Police Chief's DAUGHTER Is ARRESTED, She Lives To Regret It | Dhar Mann

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2022 🗫︎ replies
dude you have to slow down you're going way past the speed limit i can't hear you leah you have to slow down do you know how many speed traps are on this road i just got a ticket last week would you relax i have an automatic get out of jail free card well that doesn't help us if you get a cube oh come on alex live a little whoa see i told you just let me do the talking okay license and registration i'm sorry officer what seems to be the problem do you have any idea how fast you were going back there no but it couldn't have been that bad you were going 20 over the limit and your taillight's broken really i had no idea yeah i'm gonna have to write you up for that license range no you can't my dad would be so upset if i came home with a speeding ticket maybe you know him bill barton are we talking about police chief william barton yeah so you do know him yeah that's my boss oh so you probably know how on edge he's been lately dealing with the department budget cuts and all if i come home with a ticket he's gonna lose it what budget cuts yeah it's so sad they're gonna have to let go some of the guys on the force and my dad's deciding who to keep and who to let go as we speak oh i shouldn't have said anything but you seem like a nice officer i'm sure your job is safe as long as you don't do anything to upset him i'm sure you have nothing to worry about yeah [Music] how about i let you off with a warning really you can do that just this once that would be so amazing you have no idea how much this means to me and to my dad i still have to write you up for that tail light though you know the car's too dangerous to be driving like that but don't worry once you get it signed by the police officer when it's fixed i'll come off your record great i'm sure i can manage to do that all right promise me you'll get it fixed as soon as possible of course safety first that's good there you go saturday therefore i will and i'll make sure to put in a good word for you when i get home i appreciate that have a good day ladies bye told you it works every time [Music] what are you gonna tell me about this tell you about what you got another ticket leah oh that what are you doing going through my stuff if you did your own laundry i wouldn't have to don't try to change the topic your father and i told you that if you got one more oh my gosh mom chill it's a fix-it ticket i was gonna tell you about it when i don't know eventually do you think this kind of behavior is gonna fly when you go to college in the next few months you are making this a way bigger deal than it needs to be this is your third ticket in the last six months it is a big deal hand me your keys what are you serious yes keys now no way i'm supposed to meet alex at the plaza in like 20 minutes whoa what's with all the commotion do you want to tell him or should i mom's trying to take my keys because i got a fix-it ticket what for the tail light you promised when i signed off on that last one you're gonna take care of that that was months ago leah and and i was gonna take care of it this weekend i swear can you please tell mom that she's overreacting that it's not that big of a deal it is just a fix-it ticket honey it's not like she got caught speeding again of course not not dumb it doesn't matter we asked you to fix it and you didn't well that's because i didn't have enough money for it do you know how hard it is for me to get by on my allowance i told you guys i need more money or like a credit card or something maybe if you weren't shopping all the time you'd have some left over if you want more money you're gonna have to get a job none of my friends have to get a job their parents actually support them well that's not how it works in this household or real life i want a new iphone do you think i just expect someone to give it to me you're being so unfair since you're old enough to get a ticket you're old enough to get a job bill can you back me up here honey she said she's gonna take care of it this weekend i don't think it's that big a deal i definitely don't think we have to take away our keys thank you daddy you're the best because he always gives you what you want you're welcome sweetheart yeah i gotta get going to the station wait dad um i'm about to go shopping and i wanted to see if i could get a hundred bucks absolutely not you have already got i was talking to daddy not you it could be an early birthday present don't forget she just got a ticket she doesn't turn 18 until next month how much is it for forty dollars [Applause] there's 60. okay i want you to use 40 of it for the ticket and don't even ask me to sign off on it until the beginning i'll make sure i take care of it first love you dad i love you too baby [Music] how cute is this dress a hundred dollars no i don't think so yeah it's it's expensive but i need this dress for orientation you thought you already had an outfit for that i'm not gonna bring just one outfit do you think you could spot me you still haven't paid me back for the last time you wanted those shoes unlike you some of us have to work for our money i'm planning on paying you back soon come on please please please please please please leah i'm not your dad i'm not gonna fall for your lies besides i'm sure they'll put it on hold for you until you get your allowance that's not until the end of the month orientation's next week oh look hey they're hiring maybe you can work for it you know like the rest of us you mean work a job in retail yeah are you serious come on think about it not only will you have the extra cash but you might get an employee discount or i could excuse me can i try this on sure dressing room's open thank you come on [Applause] what are you doing getting a discount just like you said a five finger one are you crazy that's stealing what are you like a lawyer or something no stop it you could get in trouble if you get caught you could go to jail leah come on think about it if you have a criminal record ucsd could possibly rescind your admission you're being so dramatic my dad's not gonna let that happen in a million years plus i told you i have a get out of jail free card hold on leah please come on i'm not gonna let you just walk out of here and ruin your whole life over silly dress how did that work out oh um it wasn't really my style so i just left it in the dressing room have a nice day i'm gonna need you to open your purse uh no i'm not doing that then i'm gonna have to call the police go ahead all right let's go get your hands off of me you have no idea who i am puts two security sensors on a dress you guys have trust issues are you seriously blaming us for something that you do thanks for calling zach i'll take it from here daddy i'm so glad you're here wait a second she's your daughter can you please just give us a moment this is all just a big misunderstanding somehow the dress ended up in my purse and i don't know i guess i just forgot to take it out come on leah if that was the case then why was there an extra sensor in the dressing room and why is there a big hole in this dress you're gonna have to come up with a better explanation than that i'm sorry i i just really wanted the dress for orientation and you didn't give me enough money for it so what were you thinking do you have any idea what kind of position this puts me in it won't happen again i promise can you please just bail me out this one time leah i'm a cop okay my job is to help the community not help you out of trouble every time talking your way out of tickets is one thing but stealing how could you be so reckless do you have any idea what having a criminal record does to someone's life i know i know daddy just please your mother's right i have been too soft on you i can't keep bailing you out every time you're never gonna learn sir i feel terrible about all this i'm gonna make sure she pays for everything i'm taking her down to the station what no daddy you can't oh i don't think all that is necessary especially knowing that she's your daughter i think a warning is more than enough see even he agrees with me it's just a dress you're overreacting you're not talking your way out of this one let's go taking you down to the station no no dad now leah i understand she's your daughter yes sir your honor but i don't want any leniency granted just because of that fact i see young lady you're being charged with petty theft do you understand the severity of this charge yes your honor i do your father the chief of police has asked that you received the standard sentence for first-time offenders i'm inclined to agree with him and give you a one thousand dollar fine 100 hours of community service and two years of probation unless there's any objection i hear um may i your honor go ahead i'd like to ask the court to consider the community service work to be done at my shop where the defendant can work as a volunteer we're experiencing a staffing shortage and i think this work can teach her a good lesson if she gets there on time and does the work then i don't think these other punishments are necessary considering she's just a minor and still has a bright future in front of her i'd hate to take that away from her that's quite generous of you considering the facts it's a little unorthodox but chief do you have any objection to that no sir your honor whatever you think is fair all right i hereby sentence the defendant to 100 hours of community service upon successful completion this case will be dismissed i hope you understand how generous this is miss martin yes your honor i do and thank you you should be thanking him now you lucked out that your 18th birthday is next week and your juvenile record will be sealed if you get in any more trouble you're going to be charged as an adult so take this as a final warning court is dismissed leah catches a lucky break and is given a final warning to get her act together a few weeks later she starts her first job she dislikes every moment of working but considering the alternative decides to keep pushing forward anyway it doesn't take her long to see how hard having a job is she works long hours and no matter how much she does things just keep piling up [Music] what made it even less fun is she was the only one who wasn't getting paid she had to do all of the dirty work without any of the fun [Music] and then a few weeks later it's leah's last day of community service and working at the store all right well i'm gonna clean up the fitting rooms before i let go oh i already took care of that really yep great then i'll put away the new merchandise done and done markdowns also done wow okay i didn't think i'd ever see this but i think i'm really gonna miss seeing you i'll around the court and let them know that you completed your end of the bargain and make sure the case is dismissed thank you you know it really wasn't as bad as i thought it was going to be but maybe i'll see you around [Music] or not oh one more thing before you go what's this open it [Music] no are you serious don't worry i took off all the security tags well even though i shouldn't i really feel bad for all the work that you did without getting paid so it's yours keep it i don't even know what to say don't get too excited if you were getting paid that mean you'd be making about a dollar an hour i know technically you weren't my employee but by far you've been my best worker wow that that really means a lot to me but but honestly i can only accept this on one condition what is that [Music] well this is a surprise we didn't expect you back until winter break well i finished my midterms early and i wanted to come visit you guys well you just missed dinner yeah that's okay i actually have two surprises for you really what's this no but how did you that better not be stolen yeah i didn't steal it i didn't want to tell you guys this but i got a job and i've been working for the past few months you did yep and dad this is for you well this is a first a paycheck hey isn't this the store where you were after i finished my community service i continued to work at the store but now i actually get paid honey that's great but why are you giving this to me flip it over i endorsed it to you so you can keep it as payback for all the money that i owe you who is this girl i don't know i can't accept this i want you to use this to fix your tail light okay believe it or not i already took care of that and i paid back all of my friends the money that i owed them so i want you to keep it honey we are so proud of you you really turned your life around well i'm gonna go change so i'll be back see what happens when you're not so easy on her you're right i'm having a hard time believing that's even my daughter [Music] officer dylan martin what are you doing in my house the car in the driveway it was speeding so i followed you at this address i i didn't realize it belonged to you [Music] she's definitely still my daughter leah you need more so there's a new narcotic on the street just take down the kingpin you ever um go fishing hands on the fence now once or twice twice if you're gonna catch a fish you planted that evidence homie you're gonna need some bait you
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 8,889,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 30 2022
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