How to Paint a Panel Door the Professional Way

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hi today we will be looking at paint one of these panel tools down fade in most modern houses nowadays and if they're paid correctly they can look pretty good what I've already done before I start painting the door without taking the handle off and I put a handle and screws safely and there's paint kettles they don't lose them so I've done that first of all and also I've given it a light rough day with some of this al monoxide paper I don't know if you could see it's 240 grade because what I don't want to do is scratch the door up too much there's a very fine abrasive just to key up the paint which is on there to give better adhesion for the paint or even on top of it so once I rubbed it down they dusted it off and Roy dusting brush and also it's dust on it down or make sure it dusted off the top of the door because if you don't when you're painting that top rail you can often pick up dust and smudge it all over the front of the door there so this door knows what if the paint and I've also put some paper on the floor which is far better than use and dust sheets because you can tuck it underneath the door like this so it's all ready to go so the first part that all are going to be painting it's actually going to be this edge down through here the reason for that is if only do it last I've got on the face of the door when you paint this the paint flicks right on to the front edge of that door you end up with a fat age running down there so the first thing we'll be doing is to paint this page okay so what I've got here is I've got some undercoat and is a very pale green so hopefully you better see as I'm applying the paint and I'm using a one and a half inch brush to paint at all so back centimeter paint on the brush I like thank through this edge here when you get the top always brush upwards and don't brush down because you'll get a pool will paint the runs over there you're going to get runs hanging down the door in I even Lila I lay off that wits so then give the next bit any little bit of paint that centimeter like that we come to the catch fit there you can see it okay the Prussian just creeped it forwards it just comes to the edge of it and then pull it up and be side bits if you don't take this off just took the brush sideways just dab it down like that just come down lightly with the tip of the brush like that flick it back that way that's that bit done no wait I just aim through here creep up like that with a brush so to give a little wiggle just to get into there and pull it down it's the last piece now back here so that's eh done so before we do anything else and if you can see this you see how the paint CREP rang there so that's why we've always do this age first and only have to do it just get a piece of kitchen towel or cloth and just wipe that off dang for here on earth because if you don't you can have that big Ridge down through the edge of your tool which you don't want we just smear that off with a piece of kitchen towel put a rag in the way Tang through just like that okay so now ready to paint the big face of the doll right so before I start painting the door but I've already done if you can see look down there so I've used a dusting brush in a scrape or just like an which the door when I push it in like that before I start painting if you've got a proper wedge at home all the better of us decorators can compromise by using that okay so when it comes to paint in the face of the door I've numbered this up to show that the order in which decorators paint these doors to minimize the chance of getting runs and shut marks and things on the door so the first things you need to paint is number buttons which are the four five six panels then the second part you paint disease while called muntins these middle bit who makes up these names so these number twos are called the mountains you do that second third components is the rails going horizontally like that then last of all we do the long Stiles down each side of the tool so we'll get your paint and get started okay so now I'm going to get cracking and paint the panels as you can see it's a number one so the four panels I'm going to do first so I'll do this one first so it's easier to see where I'm going with the paint so but centimeter paint on the brush when we start and tilt the brush back like this would be if I don't get paint on there like this spread the pink out evenly tilt the brush at an angle like this and you come up and die so don't I get too much paint on this path and that Munt in there little we want to get in that corner and put it down and little we get at the bottom and pull it up I can tilt it this way and did that flat hot bang through there so on the top you're not a tiny little smidgen pigeon amount of paint on your brush so you don't get any runs coming down over there through there tilt it like we did earlier little wiggle tilt it give a little wiggle get in the corner and put it back like that and move the brush five ways like that to do in there my tank through here and then wait that's tilt the brush that way well we going to get in there you know we're going to get down in there and pull out tiny bit paint they go that way the brush black wave same on the bottom just time you smidgen pigeon amount of paint and of course here let's go Brandis make sure that all the paint's looking nice and even on these corners yeah that's fine now we do the front part of the door so about sent me I have sent me your paint like that on the brush let's start about there when you put your paint on don't a slight angle you start to brush it right what you never do is you never come down like that because you'll hit the top of there and the paint will pull it across it and run down over you're gonna help with runs come down that top of that panel so what you need to do then put it up like this come down and up so you're not going to do that you're putting the paint up like that so then you don't really run this on that bit saying there's a paint there soy angle distribute the paint a bit just go penguins on that so when you laying off the paint now when you still come down like that it leaves a little mark so when you come back would make sure you've got slightly higher each time so you don't leave that little mark where you start with the brush like that okay if you do overrun the edge of this a bit two things you can do you can get the brush and just feather right like that so you don't get a rich well if there's quite a bit on there then you just need to get a kitchen towel rag give it a wipe get the word stuff afterwards okay so that's that panel done so I'm gonna crack on now and do the other ones and I'll be back in a minute okay so that's all those six panels done now I can move on to the number twos which are called the muntins at this point when you do the remainder of the door we need to go as steady old speed because if not we might get some marks or an overlap the paint on the miters here and there okay so it has to be put on the reasonable speed so these number twos are next I'll take these off okay so when you paint these every Center like that and then tilt the brush you're bit push the paint to the edges like that using the brush sideways and lay off up and down like that so as you can see I've gone slightly beyond the end of this like that and do the same on the second one okay through the middle tilt the brush sideways like this and tilt it that way that forces the paint out to the edges we go just fine you often go get the paint right to the edge of the style lay off gently the tips of the brush right maybe the center to build tilt like that then I can lay off the full length for about months in like that night okay just this one day here a night same principle through the sensor tilt it like that so I'm tilting it like that to push the pin out to the edges so once again you can see all gone slightly beyond to where that Montaigne finishes the same as on these okay so that's a number two's done so number three's are going to be these four horizontal rails going through here so if we start with the top one you paint like that tilt it down a bit some of you won quite towards me you might be better off stood on a little hop up or something at this stage so you can reach like that better now when you go along with this join here you're on a nice straight line so tilt the brush you can see words go in and just put it along and make a nice straight line across for that motor is through there and once again I'm going slightly beyond the endpoint of each one of these parts of the rails that's the top part done same on this one so pull the post and angle like that so you see where you going through there to make a nice straight line same underneath until the brush is lovely straight going through there well I'll just do the other two rails and I'll be back with you in a minute okay so all that's left to do now is these two number fours these long styles they don't each side of the door let's take something off okay so same principle but centimeter of paint through the center over there on the top of the door once again don't come down with the brush because you'll get pull the pain and they'll run down over there when you're not looking you have to be running slow down there I always just go upwards there's a star sent to me a day they go up to the top like that on these edges here once again we want a nice straight line so when you come down tilt the brush so you can see where you're going to make a nice straight line down through there like that to get a nice moisture on the edges each of these styles they're right another important point here is make sure you've dusted out any dust in there before you go near it it's not just spreads all over the place you're gonna be great tinge to your paint so I'm going to tilt the brush there nice and low in a through there they bottle it down now I hope the brush thought you differently and I normally would so I can tilt it upwards like this then though straight edge up through there there we go that's looking good so I just got this lifestyle to do going through here I'll be back in a minute okay that's the doral finish now we're looking good well I didn't show you though was I before I painted this stove and from here I cut bit of masking tape on both of the hinges because nothing worse and paint on the door get an horrible smudgy paint down all over your hinges so that's nice and clean now so hopefully you found this video helpful and useful also gonna be doing a video on how to paint dog frames as well so why not subscribe to my channel so you can stay up to date with all my latest videos
Channel: Aubrey's Absolute Decorating
Views: 327,609
Rating: 4.8406811 out of 5
Keywords: how to paint a door, how to paint a panel door, how to paint doors, how do I paint a door, how do you paint a door, door painting, which order do i paint a panel door, aubreys absolute decorating, painting doors, how to paint interior doors, painting a door
Id: kyLZmupK2uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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