10 Useful BEGINNER Tips for Using a PAINTBRUSH!!

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welcome to Vancouver carpenter today I'm gonna show you guys how I like to use a paintbrush and a whole lot of basic tips and tricks for keeping your paintbrush in good shape and getting the stuff on the wall now there's gonna be a lot of different methods basically as many people as there are that use a paintbrush are gonna have their own different things feel free to leave those in the comments but today I'm just gonna be showing you how I like to do it so first things first you want to have a good quality brush I find Purdy's to be pretty decent I look for ones that are a little bit thicker here instead of thin because they'll hold more paint this one's a stiff I don't get too fussed about whether they're stiff or soft they have different uses it's not we're not gonna get into that in this video but first things first wet your brush especially if you're using water-based paint actually only if you're using water-based paint but the reason you do that is it stops the paint from hardening on your bristles further down so it's gonna extend the life of your brush anyway so let's get to actually painting now we're gonna do some totally unnecessary painting in this room the next biggest mistake that people make is they use a full can of paint like honestly you want to be up on a ladder holding a full can of paint now I have a friend who was a carpenter and carpenters are kind of dumb when it comes to painting and he had a full can of pink up on a ladder over somebody's balcony with no drop sheet and he dropped that thing all over himself all into his brand-new tool belt all over the balcony down below actually was pavers it was stone pavers so he spent his night washing off the patio so yes use a cut can even if you have to buy an extra can from the paint store or you could use a yogurt cup anything so I only have about this much paint in here and that's as much as I like to comfortably carry so next let's get into how to hold a paint can what I like to do is I like to slip my thumb under here and hold the can like this and it makes it quite comfortable really quickly before we get into cutting in I'm also a big fan of these things I love them they come with a reusable liner I use these for a long time and sometimes I'll even peel the paint out of those and reuse them again so like a pack of these can last me like a year I also find this way more comfortable than the paint can you know it's really nice it just sits there so nicely and the other thing that I love is they have a magnet right here so your paintbrush can just sit right there I'm going to put a link to them in the description below if you guys are interested in finding them but now back to cutting with the trusty can okay the next biggest mistake that people do and I did this one when I was brand new to painting is so I get the paint on the brush and they start trying to cut in like this it's so difficult I can't go very far so you can really only get about ten inches to a foot before it stops leaving a nice line and that's frustrating and then we got to clean up this and okay so how do you cut we had to turn the light off real quick okay so the proper way to cut in at least the way I do it I actually like to wipe both sides of the brush off because I find to have more control when I'm not focusing on the paint dripping off the brush so then what you do is you hold your brush like this not like this and you find your line like so and it takes a little practice to get nice and steady but that's it and then I'll come back and I like to quickly brush that in real quick just to make rolling easier okay let's show that cut real quickly one more time so again I quickly wipe that off and then I'll start from here I find my line and then get moving fast make smooth but it takes time to get that don't forget to pass it's okay this bench won't conduct I'll be alright alright so another huge painting mistake that I see all the time all right so let's really inexperienced we match this paint up here oh I'm going to get it on the ceiling and feel dumb okay so the next thing that people do and I see this all the time is you will see a hard line running down the wall like all the way down the wall that's the width of a paintbrush and so what people are doing here is they're putting the paint on and then they're not feathering this edge so it's like drywall you got a feather that edge so all you have to do is just quickly pass over it and that quick pass makes that so it's not visible you now can't see that hard edge but I see this all the time in amateur paint jobs you see that you know well whatever width their brush was it's all the way around the room and that's super annoying okay so let's say you don't have to cut in so how I like to paint something like this let's say I'm priming something where it's all gonna get the same color so in this case I don't have to go very slow and I don't need to wipe off both sides of my brush because I'm able to move a lot faster in this case so what I will do in this case is I leave it real heavy you know as much as I can handle and I just spread the stuff down the wall and here's how that works is as I was moving the brush I was tilting it forward and why that works is the paint gets wiped off the edge first and as you turn your brush it's finding a new edge of fresh paint the whole way so but don't leave it just like that because now you've got that hard edge you were fast but it looks like garbage so don't okay don't forget to feather that edge it's what I was trying to say and now before I walk away from this spot I'm even gonna paint the ceiling too because both sides are wet and so you can make some nice progress like this feather my edge measure my edge make sure there's no drips and then I'll get into the corner next so there's another thing that I didn't get into and that's also thinking about how much material you have on your brush and where you want to put it on the wall so let's get into that all right so do I need to start at the top with a big full paintbrush probably not so if I'm gonna spread this stuff consistently I'm actually probably gonna start down here a bit and now when I come back up this paint right here is really heavy cuz that's where I started so I can actually like come back up with that paint and then get right into that corner cut that line make sure I don't leave anything heavy and that's how that's done so I'm always thinking about you know how far am I gonna spread my paint I'll show you guys that one more time if we have somewhere else okay so here's a typical inside corner and I'm going to show you guys how I would paint that let's start at the top here and again I'm going to start a little bit down and then I'm gonna do the other side starting a little bit down and folding that brush down to get as much paint off it as I can feather my edge and this insides a little sloppy so there that's nice feather my edge know if I splattered paint because I was moving too quick and then down to the bottom again I'm really dipping my brush this time right getting as much on there as I can starting about right here and then there's lots of paint down there to keep moving down into the bottom I'm gonna do the same here better my edge make sure the inside looks crisp feather my edge make sure the inside of that one's good and then that's done take a closer look camera guy so that way you can roll around a room pretty darn quick and you know cut them in fast because you know don't do it slow that's dumb and last but not least definitely not least is cleaning your brush well I can't tell you how many times I've been on somebody's job and I didn't have a brush to use at that moment but I needed one just to put a bit of paint on and I go to grab one of the homeowners paint brush in the garage and it's unusable it's hard as a brick it doesn't take long to clean brushes it's well worth it I mean if you're getting a good brush they can be you know twenty or thirty dollars it may as well wash them well instead of using those garbagey brushes and turning them into bricks be sure to do this in the homeowners kitchen sink it's super important and never wipe off any of this stuff that's really helpful too it lets them know you were there so they can remember you you know you don't want your customers forgetting you but you don't have a brush comb and all that stuff yeah going like doing this help is it pretty quick I honestly will clean my brush out every hour or so I really don't like my brushes getting crusty so that's just me anyways you guys thanks for watching Vancouver carpenter hope you got something useful out of this you know this is Vancouver Karp painter mmm cool naughty camera dude not even yeah whatever this video is over I'm just talking trash now see you guys
Channel: Vancouver Carpenter
Views: 1,889,531
Rating: 4.8221159 out of 5
Keywords: painting, beginner, DIY, cut, cutting in, how to paint, brush, drywall, repair, install, mud, crack, hole, wall, best, fast, easy, patch, plaster, tape, taping, mudding, joint, compound, joint compound, mesh tape, setting, quickset, finish, topping, paper tape, gypsum, wallboard, different, types, corner, inside, outside, trowel, knife, drywall finishing, plastering, taper, mudder, fix, skim, coat
Id: 6noW8bBBh6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2019
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