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welcome to the Spencer Colgan show what are we doing today today I'm going to show you one of the tricks of the trade of painting now as you know I've been painting for years and then I started doing mostly wallpaper but I still do painting and wallpapering so let me show you what we're doing so that you do this is your moment you're going to spray your job this is what your final product is going to look like before you spray this is what it's called mess in the woodwork but I'm going to bring you over to of fresh piece of wood works so that you can see how it goes so the idea is that you want to mask the floor and you want to keep the paint sprayer just concentrating on the white trim so how do you do that you have to isolate and I'm going to show you how to do this is a perfect example of how you're going to use both the hand master and the tape you're gonna have a roll of tape in your hands as you go along and you're going to use the tape alone without this to get around an area such as this check this out now you're going to go right up against the wood okay you're gonna use multiple pieces as long as as many as you need to fit all the contours on this particular profile trim so now watch this I I tack it down about two inches and now I pull it like this and I can move it around the profile and I'm going to press it down into the profile with my fingertip I'm gonna ask my cameraman to come right up against this would work so that they can see do an aerial straddle oh okay now watch this okay I got that down now I can pick up my tape and move it over you see how that works and all throughout the whole piece I'm just I'm not breaking it I'm just using the same piece when I come around and then sufficient I break it leave it on the floor and go right up against the woodwork okay now that's how you do the profile so this is the three handmaster with this same tape on the spoke this is about 60 bucks at your local paint store it is well worth the money okay so now you got to do the same thing with the the hand master as you did with that roll of tape and by the way for these when you do is when you're spraying this spray it throws out a lot of air so if this isn't tacked down the table is it going to come up in your floor's expose now we're going to happen to put construction paper over this but for practical purposes let me show you how to do this so that what I just showed you doesn't happen to you so now when the sprayer blows this is down and it's not going to come up and expose your floor yeah keeping this tape with you and available need to put it in your tool belt or keep it just keep picking it around as you move along you're gonna do the same thing here same thing we're gonna move quickly now cuz we're on a straightaway that's unacceptable that happens with the tape but you're gonna have to come back with it with the tape itself and just fill that back in it's no sense of pulling this up trying to get it because I've already creased the tape okay let's just do this I'm taking one foot sections out of time I'm moving fast I'm pulling it three feet tacking it down halfway going back okay now the woodwork you'll see goes up and down up into about a quarter of an inch in some places there's nothing you can do and I do not recommend putting caulking in here because after about three months when that caulking breaks you're gonna have the same ugly reveal it's better that it be consistent the way it looks now rather than this cracked caulking everybody can see that your caulked and that your caulk failed in ninety days I'd rather have that look there's nothing you can do except when you install this you push it down all the way to the floor and again if you don't have it right up against you would work you're really wasting your time even doing this it has to go right up against the woodwork and cover that floor I'm looking right above it you can see right above it but I actually see how it looks from the ceiling and the floor has to be covered now before I started putting this tape down we went around and cleaned the woodwork and we put alcohol rubbing alcohol isopropyl isopropyl alcohol on a red and just hold it along the floor to get up any wax from try waxing or any soap residue that's on the floor from cleaning it okay so that's what we did so that the tape sticks don't expect to do this with your typical dirty moldings unless you clean them okay now I'll stop here and just tell you what to do so that you can do this on your spraying job what you're gonna do after this is you're going to take a tube of clear caulking on a caulking gun and all I want you to do is take a very thin you're gonna cut a very thin angled cut on the tip of your caulking gun most caulking guns have a slicer you put it in the handle pull it and you have a nice cut and then you have to penetrate sometimes the membrane at the bottom the base of the the tube you have the things they can help you're gonna slice it right at the bottom there is a membrane or dine effect you have penetrate that in order to get the material out then I want you to take your caulking gun go to study him pull a bead right in the corner not too much if you do too much you're wasting material and you created a mess as thin as you can go that's less than 1/8 of an inch here so you don't need much caulking you're gonna take the caulking pull it along then you're gonna take a wet finger drag it along wipe the excess on the paper drag it along wipe the excess on the pickle why are you doing that because you want to prevent any of the paint spray from going into the crevice sometimes we fail to get the tape properly tacked down 100% well if there is any breach in your tape if you have like a little where it's not fully tacked down at the very edge because let's face it it's hard to get your your finger all the way in you would have to go like this to embed the tape properly all the way around you have to do this and that is sort of time of the job you could also scratch the woodwork in the floor so here's what I suggest you take a clear caulk and clear you put it in there and then you do your spray job and then you wait till the silica dust settles and then you pull it off and you will see a create a clear crisp line that that you couldn't do with a brush or anything else ok that's your tip for the day the suspensive is a dispenser called it surely won't paper entertaining and paint at the same time if you liked the video click on like and subscribe to my channel now for the first person who asks me a substantive question relative to either spray painting inside or outside or wallpapering I'm going to send you a free gift card to Starbucks if you have it in your neighborhood if not Dunkin Donuts will have to do but it has to be a substantive question something that will provoke the interests of fellow viewers so that we can start a conversation on this video you got it I'll get your name and your address you'll send it to me on my email and then we'll do business thanks for watching send it to a friend see on the next one
Channel: Spencer Colgan Wallpaper & Painting
Views: 266,476
Rating: 4.14499 out of 5
Keywords: paint trim, airless sprayer, trim, paint, graco, paint sprayer, airless, airless paint sprayer, airless paint sprayer graco
Id: NBoo3qAo0-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 04 2018
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