us november zero charlie alpha roger i'll have four in about one minute and uh squat code two five three seven two five three seven standing by for lower four zero charlie november zero charlie outfit is gonna maintain five thousand down to five thousand four zero have a good evening for zero trauma hello montgomery approach piper navajo four zero charlie alpha seven thousand seven hundred for five thousand we have the automated weather proud though i'm four zero charlie up i'm not going to be approached playing about timing 299.3 discretion is set to maintain three thousand two nine nine three down to three thousand four zero trillion we're playing on the visual approach only two seven roger montgomery flash three 34 back up with you on one two four point zero five four roger i got a rotating beacon straight in front of us all right start pulling some power out i have piper navajo four zero charlie alpha we have a field inside we'll go ahead and cancel fire number zero charlie five five cancellation received no traffic observed between you and profile at this time squawk bfr for exchange approved good night you too sir appreciate your help for zero charlie [Music] braddell groovy field airport automated weather observation zero zero three four zulu weather wind calm visibility one zero pratt build traffic piper navajo four zero charlie alpha ten miles to the west about being in the pattern runway two seven in about three minutes probably actually for when it calm wind why not land on runway nine straight in all right fuel pumps on run some lights and prattville traffic piper navajo 4-0 charlie alpha now on a seven mile final runway nine pratville oh i just went off i just went out there we go lights back on air coming down on matcha flaps three green one in the mirror prep hill traffic piper navajo four zero charlie up a two mile final runway nine and pratville so welcome to prattville alabama welcome to prattville out probably can't see too much but uh we're down we had a nice little flight let's dodge the weather just a hair hope you guys enjoyed it board on your next one
Channel: Charley Alpha Aviation
Views: 673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Piper Navajo CR, piper navajo panther conversion, flying piper navajo, flying experience from cockpit, airplane flying through clouds, piper navajo cheiftain, garmin g600txi, garmin g600 txi, flying with garmin g600 txi, flying with garmin pilot, flying with foreflight, flying ifr with foreflight, flying in bad weather, cross country flying, flight vlog channel, imc flying conditions, piper pa-31 navajo (aircraft line)
Id: C9m2ZQwCbbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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