These Memes Are Awful (Student Memes)

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I dunno if he's joking about not knowing who Johnny Sins is

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Tzengzy 📅︎︎ Dec 05 2018 🗫︎ replies
what's up Greg I hope you're all having a great day welcome back to another episode of desperately trying to relate to children I've been having a bit of an issue lately I feel like more and more as I get older it's just becoming harder and harder to relate and make content for the youth of today I just feel like everything's moving too fast you know it's just like memes die so quickly what kids think is cool and funny dies so quickly I don't know how to keep up did you see that meme last week that was like they did surgery on a grape what was that I still don't know what that was about aside from the fact that they just did surgery on a grape but like is that the whole thing where did that come from I guess it was like a robot that did surgery on a grape by the time I figured that out nobody was tweeting it anymore so I just I missed that whole thing luckily I found something that I think can help me out a little bit it's a it's a bit of a new source of inspiration it's this account called students life they've got 24,000 followers it's an account for students by students and I'm gonna use it to learn how to relate to kids I mean just look at their bio anyone can answer to a question in the class but who writes an exam he becomes a topper so I don't know what that means but I maybe I'll figure it out if I just if I look at some of their memes so this account just post like student means it's about the life of a student the grind if you will dealing with teachers dealing with homework dealing with girls boys maybe all the [ __ ] that students are talking about today is in this account so let's just go through this account let's just together learn about all the stuff that kids are up to these days teacher why are you talking during my class student why are you teaching during my conversation oh hell yes okay that's one thing that hasn't changed since I was a student teachers [ __ ] suck trying to teach me and [ __ ] get out of here not really sure why the picture is of a minion though our kids really into minions these days duly noted students love minions would you slap your best friend for this uh hell yeah I would I'm a student aren't I your friends will love you when you are there this creature will love you even when you are not there hell yes dude this is what I'm talking about this is student life this is I mean this is the life of a student right here when I die my dog is going to lay on my grave and cry but I mean that's just the life of a student this account is so weird they post literally six times a day they posted six times in the past 24 hours just straight student means they're not all fun and games though some of them have morals and are here to teach us students a lesson like this one respect your teachers and here's a teacher who's like a candle and he's dripping wax into his students heads so basically it's like dripping his knowledge into their heads I sort of get this one like I understand the moral is that you know you should respect your teachers because they're giving you a very valuable resource they're giving you knowledge they've devoted their entire lives to sharing knowledge with the next generation so it's important to respect your teachers it's important to not tell them to [ __ ] off when you're talking to your friend like like that first meme that we looked at so it sort of contradicts that but the whole metaphor of a candle dripping wax into the students heads just like it doesn't really hold up cuz knowledge isn't like a finite resource that somebody has like you can't lose knowledge by giving it to somebody else otherwise like when you have kids and you like teach them how to walk and talk you would like forget how to do those things right like at the end of the semester is this teacher gonna be brain dead he dripped all of his knowledge into everyone else's head and now he's just like in a coma or something that takes this meme from like Sweden respectful to terrifying it's like hey remember to respect your teachers because they've devoted their entire lives to learning this knowledge and now they're transferring all that knowledge to you and withering away into the husk of a person they once were so you better enjoy all that precious knowledge because your teachers dead because of you this man is 31 years old and he wants to finish college salute to this guy a salute to this brave 31 year old man taking steps to better himself even past the prime of his life it's a nice sentence it is you know you're never too old to go back to school always keep learning I just well first of all this dude looks older than 31 and second off I want to know what they googled to get this picture because this picture is definitely from a porn right like this jacked muscular bald dude in this teacher with her blouse buttoned down to here so this whole thing must be made-up right that seems like this would be like a clip from a news headline or like a little clipping out of a newspaper like 31 year old local goes back to college to get a degree and we're all proud of him but like this whole thing is just made up cuz this is just a picture from a porn I take back my salute Jerry's house civil engineers should learn something from Jerry yeah I think we can all learn something from Jerry the cartoon mouse from Tom and Jerry we should I mean we should start digging holes in people's walls and living in them I think we can all agree that would make the world a better place that is one smart Mouse honestly we wouldn't even need to pay rent anymore you can just walk into anybody's house dig a little hole in their baseboard cram your way in and just make a little apartment in there live in their walls do you guys smell that that's student life civil engineers could learn something from Jerry if my classroom looked like this I would never miss a class oh we got a whole classroom full of mac books from like 2004 um if this is the life of a student sign me up if my classroom looked like this I would never miss a class I think I can speak for most kids when I say the only reason I don't go to class is because the classroom is not full of MacBooks I failed so many classes in college because there weren't MacBooks in my classroom I just didn't go here's another one with a pretty good moral it's a conversation between a pencil and an eraser I'm sorry for what you didn't do anything wrong I'm sorry you get hurt because of me whenever I made a mistake you're always there to erase it but as you make my mistakes vanish you lose a part of yourself and get smaller and smaller each time that's true but I don't mind you see I was made to do this I was made to help you whenever you do something wrong I found this conversation between the pencil and the eraser very inspirational parents are like eraser whereas their children are the pencil they're always there for their children cleaning up their mistakes sometimes along the way they get hurt and become smaller older and eventually pass on Dan just like teachers what but the kids not responsible for the parents getting older or dying they were gonna do that anyway they should have just said like maybe kids make parents weaker at times which I'm sure they do but they're saying that like people deteriorating and getting older over time and eventually dying is like yeah it's the kids fault nobody would die if they didn't have kids people without kids live forever the moral of the story is if you're such a shitty kid that your parents are literally withering away and dying it's not your fault they're supposed to do that though children will eventually find someone new a spouse parents are still happy with what they do for their children and will always hate seeing their precious ones worrying or sad yeah I'll tell you guys what I'm super glad I found my spouse after my parents died now I can suck the life out of her as well but you know what that's just the life of a student life is a constant battle to be replacing the people who you've drained all the life from don't feel bad if someone rejects or ignores you people usually reject or ignore expensive things because they can't afford them huh it's kind of a weird flex but that's fine here's some student life [ __ ] guys that moment when you don't understand your own answers and you just stare at your piece of paper with a really nondescript expression on your face what emotion is he supposed to be having right now like the picture doesn't add anything to this mean because I can't tell what it's supposed to be implying in fact if anything it makes it more confusing cuz now I'm just trying to figure out how he feels about his own answers he's not frowning he's not like making a disappointed face why did they even add this picture is it was it that hard to find someone frowning and staring at a piece of paper because he's not frowning in fact it almost looks like he's cracking a little bit of a smile he's got kind of like a kind of like a smirk going on no matter how old I am I'll always watch cartoons as long as that cartoon is the minions I will only watch minions because I am a student and students love minions if you remember this pencil your childhood was awesome that is the only determining factor in deciding whether your childhood was the [ __ ] or lame as [ __ ] oh yeah I remember this pencil all right because my childhood was the [ __ ] dude I had one of these in the fourth grade actually man that was the same year as the as the accident my whole family was just gone like that I'm the only one that survived it's kind of funny I've I've forgotten so many things between now and then but I'll I'll never forget the last thing they said to me they all looked at me right in the eye and said that's a dope [ __ ] pencil my childhood was awesome salute to all those girls who stay single just because for their parents words another salute to the brave women of this country who don't take anybody because their parents said so girls who stay single are perhaps the greatest heroes of this country what's up with this account it's saluting people anybody that's doing anything that can even be considered remotely noble gets a salute from these guys is that a thing that students do these days you just like salute anybody any time they're doing something that you like yo what's up Colby you going to the game tomorrow hell yeah I am Trent I'll see you there [Music] yeah we're student this is the life of a student baby okay here's a good one to end with the only day that everyone loves you and then it's a picture of your grave Jesus that's [ __ ] dark and mean it's trying to make this like societal claim like oh people only love you when you're gone but it could also be taken as an insult like like yeah the only time anyone's ever gonna respect you is on the day that you're dead [ __ ] but I mean hey that's just the life of a student alright guys well that's it for today's video if you're new here and you enjoyed this video make sure you subscribe and turn on my notifications to join Greg if you want to get some of my new merch whether it be the truly Greg t-shirt the greg hoodie the team Greg Jersey the fastest growing army t-shirt or a new addition new merch alert there's a little Nutcracker guy Christmas sweater so if you want to get any of those things go to danny gonzalez dot store or check out the link in my description thank you Skyler Emerson for turning on my notifications you are truly Greg I'll see you guys next time with a really interesting video where i murder Santa so I can become Santa by
Channel: undefined
Views: 4,588,891
Rating: 4.9677258 out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, funny, commentary, student, memes, hilarious, comedy, bad, instagram, relatable
Id: WhXWhwL2Ras
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 05 2018
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