Movie Star SLAPS HOST At AWARD SHOW, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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how are you all doing everyone having a good time still nice nice man everyone really does look great tonight jeremy i saw you on the red carpet looks like you lost those last few pounds angela looks like you picked up that bit of weight jeremy dropped could have been a carrot in that dress but i guess you brought pumpkins back in season tonight good thing there's no fairy godmother around you'd be carting cinderella off to the ball oh what's this elijah taking the stage oh wow [Music] elijah lewis just slapped the heck out of me don't you ever talk about my wife that way relax my friend it was just a joke i'm a comedian elijah you know how it is no disrespect angela you're gorgeous i said keep my wife's name out your mouth cory honey calm down on live tv wow um this may be the greatest night in television am i right folks [Music] actor that must be monumental for you it absolutely is thank you very much how are you feeling i feel on top of the world look it's an honor to be nominated and all these nominees are phenomenal actors and i have immense respect for all of them elijah's question for you yeah i wanted to ask you about your interaction with our host corey williams tonight i knew you're gonna ask how did you feel about it and did you think your reaction was appropriate of course it was he took it way too far don't you think that your reaction was taking it too far not at all you should never let anyone disrespect your wife it's a man's job to protect them yes i think most of america would agree with you but given your status don't you think that a lot of people look up to you i know a lot of people look up to me yeah i'm only asking because is this the message you want to be sending to your fans especially the young ones without a doll you should never let anyone walk all over you hey sweetie i know you look up to your dad but i don't want you thinking that it's okay to use violence violence is not the answer please don't take that away from him does anyone else have any other questions can't get a picture of what is so funny have you seen the comments on the view of me slapping cory look listen to these corey's definitely crying on the right home after this and someone called me iconic how about this comment that chicago blood hit different donut cory hey what a long face come on we should be celebrating this has been an incredible night for us has it what's gotten into you this is the biggest night of my career yeah and you chose to behave like a child over some joke no it wasn't some joke that we've talked openly about your struggle with weight but he was completely out of line for that one look baby i really appreciate you standing up for me okay i can tell you how much that meant to me but there are other ways of standing up for someone without resorting to violence i just i just wish you would have thought about it more if not for me for our son what are you trying to say i'm just saying there are a lot of young and impressionable people out there you know you're starting to sound like that one reporter maybe you're the impressionable one elijah you know wesley looks up to you and honey he's just a kid kids are like sponges they soak up everything all around them you can't teach them to resort to violence because violence is the problem not the solution that's not how we handle disagreements eli nah baby are you kidding me corey got some sense slapped into him the next time someone says something dumb about me i'm gonna boom hold up it was more like this close your mouth when you chew nobody wants to see that but stop watching me [Music] it's hard to wear a freak show seriously ben knock it off what are you gonna do about it four eyes huh at least my glasses are ray bats looks like you got your shoes out of a dumpster say that again and i'll put you in a dumpster that's what i thought hey that's not cool someone thinks he's a tough guy huh i didn't say that just leave him alone he's not bothering anyone hey why don't you just mind your own business it's hard when you're putting on a show for everyone your dad put on quite the show yesterday too didn't he you know it's crazy that someone as cool as him could end up with a kid as lame as you don't either what are you gonna do are you gonna slap me huh no you're too chicken to do anything like that [Music] hey honey how was school wesley school was whatever did something happen all the kids at school were talking about dad i was worried that would happen literally when i walked in everyone was pretending to slap each other i'm so sorry sweetheart don't think about any of that okay all right i'm gonna go say hi to daddy hey guys thank you so much for your support i without a doubt have the best fans ever and i can't believe that i finally won best actor it's been a long time coming all right uh i'm gonna read some comments yeah okay so freddie says you're my hero with the way that you slapped corey that punk deserved that thanks freddy and i agree do you have any regrets about slapping him are you kidding my only regret is that i didn't slap him harder but let me tell you he'll never mess with anyone again after that uh hey guys uh thank you so much for joining this insta live but i have to sign up for now uh but i will talk to you all again soon hey son sorry i didn't see you there it's okay i just got home okay how was your day school school okay but what did you learn today nothing that's always your answer nothing interesting okay i will accept that variation can i ask you something sure what's up you don't think you should've you know handle the situation with cory differently that punk corey will never talk about your mom or this family ever again you know what i mean yeah thanks dad i'm gonna go start my homework all right well you let me know if you need any help oh smells amazing in here hey have you talked to wesley briefly why what's up you're not setting a good example for him come on i just had an instagram live and the fans are eating this up i've gained over a million followers after the award shows there's nothing to be proud of elijah yeah yeah we can agree to disagree this isn't a joke elijah who says i'm trying to make it one you're being a bad influence you know that right i'm teaching kids how to stand up for themselves no no you're not not in the right way whatever just let me know when dinner's ready [Music] that wasn't cooked morning wesley what's your problem dude just leave me alone can't you see i'm trying to get into my locker you know what ah that's it where do you think you're going away from you oh are you scared no i think you are how are you elijah lewis's kid what do you mean it just doesn't make any sense know why because you're a coward don't touch me are you gonna cry about it no i'm trying to get to class go ahead get to homeroom run away like a scared little girl wesley the wimp hey that has a nice ring to it wesley the whip where's sweden where where should you win wesley my office now that doesn't sound like our wesley at all i understand if i hadn't seen it myself i wouldn't have considered it for a second is the other kid okay ben's fine he's just been through a lot lately with his dad abandoning his mom and him that's so terrible it is all of this just doesn't make sense what wesley's behavior he's always been a good student has everything at home been okay yeah i think so well where do you think he could have gotten this from and it must be learned behavior thank you all for coming today i like to formally discuss what happened at the award show and publicly apologize for my inappropriate behavior firstly i like to express my remorse to corey williams i had no right putting my hands on you at the end of the day you're just comedian doing the job and a fantastic job at hosting i let my emotions get the best of me but that's still no excuse for what i did i'm sincerely sorry for that next i'd like to apologize to all of my fans especially my young fans you look up to me and i did not take that into consideration i should be setting a better example for all of you and for my son it's not okay what i did use your words not your fist thank you yes i don't understand the last time we spoke you seemed firm and confident in your actions against corey williams what's changed let's just say that i realized that violence is the problem not the answer well said [Applause] what do you want here to slap me again no i i want to say sorry for that i shouldn't have slapped you that was wrong with me to do really okay thanks i am i wasn't expecting that sure thing oh also i got you something are you for real yeah go on take it they're all yours and yeah i heard hunting making fun of your shoes so you know i figured you could use a new bear these are so dope thank you i uh hope they fit because i guess that was nice uh do you mind if i gourd him [Music] i love them yeah i can't tell you how much this means to me don't mention oh just do me a favor oh yeah what's up maybe stop being so mean to the other kids and if i don't you're gonna slap me again right think about it i'm just kidding i'm just kidding [Music] i think my sister and ken have something going on they're right there jesse looked super cute that night it's not possible it looks pretty obvious to me you think my sister is cute i can't believe this i'm gonna say something wait wait stop you
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 12,004,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: mhiKNDhFc1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Thu May 19 2022
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