DIY How to Paint like a Pro Series A to Z

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so in this video I'm gonna teach you all the professional secrets and how to paint I know I know I know it's like what else could we learn listen throw away the tape I've got secrets that make you paint in half the time you're used to so we don't need a whole lot to paint right needs a brush you know roller a good stick some cocking gun a little bit of sanding action so before you get your brush and roller out there's a few things you got to do to get a professional result number one remove all the screws and prep your surface number two get all of the plates and fixtures out of the way you can't sidestep these steps so first of all remove all the plates okay if I had a dollar for every time I saw a plate that was painted onto the wall I'll tell you that is my biggest pet peeve it only takes a couple of seconds gives you an opportunity identify if it's even broken it probably needs to be cleaned there you go now it's out of the way okay the thermostats again remove them they're usually installed pretty simple there we go nothing to it right couple of set screws and two plugs in the wall okay here we are boom there we go so somebody has come along and painted before now if you're gonna change your color if you don't clean this up and you leave it there you've got to paint all over two just to hide the old pink color take the two seconds that it takes get this stuff out of your way all right this is a doorbell cover really nothing to it except it's been painted in again homeowner after homeowner after homeowner they just pop right off people just compression fit get them out of your way stop painting your plastic accessories okay here we go we'll see to it you can inspect now make sure all the connections are clean okay get rid of tape my lord same with your receptacle covers remove them all and just a tip if you're concerned you're gonna lose all your screws you can put them all back where they came from okay now the drywall sorry the vacuum covers they're just in there with set screws okay remove the screws the secret here is this is actually wired so it's low voltage so don't be afraid but you don't want to be pulling this off the wall more than a half an inch all right that's enough room to get your brush around again let's get all the old paint off of there all right leave that one intact there we go ready to go now generally speaking no remember the last time I saw a wall that was full of pictures I had nails in it every single nail missed a stud look at this hey we scored about a thousand all right so once we got all of our wall you know prepped up and we're ready to paint we have to prep our wall remember professional results it's all in the preparation so yes we've removed all of our cover plates we've got our paint here but we have to fill our holes and check for little dents and imperfections because until we make the wall surface perfect there's no sense adding paint paint only puts lipstick on the pig and if you don't want to be painting a pig fix the wall here's a secret I've seen a lot of different things from done for a lot of different people there we go classic damage right and I'm just wiping it with my hand the 501 tool this is used to clean a brush this is used like a screwdriver this is a scraper this is designed to dent it's like a little mini hammer the drywall is generally pretty soft so what you do is you press that into the hole and to give it a turn like that and you create a nice big dent and you'll see it because it actually marks the paper all right every time you see a nail hole you want to do a dent like those two things it creates a void that needs to be filled which is really easy to do with the drywall compound most halls are you stick a nail in the surface explodes a little bit as well so if you just pull the nail up and then wipe it down or or try to fill that you get a little bumps everywhere okay and it doesn't feel well so just give it a bit of a turn if there's four or five of them do four or five times this is not about speed this is about perfection okay once you've prepped your surface and you've done it right the first time when you paint these walls that you're gonna come out absolutely gorgeous brand-new darling now here's my next secret when you're repairing dry wall surfaces there's a ton of products on the market that I like use this to fix your holes most of them are junk because they shrink when they dry or they flash when you paint them which means that you put that compound on and you sand it and then you paint two coats and you come back a couple days later and in certain lights you can still see the patch shining through the paint it's called flashing no a little bucket of some pink stuff that turns white for you it'll work but you got to add an extra step of painting to prime those patches which is a real frustration if you're trying to get something done in a hurry the last thing you want is three layers of paint that has to dry that's just nuts so what you want to do is grab your sheetrock 45 and you can buy this in little mini bags I just wanted to point out kind of like a large ziploc bag size for just a few bucks okay no one need much here I got enough here to probably patch the entire room but it's just easier to work with no put it on your hawk take your finger create a volcano okay set up and what we're gonna do is we're going to add one part water and then three parts powder and this takes a little bit of practice to get this fit right okay and this is gonna be like a time-lapse video because this takes a couple minutes okay basically what's going on here the water is absorbing into all of the mud around that volcano okay anyway you can do to help speed it up it's just steel a little bit and spread it over like a top dressing all right and you're creating your own drywall compound here and the reason you want to do it this way and not with the spackling that they sell in the stores is the following this stuff when you put it on doesn't need to be primed this is an industry secret we use sheetrock 45 to patch our stuff because we can patch it and I can even if I'm in a hurry I can use warm water I can throw a little bit of salt in here because when soon as I add salt to the water it changes the compound of the water and it increase increases the speed with the chemical reaction of the drying process okay if anybody who's ever mixed this stuff out in the country on well water you'll know you got a little bit of extra iron in there oh my god this stuff goes from sheetrock 45 to sheetrock four and a half minutes you got it we'll use it in a hurry you just add a little bit more water until you got it working the way you want it now I got a really thick paste here right now that's a little bit too thick for me so just so I don't make a mess just gonna a little bit of more water and I'm just gonna force it through there we go now it's loosening up let's get all the powder in there [Music] no the thicker you make this the faster it'll dry however and it probably bare holes because you can't really mix it up very well so that looking pretty good we're gonna add a little bit more water just drips in there that's more of a wet pace that's what I'm last what I'm looking for that's more of a toothpaste consistency okay you know if you're not really good with a hawk and then 40 is nice you can always use a paint mixing blade and a pail make a little bit more than you need that whole bag it's 20 kilos of powder and it costs $9 I'm telling you right now you can afford to throw them in the garbage so you want this to be nice and creamy like toothpastes okay but it won't fall off the hock and make a mess all right if it's runny you've got too much water add a little more powder all right now the secret is just work up a little bit now I always set my hock up when I'm doing a room I got good mud on one side and I got ruins to clean my knife off the other side with all the little chunks that may have come off with paint and then chunks of dirt so you watch we'll take this go into that little hole and that's it filled done okay remember I'm filling a little dent so I'm putting more than I need I've almost we're almost perpendicular the ball finished okay this will revolutionize your life uh-huh so here's the secret done no sanding clean off your knife on another side if you think you have any paint chips and stuff because you don't do drag and dirt through your mud and then just go over there double-check your wall surface there might be any other imperfections there's a little dent down there okay a little hole there one there you'd be surprised just the process of living in a house moving furniture maybe your corners aren't perfect you want to make them perfect you just run it right down the wall corner all right straighten that all that'll clean up your corner for you looks like somebody had one of those wallpaper protectors on this corner at one point look at all the mud that filled in their history crazy I can't do a really nice paint war edge if I don't have a nice wall to work with so I'm gonna fix the corner first here we go off the side of the knife bit of an angle done corner so now that we've patched all of our wall up I'm gonna go around and do the rest of the room by the time I'm finished removing and patching the rest of this room this will be dry and I can start painting so remember I'm going to remove the whole process of priming from the equation and I'm gonna take a little extra time to make it perfect but I'm not gonna stop moving so I do one full cycle through the room boom right into the cutting and then right into the rolling three hours in and done an entire living room that's what painting is all about all right so it's time to sand it's been about 45 minutes everything is nice and solid and white I've also got a little smooth edge action going on up top because you know I mean you got an opportunity make something sexy you'd take it what we're gonna do is just remember we're painting a wall so your process for the room is to prep everything in the room and then you want to sand paint sand and paint again all right and the key and the reason why I love this 45 minute mud is because when I apply that I don't have to walk around with a sanding block and say in every little spot forget that because you're gonna stay in the whole wall all right use your radius 360 quick stuff this takes off all the extra ridges and dirt that was painted in the last time and you know it will be because anybody who paints around or fixtures and their plugs and switches doesn't stand in between coats either you can't be that lazy and get a good job there we go now because we did a little extra work on this corner we're gonna use the hand test just feel for any ridges you might not see it outside corners can be a little bit picky because they usually have that curve and my cent radius 360 even though it has a sanding sponge on it sometimes doesn't do a great job there so keep that handy double check but now we're ready to go okay time for the first coat so without wasting a whole lot of time let's just go through the basics of course my slang might be a little bit different because where I'm from but we called this a cage this is called the sleeve generally speaking for walls I like a 13 to 15 mil sleeve the better painter you are the thicker you can go and some jobs I'll even go up to a 20 depending on the quality of the paint but that just slides right on there this particular cage is awesome because it has a ball bearing construction so it generally has a really nice flow and it does an amazing job try to make sure you wash your sleeves before you use them this is a little-known fact but even the the packages that say lint free or they make these crazy claims that are not going to leave the little hairs on the wall they're all full of garbage they all have lint problems so you got to wash it first get it under running water use your 5:1 tool and just give it a quick little scrape spin it dry and then it's ready to be used or when you're done painting today wash it and put it in storage for the next time then it's all ready to go one of these things I'll usually do thousands and thousands of square feet of wall if you take care of it the last a long time so it can be worth the seven or eight dollar investment next you need the paint stick now mine's obviously been used a little bit but I love this because it has a locking system okay so I don't always have to be sitting here with the compression to tighten it up it also has a locking pin it's adaptable with this handle so when I'm rolling I don't have my handle and my cage undoing each other and getting all kind of wonky lines and causing drips so it's fabulous I work with lots of control next thing you need is a brush now I'm going to teach you today it's a three inch angle brush it's not square it's got an angle this is the one that I like to use I'm going to teach this technique today so that you can cut really quick and you can cut like a pro by the time I'm done showing this and the way we do this is simple put some paint in your tray take what some paint into an empty can put about an inch of paint in there okay how about did it do now the reason I'm gonna suggest that is because you cannot paint I'd have a full can of paint if you try to brush out of that full paint can of paint you're gonna get paint everywhere your brush will have too much paint on it your floor's will have too much paint on it just stop get an empty can it's like three bucks always work with an empty can okay this brush is the three inch brush i buy them at the Dulux store they're awesome okay they're like 13 or 15 bucks you can go to the hardware store and buy a brush if you want but you're gonna pay way too much for it so go down to the professional store ask them for a regular three inch angle brush pay a decent buck for it you're gonna get great results what I do is I'm pushing it right into the bottom okay and you can see now it's full of paint all right that is a paint brush if you try painting with that you can make a heck of a mess so scrape off all four sides okay now my brush is clean and it's still full of paint can watch this I want to paint with the paint from inside the brush so that I'm not causing any other problems there's so much paint here it's not even funny all right I mean I can paint probably 15 or 20 linear feet of line with this one brush and when you're painting you basically you want to get going there's so much paint there you got to spread it around okay here I'm just gonna take this off for the roadway here we're gonna go without heat for the next few minutes gentlemen but most survives for the greater good here we go alright and this is why you want to get all the things off the wall so that you can actually have some control and you're not leaving big drips everywhere there right let's just recap a little bit because when you're painting you want to cut and then roll on the first coat and second coat you can go backwards on the first coat but it's just better to have a process because you can cut and roll by the time you're done the room you're ready to do the next coat remember to sand in between the coats but here we go we're gonna fill our brush we're gonna clean our brush off now this ceiling here is still drying and I don't care because I'm not gonna cut right into the ceiling edge I'm just gonna put the heel of the brush down push the bristles out and then run my brush within an eighth of an inch of the ceiling that's the first cut okay and then I'm just gonna feather it all it all right so that is cutting 101 on the second pass or the second coat then I'm gonna go right into the ceiling now here max I'll just do this again we'll press the heel push the bristle and look at the paint line the paint is not pushing up to the extent of the bristle you see that the bristle is touching the ceiling but the paint is coming from inside the brush so it's about it that's the eighth of an inch or sixteenth of an inch off and that and as soon as I get that snowplow effect you see that little Ridge I pull away clean the brush and then go back and I pick up the extra paint I don't want the extra paint on there all right that extra paint right now is your enemy not your friend there you go boom now the second time you come here they're gonna be so easy to pass that brush because this is a nice fresh painted surface and you're just gonna push that bristle right up into the ceiling like this and then pull will demonstrate that later okay so that was the top edge inside corner there's two kinds if you're doing an accent wall then you want to cut the inside corner in the same way put the heel here push the the tip of the brush towards the corner and then come down and leave just a little bit of an edge okay first coat second coat you can get a lot closer but for now we're just trying to get really close to though going over the line if you get too aggressive you're gonna go over the line oh now you got to come back with the other paint bla bla bla so you don't want to do that here we go every time we do this I'm going to push the paint in I'm gonna clean the brush off if you're doing the whole room it's a lot simpler you just run down up and down both sides okay and you're looking for about a two inch wide piece here when you're rolling your walls you don't have to roll right into the corner and the reason you don't want that is because when you're rolling here the side of the roller the cage it's gonna rub across here and one of the one side of the other was gonna get damaged it's gonna make a hairy mess so get in the habit of brushing out the inside corners don't rely on the roller to do that work for you now the next technique you're gonna want to have is for brushing out the outside corner now in this situation we were gonna have two different colors all right this is why I want to show this here because whenever you're doing two different colors the last thing you want to do is use the roller on the outside edge because those bristle marks so they're always gonna kind of curl around and you're gonna get a little fuzzy lines alright so where you get a nice sharp line was a use that 45 minute compound we talked about and run up against the edge make sure you're filling all the little dings and nicks and scratches and then what you do is just set the heel of your brush again okay and you come down like you're cutting the ceiling leave that sixteenth of an inch or that eighth of an inch line okay on your first coat and wait until you got it there now now we're gonna do the pulling away and we're gonna brush that paint to that edge the secret here is the heel of the parish can't extend past the corner or the bristles will come off and go fire across so this way the bristles are actually being lifted off at the edge and that keeps your corner nice and straight when I'm done with the lighter color paint two coats I'll do one more coat on the darker color paint and I'll do the same thing and I'll run down the edge and what'll end up happening is this paint will create a nice straight line and you'll be able to just be able to show off to all your friends how straight your lines are with that one technique Wow oh by the way that's smooth that just looking pretty sexy if you like that you can check out our video on how to do a smooth edge on your ceiling okay so now here we are at the base this is the for the four side of the wall that we have to paint up we're cutting in and you've got two choices here if your baseboards are in fabulous condition and the reason we do this last is because you always want to see your cut line if your paint baseboards are rough shape like this and they're gonna need another coat then you just just brush them in if your color is a light color like this just go ahead and paint the whole bloody thing who cares make it quick get a nice line there make sure your caulking is covered in that wet paint and then when you're done we can come back with the baseboard paint and we can cut a nice line because you're your eyesight you're sitting right on top of it it's perfect but if you want to maintain and not go through the extra work and not tape it off treat it the same way but you got to get low okay you got to be underneath your brush I can't start with the heel come up to anything it's just like the first coat up top and the reason you can get away with this is because generally today the paint is made with so many components from your chemistry set you get great coverage in a lot of cases just one coat we still paint two coats just to guarantee our texture and we don't have any flashing from primers and a little dull spots but in most cases one coat is enough now the second coat you can come by later and you can get nice and tight and draw that perfect straight line when the reason we can draw a straight line is because your painting from inside the brush remember you push the bristle right to the point where you want to draw a line and you pull and the paint comes out from inside the brush and the outside of the brush is now your guide so wherever you push your bristles to will be the guide and you just draw a straight line from inside the brush okay that's the secret if you just practice this for a few minutes you'll never use tape to cut off anything ever again you know the cutting like a pro so when we're loading up our roller well really what we're doing is loading up the roller you want to fill it full of paint and you want to just run it like this and get the extra off the tub that's what all that designed the pan is for is to clean extra paint off the top of the roller okay I like to personally paint from floor to ceiling I've seen so many pictures and diagrams even professional paint companies in the pictures they've always got somebody holding the roller by hand and they're sweating it that is a workout if you were sitting here holding your roller by hand you'll not even get through the whole room take a break do one of these bad boys all right step back from your wall comfortable here we should be able to hit the ceiling and the floor shouldn't have to bend over shouldn't have to lean shouldn't have to strain three what you do is you start about a foot from the top because it was a lot of paint on that roller and you just gently let it roll down the wall no pressure okay and then you starting that a little bit of pressure going back up you're going to rollers wide the first coat draw a straight line and then work your way back you're gonna pick up all the extra paint from the first run push it back towards the corner go to boot there's an inch or so and because you have all this control with a locking system with the cage in the handle you can go extremely quickly so here we're gonna load this up we're gonna clean it a little bit don't be too aggressive here you might throw paint all over the room but again step back where you're comfortable start from about a foot down okay see that gap slowly add a bit of pressure now work your roller backwards back it up until you're overlapping alright now we're using a little bit of pressure but because it's two hands the pressure is convenient I'm not gonna hit a ceiling because I'm extended here with my back straight I'm extending here with my back straight okay you see the the body motion here this is ergonomic painting this is not gonna fatigue you you're gonna get a perfect roll no drips perfect coverage no sore back alright painting can be a really difficult job it could take a lot of energy or it can be a lot of fun now you'll notice that when I'm rolling I'm going from right to left it's because the cage is pointed that direction okay wherever this the metal rod enters into your sleeve that should be on your leading edge when you're putting pressure the pressure is greater here and it's reduced down through the sleeve because that's the first point of contact off the fulcrum so when you get near these fixtures flip it around gently roll that smooth because you're gonna get a little bit of dripping okay and you don't want to be bumping into things with the edge of that this lets you get nice and close and you can just get right in there and close and personal to texturize that paint because you want to get that eggshell finish right don't trust the brush to be the texture use your roller and then you can load up and finish your well now we only have one pass here so I don't to put too much paint on I want to be a little bit careful here now remember when you get to the outside corner it's the drywall corner so the corner beam is gonna be a little scoop so turn this around and put your pressure point on the flat part of the wall because this would be a lot more forgiving for you all right and you're gonna be a lot less likely to create a drift when you get near the edge okay again you want to put texture on that and you want to have all that control get within a half an inch or so of the corner just to texturize that paint before it's dry there we go and then I'm gonna get nice and close to that fixtures over here and there we are so for the purpose of our video here today we're not painting the whole room we're just doing a demonstration actually the homeowner is over here in the corner watching us do this she's learning her tips and tricks it's her job to paint the house so we're just gonna give her the demonstration we're gonna go for coffee break now whenever you're taking a break load your brush up okay set it in your can alright same with the roller if you load it up and fill it full of moisture and you're gonna be okay to go and take a break you might even want to just take it off of that so that you don't have an accident okay we'll come back in about 20 minutes this paint will be dry enough to do the sanding in the second coat I know that sounds really quick but again it's a 100 percent acrylic paint these things dry really fast you'll notice that there's just a little bit of a dark spot here where we filled in the holes with the 45 minute but after this coat is dry that'll be the end of the flashing so we didn't have to prime this is a super fast way to paint your house okay so yep first coats dry takes about 20 minutes now we're gonna do second coat now just before I get started I want to tell you if this is brand new drywall or its approach to the painted wall it's the same process this is why I love this technique because you don't have to reinvent the wheel if this is brand new drywall the reason we stopped short is because you want to have a layer of paint there to glide the brush on to have all that control for drawing your line later and if it's a previously painted surface it doesn't change your technique you don't have to reinvent the wheel okay so here we go ah no pressure a draw a straight line drop the heel on there okay paint from inside and now you're gonna push the bristle right up into the ceiling and you're gonna paint from inside the brush and you're gonna just a brush of bristles up against the ceiling like your guide okay come back and pick that up there we go so max was just telling me that his house when he was painting he painted up near the ceiling and the corners started to peel off the drywall tape and I laughed and I said what here which I suppose about 82 he's like yeah as a matter of fact as I said well there you go back in 1982 our leading drywall compound company in the area that supplies most of the stores had a huge batch that failed mud and they didn't find out about it until about ten years later so there are thousands of homes built in the early 80s they've got all the drywall paper tape coming off with a little bit of humidity so if you don't have air conditioning or if you all of a sudden decide to paint your whole house and you add all of that moisture into the room Boop all your tape falls off what a disaster that's a real good reason to know how to install crown and you can check that out on one of our crown videos so now I got an imperfect ball on a brand-new imperfect smooth edge but it's painted perfectly that looks phenomenal so you're gonna find that the second coat you just push the bristle up and pull when you get good at this you can pull a really nice long section with at one time you should be able to paint about three to four feet with a full brush and I'm finding that one dab is usually an to get the kind of paint that I want on there my biggest problem here is I'm finding that there's a little bit of the old green popping through a mess I'm gonna do a little bit of touch-up on that smooth edge later and add some mud and cover up that old paint and same kind of thing here for those quarters make sure your brush is dry and the heel is on the right side just paint a big circle get all the brush paint out of the brush before you start doing your detail cut line around your fixtures all right finished with nice big swirls so you don't get any paint gathered up and bubbling you don't get those lines the biggest enemy with the paint brush is using too much paint and then you leave the lines in the wall funny thing is is I learned how to paint back when I first moved to Ottawa well 15 years ago and I thought I knew how to paint so I went for a job and the guy says do you know how to cut I was like listen I know how to paint I don't know if I can make you any money but I know how to paint he goes that's the most honest answer I've ever heard in my life so he let me get on the crew within about 15 minutes of watching this guy paint a wall I realized I didn't have a damn clue what I was doing they put me on the roller and he would just start cutting and my god he was so fast with that paint brush it was just embarrassing I couldn't roll the wall as fast as he could cut it and that became my job to catch up he'd be taking breaks and I'd still be rolling the room and it took me about three months to get fast enough with the roller to keep up with him it took me about another probably five or six months before they even let me touch a brush and remember I knew how to paint yeah if I had a dollar for everybody every time someone said I know how to paint painting is as much about speed as is accuracy now if you're painting your house speed really isn't your concern right but at the same time you don't want to take all day long to paint your house so getting a technique that'll work really well for you in a short amount of time is worth its weight in gold okay now that that second cut has done it's time for the second roll now remember the second roll we have our paint here which is dry over all their little patches that becomes the primer sealer for those patches the technology in the paint is what we're gonna rely on here so that our second coat there's no more flashing we also don't need much paint so where I used to go to rollers wide now I'm going to go three so what this does is it forces my my sleeve that's on the cage to really put texture in the wall I'm not anywhere on this wall do I have too much paint where I can't get a good texture I got a nice bristle lifting the paint off the surface here now and that's gonna be where my texture comes from and then when you're done you all follow your cage back roll right to the very beginning that is going to be a smooth sexy finish so when you're all done you want to take your sleeve off your cage and here's what's important the cage if it's sitting in the roller if you store it like this in the bottom of your pan your cage is going to get full of pain eventually and you're not gonna be able to get it off there it's gonna affect this performance and what's even worse it'll develop this squeak around the ball bearings it drives you crazy so when you're done take your handle and that'll separate the sleeve from the cage nice and controlled and you don't have to get covered in paint there you go you just lay it down and you gonna wash this up okay there we go now they only left through these to wait about another 20 minutes when this coat is dry we're going to come back we're gonna cut the baseboard for you and show you how to draw a beautiful line with your trim paint without using any tape so the last step is to paint the trim on the baseboard now oddly enough in this video I didn't show you it when I'm painting my trim my step process for a room is actually to paint the casing on the doors and windows first and I paint the baseboard last and that's because it's easier to cut the wall against window and door trim and then do the walls because here this one you want to do the trim last for this reason my eyes have to see what I'm doing so I don't want to be crawling underneath my brush trying to do this I'm painting that wall ass that's what I do is I'll set this on my cord around same thing we're going to paint from inside the brush and we're gonna draw our line about 1/8 3/16 of an inch off the bottom of that trim don't pay any attention to the flooring just draw your line with your brush off the edge of that trim and that's it now the reason we're doing it this way instead of trying to paint the entire piece of trim a gravity will have an effect on this paint and before it gets a chance to dry it's probably gonna pull a little bit further down the trim be you're standing up looking at the trim you will never ever see that it is painted just a little bit shy of that floor not in a million years ok so don't be too hard on yourself judging your work when you're crawling around on the ground then we're going to do this he'll place your brush place the bristles in that crack and pull painting that edge from inside the brush I start to see you running out go back and pull it again that's it don't go over and over and over again you'll end up creating a snowplow effect wash the heel in and draw your line okay one pull and that's it and the better you get at this the more brush you can put in contact with that gap the longer the stroke the idea is draw that line with the bristle pull it and that's it okay then come back into the middle and fill the rest of you base okay when you're doing with the outside corners once you've got that done there like that go around the corner from the backside and just lift off any drip edge now in this particular paint the clients purchased I find is extremely wet I like my semi-gloss a little thicker control easier but at the end of the day no matter what paint or what brush are using it's all about painting from inside the brush and then you can draw a line no tape necessary and you might be saying Oh Jeff yes but you've been practicing for years you got a steady hand like a surgeon I can't paint like that ready for this backwards left-handed not because I'm good because the technique works put the bristle where it needs to go pull it's all about the technique not about the painter just to prove it I'll do the last one with a lot of movement in my hand still a straight line because the bristles are not doing the painting it's from the inside of the brush okay if you don't believe me try it yourself you'll be surprised painting from inside the brush and not the outside of the brush will make anybody paint like a pro okay so there's my system for painting like a pro throw the tape out okay paint from inside the brush spend three bucks on a can when you're done with it pour the paint back in its original container and clean it out so you're ready for the next time but this system allows you to get a perfect line from start to finish no tape remember when you tape when you don't know what you have a problem till you pull the tape off well you're supposed to be finished by then not going back to patching and priming and starting all over for touch-ups this system allows you to do two coats in a room plus your trim all within about two-and-a-half to three hours that includes taking off and reinstalling all of the plates and doing all your touch-ups repairing your holes I'm telling you you can do two rooms a day on the weekend you can paint most of your house in one weekend using this technique and not have to over exert yourself to do it okay hope this helps if you have any questions put them in the comments section below I'll be there to help answer them I know not everybody paints the same there's more than one way to paint right but this technique works it's easy to learn and it'll give you a professional result it may not be the world's greatest painting technique but it is definitely an amazing technique for homeowners like you okay so like this video if you liked it we're gonna see you in the next video [Music]
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Keywords: home renovision, how to paint, professional painting, painting walls, home renovision painting, jeff thorman painting, professional painting tips, professional painting room, how to paint like a pro, how to paint a room, professional painting tips cutting in, how to paint like a pro series a to z, how to paint like a professional painter, how to paint like a pro for beginners, how to paint a room for beginners, how to paint a room professionally, how to paint a room like a pro
Id: 2eUxz_or2Qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 23sec (2423 seconds)
Published: Sat May 26 2018
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