International Breakfast Sandwiches Taste Test

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- What do other countries slip between their bready for breakie? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) - Good mythical morning. - And welcome to the premiere of season 20. - That's right. And this ain't just any old premiere Wake up GMM, no, siree, Bob. This is the week of megacality. Which means every day this week, we're gonna be hitting you with one of your favorite formats right in the eyeballs every morning, depending on your time zone. We're coming out swinging. - Yes, that's right. Five days of our biggest, most popular, most righteous episodes. It's gonna be mega mythical. - All right, we're gonna be kicking things off the way I kick off my smoothie-free mornings that don't become cereal mornings, and that's with breakfast sandwiches. 'Cause there's breakfast all over the world and there's bread all over the world. Therefore? - There are breakfast sandwiches. - [Both] All over the world. - Bullseye. That's how I'm gonna throw this season. - [Both] Underhand. - It's time for. ♪ Where in the world ♪ ♪ do these international breakfast sandwiches come from ♪ - You know how this goes. We're gonna be trying a breakfast sandwich hailing from somewhere on this globular green earth, not to be confused with the other flatter earth, which we have represented on our map, the flat earth. Now we're gonna throw a dart at the country we think it's from and then Chase, our Chase. (Chase chuckling) - That's me. - Our very own Chase. - Yes. - We get one, you get one. Our buttered biscuit cartographer, Chase, will measure exactly how far we are from the right answer. - Happy 20th premiere, our Chase. Thanks. Happy 20th premiere my Rhett and Link. (Rhett exclaiming) - Whoever has the lowest score at the end wins. And since, Rhett, you won last time. - Yeah. - I get the special advantage dart, which is the Yolk Yeet Yart. - And the winner gets to become the parfait gentleman in "Good mythical More". - Start it up. (upbeat music) We've got some longies here. Some sort of a longie. - That's a baguette of some kind. And then we've got-- - Well, we've got some black-eyed peas in here, or is that beans? What's happening? That was a bit crunchy. - I think that is black-eyed peas. That's good. And it's meaty. - [Link] Is there meat? - Well, it could just be that the black-eyed peas have made a meaty consistency. - No, I think that's a meat. It is a meat. - [Rhett] With some onion. - I can't tell you what meat it is, maybe a beef. - You can, or you won't? - I shan't. All right. You won last time, which means I get the pleasure of you going first again. - Yes. Hi, Mom. How are you doing? - [Mom] Hi, boys. It's me, Rhett's momma. I'm so happy to see your handsome faces again. - We're so glad to see a camera. - Of course, you only usually see the top of our heads for most of this, but we're not gonna forget about you, Mama Dy. - Anything you want me to know before I throw my first dart? - [Mom] Rhett, when was the last time you tried on a signature pair of Dockers khaki pants? (group laughing) - Inquiring minds. - I mean, that's weird, mom. Not recently. Wow. - Speaking of pants, keep your butt in the seat. - I think that the baguette made its way to many different places in the world from France. Because the French, they were doing some occupying. The black-eyed peas, specifically. - I like some black-eyed peas. - I thought that was just a Southern thing. A Cuban sandwich, a lot of times will come on some bread like this. - You're making a bunch of statements that have nothing to do with each other. - No, I'm zeroing in on Cuba, but I'm not super confident 'cause I also think it could be Argentina. So I'm just kinda gonna split the difference there. Wow, that was not what I was intending. - I mean, it could be anywhere, because beans on toast is like a UK thing. Black-eyed pea is kind of like a bean. Is it a legume? - Yeah. - On toast? - I believe that it is a bean. - So I kind of feel like, I dunno-- - It's not an option. - I'm gonna stay close to France. I'm gonna go for Denmark. (Link exclaiming) - [Rhett] Nice. - I'm feeling it, y'all. I'm fresh. - [Lilly] Okay. You guys just ate a ndambe sandwich. Ndambe is a bean stew made with black-eyed peas, beef, onions, tomato paste, and an array of spices. When served on a baguette, it becomes a morning favorite throughout Senegal. (Rhett exclaiming) - [Link] Senegal. - Well, I think I was pretty close to the Senegal, y'all. (Rhett exclaiming) Season 20. - Yeah. Rhett, you had five. Link, 24. - You lucky Senegalese doll. - I mean, you know? I mean, sometimes you just can't help it. (upbeat music) - Look at that thing. - Good gracious. - Get a load of that (chuckles). - Bread. - Yeah! - These are huge. - They're cold. - This is ice cream in here. Smells good. With like some sort of marshmallow fluff. - Did you just suck the fluff? - I got a little of the greeny. The green ice cream. I think it's pistachio. - Pistachio ice cream. - I don't know. What do you call this? - A nipple. - A booby bagel. You okay? - Yeah, I caught it. - [Rhett] That's some good bread, y'all. - That's refreshing. Now I know you're still darting first, that-- - We've tasted ice cream in a sandwich like this before, like on bread, but I really can't remember what that translated into. - I'm going with the pistachios, and pistachios are put into many desserts in the Middle East. Georgia. I was born in-- - On your mind? - Macon, Georgia. - Not that one. - Maybe it wasn't that one. Yeah, I was born in the United States. Man, I'm glad. Mom? - Can you verify that? - [Mom] You can say that again. - Yeah. That's right. I was born in Macon, Georgia. - Born in Macon, Georgia. - You got any tips for me, mom? - [Mom] I can't tell you how happy I am in my Dockers mid-rise skinny jeans. Comfy. (group laughing) - Is it odd to you that she's taking these opportunities to talk about Dockers? - I think she might be sponsored. - She might have a deal with Dockers. We'll talk about it later. - So you're going for Georgia? - I'm going Georgia. Man. - A little to the right. A little to the East. I'm being drawn to South Korea. I think this is something that-- - [Rhett] Ice cream on bread. - They would enjoy. - What is... (group chuckling) - Is it jumping? - I've been think... I'm thinking about my mom and Dockers. I'm thinking about my mom and skinny jeans and-- - [Mom] Did you know Dockers has big and tall pants, shirts and shorts? Perfect for my big and tall boy. (group laughing) - Dude, she's getting a check or something, right? - Definitely. Definitely. - Mom, just to be honest with us, are you being sponsored by Dockers? - [Mom] How dare you? - She just loves Dockers, man. That's all it is. She just loves Dockers. - South Korea. And I'm not even gonna try-- - [Rhett] To hedge. - To go to the East 'cause I'm gonna be assertive. - [Rhett] You got an accurate toss this season. - [Link] Yeah. - [Lilly] Okay. You guys just tried brioche con gelato, which consists of scoops of creamy gelato on a brioche bun. Though it seems like a dessert, it's actually a popular summertime breakfast item in Italy. (Rhett exclaiming) (Link exclaiming) And actually the boop thing, I guess, isn't just a coincidence. It's supposedly an intentional showing of Sicilians respect for motherhood and specifically the Virgin Mary. - [Mom] That's nice, honey. (group laughing) - That's right. The Virgin Mary's nipples, apparently. - All right, Rhett, you had 18. Link, 34. - Ouch. (upbeat music) - Now before we move along, in honor of today's 20th season premiere, the golden tee of mythicality giveaway is back again starting today. Once again, we're giving away three different prizes. You buy this shirt right here. - Yup. - The silver tee of mythicality and you might get a blue logo in which case you win a mythical mystery box filled with rare, unusual, and one of a kind items. - What? - You might get the orange logo and you win a virtual taste test with us. And if you get the gold T-shirt, you add a signed check for $20,000 in honor of Susan 20. - 20,000 freaking dollars! The giveaway kicks off today and runs through September 17th. Only US and Canadian beasts are eligible to win. So just like last year, we're offering a $5 discount on the silver tee, exclusively for beasts outside of the US and Canada. For all the details go to No purchase necessary. Void will be prohibited. - Link, you're going to be excited about this, brother. We got some sort of-- - This is breakfast? - Flat bread with fish and then some fish eggs. 'Cause why not have the full gamut? - Those are berries, right? - Yeah, they're just berries. - Dink it. - And sink it. - And sink it. (Link groaning) - It's not bad. - This is not my idea of breakfast. - Well, that's probably 'cause you're not from this place. - Or lunch (groaning). - I like that deal. I mean-- - Sorry. - [Rhett] Yeah. - Not only am I losing-- - Apology accepted. - I'm also miserable. - [Mom] Link, you seem tense. I think some Dockers Premium Heritage Chinos would do you good. - I know you're sponsored. I better be getting a cut of this. - Well-- - [Mom] No, siree. - Yeah. I get a cut. It's my mom. Your mom's gotta get her own deals. Okay. How could this not be Denmark, is what I'm thinking, right? The unapologetic smoked fish and caviar on top of it for breakfast. - I'm telling you. - This is a... We're getting towards Scandinavia, I believe. And so I'm going with Denmark. - Yeah, I don't know how it could be anything besides Denmark, and I just can't afford to go off the rails without any reason. I mean, South Korea, would they be doing this? Can I go back there? - It could be South Korea, for sure. - Can I risk it? I mean, I'm so far behind. I gotta go for Denmark. And I gotta hope that my aim stays true. Yes, but not really closer than yours. (Rhett chuckling) - [Rhett] Well, a little bit. - [Lilly] Okay. The name of this open-face sandwich, I can't even... It's not gonna happen for me, but it's called smorrebrod. Maybe we'll put that in post with not my voice. - Smorrebrod. - [Lilly] It's traditionally served on a piece of rye bread, smeared with butter then artistically layered with spreads, garnishes, fish, meat, or cheeses local to Denmark, of course. - Yes. Okay. Good. - Yeah. - Right. Rhett, you had eight. Link, seven. - So I won a round. - Okay, there you go, man. You're making it up little by little. (upbeat music) okay. I'm gonna cut one of these open. - [Link] Is it a fried? - Man. - Something? - It's very slushy. That's some egg. You're gonna love that. - No. - That's a very, very, very gooey thing. - That's just... I mean... I don't have a good time with the runny egg. - That's good. - I mean, it tastes good. It's like corn bread with a runny egg in the middle. - Okay. Mom? - It's just the oozy kind of gets me. You got anything else for me, Mom? - Dockers. (Rhett laughing) - Yeah, just come out with it. - Man, she must be getting paid well. We're going to eat real good. - Do you have a coupon code? (Mom laughing) (group laughing) - I think she's got... That's the pet dolphin. That's the pet dolphin that she adopted. (Link chuckling) - I've never heard. - No, you can adopt pet dolphins when you got Dockers money (chuckles). - Have you ever heard her make that sound? - It's a big tank. She's never, ever laughed that way for me. (Link laughing) This reminds me of what I know is a pupusa, which, I think is an Ecuadorian thing. - [Link] Okay. - Which is really close to Columbia. So I'm not gonna do any more thinking. Columbia. (Link exclaiming) I think I may have hit Ecuador (chuckles). You got this fried corn patty. This could be Tanzania. Never been there. Maybe one day I'll get to go. And I think this will be there. Tanzania, don't do me wrong. This is my opportunity to get back in this. Yes! (Rhett chuckling) - [Lilly] Okay. We just had-- - What are you laughing at? - The way you said yes, and to yourself. - Like Ed McMahon. - Yes! - Yes! - [Lilly] An Arepa de huevo. This deep fried maze dough sandwich is made by pulling the dough from hot oil partway through cooking, then a whole egg is cracked inside and then it's returned to the fryer. Arepas are popular throughout South America. But Arepas de huevo can be found along the Caribbean coast of-- - Africa. - [Lilly] Colombia. - [Rhett] Colombia. - [Link] Shoot. - The Caribbean coast of Africa (laughs). (group chuckling) - Dang it. - Brett, again, you had eight. Link, 38. - This is it. Might be insurmountable. You know what would make this better? If I was wearing Dockers. - Yep. - [Mom] I love you, boys, almost as much as I love Dockers. (Rhett laughing) (upbeat music) - So for our mystery round, we've got a two-parter. Some sort of sandwich with green stuff in it. Look at that. - And then like a poached egg with some sort of... This has, like, ectoplasm in it. - It's sweet. Creamy. Can't tell if that's mayonnaise. - Dip in that. - Is that like... Is that guava paste? - Dip it in that. It's actually excellent. - Is it soy sauce and an egg juice? - I think it's so soft. - It all kind of works together. Yeah. - No, no. - No, what is that? - It has a little bit of a-- - [Link] It's not salty enough to be soy. Is it just-- - Like a yeasty thing? - Is it gravy? I don't know, but we've got any place on the board that's not marked because it's mystery. And, of course, I have... I gotta use my advantage. (bell ringing) I mean, this is an insurmountable lead. - If-- - I'm not gonna be bitter at the start of a season, but I don't look great, and it hurts. - Well, hey, hey, it's not over, Link, because if you name this country exactly and get egg yolk on it, I'll give you the victory. - Yeah? Yeah. All right. So I'm getting rid of that. - But I'm still gonna go first. I don't know if that soy sauce is kind of mixed with the egg yolk at this point and it's hard to tell, but it has that kind of consistency so I feel like it is on that side of the world. But the lead is so high at this point that I think you've got to get it right in order to win. So I'm just gonna, you know, throw it in the middle of the map there. - I wish I knew stuff that I could say now that would make me seem like-- - Just make it up, dude. That's what I do. - I had a guess. - Just make it up. That's what I do. - I just... I'm so tired of you doing it. - [Rhett] Just say-- - That I just don't wanna do it. - Just say, well, maybe my mom's got something for you. - Well, you know what? This, the green stuff in this sandwich. - [Mom] Docker Smart 360 Tech fabric makes me feel like a new woman. - She's-- - What do you think about that? - I want some of that money. (Rhett laughing) I want that Dockers money. - [Mom] I'm not too interested in that. - Yeah. Right. It's right. - It's like a pudding. And that's not soy sauce. So I'm not going... - It's very, very tasty. - I have to say a country to give it a shot? - Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. - I think this is Brazil. (Mom laughing) (group laughing) - No! Thank you, mom. - That was a good one. (group laughing) - She did the dolphin laugh at you, man. - All right. I'm sticking with Brazil. - It is a big one. - [Link] Yeet! - Okay. Hey, hey, you hit Brazil. - Yeah. - I have a shot. - This will be incredibly impressive. And you definitely deserve the win if it's Brazil. - Yeah. And some Dockers, apparently. - [Lilly] You just tried Kaya toast. Kaya refers to the coconut jams spread between the bread, which is a popular spread all on its own in Southeast Asia. We're using green pandan kaya. However, kaya sandwiches with a side of eggs and soy sauce is a common menu item in the local coffee shops of Singapore. - [Rhett] Singapore, man. - [Link] Singapore. - [Rhett] Yeah. - Not anywhere near Brazil. - No, no. Unfortunately not. - All right. Rhett, you had 23. And, Link, from your closest splatter, it was 33. - Thank you, Chase. You know, bring in the parfait gentleman. You know, the last time I felt this dejected was when I showed up at school in my pleated Dockers and everybody had moved on to the unpleated Dockers. Am I right? - [Mom] They say Dockers compliment beards, glasses, and streaks of gray hair. No cap. (group chuckling) - My mom just said no cap. - All right. Great kickoff to the season for you, parfait gentleman. - Yes. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - [Mom] Dockers. (group laughing) - This is Janetta Dailo, and that is my bike, Rainbow. And we're in the middle of my favorite trail here in Isabela province, Philippines. And it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality. - Nice. - Did you name your mountain bike? - No, but now I'm thinking I should. - Yeah, you should. - Rainbow. - Click the top link to watch us discover the most popular breakfast items by state in "Good Mythical More". - And to find out where the wheel of mythicality is gonna land. Enter the 2021 Golden Tee of Mythicality giveaway by September 17th for your chance to win one of three extraordinary prizes including $20,000. Visit for details. No purchase necessary. Void will be prohibited.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 3,608,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: -xofptVHF1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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