3 LAST MINUTE tips to ACE your IFR check ride

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hello aviators welcome back to the finer points in the last video I showed you three tips for real-world IFR flying I'm in this video I'm going to show you three tips that will help you nail a check ride so if you've got an instrument check ride coming up and you're looking for three last-minute tips you could like hear these in the car on your way to the check ride and they're still gonna make a difference check it out here they are I'm Jason Miller a full time professional flight instructor on the finer points channel you can join me as I bring you tips and tricks that I've learned in 20 years on the flight line [Music] [Music] okay the first tip is don't fall down the rabbit hole there are many times that I see students setting up secondary navigation information usually on a GPS you know like when you load an approach on the gin 1,002 you this is for guidance only right or you load an approach procedure in the background for 30 or something like that if your main approach technology is VHF like if it's a vor approach an ILS a localizer approach don't fall down the rabbit hole of trying to set up that backup information if it's easy and you know how to do it and you fully understand it then go for it you know everybody's so convinced that the GPS magenta line is going to be more helpful or give them some situational awareness that everybody is working to get it in place even when it's a backup system so I think it's really important especially on an instrument check ride or when things get tight in the real world to ask yourself what's my primary source of navigation here am i flying a view our approach in ILS I mean is it a VHF thing that's primary or is it a GPS thing that's primary huge shout out by the way the Steve thorn Steve congratulations to you on your instrument man that was well-earned you did a great job I know I know how busy you are and so just to get all that done I know in Canada is a lot so kudos to you and I also think that story that you told me about trying to figure out a backup system in the hold on your GPS that was the moment where you passed the check ride because you know everybody has that moment in flying where they start to you know go down a rabbit hole to try to figure out a problem and what you did was recognize that the problem was a secondary system and not critical to you flying the hold and as soon as you made the decision to abandon that rabbit hole and let that sort of you know magenta Pandora's box just go and come back to its primary for you the fact that you're flying a VHF needle you're in a hold and you don't need that system to do this properly man if I was your examiner that's when I was just watching you make that decision and prioritize flying the airplane on a primary signal would have been the moment where I thought okay the guys ready so that's huge and you know just so you know nine times out of ten it doesn't go that way for example I had a student on a check ride he owned a piper warrior and in the in the top of his radio stack he had a Garmin 430 and in the bottom he had one of those old analog nav coms like I mean analog like old TV set you know you could think he'd turn this big like analog wheel anyway I'm by the way I love those old analog radios but so he's flying the localizer approach into Watsonville California using the nav radio in the 430 and then he was planning on doing the mist approach on the nav radio on the bottom right so we're flying the localizer approach everything is looking good he goes to miss the approach and he ends up it's the Salinas of you are holding on that old navcom unit and it's really simple it's just a basic holding pattern you know fly the needle to the station when the to/from flag flips you turn and you know start your timers and do all that sort of stuff and he's just doing circles there at the vor and he's doing great and the examiner tells me that he's doing great and says okay the next thing I want you to do is to fly fly the ILS friendly three one approach into Salinas starting at the initial approach fix with the DME arc right now notice the holding pattern on the missed approach he was flying had an inbound course of 1 1 3 the radio that he would have had to fly outbound to get to that IAF that the examiner told him to go to was 107 all right we're talking about six degrees so all he had to do was get back to the station and left six degrees in twist six degrees so that's it and then fly for 23 miles outbound while he figured out whatever other radio business he wanted to figure out so that's it he could have turned six twisted six and phone for 23 miles but what do you think he did instead of doing that he heard that he had to fly an approach and so he hit the procedure key on the 430 now immediately just you know I get that GPS provides amazing situational awareness and I am not telling you to blow off backup systems or moving maps or anything like that but I do want you to understand that when you hit a procedure key on a 430 you are opening up possible mistakes for example there's two different initial approach fixes and they're not titled perfectly so which one would you choose unfortunately my student chose the wrong one and turned toward the side of a mountain the examiner failed him right then and there came back to my office and started talking my ear off about why was this guy so reliant on the GPS he was doing great right so understand that when you hit that procedure key you're a interfacing now with a computer and be that computer is gonna ask you questions do you want vectors to final do you want an IAF should you load it should you activate it right all these different questions that you're gonna have to deal with are opportunities for you to make a mistake and that's exactly what my student did ok another tip that will really help you is to hold your checklist up right next to the information you're trying to maintain right like if you're trying to hold altitude then hold that checklist right up where the approach plate right up next to the altimeter move your eyes rapidly like you're trying to read something and drive a car which I know you would never do but if you're in an airplane and you're trying to hold a heading and an altitude or fly an approach course then whatever you're looking at with it checklist or an approach plate should be held up right next to the instruments there's no way I ever would have gotten my ATP flying like single-engine approaches under the hood with plus or minus 50-foot tolerances I never would have been able to do that if I didn't do what I'm telling you to do and that is hold the things I'm looking at right up where my eyes need to be I'm gonna encourage you over time to hold these things right up next to the flight yeah just like it so if you were VFR I would tell you to hold it here but because you're IFR right here and that way you can bounce your eyes back between this is like driving a car someday like Hawaii autopilot side okay it's about alright alright the last tip is to remember to think at least one step in front of the airplane if all other situational awareness goes to hell if you're one step in front of the airplane and you know what you're going to do at the next event is there a turn time twist throttle talk then you will catch the mistake before you make it and if you're having trouble getting in front of the airplane what's the number one tool the number one way to get in front of the airplane slow the airplane down power back the slower the airplane is going easier it is to get your mind in front of it that's all for this episode it was short but I hope that's meaningful and effective for you three tips that you can hear on your way to the instrument check ride and it can make a difference for you come to my website learn the finer points calm i've got a free video gift i want to give you a huge thanks to the sponsors and to the patrons if you're interested in bonus content and helping support the finer points please come to patreon.com if you'd like to join us this summer on an adventure trip please come to airplane camp we are now taking registrations you can find that also at learn the finer points calm I'm a huge thanks to you the best fans on the internet for watching this video I'm Jason Miller and until next time be safe [Music]
Channel: The Finer Points
Views: 35,264
Rating: 4.9622917 out of 5
Keywords: IFR, instryment check ride, passing IFR check ride, flying, aviation, flying lessons, IFR flying lessons, flying in the clouds, instrument rating, pilot skills, flight chops, passedd IFR, flight chops passed IFR, flight training, airplanes, instrument flying, passing an IFR check ride, flight chops passed, tips for instrument flying, jason derulo, jason CFI, instrument check ride tips, FLYING, CFI lesson videos
Id: dfIP5uL38YI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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