Interior Painting Step 5: Touch Up and Clean Up

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good job in the book watching paint dry today we're going to go over the last step in finishing this room and that's doing a little bit of touch-up and some cleanup now first of all you're going to want to have a little bit of all of your pain okay the ceiling color the wall color and the turn paint you're probably going to want some small brushes for doing touch-up okay here's an inch and a half this works quite well if you're doing a little bit of wall touch-up actually one of these disposable folding brushes can be real handy then you don't need to clean it all out you're probably going to want some blue tape if you're not happy with some of your lines between the trim the wall and I'll show you a way you can straighten some of those out actually quite quickly really not happy with this line here that I cut you can see where the paint comes out onto the wall so what I'm going to do is I'm going to put a piece of blue tape on the trim very precisely and push it down as hard as I can very nice and also just straighten the line freehand if you feel that's the best option you don't have to use tape that looks perfect now if you've got large areas on a wall that need touch-up maybe you banged it with something you might try a weenie roller but really you might just need to reroll the whole wall because especially with dark colors it can flash if you just walk up to it and go like that in the middle of the wall you might be able to see that spot even though it's the same paint in the same color now you might check the ceiling if you bumped it anywhere when you roll in the walls now it's time to touch that up now after you've done your touch-up it's time to start cleaning up okay and you're going to want to get all the tape and paper off anywhere it's left in the room along underneath the baseboard you might want to use a five-way or your putty knife to separate that edge a little bit down there so you just don't want to get all the tape off of everything now if the paint bled underneath the tape anywhere you're going to want to take a damp rag and wrap it around the tip of your putty knife or your five-way and use that to gently clean off any pain that maybes on the hinges or on the natural wood trim if you get it within a couple days with a damp rag and a putty knife like that it's actually not too hard to clean off okay after you're done with all that you're going to want to put all the switch plates back on all the outlet covers the fan blades need to go back on light fixture etc and then you're going to want to roll up your drop cause and take them outside and shake them out you're going to want to vacuum the entire room and then you're pretty much ready to start moving your stuff back in then of course the very last thing you want to do is you want to clean up all your equipment and store it so that it's ready to use the next time you're ready to paint that includes cleaning your brushes now you're going to want to see my video on cleaning your brushes of course you can find that video on my website how to paint a house right comm along with a lot of other videos and lots of helpful information that I've put together to help you paint your house right and congratulations on that beautiful room
Channel: howtopaintahouse
Views: 182,095
Rating: 4.9650435 out of 5
Keywords: interior house painting, painting a room, painting straight lines, John Burbidge, Watching Paint Dry, How to Paint a House Right, How-to (Media Genre), interior design
Id: 7a0qDvTQDLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 18sec (258 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2013
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