INSTANTLY Change a Card in to Another!! (Tutorial)

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- We're gonna attempt something legendary, something thought to be impossible right now. I'm going to bounce a card off, using cyclone, off an anaconda. Never been done before. With my friend Andre. - That's literally never been done before. So we're gonna try it right now. (dramatic orchestral music) (air whooshing) (mellow electronic music) - Yo, what's up, guys? Welcome back. Monday, you know what that means. Magic. Did you know what that means? - 'Cause of the M's. I like it. - All right, yeah. Clever guy. This is Alex Pandrea. Also got a YouTube channel. Also teaches a lot of magic. And going to teach you guys something today. Alex? - Happy to be here. Third time on the channel. We've done a few of these in the past. I try to teach things that sort of better sleight of hand. So, simple things, but make 'em better. - So what are you teaching today? - The classic shapeshifter color change. The best, most visual color change, I think, in my opinion. It's just, boom, one second, it changes, and it doesn't really take a lot of work, and I have a few little inputs that I think-- - Yeah, he's got some interesting touches on it, so if you know the shapeshifter change already, definitely worth watching. You are going to pick up on a tip that will help you improve it, make it look better, and kind of like a little sort of subtlety. But also, if you don't know it, super easy to learn. Alex is gonna teach you that right now. By the way, his channel is below. Go check it out. And also, what are these here? - Why don't you say what it is? - All right, these are the Fort NOCs by Alex Pandrea. These are the latest installment of the NOC decks. They look like this. You see them on the beginning, on the B-roll. Pretty slick. Cool trailer as well, shot by Nic Suriano, holding the camera. And the interesting thing about this is that the price goes up two dollars every week like gold would. 'Cause it's the gold standard, right? So these are like gold bars. So each week, the price would increase as good would. And so, it started at $20, and now it's over 50, but I think we're gonna do something a little special. - Okay. - For those of you who probably didn't get in on the first deal of $20, we're gonna do a special thing where you can get it at the first price, for 48 hours only, that's it. - All right, 48 hours. Link below. $20 a piece. - Bam. - Let's get learning on the shapeshifter now, why don't we? Alex, take it away. - Let's do it. All right, so you have a card, and it's gonna change from the five of diamonds to the 10 of clubs, boom, with a snap. So the idea behind this is that you want to make the card look like it's in the same place from here to here. Now, that probably also looked like it, because we had the spades with the clubs. But the concept is that you're just here, you flick the card, and boom, it changes, and now you're left clean. All right, so this is a change that uses a double, back-to-back card, right, and there's a few of them, right? You could do that kind of thing. But I like this one because it's super visual. There's no hand on top of the card. So, the idea is that, usually, when people do this, they hold them by the pips. One thing I didn't like about this is that they cover the pips. All right, so they would do this. The second thing I didn't like about it is that it bows upwards, right? So you bow it up, and then when you do the flick, it bows down. So that it legit looks like what it is, all right? A nice tip to do is to hold it straight, and then when you do the flick, it would come straight. But again, I didn't like that as well, 'cause it didn't have that pop. So now we're gonna try to make it really pop like that. And the way that we're gonna do this is as follows. Thumb on the lower lefthand corner. Middle finger on the top righthand corner, so you're holding it like this. So now the audience gets a nice view of what the card is. All right, so we're gonna go over the change first, and then how to get into it. Bow it up. And now you're gonna go with the thumb and middle finger here. Now, at the beginning, you're gonna get this. All right? And it's still gonna bow down, so how do we get it bowing up like that? And all it is is a little bit of subtlety of the middle finger. Instead of going to the corner here. It's gonna go a little bit further. So instead of grabbing it here, you're grabbing it here. And the move itself is gonna be mainly with the left middle finger. So the left middle finger will bend up. It's gonna go off the thumb. And the middle finger is gonna pop it at the end, just a little bit out like that. And that's gonna get the bow coming this way, all right? You also want to do an up and down motion. An up and down motion is nice when you pop it. It gives it more force to pop up. Your left hand is gonna come down like this. And when your left hand comes down, it's gonna give it force as well. This is at the same place. Maybe an up and down is good, so you're here, you're here, and now when this is up, you're gonna come down and finish the move. So it's going to be mainly, you feel it here, around this pip. - [Chris] And it's sliding over your thumb first? - [Alex] And it's letting going of the thumb. And then it's popping up. So in slow motion, it's boom, down. Pop. It's gonna do the initial turn, and then the middle finger just sort of pushes up at the end. And you're bowing up with these two fingers as well. So you get that little, at the end, that. So you want it to be the same position, bowed up, in the same sort of degree, and bowed up at the same degree. You don't want it here, and then bowing really up. And at the same time, you don't want it bowed here, and you don't want it bowed down. So, as long as you keep that in mind, and you work on that, you'll get it sooner than later. 'Cause I think this is a pretty easy move. But now let's talk just really how to get into it. All you really have to do is turn over the top card. And now get a break. Now, a lot of people, I see do this. They turn this over, and they go, uh-uh. Uh-uh, that kind of thing. So, what I like to do, is as I show this card, I just dip down a little bit. And if you want to push, that's fine. But just do it in a way that is not seen. So even if it turns over the hand, now you come back, you have that break, okay? Another way to get the break is you turn this over flat on the deck, and I dribble until I stop at two cards. It's a little bit harder, but you'll get used to it, boom. And just stop at the two cards. So now you could pick up the two cards as one. From here, you're going to place it higher so that the thumb and middle finger hold it. And now you're gonna grab it into the position that you want it to be. And then go into the change from there. So essentially, what you would do in a routine is you would control a card up to the top of the deck in your favorite method. Say the card is a four of diamonds. Now you're going to take a random card from the middle and say, "Oh, jokers are wild. "That wasn't your card, was it?" And as I do this, I'm here, and I'm ready to do the move. Say, "That wasn't the card, was it? "Think of your card." Boom. Deck of cards go down right away. Push off one. You're clean. Now you could hand this out and move on with your life. So, really quickly, one more time, this is it. "Go ahead, please pick a card." They do this. All right, ace of spades. Do 'em, and then we'll do a really easy double undercut control. Now the card is secretly on top. We'll say, "Look, we're gonna get a random card. "Your card is in the middle. "Is that it, four of spades?" They say no. I dribble, I get my break, I say, "Watch the four." Boom, now it's the ace of spades. "Is that your card?" They freak out, they start crying. And they run away, and you're like, "No, wait, I got more, come back." But then they never do, so there you go. (laughs) Oh, man. Magic. - And there you have it. That's the shapeshifter change by Alex Pandrea. Not by Alex Pandrea, but that's his take on it. I hope you guys learned something interesting. I think the touches on it are great. Definitely helped me improve mine, so thank you for that. So, give him a sub. Link below. What's that? Almost at 100K? You got 70... - 75. - 75? Wow, can we get him to 100K? If they get you to 100K, what are you gonna do? - We'll do a big giveaway. Big giveaway. - How big? - Big. How big do you-- - This isn't, we've never discussed this, but how big? Putting you on the spot right now. - Let's do a brick of cards. - That's it? That's not big. - All right, what do you want to do? - That's 25,000 subs, dude. If we get to a hundred, let's give away-- How many winners should there be? - I think you should give away a gross, total, if you get to a hundred, for sure, at least a gross. - If we get to a hundred, I'll give 144 decks away. - Six decks each. - Six decks each. - Yeah. So that's 24? That's 24. (laughs) So 24 people will receive six decks. Yeah, sound good? Only if he gets to 100K by, let's say, okay, what's the date right now? Get him to 100K by April, or else no deal. - No deal. - All right. - All right. - That's pretty good. - The countdown starts. Boom. - I'm excited to see where this will go. Anyways, guys, check out Alex's channel. Cool guy. Thanks for watching. Like, subscribe, all that stuff, and we'll see you on the next video. Peace. (growls) (electronic hiphop music) (woman singing in foreign language)
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 292,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: playing cards, magic, color change, tutorial, beginner magic, beginner, magician, chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, street magic, alex pandrea, noc, cards, deck, fun, how to
Id: KmtyOWV-Wus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2019
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