Snap Change Card Trick Tutorial // VISUALLY change a card

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the slap change let's say I took VR King of Hearts and changed it to the ace of spades as some of you might be aware I do quite a bit of travelling around the world and one of the my favorite things to do while I travel is the plane with my cards while I'm on the plane or on the bus and then when someone looks at me and I noticed they're looking at me I immediately turn to them and go and you do a snap change you can literally see them I just and I love that moment because the moment that happens I walked over say g'day hi um Veeam and I'm able to build a connection with a stranger that I didn't even know so please remember you have a wonderful skill set I know so many of you spend hours upon hours upon hours practicing your craft so you don't forget to go out there and perform for people it's one of the most beautiful gifts you can give to a stranger hope you guys enjoyed my tutorial of the snap change so how is this move down right the first thing you guys are gonna have to realize is that there's two cards okay so essentially this is what happens I'm holding two cards and there's one card at the front obviously and there's one card at the back I somehow have to pull the front one to the back and display the back one alright so I'll show you from a slightly angled position here this is what happens in slow motion boom so you see I've retracted that front card now and I'm displaying that back yard but you do it so fast that the spectators cannot tell what just happened and it looks like a visual change first let's take a look at the front view and what your fingers are doing alright how to actually position your fingers so now you guys can already see from the performance that I use my middle finger and my index finger here you position them accordingly like that alright so you kind of you have it very close to the bottom edge of the pack almost aligned your middle finger here the bottom of your middle finger here with that bottom part of the card there don't have your fingers up here I find that when you're doing like that the snap changes aren't very clean so I mean you can try and you'll find out for yourself but trust me have your fingers about there that's the first thing second thing don't have your fingers in like that that way when you're trying to do the snap change it's impossible for you out of door so you want a fairly shallow grip with your two index and middle finger there so have a like that and obviously in order to hold the two cards together on the back my thumb is supporting it directly behind it so you know obviously your thumbs are supporting on top what you think is holding on the bottom that would look stupid you gotta make sure that the thumb is directly behind the index and directly behind the middle finger now that you guys understand the grip let's talk about how to pull that front card to the back and display that back card to the front all right so now let's look very closely at what these two fingers are going to be doing my middle finger is going to be dragging that front card through to the back or I'm gonna be looking at it from many angles so don't worry but my index finger is going to release pressure as my middle finger pulls that front one to the back so I'll show you what I mean as I'm pulling it to the back see how my index finger kind of comes out and releases pressure and then the pressure comes back on when it's gripping that back card so I'll show you guys one more time it looks like this from here watch pull back with the middle finger release pressure with the index finger boom and then at the end the index finger reapplies that pressure to grip that second card now let's have a look at it from the back guys we're going to let the red card symbolise the front card and the blue card symbolized the back card that you want showing at the front at the end okay so that's how we're going to do it from this angle you see my middle finger what it does here is I'll just slightly adjust myself it pulled back that front card remember while the index releases pressure and watch that fun card now that red card it's gonna glide along my thumb like so so let's have a look at the position of this red card it's actually being wedged in between the flesh part of the thumb here and the flesh part of the middle finger here so it's wedged in like so okay that's how it actually is positioned when your position it here what you find is you're going to get the perfect cover with this card here so no one's actually going to be able to see this kind of you perform at the right angles but we get into that at the end so you see I want to show you guys one more time because this move is actually one that people have a lot of grief with so again the red card being a fun card watch my middle finger now okay I dragged that card along the base of my thumb and till it gets to that point there so looking from the top looking from the bottom that's the position you want the front card to be in ultimately once you've done the move you guys are going to need to focus for this next part all right so now you guys already know how to pretty much drag that red puddle the front card at the front through to the back and get it into this position you understand that now now we're going to talk about how do we get this blue card into the position it's currently in okay so that's we're going to do next alright so let's start again from the beginning position remember let's recap you release pressure on the index finger drag that red card towards the back now watch my thumb here my thumb does not move from this position it remains in that position all the way throughout you see the thumb doesn't actually move it pretty much stays stuck to that corner of the blue card so if you focus on that now and have a look at this watch as I drag back the thumb actually never moves but the thumb what it does is it guides this blue card forward so that the blue card can be caught between the thumb and index finger here so now if you know that watch what actually happens I dragged a red card back the blue the blue card is being pushed forward and as I push forward he actually is gripped between the thumb and the index finger now let's talk about the same thing but let's look at it from the front all right so remember as I'm dragging this front card back I release her shot my index finger let me exaggerate this now but don't do it as much as I'm doing but just I'm exaggerating so you can see the point alright so I release pressure on index finger I dragged our front card back and the moment that front cut has cleared and the back card is now showing the next thing it comes back in and grips it with the thumb on the back and the index finger on the front all right so again I'm gonna exaggerate it so you guys can see removed pressure from the index finger normally you just remove it a little bit like that but I'm just gonna remove it completely drag that one back once you've got this space here that's clear you come back in grip it with your mix finger and push forward with your thumb so that you clear this bottom card I'm hoping you guys have got the move now no trust me it's gonna take a bit of practice so if you can't do it immediately don't go hearts too hard I give up don't do that 70% of people will do that so if you do push on and you do learn this you'll be one of the very few people who can do the snap change well okay now there's one more thing before I leave you guys with this one you have to flick the card as you do the change what this does is it actually distracts the spectator just momentarily because when they hear the flick it kind of gives it a I think it's like a distraction so it's almost like a audio distraction so oh and then it changes so that flick almost hides the move and it's very difficult to explain but trust me if I do it with that was with if I do it without now the move people are focusing too much on the card they don't get distracted by anything and as fast as you can do it sometimes people still see your card kind of flicker you say so the moment you put a flick to it and you just think at the same time it gives it that little bit more of a misdirection to actually make them move look very magical so make sure you add the flick in it as well tip number one all right I'd give this question all the time how do you clean up the snap change because you're stuck in this position here like that okay so it's not the best position to be stuck in I mean the only way you can walk away his life all right guys that's over see later and kinda have to walk away like that it's not going to make sense so obviously there is a way to clean it up and I'm gonna show it to you guys now right so in order to answer that question how would you guys normally do a snap change you would grab a double off the top of the pack and get it into this position here right so normally your hand will be occupied over here your left hand will be occupied so you can't exactly flick the card so how would you make the change in this in this position here if you can't flick it because like I said guys if you just do that it doesn't look extremely magical now so a lot of professional magicians have come up with a way to actually do this and clean up as well so trust me the clean up is gonna be answered bro so so from here I rotate my left hand around once and I go around the second time and as I going the second time I do the change you say so the change happens when my hand covers the card just momentarily all right that way you can hide the movement and it's gonna be a lot harder for them to see the car go like that all right so I did a very slow as you can see so you're going once again twice through the change and on the way up grab that back card move around one more time throw the cut up catch it and you show yourself clean so I want to show you from this angle here so here I go around once I go around twice do the change come up grab that card throw this card up catch it and show them your hands clean trust me this is a very good cleaner and you're only stuck in a bad position momentarily and then you immediately clean right at the end tip number two what I'm gonna say here is I know a lot of people going to have trouble with this move and I suggest you guys go back to the front of the video and listen to everything again and practice practice practice all right this move is so powerful I mean picture this you're in a bus and a car drives past people looking at you some reason you have a car that you door snap change they have no idea how you did that the amount of times I've used this you know to to attract someone attention across the bar or something it's insane it's something that people what what how and they'll walk up to you and ask you how you did and everything so trust me spend the time put in the practice put in the hard yards and you guys are going to be able to reap the benefits from this amazing move and make sure you perfect it before you perform it this is one where if you do it and people see the card at the back and yeah you're gonna be left feeling like an idiot so make sure you practice practice practice until you get it just right then perform it and you're gonna get all the attention in the world the angles for the snap change you see once you've changed the card what are your angles you see if I move slightly like this you're gonna see that back hard if I move slightly this way you're gonna see that back hard and if I tilt it like this you're gonna see it if I do it like this you're gonna see so pretty much the only angles you can perform this move is dead front on alright and you can't have too many people you can only perform this to maybe a group of three at most now trust me even though it has really bad angles there are plenty of times where you're only performing for one person trust me I'm sure you guys can relate there's plenty of times and when you do this it doesn't get any more magical than this I know it has other angle constraints but trust me as long as you're performing for a small group and you don't have anybody to your left you right behind you and the holy specter is in front of you no one's gonna be able to see it alright now you guys cannot see it and this is a very magical moment and then trust me here just do your clean up beautiful move and as always for all your magic needs make sure you jump on a 52 cards comm and if you want to follow me on all the social media platforms all the links are down below
Channel: 52Kards
Views: 4,623,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Card Trick, magic trick, magic, card tricks, magic tricks, card magic, tutorial, how to, Tricks, card trick tutorial, magic trick tutorial, tricks, 52Kards, Sleight of Hand, decksandcontests, magician, Snap Change, David Blaine, Color Change, VInh Giang
Id: KS39-4pfex0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2017
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