How to film and edit 360 motorcycle video footage - Insta360 One X2

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as motorcyclists we all know how tricky is to get footage of yourself riding particularly if you're trying to do it on your own so in this video i'm going to share some tricks tips and ideas of how you can do it in a few of my recent bike reviews i've included footage of me riding where the camera is set away from the bike and you can see me and more importantly all of the bike in its entirety i've had a few people ask me how i do it so i thought i'd put together this video the simple answer is i use a 360 degree camera on the end of a pole and these have been a godsend particularly for people like me who tend to spend most of my time filming or by myself as i mentioned at the beginning getting footage of you on the bike is always a difficult thing and i used to go through the process of setting up a camera on a fence post or by the side of the road or in a field riding away riding past it and then going back and collecting it hoping that nobody in the meantime has wandered past and walked away with it not ideal now although you don't obviously get the same kind of drive-by shots with a 360 camera these do open up a lot of opportunities and they are becoming much easier to use and much more fully functioned the insta 360 1x2 is a great example of that i could of course rattle on about the functions and features of this at great length but i'm not going to the whole idea of this video was to get this on the bike capture some footage then get the footage off of this edit it so that you can get it out onto social media and that's the intention if you want to see a really in-depth review of this camera its features and everything it can do then i suggest going and having a look at potato jet on youtube he's got an excellent camera videography channel if you've not seen him before go and check him out i'll put a link in the end credits or up in the top corner here for to his channel to go and have a look what i want to concentrate on as i say is showing you just the basics of using this so let's get outside with it on the bike and we can take it from there okay some blue skies nice so we've jumped out onto the beautiful honda cb 1000r just to give you a quick demo i've not done anything flash in terms of the setup but everything in this setup does come from the moto bundle so we've got the screw fix clamp on there which is lovely and secure it's got a ball mount on the end this sprung ram style extension on comes with it and then there's a ball holder in the top with the screw thread that this camera screws onto now because there are two camera lenses on this it doesn't really matter too much where you place it but you do have to consider the stitch line it will film in two sort of 180 degree radiuses so there will be a stitch line where it has to put those two together in post-production so if you want to film yourself for example and you want to be the main part of the video then it's really best to have one of the lenses pointing towards you because then you know you're not getting these stitch lines cutting you in half and we'll look at that as we go further through and you might see some examples of that so that's just all on there ready to go i hit the power button on the side it's already on 5.7 k 24 frames per second 360 video and so that is now ready to go hit one button of that it will say starting recording and then this little button on the bottom will flash red so that you know that it is in recording mode let's start this wee beasty up oh yes now of course one of the beauties of 360 cameras is you get both sides of the picture so sometimes when you're out riding on the lanes you find something that's interesting and often you know i've come across heard of deer in the road and i've had a gopro on filming me for a particular section and by the time i stop and try and turn it around and get the footage it's all gone obviously in the 360s capturing everything that's going on around it um so you can just select that in post-production and as you'll see when we go later on to the editing the editing process is non-destructive as well so it pulls the files in you can make the edits change your viewpoint all those sort of bits and pieces but it doesn't alter the original raw footage you can then output that if you want to go back and make a different edit of the same footage you can do that but we can talk about that a little bit later on because the sun's coming out so let's get on and capture some footage okay so we've captured the footage but what do we do in terms of getting it off of the camera and getting it edited and at this point we can jump over to the office and i'll show you the next stages right so let's do some editing and we're using insta360 studio because it's the quickest and easiest way to do anything with the footage out of this camera so let's open this up and no my cursor isn't normally that big i've just enlarged it so that it's easier to see on the screen so we'll open insta360 studio and this is your workspace that you'll be greeted with very simply on the left hand side is your input on the middle here is your preview pane right hand side is for output and then along the bottom is your timeline and certain effects and keyframing and all those sort of bits and pieces so let's open one of the files from the card and the first thing you notice is there's two types of file here there's an lrv and a vid the lrv is low resolution video and this is what's used when you want to edit on your phone what insta360 you've done is made a very small file size that you can use for editing and then when you come to export that what it does is it takes the detail from the edit and pulls through the full resolution file from here when you come to save the document now for the purposes of this video we're just going to be using the vid files the full resolution ones which are best to use in this piece of software and you'll notice that it's got a bit of a weird naming convention so it's quite straightforward once you get your head around it the first digits are the date so it's 2021 03 which is march and the 15th so it's year month day then there's an individual signifier number and then there's a suffix after that which is relating to which lens it is so it's either 0 0 or 1 0 so one of those will be the front lens one will be the back lens and there will be a corresponding file of that number as you can see at the top here 144029 that's got an 11 suffix and that's the low resolution file you don't need to open both of these you can just click on one of those it will show you a preview of what the footage is and then when you open it it will start playing automatically so if you hit the space bar that will stop the play um and you can see this is open here we've got the preview and this has opened both of those files so you've got the output from both lenses together and this is how it looks when it first comes off you've got to got them laid side by side so a little bit confusing you can use this if you're going to import it into adobe premiere or final cut pro and use the plugins to edit from there because you can use the 360 controls from within those programs but for the purposes of recording on here we want to click on the free capture what that does is it stitches the two together and gives us the ability to be able to click and drag and move it in any direction so you get your full 360 video there you can see the yellow timeline at the bottom here so this is the length of video clip and we've got various controls at the bottom here so this one adds a keyframe this one will delete a keyframe this is the deep track function we'll touch on that briefly and then we've got our other options here like time shift and just normal trim control so if you want to mark it as the start of your trim point if you want to take a snapshot you can just click on this button and it will take a screenshot of this particular frame for you to keep you can see on the right hand side for the export we've got various options around the stitching i tend to leave it on normal and don't worry about anything else but if you're using it with the lens guards or if you've been filming underwater you've got different stitching options for you there so essentially when you're editing all you're trying to tell this piece of timeline is where the camera or which camera you should be using let's just go through this very simply then once you get the position that you want to start your footage from you then click on the keyframe you'll see it adds a little yellow dot in there to show you that there's a keyframe now if i press the spacebar to play again it's going to lock the camera in that position we're not moving at the moment so you can't tell what's going on there but trust me it locks in that position you've also got options here in terms of what kind of look that you want so there's a fisheye option which is kind of where we are at the moment in terms of editing you've got a tiny planet which you've probably seen when you see it looks like you're riding around on a very small planet and that's an option there it's a good effect it can be over used um it's a nice trick but i use it sparingly and if you want this sort of crystal ball effect you've got that there and then there's also this sort of flat plane that you can use so you can zoom in and out and drag it all around it tends to look a little bit stretched when you use that so the fisheye is normally the easiest one to use because it gives you the best look so obviously once you place the keyframe if you change anything it won't save unless you hit the keyframe again so we've got that to where we want it to be we'll press the spacebar and we'll let that play through and here you've got the control so if i now want the camera to move around to point forwards what i can do is stop the video at the point that i want that camera to reach spin it round add the keyframe and there you can see you've got this movement here so that's where we started and you can see it just moves it takes as long as that transition bar is to get to the point that we move so if you want an instant snap back then what you do is let it play a little bit stop it rotate it around at your keyframe so if we now go back to beginning you can see it's got that s that whole bar there that it's using to get to the new viewpoint and then obviously there was hardly any space for the next one right so that's it basically you are essentially putting keyframes in to the video to tell the software where it should be looking obviously you can move this around at any point that you want to during the the footage even while it's playing but it won't make any changes unless you put a keyframe in so if i it's going to stay at the angle that that last keyframe button was pressed we'll stop the footage there if i want to maybe then look to the side or look down like that that's a bit weird but we can do that again click the keyframe so what this is going to do is go from the last keyframe where i was looking straight on and over this period it's going to transition to where we are now so we can have a look at that so that's the last keyframe i changed and you can see it's slowly moving if you want to change the way that transition works you can click on that button to highlight the yellow bar and then you can do various options as to how you do that change and that transition so there we go we're rolling again that's a terrible angle so let's just change that back to one that looks more realistic put your keyframe in now if any point you decide i don't like that change you can go back to the keyframe highlight it and delete it with that button and start again it takes you back to the last place so let's put that keyframe in so this is what you do you just go through the video putting those keyframes to get the look that you want there are some quicker tools so in this case if you just want to track the an object it can be this object it can be any object essentially in the video file there is this deep track option here which is really useful so if i play this through you'll notice if i'm going around the corner because the camera's sitting at a at a fixed point the bike will move around in the frame and quite often it can go out of shot if you were to be going round a roundabout for example so let's scrub on forward so here we go so in this frame i'm going round around about because i haven't changed the keyframe it's looking at that particular point i'm going to go almost out of shot there and as i go around the camera is still going to continue to point straight back so as i'm going around the corner i'm eventually going to disappear out of shot and come back into shot at some stage now you could go around and keyframe each one of those individually to get the exact look that you want but often the quickest way to do it is to use this deep track so let's get that in the position that i want which is pretty upright here we go click on the deep track button drag a box around what i want to track i want to keep the target in the center and then if you start tracking the computer then does all the work for you it keeps an eye on that person or whatever it is you've tracked keeps it in the middle of the frame and you don't have to go through lots of transitions of sort of mid corner moving setting marker points and going on and on and on like that and then when you've got to where you want you can hit stop tracking so let's have a look at what's happening there you saw what it was like when we didn't when we didn't use the tracking with the tracking in place you can see it just keeps me in the middle of the frame the software's doing all the work that's a really really good useful tool in this for uh general wine now you can just do that for the entire footage if you want if you want to just decide this is the look that i want and i want that for the entire shop then you can just deep track the entire lot and that will be fine let's put a keyframe in there and we can run that through a little bit more and if we want to go to for example the small tiny planet then we can again hit the keyframe hit tiny planet and that is then going to take from that period of time to make that transition so it then goes from there and it slowly goes into the tiny planet just in time for the bridge you can set the trim in and out as well you can do it with these connectors here but the easiest way is to just grab those and drag them in so if we want to say now that's enough we don't want any more of that video we can drag that to there that's now going to be the entire length of our clip but you notice this grader area is still here that's because this is i said it's non-destructive so we're not actually damaging the original file all we're doing is telling the software what to do with that file to output it so if we want to go back we can come back in well i'll show you that actually in a second let's quickly look at the export then that's that yellow button in the top corner it automatically defaults to 1080 you can change that to you know 4k if you want but let's just leave it at 1080 for the time being you can change the bit rate the frame rate although it's best to leave it in whatever frame rate it recorded in you've got a few formats for your codec so the newer 265 or prores you've got a few extras you can enhance the color remove the grain and then you've got the video name and where it's going to be stored so for this let's just change that to test and we will change this and we'll just put it on the desktop okay so it's giving me an estimated size you click ok and then you get a little box showing you the status and it will tick through there we go and show you how long you've got until it's done we'll leave that to go so you get a little fanfare to say it's done and you get your final file size shown there so we can close that down now as i said this is non-destructive so if i want to put this back to normal you can drag that back out to where you want to do you can click on it says trying definitely there we go you can click on the keyframe and delete those or you can go up into edit and do clear all and that will just clear everything out if you want to clear anything that you've tracked click on it hit delete and now we've got that raw file back exactly as it was unchanged um and unmessed with so if you then want to go and do a completely different edit from the same piece of footage you can do that and export that so that's a really useful thing to know and that's about it really that's very simply what you get it's a nice system to use it's quite intuitive it doesn't take long to get used to using it you can as i say manually choose your key frame points and click and move and click and move um to get what you want or use the deep track and you can just play around with it so let's just now open up the test one that we've played and then yeah you can play that with all the changes that we made to it one other quick tip again when you're recording with two sources i've got this camera going i've just started that one in the site i'll just make three claps that means then i'll get three spikes in the audio three visual cues i can line the video up in post production and it makes it the sinking all that much easier you can do it automatically but when the old-fashioned methods work why not use those [Applause] so there you have it it's pretty straightforward i used to think that 360 video used to be confusing and it did used to be quite tricky to do getting that stitch working used to be a little bit of a nightmare but uh cameras like this and the gopro max have made that much easier the ability to edit this on the phone i think is really handy so if you're out and about you can record on this if you want to do a quick edit on your phone get it up to social media stick it on instagram on your reels or your stories then it's a fantastic method of doing that so what's it going to set you back to get yourself one of these little babies how much is it how much there are several discounts that are going on if you buy this camera at the moment so there's a link in the description if you want to have a look at that deal and see what it's all about you can click on that i will be open and honest with you and say that there is an affiliate link so if you do buy a camera through that link i get a little bit of a kickback here which helps to support the channel and it helps me to buy equipment like this so that i can improve my videos and bring you some of these tips i would like to clarify that i'm not being paid by insta360 to make this video the views on what this camera can do and can't do are all my own but as i say this video is a pretty basic one we might want to dig into it a little bit deeper at another time and in that case i will do that for you so i hope this has been useful as i said i don't want to make this a really heavy tech review this is about people that just want to get one of these get out do some filming and hopefully some of the tips have been useful if it's something you've been thinking about it may well tempt you into playing around with a 360 camera as ever a click on the like button helps with the algorithm but what's more important to me is if you want to see more of these reviews or you want to help the channel out just hitting that subscribe button and a notification bell really does mean a lot to me and all that leaves me to say is until next time thanks for watching this video take care ride safe and i'll see you soon bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Man Cave Moto
Views: 39,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: insta360 one x2 motorcycle, insta360 one x2 review, insta360 one x2 tutorial, insta360 studio 2020 tutorial, insta360 studio editing, insta360 studio tutorial 2021, insta360 one x2 footage, insta360 one x2 editing, 360 camera video motorcycle, 360 degree video motorcycle, how to edit 360 video with insta360 studio 2020, 360 video tips and tricks, insta360 one x2
Id: BQxkfyrsYD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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