Sleight of Hand 101 | The Cardini Change (Intermediate)

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Oh what up people the world my name is J and welcome to this edition of sleight-of-hand 101 today we're going to be learning about one of my favorite color changes in card magic called the Cardini change and once we learn that we'll learn how to apply it to our own tricks so grab a deck of cards and let's get started so I'm going to riffle down the side of the pack just like so all I want you to do is to say stop at some point right there perfect we'll go ahead and take a card from the center the three of spades we will leave that back in the center that is your card so remember the three of spades right there in the center of the deck we'll go ahead and push that in now I'm going to cut the cards and give it a quick shuffle thereby losing your card deep in the center rendering it impossible for me to know where it is now watch this if I flip the top card the two of clubs check this out I give it a flick you'll notice that the two turns into your three of spades now let's see how that's done first we're going to learn the Cardini change then we are going to apply it to our own trick here's the setup for the Cardini change you want to keep both of those cards on the top of the deck essentially making them look like one so you pull a double lift and get the five of Hearts and essentially you've got both now what you're going to do is position your hands like so put your thumb at the top left corner of the pack now if you're using your right hand it's the top right corner of the pack you want to take the rest of your fingers and lay them completely on the side here almost at an angle the main fingers that you're going to use for this change are your pointer finger your thumb and your pinkie these two fingers lay rest they will be used later on after the change has been performed now what you're doing is applying pressure with your thumb downwards so giving it a bend you're applying pressure with your pointer finger inward so you're kind of squeezing the cards and with your pinkie you are applying downward pressure like you're trying to pull the card down now here's what the change looks like without the hand in the way with the hand over it it's pretty hard to detect and that's why you use your hand is to protect this card from being seen now how did we do that when you apply the pressure with your thumb and with your pointer finger you have enough momentum to hold down that top card without pulling down the second card so this is the motion with your pinkie going completely up and down these two fingers are applying pressure this is kind of a downward and this is more of a pinch and your pinkie pulls that card down you should have a pretty good grip you're completely on the corner you're basically covering up the number and you pull down so without the hand it would look like this pulling down now because you applied pressure with your thumb this nine is going to stay there and because you applied pressure here with your pointer finger pinching the card the nine is also going to stay so let's see that again perform the change and you want to have your hand covering it hand positioning for this is all about figuring it out for yourself so go look at a mirror and watch yourself perform it where your eyes will meet the card and position your hand where you think it's necessary what you do is you literally pull it so fast that if you can flick it and make the change at the same time it will look astounding like that sometimes you'll have it where you'll flick too early so you'll kind of see something happen but it'll also still just be the change so it won't be too big of a deal but essentially that's all it is pressure here pressure here these two fingers kind of get out of the way they can just sit on the side your pinky pulls down so you're in this position and your hands covering it now the cleanup is pretty easy you want to take your hands close the fingers so that you're not giving away the card your forefinger your middle finger and your thumb pinch the cards lift them up flush this card with these fingers flush it with the bottom and the act of twirling the deck we'll look at this one more time without the use of the hand you're in this position applying downward pressure with your thumb pinch pressure with your pointer finger and with your pinky as you apply both those pressures pulls down that card you're in this position take your hand cover it take your pointer finger and your middle finger and your thumb lift up on the pack flush the card with the bottom of the deck and while you do that spin the deck when you do it quickly it'll look like this that's the Cardini change now let's see how we can apply it in a trick so for this trick if you do not know how to do a double lift I ask that you click the video at the top of the screen please learn that come back and we'll get started so you'll go up to your spectator you'll ask him to say stop as you riffle down the side of the pack you can learn how to pull a double lift from the center of the deck from that video that I asked you to watch but if you can't just go ahead and pull a double lift from the top and say here's your card the 5 of Hearts they're going to acknowledge that this is their card you're going to put obviously not their card in the center and you're going to tell them we're going to leave your card back in the center of the deck where we found it if you pulled it from the center at this point you can shuffle the deck just be aware how you shuffle it though if you're going to shuffle it like a normal shuffle make sure you leave their card on top know where it is so when you do the shuffle you know it's here just make sure to leave it on top if you're going to perform a swivel cut flourish which is a false cut which looks like this essentially leaving their card back on top and the whole deck in the same order if you don't know how to do that go ahead and click the video at the bottom of the screen learn that and that can be a tool for you but also you can just do a normal shuffle as long as you keep their card on top it does not matter you want to tell your spectator that their card is deep in the center of the deck and there's no way for you to find it give them the control make them feel like they are in control of the card trick and your goal is to steal that control back from them by doing the Cardini change so at this point their card is on the top what you want to do is pull a double lift and show them the secondary card now your hope is that this card is different than this card both in number but also in color if this is a red card and this is a black card the change looks really nice if it's not and you just kind of put in this position it's fine one of the worst-case scenarios is you'll get a 5 of diamonds and a 5 of Hearts and that happens you just have to suffer through it either way they're going to see the change now at this point you say watch what happens when I flick it and as you flick you perform the card Dini change lift up flush it and spend the cards and you're all done you're completely clean their card is on top right where you wanted it thank you guys so much for watching I really hope you learn something you know if you like this video please hit that like button I really encourage it and it helps me so much guys I appreciate it a lot and if you didn't like this video which I can't imagine why you're not gonna lose sleep over it just hit that like button like I said yeah I appreciate it and it really does help me out make sure you guys check out the description so you can see my Twitter my Facebook and my blog pages we can all stay connected and have a good time and also don't forget to subscribe so you never miss a video I'll catch you guys later peace
Channel: Milson Productions
Views: 841,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sleight Of Hand, Magic, Trick, Card, Tricks, Revealed, Cards, David, Illusion, Coin, Blaine, Criss, Tutorial, Magician, Amazing, Cool, Change, Magic Tricks, jay nation, matchuftw, sleight of hand 101, the cardini change tutorial, the cardini change, David Blaine, Easy, Street, Deck, Explanation, Floating, Card Magic, Illusions, Learn, Disappear, Magic Card, Secrets, Ace, Help, Tips, Need, Please, Your, Howto, Magic (Field Of Study)
Id: LJoTWntxD7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2014
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