Delivery Man CAUGHT EATING Customer Food PART 1 | Dhar Mann

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[Applause] thank you so much for helping me learn how to drive donnie my dad never taught me back home so thank you oh yeah and what are roommates for right yeah besides i should be thanking you [Applause] now i can just sit back relax while we do these deliveries yeah and smelling all this food is making me hungry should we stop for something on our way home nope got a better idea [Applause] what are you doing all right here have some fries you can't take someone else's food donny why not i do it all the time well that's stealing it's only stealing if you get caught [Applause] okay so aren't they going to notice the staple is missing and report you or something please as if i haven't thought of that already think i'm some kind of an amateur [Applause] i've got every kind of seal you can think of there's a lot more in the trunk in this case just take the food you want [Applause] and then staple the bag back together they'll never know don't you feel bad for taking something that isn't yours see i see of it as saving them calories besides i can't be wasting my own money on food i've got more important things to invest in oh yeah like what this new chick i'm dating is a trust fund baby see i got to be able to keep up if i want to land that lifestyle you know how are you going to do that wine and diner at the nicest restaurants get a designer gift but you don't have that kind of cash i just need enough to impress for a little bit until i can lock it down then i'm set for life seems a little deceiving don't you think this is exactly why you're going to be stuck with a six well i'm gonna bag a 10 with access to daddy's money i don't know man lying stealing back home we were taught that your actions always have a way of coming back to you oh please no one believes in that crap here in l.a there's only winners and losers you gotta decide what side you want to be on now be a good boy and drop this off me uh my price for uh teaching you how to drive [Applause] no way this place is a box yo check it out huh yeah is that a new suit well this is in our money you like it yeah how are you able to afford that it's actually a fake it looks like the real deal doesn't it see i found this spot that sells all this great counterfeit stuff why go through all that trouble why not just get a suit from burlington or something come on man i told you i gotta impress this girl you can't buy a suit from burlington but if she comes to her apartment isn't she gonna find out that you're not rich no because hi i'm donnie the modest tech entrepreneur see i like to live below my means i gotcha see uh super balti people love to brag about their humble beginnings i'm just playing that part but having you stopped to think that maybe these people became super wealthy by not spending it all in suits and expensive days who cares besides i'm not gonna be footing the bill for long see once this chick becomes my meal ticket [Music] that's her [Music] where am i gonna put my clothes no i don't think so hmm we've gone through this [Music] yo no way the new limited edition off-white jordan chicago's you shouldn't open these if they're not yours uh of course i should let's see what's in this and wow a set of earrings let me see that oh here no wait a second these are for the neighbor next door not anymore yes they fit you can't just take their stuff why not well it's wrong and if they don't get their packages they'll what file a report and get a refund or get a new one sent to them but what if they find out you took them they're never gonna find out and it's not a crime to open a package you got at your own house no you you can't just take other people's stuff man this is this is different this is not like taking someone else's fries this is way way better you're right no no no that's not what i was gonna say oh fonzo man you're a genius what are you saying i please don't tell me you're planning on stealing more packages that's exactly what i'm gonna do and how are you gonna do that i mean you only got lucky these were delivered here you think i'm just gonna wait around for them to come to me no ah redix is gonna have a new employee first i'm gonna drop the packages off and then i'm just gonna go sneak back in the disguise and then come and sweep them back away they'll never know and how are you gonna get a job with them i have delivery experience i want the army and with you as my driver oh we're gonna be unstoppable yes no i'm not helping you scam people oh okay um well in that case uh you can kiss your driving lessons goodbye while i'm at it maybe i'll call border patrol and tell them your visa expired a few days ago that's not fair man you know that i'm waiting for my visa to be approved and the only reason i sent the application late was because i didn't have the money but blah blah blah blah it's not approved yet is it well it's in the process that's what i thought so don't act so innocent now if you'll excuse me my future sugar mama awaits her prince charming emma darling hey nice suit oh thank you it's an armani very nice are those the new limited edition off-white jordan chicago's oh yeah i was just trying them on uh give me a second while i put on my dress shoes okay would you like to come in okay yeah those are sold out everywhere are there only like a hundred made yep only 10 in the u.s what can i say i got the hookup oh uh and i got these for you oh that is so sweet uh and don't mind the modest place see i like to uh reinvest my capital into my startup that way i don't sell more stock and give up more of my ownership in the company you know wow smart but once i exit i'll be getting a nice place in beverly hills six bedrooms enough for all of our kids to have their own rooms i like your confidence all right man who knows what he wants anyways i was thinking we'd go to nobu over in malibu really i haven't been but i've heard great things their wagyu supposedly costs 80 an ounce oh um it does yeah but don't worry it'll be my treat since you got me the earrings besides you've got to keep reinvesting your capital oh that's so sweet see traditionally wants to say no but the progressive me is more open to my lady paying for things so i'll accept shall we such a gentleman i know here should be far enough i think i'm gonna be sick oh calm down this is a win-win you learn how to drive i get easy money yeah but if we get caught i can get deported stop worrying look this will be a piece of cake if you're lucky i might even share the spoils with you no no i don't want to have to do anything with this it's great more for me oh yeah hey yo check it out check it out i just scored an oculus nice right man you should really quit while you're still ahead all of this is gonna find a way of coming back to you yeah right man it's been weeks and not a single peep no one's gonna say anything oh awesome i bet it's another wrong address package the police what the cops are there what do we do i don't know i can't get deported i let's just come clean man no no are you crazy we can't do that they're more lenient that way maybe we could even cut a deal or something are you serious they're not gonna bargain with an illegal immigrant no deals they're knocking again what do we do okay just stay quiet and let me do all the talking okay officers how can we help you you guys live here uh yeah yeah why is there a problem i'd ask you a few questions about some stolen packages listen packages you say what about them are you all a part of it no i promise to you i never want sorry about my roommate he uh from another country so he doesn't understand english very well um can you gentlemen elaborate a little bit more on exactly what you're looking for there's been a huge increase of stolen packages in this neighborhood the past couple of weeks so we're just going door-to-door talking to residents [Music] i meant oh you guys part of the group of people that have had their packages stolen oh i see um no thankfully not us wow this all comes as uh such a surprise you know we thought this was a very safe neighborhood yeah unfortunately it's a pretty common scam see these thieves they just follow drivers around and as soon as the drivers leave they take the packages that's terrible who would do something like that wow so um do you guys have any suspects we have surveillance footage on a number of cameras but the subject's face is obscured by a mask and hood ah that's that's terrible it's terrible right so you guys have no idea who it is no not yet but don't worry guys like this always slip up wow yeah listen if you see anything give us a call we will and thank you so much for your service officers really appreciate it you're welcome hey you work for red eggs oh yeah i uh just started which is why all this comes as such a shocker you know well be careful the suspect may be tailing you i will thank you officers thank you i told you not to say anything men they have you on camera can you stop overreacting they don't have any suspects look i'm not driving anymore okay you can threaten me all you want but i'm done i'm done wait wait wait look see just drive me one more time emma's birthday is coming up and and i gotta get her something that's gonna blow her mind you know please i'm sorry but no no no [Music] fine but without a driver it'll just increase my chance of getting caught and if i get caught you know what i'm gonna say what what are you gonna say are are my co-conspirator my getaway driver and then you won't just have to worry about getting deported you'll also be going to jail would you like that one more hit and i'm done stealing [Music] so what's it gonna be [Music] is it just these two no uh there's a third one for you back in the van is it from chanel looks like i mixed up your address with one of the neighbors the tracking says it's on the truck for today you have to give it to the lady no i have to give her a bag got this bag
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 9,024,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: np3IlFxipwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 01 2022
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