Interior Painting Step 4: Painting the Trim

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Burbage offer the book watching paint dry today we're going to go over how you paint the trim in your room now first of all there's a little bit of equipment that you're going to need you're going to need your masker with some 9-inch paper and some tape you're probably going to need some inch and a half or two inch white tape and some blue tape too now first of all if you're going to be painting windows and you need to tape off the glass here's how you tape off glass of course in this room I'm not taking the glass part of the windows are natural wood I'm just going to be painting that outer piece of trim so I'm going to have to mess that a little differently now if you've got baseboard that you need to paint you you're going to have to mask along the end of that now when you're masking the carpet below baseboard push that paper and tape up a little bit against the baseboard and then jam it right under the baseboard above the carpet with your fingernails or you can use a five-way be careful not to cut that tape just get it underneath there if you can because that's the only way to really prevent the paint from dripping on down onto the carpet there okay now if you're going to be painting a door probably at this point its easiest to remove the door from its hinges set it up somewhere if you can take it to the garage great if you want to just paint it in the room that works too all right now you're also going to need a brush of course to paint the trim now throughout this series I've been advocating a three and a half inch annual latex brush and I still say that's the tool of choice I think it's easier to cut a straight line with a bigger brush because it's more stable however if you're not comfortable with that you could maybe go with a two and a half inch or a two inch angled brush I would not recommend going with one of these little inch and a half brushes it's really difficult to cut a straight line and they don't hold any paint anyway now some people wonder how best to hold a paintbrush I think this is the best way you have your thumb on one side you have your forefinger right there and three fingers on that side it gives you a lot of strength either way it's kind of like holding a pencil now of course you're going to need a cutting pot with your trim paint in it most people on interior trim will use a latex side gloss enamel so once you've got your masking done and the doors off and you've got your paint all set up and ready to go it's time to start brushing the trim now there are really just a few key concepts that I want to go over these will apply across the board to any term that you're brushing and painting now the first concept I want to talk about is that you always want to divide your trim into lengths okay call this the first leg this is the second leg this is the third leg all right okay so first I'm going to start with this face out here in this top leg alright first I'm going to lay the paint on that whole face and before I move on to the other side I'm going to put my brush right up in that corner there right up in that angle line those bristles perfectly with that joint now I'm going to do a final day off stroke toward the middle then I'm going to go over here align those bristles and do a final day off stroke toward the middle then I go under here and I'll lay the paint on the underside and before I move on do my final strokes always toward the middle okay now that same concept is going to apply if you're doing these legs on the side okay you always lay the paint on the entire leg then you put your bristles back up in that corner perfectly aligned with that joint and lay it right off toward the middle then you go down to the bottom and come right back up you now the next big challenge when you're painting the term is that you've got to cut this edge between the trim and the wall remember when you painted the wall you came over on to the trim just a little bit because you wanted to make sure you got that entire wall painted well now you get the opportunity to cut it back with the trim and make that line perfectly straight but how can we make that line perfectly straight well a lot of people are going to try to use tape all right they're going to put some blue tape on here in hopes that they can paint the edge of this trim and get a straight line well that will work if you absolutely have to do it that way you need to make sure you push that tape down so hard against that wall that minimize the bleeding underneath there but no matter what because it's kind of a bumpy line there's always going to be a little bit of a ragged edge there if you just cut that line freehand you can actually make it look straighter and smoother in my opinion now there's a trick to it and the trick is that you never allow your trim paint to go out onto the wall at all you always air your line a little bit on the side of the trim okay now why do you do that because if you're standing here and looking at it if there's any trim paint on the wall it's going to be very obvious on the other hand you didn't quite go all the way to the wall with the trim paint from right here nobody's gonna be able to tell okay Oh now you know how to paint the term in the room and get professional results now you still got to do some touch-up and some cleanup maybe you're not completely happy with all those lines that you painted well I got a couple tricks to show you in the next video I'm doing your touch-up and cleanup and finishing this job of course you can find out on my website how to paint a house right com where you will find a lot of helpful information and a complete series of videos on interior and exterior painting that I've put together to help you paint your house right
Channel: howtopaintahouse
Views: 530,874
Rating: 4.8812995 out of 5
Keywords: interior house painting, painting trim, John Burbidge, Watching Paint Dry, brushing trim, painting straight lines, edging with paint, interior design, how-to
Id: dH-7rg2E8_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2013
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