International Vegan Food Taste Test

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"I'll take 'v words' for 200, and i hope it's 'vagina.' "

This is by far the best original sentence i've heard in a while.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 39 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jermine1269 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 28 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I really think Link just needs to go first and he’ll have a shot since he changes his guess based on Rhett

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/defineliam πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 28 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Poor Link has the worst instincts. If he ended up in a horror movie, he wouldn't make it past the title sequence.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/seth928 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 28 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Was super excited to see that they were trying Akara and I got a little underwhelmed by their reaction, especially since it's beans! But in fairness it tastes the best when it's still hot.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/apurplesun πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 28 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Lol this episode was one of the funniest ones they've done in a while.

Rhet is just too good at darts.

Link really needs to dedicate all of his time to researching food and playing darts

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MinervaEmiprav πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 29 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

The camera quality seems slightly different in this episode. Like it looks like this would be a scene in the GMM movie

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SDJT πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 28 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

No disrespect but Rhett feels like he always knows the answer, him just guessing Syria was kinda ridiculous.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/No-Molasses1303 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 29 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Next freebie for Link should just be any round of your choosing you get 0, no mater how far he’s from the correct answer….still try and get the country/bullseye points though

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DTake2012 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 29 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
- What do vegan dishes look like around the world? - Let's talk about that. (cheerful music) Good Mythical Morning. - Now, here in the US, the vegan diet seems to get a little bit of a bad rap. - Yeah, I think a few holier than thou attitudes might have accidentally spoiled the whole plant-based bunch, but also, from an empirical standpoint, kale does suck. - Oh. Okay, well do you think people around the world feel the same way about their vegan dieteers in their own country, as we do here in the US? - Well you know what, I would like to think that international vegan foods are so tasty, that those who consume them are just revered as great people. - Well let's see if we can hop on that train. It's time for β™ͺ Where in the World β™ͺ β™ͺ Do These International Vegan Foods Come From β™ͺ - We're gonna throw a dart at the country we think the vegan foods that we're tasting are from, and then Chase, the vegan cartographer, I didn't know you were vegan! - It's a new thing, yeah. Yes sir, I think I'm like in the pledge phase right now. - Are you being hazed? - I haven't figured out who I'm reporting to, yet, but I think, yeah, I'm still going through it. - Don't report to us, but we'll support you. He's gonna measure how far the darts are from the correct answer. Lowest score wins. - Okay, since I won last time, and the previous six times before that, that means seven in a row. We're not just gonna give you an advantage dart. That doesn't seem to be very effective. So we're gonna actually do two things, now. The dart is in your court at this point, okay? This is all yours to lose, because, during one round, we're actually gonna give you a sheet of paper, a round of your choice, that just has the answer on it. - I will accept that sheet of paper. - And another round, of your choosing, you can make me go all the way over there, almost off the set, like the furthest I can be away and still be on camera, and that's where I have to throw from. - I love that. And you know what I will also do is, I'm gonna try. I'm gonna try as hard as I can. - Yeah. That's right. - All right? This is my day. Let's do it. (acapella music) - What in the world is this? - Is it a... It's a fruit? Is this some sort of a... - [Rhett] Well, it's in olive oil. - Apple? Is it a pear? It's got skin on it. - It is not an apple, because it's got a... It's a giant fig. - [Link] Wow! - It's a giant fig. - So there's peppers. Mm. That is greasy. - All in olive oil, with red pepper. - It's sour, oily, nutty. Where's the meat? You know what I'm saying? - You're gonna be asking that question every round, man. - That is a strange experience. - I feel like it's a fruit that I haven't had before. The closest I can come to is a fig, but it's so much bigger than a fig. - You're gonna go first, because apparently you've won seven times in a row. But that's about to change. (laughs haughtily) - For your sake, I hope you're right. But hey, listen, I'm trying my hardest. - You don't have to. But I wanna win against your best. - I wish I knew what that fruit was. - [Link] I think I have an idea. - I'm gonna go with the fact, olive oil and fig-like fruit, and that's sending me to Syria. I'm not confident in this answer, but. Okay, almost Nigeria. - Almost Nigeria. I'm not just gonna copy your guess. But what if I agree with your guess, especially 'cause you didn't land there, that's an opportunity for me to go for it. But see, that's what people are saying. "You know, Link doesn't play." - What's your reasoning? - "He doesn't give any reasoning besides agreeing or disagreeing." I think that this is sour. It's like an umeboshi plum. Which, to... It's not that sour. - [Rhett] Yeah, but there was no Asian countries. - I know, so that's why I'm hurting. So then I'm like, that's why I'm thinking I'm just gonna go all the way over to Mongolia. So, I'm asserting my guess, as the closest thing to an umeboshi plum is gonna show up in Mongolia. - Okay. Proximity, the ol' proximity throw. - Mm-hm. But I am gonna go a little west of Mongolia, because this is a competition. Hoo! Okay, a little high. Little higher than I wanted. What is this, Stevie? - [Stevie] You just had makdous, a dish commonly eaten for breakfast or as a snack, made from baby eggplants cured in olive oil, that are then stuffed with walnuts, red bell peppers, garlic, and salt. This savory snack, and y'all kept saying sour, so I'm interested here, is popular throughout countries like Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. - Yeah. - [Link] See? - I don't think eggs are vegan. - You might be closer than me to Syria. I did a horrible throw. - Yeah, Link, don't be too chard on yourself, 'cause Rhett had 12, and you had 16. - So I lost. - By a little bit. But don't be too chard on yourself, he said. It was a pun, it was a vegan pun. (acapella music) - Soup time. - It's cold soup. - [Link] Oh, yeah? - [Rhett] Yes. - [Link] Little bit of onion garnish, a little bit of... - [Rhett] Some nuts. - Woo, that is cold. - Oh. That is tasty. - Tangy. Doesn't it have a nice tang? - "Where's the meat?" (crew chuckles) Never gets old. - I don't taste orange stuff. - What do you mean "orange stuff"? You mean the color orange, or? - Whatever makes it orange, I'm not tasting. I'm tasting something that tastes green. Like, if I was blindfolded, I would bet a million dollars that this was a green soup. 'Cause it's very, it's almost celeryish. - I'm kinda going off of the fact that- - You ever taste anything like this? - Nothing exactly like this. It definitely has, there's peppers in there. I'm ready for a guess. - Then you got that thing. - I think it might be a spicy carrot soup. Cold carrot soup, which they love in, and you know what, Chase, when I said "carrot," he pointed at the fact that there's a carrot on the map. 'Cause a carrot is a vegetable. - Yeah, I'm learning all about my fruits and vegetables. - Right, yeah, yeah. You're learning all kinds of new things in your little early vegan phase. - Mm... - They love to put carrots in things that you did not expect them to put them in, in South America. Bolivia would be a pretty informed guess. - Wait. - What? - I'm gonna send you back, dude. - Oh, already? - 'Cause you're so confident. - [Rhett] You're sending me back? - Yeah, if you're so confident in this answer, I've gotta get you away from it. - [Rhett] Good god. - So... - [Rhett] I can barely see that that's the world. - Now, hold on, I'll also need to move here. (crew chuckles) - I almost feel like I don't have enough, 'cause if I miss the map from here, it's automatic 50. - That's right. - I know, I just don't know, I've never thrown anything this far in my entire life. - Great. That's great. From the way back. (Rhett guffaws) All right. - Wow. I didn't wanna go low, and I thought that it might arch. - That helped me. - Oh, gosh. I should've practiced. Just so you know. And yeah, you know what? I see you people. I don't like to read comments, but I read 'em sometimes, and people've been talking about Link's losing streak, and then people will say something like "Knowing Rhett, he practices darts on the side." I don't practice freaking darts. If I practiced freaking darts, I wouldn't be in the freaking North Atlantic Ocean. - Well how come when I walk in on you at your desk, I see you like doing this motion all the time? - Ah, that's just to get my shoulder loose. - All right. I can't identify anything in this besides cream, maybe some sort of squash. Because I had to sinuate from Bolivia and you're so confident, yes, I am going to take your answer. - Mm-hm. Mkay. - For strategic reasons. - Don't miss it, now. You're really close to it. - Oh, yeah, that's close, isn't it? You better be right, man. - [Stevie] Okay, reminder, it's vegan. So you said you tasted cream, and then you also said when you closed your eyes it was green but you said cream and squash is what you tasted. - Well, so, the vegan cream. - [Stevie] Okay, all right. - You know, like, whatever that is. - [Stevie] So, you just had mango gazpacho, a cold soup made from blending fresh mangoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, garlic, and olive oil meant to help cool off during the hot summer months. This bright and citrusy twist on a classic Andalusian dish is found in Spain. (Rhett laughs) - So there's no carrots in it. - Man, I shouldn't... You know what, that throw that went a little high was actually, really worked in my favor. (crew laughs) - It's hard not to get discouraged. - Sometimes, some people just can't help but win. I just, I mean even when they try to lose. - This is people's favorite type of episode, and honestly I feel like I'm killing it. - Hey, listen, that was all me. I thought I tasted carrots, I probably saw carrots, Chase pointed at a carrot, I thought Bolivia, I mean... I just threw a bad throw, I got lucky, man. - I still Bolivia. (Rhett guffaws) - Chase still Bolivias in you. - Rhett, you had 11. Link, 32. - Oh, wow. Okay, hey, but you do get the answer given to you in a subsequent round. (crew laughs) (acapella music) Got some rolled up something. - What? Green stuff. Of course. - What kind of...? - It smells fried. It's like a deep fried cross section. Is it, so... - It's like collards. - Yeah, it's a big leaf that's rolled up with like yellow stuff in it? - That is really, really good. - I don't know what that green stuff is, and I don't know what the yellow stuff is, and that's all the stuff that there is. But, I do have an educated guess. If I was going first, I'd be telling you what it was. - Well I'm gonna do that for you. 'Cause I'm still winning. Another thing I don't do. - Here's what, I'ma tell 'em my answer, so they know I'm not copying you. - "He's researching. He's researching this ahead of time." I'm not researching, I just eat! - Okay, so I do, I have formed a guess. - There's a very, very familiar spice in here, that I've only tasted at an Indian restaurant. - Yeah. That's what I also thought. - So, that's the only thing I've got to go on. - Remember when you were way back there before? Did you like it back there? - I'm low today. Or high, it just depends. - That's it. On the day? - Yeah. Just (indistinct) throw. - So, yeah. - You could get a bullseye. - [Link] Yes! - Hey, your tosses are better than mine today. - And that counts as a... - Yeah, yeah, that's a zero. - That's a zero, right? - That's a zero. - If it's India, that's a zero. - [Rhett] "If it's India," he says. - [Link] If it's India. - With a big if, apparently. - I'm into ya. - [Stevie] These delightful little rolls are called patra. To make the dish, arbi or taro leaves are covered in a flavorful paste made from gram flour, tamarind, jaggery, tons of other spices that are then rolled, steamed, cut and sauteed. The colorful and complex dish comes from India. - Yes. - All right, you got a zero, that's a good round. - I needed this! - Yeah, and Rhett, you had 13. Link, zero. - That's right. What did I have? - Zero. (acapella music) - Hey, today's the last day to get the Black Friday to Cyber Monday big discounts at the Mythical store. 20% off sitewide, 30% off our ultimate gift guide. - Wow! - We also got a new product. Link, you're wearing it right now. - Check it out. GMM plaid logo sweatshirt. This is embroidered, and then this is three dimensionally patched as a separate material. - Wow. That's incredible. - This is some high quality stuff. - Also, we've got some Mythical Society discounts, 20% off first and second degree memberships, 30% off third degree monthly. and, check it out! β™ͺ We got some vegan nuggets β™ͺ β™ͺ And they're a little bit mushy β™ͺ - [Rhett] It's a fried dough. - It's cakey. - Quality, but then there's something else. - It's cakey and savory, and a little spicy. - You're only down 12, and remember, you get the right answer given to you one of these rounds. - So do you still go first 'cause you're winning overall, or do I go first 'cause I won the last round? - You haven't been winning a lot in this game, have you? I still go first. - Okay. - Whoever is winning overall goes first. I'm just thinking... - That's some good stuff. - I'm thinking Nigeria. Nigeria or Bolivia. Or Venezuela. I could just do a trifecta in the middle, but you're gonna get the correct answer given to you at some point. - Rhett, we need a decision. - Aw, man. I feel like I've gotta be aggressive here, because it's tough to win in this circumstance. - For you. - I'm still selecting Nigeria, but I am doing a little bit west of it. Oh, gosh. - [Link] A lot west of it. - I just can't throw today. - The correct answer is Madagascar. You know, they, just like the animals there, everything develops independent of the rest of the world. You can't find this anywhere else. Except Madagascar. It's totally unique, and it would be devoured by predators on any other mainland, but there it has flourished. - Right, it's an island treat. - Mm-hm, it's an island treat. - And, fun fact, Oreos are also vegan. - Yeah, they are. You enjoying those? - Yeah. - Thanks for adding that. - You're welcome. - Okay, Madagascar. Oh, yeah, hit the A in Madagascar. 'Course, there's four of 'em. - [Stevie] These delectable bean fritters are called akara. They're made by blending black eyed peas, bell pepper, habanero pepper, water, red onion, and then frying the dough. Akara has made its way into the hearts and cuisines of many West African countries, but originated in Nigeria. - Oh. - I just, you know, I'm having a bad, a good guessing day, a bad throwing day. - You said Nigeria. Mm-hm. - Yeah, Link, you're just still a little kiwi bit behind. Rhett, you had 15. Link, 21. - Oh, man. Chasing the devil. - No, just vegan Chase. (acapella music) Mystery round to wrap things up. Ooh, it's hot. Is it real hot? Is it real hot? - No. - What is this on top? This is like gelatinous balls, too small to call it boba, with some sort of whiteness here that, obviously, is not cream. - What is going on in this? It has a maple syrup. It looks like tiny boba. - Very sweet. - [Rhett] Some sort of vegan protein. - 'Cause they can't do like egg custard either, right? - Now you don't even need to think about this one, because you're gonna be given the answer. - Oh yeah. I mean, and it is working to my advantage, 'cause you still have to go first. I wanted to be losing when using this advantage. - That's a good point. I mean, everything's lining up for you, Link. Everything's lining up for you, man. - I'm gonna pull this off. - Given the fact that there is a gelatinous- - 18 centimeters down. - Thing that's like boba, but smaller, and a tofu-like protein paste... I feel we're squarely in East Asia. - You trying to go for Mongolia? Oh yeah, this is a mystery round. - So I think this is a country you've been to before. I think this is Thailand. My tosses have been horrible today. I don't really know what's wrong with me, but I'm just gonna try to... Oh, gosh. - Woo! Woo! That's a little low. Okay. You know what? I don't have any pride to set aside, give me the answer. Oh. You had it the whole time? - Yeah. - Like, did each pocket have a different answer? - Mm-hm, mm-hm. - "Mm-hm, mm-hm." - I'm like a fortune cookie. But a vegan one. - Are you kidding me? Look at this. There's, I can't read it! I don't want you to read it, 'cause I don't want you to know. Oh my gosh. - Vegans have good eyesight. - Seriously? - But it is the right answer, right? It is the right answer. - I look like a old person right now, don't I? Like the bottom of my lenses is what lets me read, and like that I can't see anything. - What if you get it really close? - Then I can, nope. - Well they couldn't just give you the answer, I mean... - I need you to be quiet, I need to use all of my senses to read this. Including my ears. Okay. I think I read it. Now the only question is, do I know where that is on the map? (crew laughs) - Really? - Yeah, that's the problem with waiting 'til the end. That like... Is there another sheet of paper that points to it on a map? - Give him the latitude and longitude. - No, I'm pretty sure I know where this is. Not specifically, though. - Do you know in general where you're throwing it? - I think so, yeah. And I need to be accurate. - Feel like I've really left the door open here. - That's not them down there. They must be in a different spot. - "That's not them down there." (crew laughs) Them. So at least one person lives there. (Chase laughs) - Or it could be a grouping of islands. Them there islands. - Oh. - I don't know exactly which ones they are. - Oh, man. (crew laughs) Dang. I could've really had it, if I had just thrown a good throw. I think I know where you're about to throw it. - Okay. Oh. I will say, that's exactly where I was aiming for, so if that ain't it, then, I didn't know where it was. - [Stevie] You just had taho, a dish made from silken tofu covered in a brown sugar simple syrup and topped with sago pearls, that's typically served warm. It's one of the many iterations of something called douhua, a silken tofu dish originally created in China, but you'll find this warm and delicious version in the Philippines. - Now where are those Philippines? 'Cause I'm not feeling the ppines today. - Remain calm. Rhett, you have four, and Link, you have one. But, one, sorry, you didn't win. - Oh, that was unfortunate. - So there's a three centimeter difference. Crap! But I was right. And I was right on the last one. - Quite a showing, yeah. - And I was also close to it. - Yeah, 'cause you were given the answer. - Yeah, that's true, but let's forget that part of it. - [Stevie] We had a prize that was kinda Link-oriented that Rhett now gets, it's the Vegandalf. - Oh, Vegandalf. - Oh, man, he's sitting at the top of the Tower of Orthanc and everything? - You can have some of my Vegandalf if you want it. - Oh my gosh. - Eat any of the veggies you want. - I don't want it. I'm gonna put out the fire. - Are Legos vegan? - Dadgummit. I gave you a run for your money, didn't I? - You did, I was shaking in my boots. - I'll get him next time, y'all. Don't give up on me. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Joe. - And I'm Casmira. - And we're on the road from (indistinct) Gemini in Denver, Colorado, doing a vegan and gluten free chicken and waffle taste test. Dink it, and sink it. - And sink it. - And now- - [Both] It's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - I was just watching the dog the whole time. - Yeah, it was almost like the dog was talking. - And the dog like opened his mouth at the right time. - We were both just watching the dog, sorry guys. We'll watch it again to watch you. - Click the top link to watch us play a little Veopardy in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. It's Cyber Monday, and the deals don't stop. Enjoy 20% off items storewide at and discounts on all Mythical Society memberships at
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,341,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: EmeFd-G87MU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 28 2022
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