Insta360 App: How To Edit And Reframe 360 Video - Part 2

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today i will share with you how to make a one minute travel vlog video using the insta 360 one x2 with the best 360 monopod all edited using the insta360 app so you can make a video which looks like [Music] this [Music] this oh [Music] minutes let's go through shot by shot how this video was made [Music] for the first shot i had the one x two on the best 360 150 centimeter carbon fiber selfie stick so it's really light in my hand and i had it extended all the way so i could get as close to the action as possible and point it towards the birds flying and then i just walked very slowly across the river bank so that i would get some motion in my video and it would look more cinematic in slow motion this is the first shot of my video and this was shot in 4k 50 frames per second the first thing i'm going to do is change the aspect ratio to the aspect ratio i want to publish my video in and this will give me a better idea of what's going to be in shot the next thing i'm going to do is trim this video down to 1.5 seconds at a half speed and this will make a three second slow mo shot so to do this i'm going to tap the trim icon go to the part of the shot where it's more dramatic so over here where you can see lots of birds in the sky i'll tap the scissor icon and this is where i want my shot to begin i'm going to drag this until it says 1.5 seconds over here this is the duration of the highlighted shot get as close to it as you can tap the scissor icon tap the tick to confirm so now i have a 1.5 second shot the next thing i'm going to do is add pivot points to choose which view i want to show my audience so i'll reframe it over here where there are plenty of birds in view add a pivot point here change the view to linear so now i can see the birds more clearly then go to the end of the shot add a pivot point here to maintain this view the next i'm going to do is add the speed to slow down my 1.5 second shot by half to make it a three second shot so to do this hover away from a pivot point and then you'll get the speed option go to the start of the shot tap the half speed icon drag it across the shot tap the tick to confirm and now i have a slow motion three second shot [Music] for the second shot i use the exact same setup the one x two on the best 360 selfie stick i had it fully extended pointing towards the river and then i just slowly brought it up and then behind me and just make sure that there's no one behind you when you have the stick fully extended i want to start this shot when i start to bring the selfie stick up which is about here so i'll tap the trim icon tap the scissor icon and i want to make the shot about three and a half seconds tap the scissor icon and tap the tick icon so now i have a three and a half second shot at the beginning of my shot i want to reframe to show myself so i'll add a pivot point here and change the view to linear so it's not distorted then go to the first second add a pivot point on myself again then over the next second i'm going to reframe to the right i'm going to start revealing the river then go to the end of the shot and then finally reveal the river and if i play this back you have a shot which looks like this for the third shot i had the one x two on the best 360 selfie stick and i pointed the selfie stick towards the water and then i just followed this circular path of the fountain like this and then i just reframed in post to look at the ducks i'm going to trim this shot until the ducks are in view so i'll just keep going forward until they are both in the water or we can see them go into the water so about here tap the scissor icon so this is where my shot will begin and i'll make this shot three and a half seconds long about here tap the scissor icon tap the tick to confirm then i'll go to the beginning of my shot reframe to show both ducks in view add a pivot point here change the view to linear then go to the middle of the shot reframe to show both ducks and go to the end of the shot and reframe to show both darks over here as well and if i play this back you now have a shot which looks like this [Music] for the fourth shot i used the 1x2 on the best 360 monopod and positioned it very close to the lake and i left it there and then walked away about a meter or two this is so that the animals are not afraid to come closer to the camera because i'm not there and then i was able to capture the birds in the water i'm going to start this shot just before i see the birds swim away about here tap the trim icon tap the scissor icon and i'll make this shot three seconds long about here tap the scissor icon tap the tick icon so now i have a three second shot then at the beginning of this shot i'm going to add a pivot point first to reveal the sky change the view to linear and then in the middle of the video i will reveal the birds in the water add the pivot point here then at the end of the shot just to make it a little bit more dynamic i'll add a pivot point here and change the view too wide this will have a zoom out effect but you can see when i did that the horizon has gone curved well there is a way to cheat this so if i remove this pivot point i'm going to position the horizon in the center of the video add a pivot point here and change the view to wide and as long as you add the horizon in the center of your video you will always get a straight line so now you have a shot which looks like this for the fifth shot i had the one x two on the best 360 selfie stick i just held it in my hand like this extended by one stem and then i just walked very slowly towards the pond i want a three second shot walking up to the lake and i'll start the shot over here so i'll tap the trim icon the scissor icon and drag this until it's three seconds about here and tap the scissor icon tap the tick to confirm so now i have a three second shot then at the beginning of my shot i want to look up towards the tree leaves and i'm going to rotate it 90 degrees about here add a pivot point then one second later i'm going to rotate it back towards facing the lake which is here add a pivot point and i'll change this to linear so it zooms in and i'll change this pivot point to linear as well and now you have this virtual camera movement rotating looking at the tree leaves above my head and then over the next second i want to look down towards the lake over here at the end of the shot i want to maintain this view here and add a pivot point here so if i play this shot back you now have a shot which looks like this for the sixth shot i had the one x two on the best 360 selfie stick fully extended in the air and then i just gradually bought the stick down until the 1x2 was dipped into the pond the sixth shot will be a water transition into the seventh shot so over here i want to cut the video when the camera gets submerged into the water about here so let's trim this shot tap the trim icon the scissor icon and i'll drag the timeline until the camera gets submerged about here and tap the scissor icon now my shot is too short i want it to be three seconds long so i'm going to tap the highlighted part and then you'll get two white markers with two black arrows i'm going to drag the start of the video longer until it's three seconds long and tap the tick to confirm now to make this shot more dynamic i'm going to add pivot points and play with the zoom so i'm going to position the statue in the middle add a pivot point and leave it as ultra wide then go to the end of the shot add a pivot point and change it to linear so now the shot will zoom in as it plays so now you have a shot which looks like this [Music] for the seventh shot i also used the one x two on the best 360 selfie stick fully extended but this shot was very tricky because it had to go through these drain ratings which were like this and the lens had to go through it and it was much thinner than this so i had it fully extended and i put the lens in like this and then turned it around again so it's facing the right way and then as i brought it up very slowly i then turned it on its side brought it out and then slowly turned it back to the front and then brought it in the air to lift up to see the view of the lake the start of the seventh shot needs to match the end of the sixth shot so i want the seventh shot to begin when the camera is just coming out the water which is about here so i'll tap the trim icon the scissor icon this is where the shot will begin and i'll end this shot once the lake is revealed which is about here and tap the scissor icon and i take icon to confirm so now i have a eight second shot then i'll go to the beginning of my shot and i'll start the reframe over here add a pivot point and change the view to linear then one second later i will add a pivot point here to maintain this view and then as the camera comes up over the next two seconds i want to reframe to look towards this water falling over here then over the next second just before the camera comes past the drain i want to look down towards the water add a pivot point here then as it comes past the drain i want to add a pivot point here just looking at it then about a second later i want to reveal the lake over here and then do a slight pan towards the other side of the lake so so far we have a video which looks like this and it's a little bit long it's eight seconds long so i want to make this shot shorter so i'm going to add speed about here so i'll tap the speed icon tap eight times speed and drag the speed until the lake is revealed about here and tap the tick to confirm if i play this back we now have a shot which looks like this for the eighth shot i used the one x two on the best 360 selfie stick fully extended and when i hold the selfie stick in my hand i try and make my arm as straight as possible so it doesn't look like i'm holding a stick and i keep the 1x2 as eye level as possible to make sure there's the least amount of distortion and the best view possible so first i want to trim this down to a three second shot and i want this shot to begin over here so i'll tap trim the scissor icon and make this shot three seconds long tap the scissor icon and tap the tick to confirm then i'll go to the beginning of my shot reframe to look at myself so this is the view i want to show my audience and add a pivot point then one second later i'm going to add a pivot point and tap viewfinder i'm going to pinch inwards with two fingers until it turns into a tiny planet and then rotate myself to the top then i'm going to hold down the record button and do a zoom in by dragging to the left and then dragging it to the right to zoom out again so press record zoom in and then zoom out tap the tick to confirm and then you can play it back to see how it turned out and if you're unhappy with your selection you can tap this section tap the delete icon and do it again so i'll go here add a pivot point viewfinder pinch inwards again turn it into a tiny planet i'll take myself to them at the top hold down the record button zoom in and zoom out just by moving it left and right very quickly tap the tick to confirm and you now have a tiny planet shot [Music] for the ninth shot i had the one x two on the best 360 selfie stick and i had it extended by three stems i held it out to the side of me like this and as i walked i made sure that the 1x2 lens was really close to the leaves and as long as it's close then you will see the leaves appear all around your inverted tiny planet and to edit it it's a little bit different from the rest and you'll see what i mean so first of all i'm going to trim this shot down to a four second shot so i'll tap trim go to where i want my shot to begin over here tap the scissor icon and make a four second shot tap the scissor icon again and tap the tick to confirm so now my shot is four seconds long and i'll go to the beginning of my shot and reframe to look at myself put myself in the middle and add a pivot point here and leave it as ultrawide then i'll move one second later and add a pivot point here and tap viewfinder now you need to point your phone towards the ceiling and this will give you the inverted tiny planet effect and there is no other way to do this believe me i've tried and then you need to pinch inwards to bring it into a inverted tiny planet then you need to turn around until you're at the bottom and then just hold down record till the end of the shot and tap the tick to confirm and if i play this back you now have an inverted tiny planet effect for the 10th shot it was very similar to the previous bridge shot where i had the 1x2 on the best 360 selfie stick fully extended and then i just pointed the one x 2 down towards the waterfall and then i very slowly and gradually brought the one x 2 up into the air and then gradually behind me i'm going to start this once the camera is lowered which is about here so i'll tap the trim icon scissor icon so this is where my shot will begin and then i will end it once the camera comes past me about here and tap the scissor icon and the tick icon so i now have a six second shot then i'll go to the beginning of my shot look down towards the water add a pivot point here change it to linear then i'll go two seconds forward to reveal more of the waterfall then a second later i will turn it around to reveal myself add a pivot point here then as it goes above my head i'll add another pivot point here and then at the end of the shot i'll add another pivot point here looking back towards myself and i'm going to speed up the end so i can transition into the 11th shot so about here i'm going to add speed i'll start the speed exactly at this pivot point choose eight times speed and drag it to the end tap the tick to confirm and you now have a shot which looks like this for the eleventh shot i had the one x two on the best 360 selfie stick fully extended and then i just gradually brought the one x two to follow the stream and then dips the 1x2 into the water and held it there i want to start this shot when the camera is following this stream which is about here so i'll tap trim scissor icon and drag this until the camera is submerged under water about here tap the scissor icon and the tick icon to confirm then i'll go to the beginning of my shot add a pivot point to look down at the stream change it to linear then two seconds later follow the stream and then continue to follow the stream here and add a pivot point then a second later reframe to look towards this river and then add the pivot point here to see the bubbles to match the previous shot i need to add speed at the beginning of this shot so i'll tap the speed icon go to the beginning of the shot tap 8 times speed and drag the speed up until here tap the tick to confirm and you now have a shot which looks like this for the 12 shot i used the one x 2 on the best 360 selfie stick and i fully extended the selfie stick all the way into the air and then i just carefully walked for around a couple of minutes following the path first i'm going to trim this shot to get rid of the parts when i start and stop recording so first i'll tap the trim icon then go to where i start walking which is about here tap the scissor icon then i will drag this all the way until the end just before i stop walking which is about here tap the scissors icon and tap the tick to confirm next i'm going to add speed so i'll go to the beginning of my shot tap speed 16 times speed and drag this all the way till the end of my shot over here and tap the take to confirm then i'll go to the beginning of my shot and the next thing i'm going to do is add pivot points so this is the view i want to show my audience at the beginning so i'll add a pivot point here and then just as i turn into this route over here i'm going to add a pivot point looking towards the tree and the next thing i'm going to do is add a barrel roll effect so to do this i'm going to go to the end of the shot add a pivot point here and drag this towards the left until it's 360 degrees [Music] so that will do one full rotation and if i play this back you now have a time shift and barrel roll video [Music] the last shot is exactly the same as the previous shot one x2 on the best 360 selfie stick the selfie stick was fully extended into the air and then i just followed the path all the way around the last shot is a time shift shot and the first thing i'm going to do is trim the shot to start where i want the shot to begin which is on the bridge when i'm walking away from the bridge over here so i'll tap the scissor icon here and then i want to stop the shot just before i stop the recording which is over here so i'll tap the scissor icon here and tap the tick to confirm now it's good to have a plan of where you want to speed up your footage and where you want to slow it down and this will make making a time shift much more easier so i know that during this time shift i want to slow down the footage when i come to these leaves and also when this house is in shot but i'll go a bit closer over here so those are the two points i want to slow down when i see the house and when i see the tree so now that i know this i can add speed throughout my video so i can go to the start of the shot go to speed tap 16 times speed and i'm going to add this fast speed until i reach the house which is about here tap the tick to confirm the 16 times speed then i'll move forward one and a half second to leave it as normal speed then tap the 16 times hyperlapse again so at the fast speed until we reach the tree until it's close up with the leaves which is about here so i'll tap the tick here leave one and a half seconds as normal speed then add 16 times speed again and add this until almost the end leaving one and a half seconds as normal speed and tap the tick to confirm the speed here so now that you have the speed added next you need to add the pivot point to show which view you want to show your audience so go to the beginning of the time shift and i'll reframe to look towards the end of the bridge add a pivot point here and change the view to linear then very carefully i'm going to keep adding pivot points as the time shift moves so right now it's changing direction and i'm going to add a pivot point here to make sure it's following this path and i'll add another pivot point just before it changes direction so over here add a pivot point and then it's going to turn this way then i'll turn rotate the view to face this path where i'm walking next and add a pivot point here so you can see i've added a pivot point before and after a corner and not during a corner and this will give you a smoother turn around corners and as i come down the path just before i turn again i'll add a pivot point here then i'll reframe to look towards the waterfall and i'll just keep reframing as i go around to look towards the waterfall i'll add one more over here next i'll reframe to look towards the house and add a pivot point here then i'll go to the edge where the speed stops about here add a pivot point in the middle of the house then i'll go to the edge where the speed begins over here and add a pivot point to keep the house in the middle then i'll go forward to keep this house in view because it looks nice and then i'll add another pivot point a little bit later to keep looking at these houses then after i'll reframe to look towards the tree and as i come round i'll add another pivot point to look at the tree and just before the speed ends i'll add a pivot point here looking at the tree leaves and over here where the speed begins i'll add a pivot point to look towards the tree leaves and then over here i'll add a pivot point to look towards the tree and this is when the shot comes to an end so just after the speed finishes i'm going to add a pivot point here to look towards the waterfall and then at the end of the shot i'll add another pivot point change it to ultra wide so now at the end of the shot it will have a zoom out effect and you now have a time shift shot which looks like this now that all the shots have been edited i can now put all my shots together into a single timeline so to do this i'll tap stories my stories and create a story then tap the video icon to see all my videos and now i need to find all my 13 shots and this can be quite difficult because the thumbnails are really small so i'm just going to go through them and find my 13 shots so starting off with this one i know that this is one of the shots i've edited because this shot has a scissor icon next to it so if it has a scissor icon next to it that means i have reframed and edited this shot these other two shots are generated by the insta360 app giving you the front lens view and back lens view automatically but you always want the one with the scissor icon because that's the one you've already edited so now let's find the other 12 shots so this is the bridge shot and i'll tap the one with the scissor icon because it's the one i've reframed and edited already and let's check this one yep that's one of them this is the docks in the lake that's one of them this is another one with the birds in the water this is the one with the reframing the tree this is the one where the camera comes out the water that's the tiny planet view and you might get different views of the same shot but you want the one with the scissor icon this is one that i have not edited because there's no scissor icon so i'll leave that this is the time shift shot and i will select this one this is the bridge shot this is the barrel roll shot this is the inverted planet shot so i need one more and this is the water stream shot so now i have all my 13 shots selected i'll tap the tick and now the insta 360 app will add all these shots into a single timeline so now the insta360 app has put all the shots together into a single timeline the next step is to switch your shots around so that they are in the right order so this stock shot needs to move over here because it's the third shot so i'm going to hold it down and reposition it over here and then this shot is the fourth shot so i'm going to hold this down and place it over here this shot is the fifth shot so i'm going to hold it down and put it over here these two are in the right order then i have the tiny planet shot then it's the inverted tiny planet shot so i need to bring this over here then it's this water shot and then the stream shot and then it's this barrel shot and then finally it's the time shift shot so now i've put my shots in the correct order next i'm going to change the aspect ratio to one by one so this is perfect for my facebook or instagram feed next i'm going to add music so i'll tap music and if you don't see the music tab make sure that you don't have a shot selected so tap the double arrow icon over here and then you'll get the music tab at the bottom i'm going to add my own music so i'll tap local and i'll use the sound picker on my samsung s10 to find all the music on my phone and i'm going to select the music track which i downloaded for this video and tap done and now i want to change when this music begins in the video so i'll go to edit music and i'm going to change it to when the beat drops which is over here so i'm happy with that so i'll tap the double arrow icon let's see what the video looks like so far so scroll to the beginning of your timeline tap the first video clip tap play and then you can watch it [Applause] [Applause] if you want to edit one of your shots and make the shot a little bit shorter then just tap the shot tap tweak trim and i'll tap the right marker to trim the end of the video and i'll trim this down to four seconds and tap the tick to confirm if you want to reframe any of your shots just tap the shot go to frame and tap edit reframing and here you can make adjustments to your pivot points you can delete them or change the view and then tap the tick to confirm the final thing left to do is to export your video in the highest quality video possible so to do this tap the export button in the top right hand corner tap quick export tap the cog wheel tap the highest resolution the highest bit rate and tap save and now your video will begin exporting in the highest video quality possible and that's it [Music] hello [Music] oh 20 minutes that's it for this video i hope you found it useful and leave a like if you did and if you want to see more useful videos coming soon then make sure to subscribe if you are considering the best 360 monopod it is in stock at the moment and it is on offer as well so i'll leave a link to it in the video description and when you do buy a best 360 monopod it's not only going to help me make more useful videos for you but it's also going to be the best companion for your 360 camera so if you are considering a best 360 monopod thank you so much for your support in advance and i'll see you in the next video you
Channel: Best360
Views: 59,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best360, insta360, insta360 app, insta360 one x2, insta360 app tutorial, insta360 app editing tutorial, insta360 tutorial, insta360 app editing for beginners, beginners guide insta360 app, insta360 one x2 tutorial, insta360 one x2 app editing, insta360 one x2 app editing tutorial, how to edit 360 video using insta360 app, how to reframe 360 video using insta360 app, how to edit video insta360 app, how to reframe 360 video insta360 app, insta360 app beginners tutorial, 360 editing
Id: UhG4P_nyhbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 43sec (2383 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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