How To Paint Doors and Trim | DIY

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guys jeff from home renovation here and today we are dealing with doors and trim um i just finished trimming it out which basically means to hang the door add the casings and so today's video is going to be all about how to finish from here like how to get the best finish possible one of the ways that you get good return on investment when you're doing your own diy projects is to know how to get a professional finish so today's video i'm going to show you brush and roll and i'm going to show you believe it or not the 40 wagner power sprayer we're going to do both of these applications for finishing the doors and the trim so that you have options in your arsenal the preparation and the process is different for both i'm going to teach you all my insider tricks i'm going to teach you which products i like to use for my caulking and for filling nail holes all of this kind of information all right so that you can get a professional finish when you're doing your project let's just jump right into this because step number one is all about the prep and that means we've got to take the doors off of the hinges now i've got a process that i've developed over the years that works really effective for me what i'm going to do is i'm going to take this hinge off of here and then pop the other two pins to remove the door and then i'm going to finish removing all the hardware okay and when you go to install it again you'll find that by installing it on the two the two hinges and then screwing the third hinge on is going to save you a ton of time because even when they come from a supplier like i use you're a fan of my channel you know i like classic wood molding and they do all these doors custom for me okay so when they arrive they already got all the hinges in place and you just stick them together there's always little variances and it drives you nuts trying to put it together so if you're only installing two instead of three hinges anyway that's a lot to say remove the hinges but this is what we're gonna do all right so you've gotta get organized have maybe a ziploc bag or something somewhere that you can put all of your screws and hardware [Applause] okay boom now we're just going to pop the other two off boom okay hold it from the top all right one down okay now when you're finishing your doors and trim just get rid of the hinges don't try to be a superhero and paint around them cover them all up in tape this only takes seconds and it'll make sure your job finishes perfect every time the truth is it takes longer to put tape on than it does just to remove the hinge now you want to make sure that you're using here there's a lot of different companies make this stuff but it's a siliconized acrylic caulking this isn't a painter's cocking this is for doors and windows it's a 30-year product and it goes on really awesome just cut the tip on the angle okay and you want to do this first because this takes about an hour or so to dry closer to two before you can paint all right so you want to get all your prep work done get your caulking on as fast as possible and with the hinges gone you can do this gap right here and if that gap is cocked then your doors are going to look amazing at the end because you're not going to have that obvious gap behind every one of your hinges that everybody gets when they tape them on oh let me go so now we're going to get into what separates the men from the boys when it comes to your finishing work everywhere you have wood contacting wood even if there's a nail in there and it's got a nice tight joint most professional painters do not this joint here on the door trim okay and i don't know why because they're all guaranteed to crack at some point in time there's always going to be expansion contraction house and those joints will always crack now you don't want a lot of caulking in there because you've got a door closing right but a good finisher will always install this trim just a millimeter away from the door and then what you do you want to go with that cut tip almost flat to this piece you see there okay just on a bit of an angle and you're gonna add just a little bit of material so that it fills that gap without being a huge concave mess okay but you're still going to want to have a little something there this is where less is more you're going to want to do every joint in that same manner every joint even these little ones around here don't expect the paint to solve all your problems there's a gap now there'll be a gap later and if it's your house you can avoid the gap most track housing in north america is not built to look as good as it does the first day you buy it within a year okay they cut all kinds of corners and this is one of the ones they cut the most takes a long time to do your finishing trim properly but it is worth all the effort you put into it you also want to just put a tiny little drip right here on this corner even if you glue your joints if there's a joint here your best bet is to use the caulking to wipe that in okay just a bit of a rub and then get rid of all the excess make sure you don't fill the nail holes with it either that's not what caulking is for never use your caulking to fill a nail hole because caulking shrinks a little bit when it dries and you're gonna get a bad look if you want to finish this you're going to want to use this product i know it looks kind of like something like the nfl would put together but the truth is it has a compound in here where it's um it's pink when it's wet and then dries white and that's how you know when to sand okay so here's the system less is more take your finger do a little dab and fill the hole okay that's it okay just a little bit of product because you don't want to have a whole lot of it sitting on here that you got to sand off the more control you use now the less work later you don't want it filling up all your contour okay and creating bumps and ridges and just get a little bit in that hole and then wipe it clean so when you're prepping your project remember caulking first one to two hours then you can do all your dry dex work right then you've got time while all that is setting up to finish off setting up your floor so you want to vacuum it out we're going to show you how to tape it all off so you don't have overspray on your flooring because remember the best way to do this kind of work is put the flooring down first then do all your carpentry on top of it one of the secrets to this process is paint your trim one coat before you install it you'll notice that when i do the drydex touch-ups and the caulking the caulking is white it only needs one coat the dry decks only needs one coat really so don't be too worried about this kind of thing if you paint it all first and you see flashing you can always touch up the dry decks a little bit if you need to but at least you're not going to be putting nails in that sort of thing within a couple inches of the floor right so you don't have to go right to the edge of the floor with your paint brush when you're trimming it in you can leave a quarter of an inch no one's ever going to see if it's one coat or two coat at the floor that's not a concern all right okay so now i got to clean up a little bit cut back some paper and do some taping okay get that out of the way so for the purpose of the demonstration today i'm going to be spraying this column and i'm going to use the brush and the roller on the other side but i'm going to show you the different ways to tape off here we go what i'm doing is i'm following the line of the trim i'm trying to tape see that that last little eighth of an inch don't care about it for the purpose of a sprayer you're never going to make that perfect the point is this when we're working with acrylic paints you're going to want to have either some nail polish remover with acetone in it or you can just buy a little jug of acetone at the hardware store you're going to have that as a backup in case you get any overspray and it's a good rule as a as a rule in general if you're painting your house have the acetone available surfaces like flooring and windows and that sort of thing you can clean the paint off real effectively using a q-tip and acetone and when we're here right we're creating an environment here where i'm not going to wreck my flooring okay i don't want to have to rely on the tarp alone for this well the only time i use painters tape is when i'm doing my trim bring the tarp up and around okay like that and only you're all asking what about this little space over here well we're going to cut a piece of baseboard we're going to install it with caulking only and then we're just going to paint it all in i'll show you that in a second gotta make sure your paint's well shucked ah there we are lovely so here is my suggestion for everybody out there who's working on their house if you're gonna install your trim on top of finished flooring at the very least paint the bottom of your trim okay when you install it you can nail on the higher surfaces you never have to have a brush come close to the floor if you paint your bottom of your base first if you paint the edge of your casings first it's just the easiest money now when you're painting you want to paint with just a little bit of paint this is not the time to try to slap it on so thick that it covers in one coat the effective way to paint trim okay so that you don't get too much texture you don't get those paint lines from the brush use less paint use three coats if you need to this stuff here is going to dry in about 10 minutes and i can re-coat i'm just going to set it off to the side and re-coat okay and then i can cut it and install it and it's all finished don't have to worry about don't paint like this on your trim don't go like that okay look at look how horrible that looks looks like something painted from 1905 with lead in the oil you know it's disgusting there's so much paint there all right don't do it no i'm just going to take me a week to dry this out so we'll set this aside we'll let it dry and then we're going to cut and snap them in and we'll move on to the next part of the prep work because now my drydex is all finished i'm going to sand it all in and then i'm going to vacuum it all up because when you're painting dirt is your enemy gotta have a clean jobsite wash your brush between every use don't let it sit around because it'll be garbage in about 10 minutes so this is the kind of sanding block i like to use guys all right you get these at the home depot they've got the angle so i can do my drywall sanding but the coolest thing about this is even if your sponge is worn out from prepping your room you've got to still have good corners on these sides you hardly ever let that touch the wall now you get to use the other half the sanding sponge so don't throw them out if the front gets destroyed because what we're going to do is we're going to set these corners in every one of these grooves okay wherever we see there was dry decks recontour the trim all right so now the hole is filled but you can't even see the hole there's no material left on the trim so these ones are gooped up really good just to make sure and make the point of how this works right let's set that in the contour the next contour this little edge use the sponge to follow the contour you can you can press it right into the contour right and then i got one more ridge here bam now the hole is filled and the trim looks perfect you only get one chance to get this perfect okay and perfect is what you want to start with because everything you do for finishing work is a lot easier if you're working with a perfect surface [Music] there you go so at the same time it took me to sand down my trims this is ready to go now we're going to cut and install the sucker there we go one and five eighths one in just under a half so the secret here when you're doing this kind of work guys is the thickness of this trim is the same as the thickness of the casing depending on your wall you might need to set it off the wall a little bit so you get that nice flush finish at the bottom so let's stick this in here first that's mildly proud interesting all right so i don't want to put a lot of adhesive on here or caulking all right i'll just put a few dabs i'll do and the one across the top that'll squeeze out okay here we go watch this squeeze it out all right then we're just going to want to it in place one down now the reason you don't want to use nails is because with little pieces of wood if you see the profile a lot of times they're hollow on the back you don't want to nail down here because then you got to touch it up and sand it right and you're painting close to the floor again and if you put your nail up here you run the risk of snapping it and it could break in half okay so don't use any nails in small pieces well that's lunch it's hot up here today my goodness um we're gonna just take a quick break let it all finish drying then we come back we're gonna do all the painting all right guys last thing in the prep list kills right and the reason we want this is because whenever you're dealing with like a finger joint pine or any like wood that's not mdf you're going to have the occasional knot or stain area so you're going to want to try to preemptively strike this right so the trim that comes from my trim shop is all primed in advance if there was discoloration or staining that was going to come through i'd see it already and so most of this wood looks pretty darn good but there is this one stain right here that is a little bit of a knot imagine that that's all it takes mission accomplished now i got a bit of a drip here i don't want the drip so i'll clean that up here's the deal on the can it says wait an hour to paint it's good advice they put it on there because that speaks to every condition you're working in right but if it's warm and it's dry this will be good in about 10 maybe 15 minutes so you just want to double check as long as if it doesn't wipe off you can brush and roll or spray so no worries love this stuff all right now we're going to start with painting with the brush okay if you're a fan of the channel you've maybe seen some of this information but we're gonna go through it anyway angle brush three two and a half whatever you're more comfortable with paint can get it empty to about here okay you want about an inch and a half of paint and you load up the brush and then you clean off the outsides especially the trim okay the more you clean the more control you have now nothing's dripping there's no mess okay you can work in your good clothes and when you're done your paint job you can go to sunday church not an issue all right start at the top and work your way down okay so you're gonna just set your brush and then drag okay and the goal here is not to get a perfect finish the first time the goal here is to get as little material as possible on there to get coverage okay so you want to keep stretching it out if you're not stretching it out then you're leaving all the paint on the wood and you're going to get ridges and when you go do your second coat you'll do the same thing because that'll be your habit of painting and you'll have too much paint hey you're going to waste a lot of money if you're not stretching it out and really getting good coverage you're wasting your money gallon of paint nowadays good paint like this costs 60 70 bucks in the store and you know it so less is more okay you want to get some coverage out of this stuff and then you work the top and you drag okay now i've been using dulux for years i'm very familiar with their products and i know which ones i love and which ones i hate i also like some sherwin-williams stuff i like some stuff from benjamin moore i like stuff from ppg i like stuff from pittsburgh paint i like a company called c2 paint there's a lot of really good paints out there what separates them from everything that's holding the box store is quality if you go to the box store for your paint you're not going to find quality i it's just the way it is it's like every paint company out there has got their top of the line stuff right and then they've got their decent stuff and then their commercial and all the garbage and they brand all the garbage and put it in the box store just being honest there's no way around it i don't care who you are if you have a problem with my opinion on that go ahead in the comments section blow it up let's have an argument or a conversation let's discuss the matter civilly but the reality is my experience in the paint market there's a bunch of different paint companies just like there's a lot of different automotive makers okay but in the paint world they make um everything from the introductory piece of crap all the way up to the lamborghini and every paint company makes the same stuff high end all the way down to crap because they want to serve every market that they have walking through the door for whatever reason i think benjamin moore might and c2 are the only stores that i'm really aware of that don't sell a real crap baseline right they don't sell a new home construction paint product line but almost everybody else does so you got to be careful when you go to the store you get what you pay for all right you can buy a 30 gallon of semi gloss trim paint and you need two gallons to do the same work as one gallon of this because it covers so much better one brush line three four feet of trim and i cleaned it off think about it there really is you get what you pay for in the paint world so don't be afraid to spend good money but if you're gonna spend money have good technique so you're not wasting your time because if you can paint in in one or two coats but it would take three or four of a cheap paint all right you're buying extra material thinking you're saving on the gallon price but using half the material with a good paint just saying that's also half the time brushing so you save a lot of time as well all right now here we go and then we pull all right here we are the reason i like to pull instead of go like this because we're not curling right we're just putting paint on and we're just running it down all right getting even distribution the less of that slapping back and forth of the brush the less paint is flying around the room the less cleanup afterwards you're going to thank me for that so that's how we do this all right we do every part of the trim that we see all right there we go we get it on get control and then we pull and you stretch it as far as you can now this is latex paint so we start the top work down if for any reason you're working with an oil start at the bottom and pull it up okay it just performs better now you don't have to paint in the hinges but you don't have to be careful not to paint the hinges either it's not going to affect your day okay just make sure you don't leave paint sitting in that crease you don't have issues closing your door pull pull pull this is the rule just keep on pulling all right now you can go up like that and leave all kinds of paint in that corner right and then you can just pull from it see that that guarantees you fill all that crack up with the paint when in doubt you got a texture or something that's causing a problem go across grain and then you can pull it down whenever you find yourself having to go back the other way in order to get coverage it means you're running out of paint all right just keep on pulling now my brush is nice and dry i'm going to go back and clean up all the extra paint that i had sitting there okay now even with the good paint and this technique of stretching it out and pulling it you're trying to use as little amount of paint as possible to get your coverage all right and that's how you avoid all the brush lines too much paint leaves brush lines it's like a snow plow driving down the street all the extra just gets pushed to the side same with the brush okay so if you have too much paint and you see lines when you see ridges like this it means somebody use way too much material okay there's enough paint here to paint the rest of this trim way too much material and people who paint like that are throwing their money in the garbage and getting a poor result okay there's still too much material here i'm just gonna just keep on dragging this down until i get it where i want it wow i really put a lot of paint on there you get an idea how much coverage you can get from just a little bit of paint right okay let's talk about the bottom now to paint the bottom you want to pretend you're painting a ceiling so invert yourself and paint the same way you get upside down and now you start from the top and you pull the paint away okay you don't even need to have tape here you just use the tip of the brush to push it towards the edge of the wood and then you pull it away you're in control set the heel of the brush and then pull it up same thing down here you're going to want to get right underneath the bottom with the tip all right so when you set the brush and then you apply pressure you push the bristles down you don't want to try to start at the edge okay get close push the bristles down and then paint it okay that's it and you can paint with incredible accuracy and not even have to spend all your time taping everything up some people are going to argue that this is faster than using the sprayer but next we're going to show you why i use the sprayer instead of a brush because whenever you're painting trim you're also painting doors that's where having the sprayer makes the biggest difference so give me another two minutes i'll finish this up and move on to the sprayer and how that works all right so real quick a lot of people are going to be asking in the comments section what kind of brush you use jeff because like you know i want to use a brush that jeff uses and i'm like i use every kind of brush i see every time i see a brush for sale i've never used i buy it and i try it here's what i've learned over all my years whether it's eight dollars or fifty dollars like the caroma i'm working with here they all do exactly the same job sorry to break anybody's bubble um i know a lot of painters get really under the color about this oh you gotta have a party if you're not using purdy purdy's not the best thing in the world okay but it is a lexus it's a nice brush but they also sell a purdy brush at the local building store that's not the same quality as the professional purdy brush so how does a consumer how are you going to know do you hear a party is the best and so you go to go to your local building store and they're selling a purdy and you buy it same company different product level different quality level don't spend 30 bucks on a brush at a local building store you're buying a 10 brush okay you're buying their name on a 10 brush i pretty may not be happy about that but maybe if they weren't trying to deceive everybody with their name on a piece of crap i wouldn't have to tell everybody so anyway feel free to buy a 10 brush go to your local sherwin-williams or dulux or benjamin moore say hey you got a 10 or 12 brush that's what i'm gonna buy i like a three inch angle that's my favorite i know lots of people who like a two and a half that's fine too but if you can carry a lot of paint and you paint with this technique three makes everything so much faster and you can almost get one at the local dollar store the value of the brush really comes down to how often you're going to use it and how long you want it to last and how many times you can clean it without it falling apart okay as a homeowner if you're just doing a couple of rooms and you want to buy a three dollar brush at the dollar store that's fine but the hairs are going to come falling out while you're painting so just pay attention to that and wipe them off as you go and you can do a three dollar brush if you're going to be painting or you know a lot for the rest of your life then invest in a brush that you can wash and let dry and it'll have it in perfect condition day after day after day after day and you can have a brush like this last for a couple of years just saying it's worth the investment if you're going to be using it to make money all right so the same can that i had here right i added just a touch of water i want about 10 water and i'm just giving it a bit of a stir now you can't spray a uh semi-gloss 100 acrylic paint without adding a little bit of water you got to thin it out just a touch okay it's going to look like junk as it hits the trim all right here we go wagner power sprayer now remember how much we got done with just a few brush fulls imagine that's actually a lot of paint right there when you think about it compared to a couple of brush fulls let's see how far this goes okay so here we go we got our paint and we're going to turn it on it's going to make a little bit of noise and then i'm going to show you how this works the key here is to make sure that your flooring is all covered so you don't have overspray we okay okay ah so here's what we're learning here guys and this is where experience comes in handy that's coming out too thick there's obviously not enough water in that mix to get a nice even spray so i got to brush this in now real quick before i have a mess on my hands and we're going to modify that so that we don't have a problem and we can we're starting on the frame for a reason because this is where you find out how your mix is working okay if it's too thick you can brush it in that's not a problem but you want to get this fixed up before you go and attack your doors all right here we go now that's just like any other brush and roll day yeah not bad here we go okay let's thin it out a little bit more and we'll try again okay so first i'm going to clean out the line with the old stuff here let's give this a try so we started with 10 now i'm at 20 water all right [Laughter] all right there we go that's pretty much the secret and you don't want to spray until you see full coverage spray until you see about 80 coverage and let the paint melt into each other okay it will do that you're seeing it now the streak the bubbly is all going melting into each other now that's brilliant all right now it's time for the doors we'll show you why i love having a spray gun for a door and so for this demonstration what we're going to do is i'm going to spray the top half all right actually i'll spray the bottom half because it's easier i don't have to bend over so much when i'm painting and then i'm going to brush and roll the top half and you can get an idea of the difference in the work and then the quality of the finish all right all right for the rolling i'm taking the full strength paint and using a mini roller little four inch with a microfiber roll okay i know a lot of people like to use a sponge roller when they're working with smooth surfaces but i like to just buy a good quality paint and then let the texture melt itself out and in this situation with the brush and the roller less is more with the sprayer you're going to find a little bit more is better now obviously if you're using a sprayer and you're going to resort to the wagner power sprayer on a door what you're going to find is that because it's blowing air with the paint there's going to be a texture there's going to be a little more eggshell to it and that's fine if that's the look you're going for just make sure you're consistent but if you want to have a nice smooth finish then using a roller and stretching out your paint and going that less is more concept is going to give you a better look personally i'm not a big fan of that so i'm going to roll that in but all i'm doing is working out the texture okay so you can spray the whole door and then come back and roll this all in nothing wrong with doing that at all all right now with the ruler with finish paint um a lot of doors out there are what we call six panel so you're gonna have all these different squares you have a lot more brushing and rolling the bigger the flat area the smoother you want this finished texture okay that means the less material you want on your paint roller all right you'll also get a benefit if you set up a couple saw horses and laid that lay the slab flat so that the gravity is melting the paint together in this situation because it's standing up it's all sagging so you got to be really careful not to use too much paint it's always easier to do a second or a third coat if you need to and use less paint okay there's just never anything wrong with that and if you find after your first or second coat you've got little bits of junk okay grab the sanding sponge if there's too much texture in your paint grab the sanding sponge okay it's always your best interest between coats to make sure that you are completely happy all right and try to do three or four three or four sides every time okay a door has six sides so the first time you roll do both of the sides and across the top next time you turn it around flip it upside down and roll the bottom if you seal all the sides of the door your doors are less likely to warp especially if they're subject to the different levels of humidity throughout the year okay that'll help to keep your doors functioning properly year-round okay well that's it right just remember sand in between coats clean your surfaces get every part of it done and then when you screw it all back together your hinges will be clean and everything will be perfect that's money in the bank okay so just to recap in most cases when you're painting doors and trim less is more right always sand always prep there's more work that goes into a quality paint job when you're not holding the brush than when you are right remember when you're painting the inside of your house the average home uh 20 to 40 gallons of paint ceilings walls trims and doors do the whole inside of your house get five percent increase in the value of your whole house okay that's a lot of money and it's not a huge investment because in a lot of cases the the paint for a whole house you know the the ceiling paint the wall paint it's a lot less money than it is for the doors and trim it's affordable it's a diy project you can afford to do yourself dress up your house make it beautiful and earn some money while you're at it and if you want to see that wagner power sprayer in action we actually used it on another project where we painted and stained the brick at the new location of the church check out the video here if you haven't seen it it's amazing because when you're spraying something with texture a cheap sprayer like that goes a long long way and i would actually recommend that on brick any day of the week cheers to next time
Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 189,516
Rating: 4.9114094 out of 5
Keywords: homerenovision, renovision, jeff thorman, homerenovisiondiy, do it yourself, how to paint interior doors, how to paint a door, painting doors, how to paint trim, how to paint interior doors without brush marks, how to paint interior doors with a spray gun, best finish possible, how to finish doors and trim, caulking, how to fill nail holes, how to wash your brush, how do i hang a door, interior design ideas, how do i paint like jeff, professional finish
Id: diBvKzJHjM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 26sec (2066 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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