Intermittent Fasting One Year Update | My Surprising Results

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i'm coming up on one year of intermittent fasting and i wanted to do an update video sharing all of the specific details that you have been asking me about so i'm going into everything in today's video hi everyone jennifer here and welcome back to the daily connoisseur so i have been doing intermittent fasting for nearly one year i started in march of 2020 and i wasn't sure what to expect when i started i did have a goal a certain goal that i wanted to hit and uh now we're coming on one year later and as i reflect on the past year and how intermittent fasting has changed my life i have a lot to share with you this video i am going to be very honest with you i'm going to be telling you numbers and you know weight loss numbers and a lot of things that have really changed and i'm laying it all out there so i hope that you do appreciate that before i embark on this discussion i would like to reiterate my disclaimer that intermittent fasting is something that you should ask your doctor about i'm not a scientist i'm not a doctor and i'm just sharing my own personal experience with you in today's video if you are pregnant or breastfeeding i do not recommend intermittent fasting i do recommend that you whoever you are speak to your doctor about it to see if it would be right for you okay let's begin so why did i start intermittent fasting last march well i am a mother of four children and um i have just turned 40 as well so i'm 40 years old i have four children and at this point last year my youngest was about a year and a half old and i really felt like i wanted to focus on losing the baby weight after having four kids up until this point as i've mentioned in the past i really did not worry about my weight too much i'm not that type of person who's obsessing over my weight i did have four children over a period of 10 years and that of course is going to make your weight as a woman fluctuate and i didn't want to um you know sit there and worry about that but at this point i thought you know okay i was finished breastfeeding i was finished with all of that and i i wanted to start focusing on losing some of the baby weight so that is why i decided to do intermittent fasting it was purely to lose weight i wanted to lose about 10 pounds maybe 15 pounds as you will see later on in the video i have lost a lot more than that it just really surprised me what has happened so let me backtrack a little bit and i'm going to tell you about my weight history i have to put another disclaimer in here i'm going to be talking to you about specific numbers with my weight so i'm going to tell you what i weighed when i was in college versus what i weighed at my heaviest and when i tell you that number i don't want you to feel bad if you are that number or higher because everybody and everybody's weight is at a different number with what they feel comfortable with okay so that's why i really debated for a long time about whether i should tell you what my actual weight is um or if that was tmi or if it would just make people feel bad or make people feel good either way but i'm just going to tell you it because i think that this is going to be helpful for people who are considering intermittent fasting to hear everything so if this is a topic that will trigger you or make you feel bad or insecure then don't watch the video all right let's get started with my weight history so i have always been a rather skinny person i think i have a good metabolism when i was in college my average weight was always around 110 pounds to put things into perspective i am about 5 feet 5 and a half inches tall so between five five five six okay and so i've always been in college i was always around 110 pounds that's what i weighed when i got married when i was in my mid-twenties i weighed around 116 pounds and i pretty much maintained that weight up until my 30s when i had my first child okay so i had my first child i was about 116 pounds before um i got pregnant and then at my absolute heaviest when i was fully pregnant okay with my first child in like my third trimester i weighed about 135 pounds then i had the baby i lost the weight never went back down to 116 just kind of went back down normal stuff okay i was never concerned about it then i had another child same thing went up to about 135 or so then went back down probably to around 122 25 you know that type of thing okay then i had two more babies all right you can see what this does to the female body right so um but with my with my two sons as i got older i did gain a bit more weight so i was getting up into the 140s and um and then i would lose a little bit of it you know and then but kind of stay up at that platf at that plateau and so i kind of thought to myself okay uh maybe this is just what happens as you get older and as you have children you just your your plateau is raised i was okay with that because i i never imagined that i would get down to what i was before i had children so that that's something that i let go of and i was okay with that so then i had you know my fourth child and um and i was up there you know around like 1 1 45 had the child had my my fourth son or my fourth child and then didn't think about it right but as time went on after i had him it was like a combination of that with age with some bad eating habits that i had picked up i really like fell away from um the madame chic method of the way that i was eating and i found myself stress eating a lot because being a parent is stressful and so i would find myself at nighttime after dinner was finished having snacks in the evening okay and i've mentioned this before i stay up rather late to work and i would always get really hungry and i would snack on stuff and bad stuff too you know like bowls of cereal and things like that okay and and this was a perpetual pattern that was happening every night i couldn't stop myself and uh when i went to go to my doctor's checkup i was at 145 pounds and this was you know around this time last year that's how much i wait and so i thought okay this uh that didn't sit right with me i wanted to lose weight because that was you know 10 pounds heavier than like when i was in my third trimester with my first child okay and so personally we all have a number or a range that we would like to be in and there's nothing wrong with that okay so i i did not feel comfortable in that range for my height and my weight history i thought that i was a little bit unhealthy and i didn't really like what i saw necessarily when i looked into the mirror so i decided to start intermittent fasting i chose intermittent fasting because i am i refused to deprive myself in a diet i know it's just not going to work for me that's not how my brain works i like to eat what i like to eat i eat very healthy meals i do and but i also have sweets and desserts and things like that and i i knew i didn't want to count calories and i didn't want to cut out large portions of food that i like to eat like carbs or that type of thing so i thought that i would try intermittent fasting and down below i will leave all sorts of books and resources for you to check out so i did you know read books by actual doctors and i did a lot of research on it and i thought maybe it sounded right for me so going into it i was at about 145 i thought i would be pretty happy if i lost 10 pounds and got to 135 or maybe even 15 pounds right and got to 130 i would be happy that's what i pretty much expected to happen so i began intermittent fasting i do the 16 8 method which is that i fast for 16 hours and then i have an 8 hour eating window that doesn't mean that i eat the entire eight hours it just means that i will have my meals within the time frame of those eight hours then when i'm finished i am fasting and i do not eat anymore i will only have water or black coffee or tea black tea or tea without sugar or cream in it so that's what i did and i started and it was really hard in the beginning um i had those nighttime cravings that just were killer everything else throughout the day was okay but come like nine o'clock at night 9 30 or 10 i wanted cereal or sweets or crackers or chips or something and that was really hard to push through eventually that went away and those cravings no longer plagued me i don't at all want any of those things and my appetite has been reset so i will discuss that as well but let's get back to the weight loss because i know that's why a lot of people want to hear about this so i asked for your questions on youtube community tab and a lot of people asked how long did it take for me to see weight loss it was pretty much right away i mean i would say two weeks went by or so and then i would start to notice oh i lost a pound and i was weighing myself regularly because i was very curious to see what was happening here and i really felt that when i was in the fasting mode each night it's like you feel like you're losing weight like you literally feel like something is happening right and that that's what would get me through and i thought oh this is working um i'm losing weight right so i would lose a few pounds here and there and it did take a few weeks for that to happen but it was just consistent and i would just consistently lose a few pounds a week so i started to lose a lot of weight and then i did hit that threshold where i lost 10 to 12 pounds and i thought oh okay well i have arrived now i wonder what's going to happen right is it just going to stabilize now i need to interject here as well and tell you that i was not doing any other diet during this time a lot of people combine intermittent fasting with keto i was not doing that i am not on keto i am not on any diet or any sort of restrictive diet whatsoever i was maintaining pretty much three meals during that eight hour eating window sometimes it would go to two meals with like a tea time and um we'll talk about that as well but that's what i was doing so i'm not rest i'm eating all the carbs that i want to i'm having pasta i'm having bread i'm having the things that i like to eat and you can see what i eat by watching my what's for dinner videos it gives a really good array of the type of food that i like to eat so there's no diet going on here okay so nothing else only the intermittent fasting so i was starting to lose the weight and then i thought okay well this is amazing like i hit my target and i wish i could tell you how long it took to hit that but i i wasn't really tracking it i didn't think it would be as big as it was honestly i thought oh i'll lose about 10 pounds and then it'll all be good but i kept losing so i'm going to cut to today which is pretty much one year later and i am completely shocked to tell you this but and and i wasn't trying for this either okay but i am currently at 116 pounds so that is my weight that was kind of like my natural weight in my 20s that i weighed when i got married before i had children and so yes if you do the math that is 29 pounds that i have lost in one year from intermittent fasting now i know that that sounds really extreme because i was not overweight by any stretch of the imagination i wasn't obese you know and it's you look at someone like me and think well why would you want to lose that much weight well i have to tell you that i did not set out to lose that much weight it just naturally happened now i do have a lot of personal questions and they will be answered over the coming years i suppose but um i was discussing this with my sister who was also doing intermittent fasting and um i i was concerned with her i said you know i keep losing weight i am not trying to lose weight i'm not dieting i'm just continuing that 16-hour eating window am i just going to keep losing weight until i waste away and i've done research on it and she and i have both concluded through the research we have done that apparently well the body will just naturally stabilize at its at its weight that it's supposed to be and she said to me something that really stuck with me and she said jennifer you had an idea of the number in your head of where you thought you would stop and for me it was like 130 pounds right i was just like i'll be happy there no worries but that was just something that i created in my head that doesn't mean that's necessarily where my body is at its happiest so i truly feel that through this my body has gone down to where it was before and that was its natural weight now it remains to be seen if i will keep losing weight and i have adjusted a few things because i don't i don't want to lose any more weight i'm very happy where i am um dr jason fung he has a youtube channel and i really do recommend it he also has that book called the obesity code i went on his youtube channel and i asked him a question about this and i said dr fung i love intermittent fasting because of all of the other benefits in addition to weight loss but now i'm at a weight where i don't want to lose any more weight how do i maintain that can i still do intermittent fasting or am i just going to keep losing weight and he hasn't gotten back to me but maybe he will i don't know maybe he'll do a video on it i am assuming that i'm not going to go much under this weight and that i'm pretty much where i am so we'll see what happens with that okay so why do i want to continue doing intermittent fasting and how long will i do it will i do it for the rest of my life these are all really good questions so the reason why i would like to continue doing intermittent fasting is because there are so many more benefits that i see in my life health-wise for me um and i really cannot imagine eating any other way now you have to remember with 16 8 it is not that extreme a lot of people do omad which is one meal a day that's not what i do i basically stop eating at around 5 p.m in the evening after we've had dinner and then i would would start again at 9 00 a.m i do not feel that that is extreme at all i feel that that's actually normal that's what i did naturally when i lived in france my breakfast in france was a little bit earlier than nine but not much earlier and uh you know the french family that i lived with and if you're new to my channel i'm the author of the madame chic books i highly recommend that you read them they're very eye-opening but the french family that i lived with did not eat after dinner there was no bowl of cereal at 10 p.m this was normal for them so they naturally did this uh and it wasn't a struggle do you see what i mean and i do believe that that's how they are able to eat such rich decadent foods creamy decadent buttery meals and decadent desserts and not gain weight because none of them were overweight so i do believe that that contributes to the french paradox remember chapter one of lessons from madame chic is snacking is so not chic and i really did fall away from that when i was doing all of my stress eating so um so anyway all that to say that what i am doing i don't feel is very extreme so um i have done that now one change that i have made is that i have now included cream in my coffee in the morning so you know when i was really trying to lose weight i was drinking i was doing a clean fast which meant that in the morning when i woke up i would have black coffee i did not put any cream in my coffee now there are two schools of thought on this and i've heard both i've heard doctors say that it's okay as long as you have less than 50 calories that you can put cream like one two teaspoons of cream in your coffee in the morning and that won't knock you out of um your fast okay uh i thought i'm not going to mess with that i'm just going to have black coffee that's when i was really trying to lose weight and so i did develop that taste for black coffee although it's still not my favorite so now that i have lost the weight that i wanted to lose i have now introduced cream back into my coffee in the morning i still don't eat breakfast until later but that is what i have done and um that's the main change that i have made okay so if we're going to talk about other benefits that i have noticed i have noticed that i feel really good i feel so good i have energy i'm not bloated i dealt with uh bloating for so long before this just bloating uncomfortableness stomachaches i would have those all the time i don't have any of those anymore my stomach is not bloated at all it's amazing like i just love that so much i'm sleeping really well i have clarity of mind when i work i'm more focused i don't know if it's because of intermittent fasting but i'm assuming that it is because that's the only thing that i've changed really that much um in the past so i feel really good on it i have also reset my appetite now if you have not seen my interview with brian kozlowski he is the author of the jane austen diet and long live the queen you have to watch that interview and i'll put it in the icard up above so watch that interview after you watch this because in that interview we talk about being a cool eater versus being a hot eater and my whole life i've been a hot eater as in food ruled my life i'm constantly thinking about what i'm going to eat next what snack i'm going to have what dessert i'm going to have like i just thinking about food all the time okay and intermittent fasting has really reset that for me where i have become a cool eater now this doesn't mean that i don't take joy and pleasure out of food anymore this just means that i um it i don't let it rule my life and when i do eat i eat really high quality meals i did a video comparing intermittent fasting to the 10-item wardrobe in this sense it's the same thing it's like i had a shopping addiction before i did the 10-item wardrobe i would always think about clothes and what i was going to buy next and how i was going to look and the ten item wardrobe reset that for me okay so it's the same thing with intermittent fasting now i do have a few quality meals and my taste for food has really improved i do not crave junk food anymore and um even you know we just recently had valentine's day and the kids had all this kind of junky kind of candy type stuff you know really cheap desserts and stuff like that given out by friends and normally the old me would want to eat it all like behind their backs right but now no desire like i don't want anything that is low quality it's that consumption snobbery that that we were talking about in that interview that has really been amazing for me and it's reset my appetite and i love that so even if i wanted to go back to the old way which i don't it would be hard for me to do that at 10 pm now i don't want a bowl of cereal i would feel really gross if i did have one i wouldn't like that at all i'd much rather have a high quality dinner of meat and vegetables and grains and a nice little dessert afterward and just enjoy that and then if i'm a little bit hungry push through to the next day all right on the youtube community tab i asked you for your questions that you had for me or your experiences with iaf and i received over 150 comments so i highly recommend that you check out that post on my community tab and you can see for yourself it's very interesting what's down there so obviously i can't answer everybody's question but there were a few things that came up over and over again laura said i'd love to know what a typical day of eating looks like for you with intermittent fasting i do have a intermittent fasting what i eat in a day video that i would like to do very soon so i'll show you that now i used to have three full meals in that eight hours but my appetite is not it's just too much for me so like i mentioned our main meal is always at lunch okay or luncheon i guess those of you who are in on the inside joke no okay luncheon so um so that's the main meal that's when i have my largest meal usually now sometimes i have to be honest with you sometimes in the morning i don't feel like having breakfast i'm not hungry until lunch so i'll just have coffee and water until lunch and then i will have lunch and then at about 4 4 35 i will have a smaller dinner in between that i will have a cup of tea and a treat okay so that's my tea time that is what it will look like but my meals are very well balanced vegetables meats grains i'll have bread like i have i have it all there is no holding back no restraint i don't count my calories okay sometimes i will have breakfast um i'll have eggs and bacon and all of that stuff and then i will have um a later lunch or something like that or or i won't be hungry for that and then i'll have a bigger dinner with my family it really does depend honestly on our schedule for the day a lot of people also asked about how that works with my family now i'm the only person in my family doing intermittent fasting ben does not do it the kids obviously don't do it and i don't recommend that for children um we don't eat breakfast anyway like i said so it's not an issue with that we i think that it's very important that we eat one meal a day together as a family and that meal for us is lunch because we are a homeschooling family so that's the meal that we eat together typically um and then we will also eat dinner together honestly i'll sit down with them and have dinner as well but as long as there's one meal where we're all sitting down talking together that's the most important thing for me so they don't notice anything i mean they it's not a big deal it's not like like i've mentioned before it's not like my whole family's feasting and i'm in the corner drinking a glass of water there's nothing odd about this i'm just not snacking at night when they're all having a snack basically okay um let's see uh naomi i'm gonna mention your comment again naomi's husband lost over 100 pounds intermittent fasting and her comment is awesome it shows all of the benefits that have been amazing for him and her only downside was that they had to buy him a completely new wardrobe which i think is actually that's not really that's a high quality problem okay okay jennifer asked the question that i had will a person's weight eventually plateau at the correct weight um she and i have the exact same problem i believe so we will find out i don't know i asked dr fung maybe he'll get back to me on that one okay a lot of people asked me if i used an app while i was doing this the answer is no i did not i freestyled it all and i just stuck to it i am a very disciplined person so if i say i'm gonna do something i pretty much do it i don't deviate from it i don't have a problem with sticking with it however my sister for example does use an app and she absolutely loves it so i have been doing some research i've been talking to an app company that seems to be like one of the best ones and i'm going to work with them on a future video so i'll introduce that to you if you're interested in using an app okay do i do intermittent fasting every single day um pretty much yes like i said you know there's no night now where i'm like oh i really want cereal at 10 p.m that's just gone it doesn't it's like um for me that would be like saying do you do the 10 item wardrobe all year long like you know yes but then in the spring i buy 50 pieces no that doesn't quite make sense right so yes i do pretty much do it every day but i am not counting it's like if i finished dinner i think last night we finished dinner at um 5 30 p.m and then today i had a coffee um at uh let's see i think 8 a.m i still haven't had breakfast but i plan to eat a little something after i film this video i'm filming it in the morning so uh i'm not sitting there now now that i'm finished with my weight loss goals i'm not sitting there counting the hours and just figuring everything out so i don't know if that's good or bad but i'm just telling you that i'm much more relaxed about it now and but yes i do pretty much do it every day i've stopped the snacking that's been the hugest thing for me so looking through your questions i have answered a lot of the most popular questions in this video if you have any further questions or you'd like me to do a follow-up please leave them down below i will be doing an intermittent fasting what i eat in a day video the main message that i want to convey here with intermittent fasting is joy honestly take joy like i am joyful when i eat i love eating i love eating high quality meals and um it's it's not a restrictive punishment for me okay and i have to convey that now it's going to be different for everyone not everyone is going to see the type of successful results that i received i know there are people in the comments of the community tab saying well i only lost six pounds i wanted to lose so much more and i plateaued so it's going to be different for everybody but i would just say enjoy the process as always don't lose your love of fine dining of beautiful cuisine and of enjoying the food that you eat that's really important and um if anything i hope that it resets your appetite so that you don't crave junk anymore because we deserve better than that right we don't we don't deserve to eat junk so that's my intermittent fasting one year later update i hope that you enjoyed this video and that you found it useful and i would love to read your comments down below don't forget to subscribe to my channel if you're not already subscribed thank you so much for watching keep calm and remain classy and i will look forward to seeing you in my next video bye everyone [Music] [Music] you
Channel: the Daily Connoisseur
Views: 343,576
Rating: 4.9019885 out of 5
Keywords: Intermittent Fasting, intermittent fasting results, intermittent fasting benefits, intermittent fasting weight loss, intermittent fasting for women, intermittent fasting diet, intermittent fasting what i eat in a day, intermittent fasting 16/8, intermittent fasting for beginners, lose weight, what is intermittent fasting, weight loss, intermittent fasting weight loss before and after, before and after, extreme makeover, Daily Connoisseur, jennifer L. Scott weight loss
Id: Y6pnxoncH7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 50sec (1730 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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