VOODOO CARD TRICK - Learn How it's Done! (Magic Trick)

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yo what is up guys Chris Ramsey and welcome back guys today's a very special day for myself as I'm I'm bringing to you I'm releasing one of my very favorite effects this is right now my favorite effect and it's something that I've been sitting on for a while this effect is a food ook art effect it's something that I previously taught am I at the table lecture at Murphy's about a year ago however the handling was frankly wasn't good it wasn't where I wanted it to be so I although I performed it a few times I was never happy with it because always very finicky and very sort of sketchy to perform that being said after revisiting the effect and having people like Thomas blomberg and Amy from the jarek's in favor spade and garrett thomas and all sorts of people weigh in on this effect and help me bring it to what it is now i'm happy to say that with their help we've created literally the best voodoo card effect in my opinion that has ever existed and the reason for that is because it is a voodoo card effect that is signed so again if you've seen this effect on my at the table lecture what you're going to get in this project is something totally different the handling is incredibly simplified so streamlined that you'll be able to go out and perform it and the reactions that you're going to get are absolutely incredible but I'll let you see for yourselves in a minute we're going to play a whole performance and you get to see this effect in its entirety that being said the link to this is below there's a there's a little link below you can click it in on self eye so it's it's a ten dollar download which is not much for what this is and all the time that went into this and the amount of times that you're going to actually perform it and that being said I'm a little bit nervous because you know I'm sort of putting this out there this is you know a solo project and if if you're looking for a way to support the channel if you like the videos that I do on YouTube if you want me to keep doing them as this is now my living then you can you can help me out but at the same time you can get an awesome magic like an exchange so it's a $10 download not a big investment but it goes a long way for myself to help keep the channel up to help pay for camera gear and traveling and that type of stuff so I keep bringing you tutorials content which I will still be doing however every now and again something like this comes along and it's just it's too great for YouTube and I don't mean that in a bad way YouTube is a great place to learn there's a lot of things we can learn but there are some things that I just feel deserve the proper attention and for those of you taking your card magic a little more seriously than just the hobbyist or than just the novice investing ten dollars in something like this is going to go a long way for you and so in this project I'm going to stop your acting in a second but in this project you know I go over the subtleties of different handlings and everything you're going to see how easy this is to perform and the sort of ratio between simplicity and reactions is incredible so without further ado here is my contribution and I hope you enjoy beauty well guys we're here with my friend Jeff abran that Jeff who's all due to high gestures also an actress and singer and an artist basically yeah a TV personality I could say as well yeah it's your birthday today so you guys should you guys should wish her a happy birthday by the way but I also understand something really interesting you told me something when I asked you to be a part of this video you told something really interesting which I wasn't worried because I was inebriated yeah I hope it's still true he told me something about your grandma oh yeah so could you tell me a little bit about that well my grandma is patient she's like subscribe you Haitian ladies more crazy now than she was back then due to old age but yeah I'm not sure super into acupuncture and stuff like that so I've grown up around that kind of homey house that's really really cool especially today because what I'm going to show you how to something to do with voodoo in a way have you ever seen you're going to practice anything or do anything that she does now I remember her telling me that she she trained herself to have out-of-body experience Wow like that's very cool but I've been there I've tried this specially when I was a kid I tried so hard to make that happen for me yeah I don't know if we're gonna go that far I don't have a pencil patience so we might we might end up just yeah I'm thinking Astro planing all right so haven't you objects here I'm gonna explain them to you just so you're not weirded out I have a blank card okay and that's going to be yours in a second I got a marker and I got a deck of cards here okay so in a second I'm going to ask you to draw a playing card but before we do that you have to choose one okay so just go ahead and say stop interview like ha right there okay so it's okay if I see this card is the three of clubs we'll show it to the camera all right so I want you really to think about everything that's going on in this card okay so think about the orientation think about obviously the color maybe the little picks and then just use here that just everything about it you're gonna have to draw this in a second okay all right so go ahead grab the mark up and actually ask you just to sign it first so if you just grab the marker and just put your initials or something there so the camera can see it perfect so right there now we know that that's yours right that's not it's not anybody else's there's no two cards like that in the world right yeah okay so we'll leave that somewhere in the middle of the deck and I won't touch it anymore okay I will not go near that ever again so Jeff yeah now we're going to need you to draw what you just saw okay well I can't draw it sick person so fine it's fine not to make this a great trick so if you just try it if you do it on the table get everything yes there was a three clubs if you get out go from memory down you do not it's not too bad looking like again and yeah that's not bad oh oh and you forgot to sign it oh right going right okay perfect so I'll let you know that you got like the mirror image they were on the other that's fine dang it you did great you did a lot of that that meets that then but it's kind of interesting that you did the mirror image because this essentially is kind of like a mirror image of the card you just saw right yeah with it so here's the thing to create um like a voodoo doll or anything related to included parts I know I'm not an expert but you kind of need like a personal item from someone do you mean but that's what it was I'm not gonna I'm not gonna take long coming up we all go that far but this is sort of like you created your own booty doll mm-hmm which represents the original card does that make sense q yeah okay um we're going to destroy this somehow okay and you're going to choose completely how to destroy you want to burn it what else you want to do to it [Music] [Laughter] what else you want to do you want to burn it helps you want to destroy it ah we can just rip it okay okay look Charlotte I'll just give it a little rip and then I'll burn it as well okay so basically you chose to burn this card you chose to rip it and you freely chose playing cards rekt yeah right here let's see try this actually burn the back of it to a little bit there you go hi so to recap safe to say you chose a card yeah you created a card and then you decided to burn it rip it here you sit yeah comment right hand apart yeah you like it um okay so if we're talking voodoo I mean the principle is that whatever you do to the voodoo doll should happen to the original I have a thing about that right yeah it's kind of kind of how it goes right hmm can I ask you a favor I don't want to touch the cards they've been there the whole time yeah you take those cards spread them on the paper whole deck yeah just spread it on the table so I'm good somewhere in the middle just keep spreading around this there should be something interesting here love you how do you party you should yeah are you doing [Music] alright guys so that was it again really proud of it thank you for watching all the way through again if you want to support the channel if you want to support me in what I'm doing on YouTube and you want to learn a sick-ass magic trick at the same time it's $10 it's a small investment click the link below it helps me a lot and I hope that you guys get some mileage out of it and if you do please write me please comment let me know what you thought of the effect and I'd be happy to answer any questions you have so again thank you to all of you guys you make this possible for me to be able to do this as a living and so I really appreciate that from the bottom of my heart really and I hope I hope you enjoy this so thank you we'll see you in the next video [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 428,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: easy magic, beginner magic, chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, trick, magic trick, magic tricks, learn, how to, magic revealed, revealed, sleight of hand, playing cards, deck, street magic, street, magic performance, best of, great magic, explained, secret, secrets, magicians secrets, magic, voodoo, voodoo card trick, voodoo magic, signed card, impossible, black magic, magick, voodoo card, chrisramsay52, reaction, learn how to, create, magician, burn, burnt card
Id: 6HgQFppBRN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2017
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