How to Edit Insta360 One X2 Videos - Insta360 app

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so if you've just bought an insta360 camera but you're struggling out how to edit the footage stick around because in today's video we're gonna be talking about how to edit insta360 videos so real quick before we get started if you guys are new to the channel we do a lot of tech reviews unboxings a lot of camera stuff so if you guys are into that kind of thing please consider subscribing to the channel now let's get into how to edit these 360 videos on the insta 360 app now we're going to take this kind of step by step so first things first obviously you got to actually shoot a video so i'm going to go ahead i'm going to hop on the one wheel we're going to shoot some footage i'm going to be in 360 mode 5.7 k 30 frames per second which is pretty standard for the insta360 one x2 the setting that they're going to tell you to do in a lot of cases especially if you're running through like all the themes on the app this is the setting that most people are going to probably jump to especially because it's the highest resolution so we're going to go ahead take this party outside and hop on the one wheel and then shoot a quick little clip for you all right so you can see we're already in 360 mode down here we are at 5.7 k at 24. so i'm gonna go ahead i'm just going to change it to 5.7 k 30 because most people are probably going to shoot straight to that highest resolution highest frame rate all that stuff now that we got the camera all set up i'm going to hop on the one wheel real quick and get a quick little clip so we can edit this video oh okay all right got the clip edited so first things first you're going to want to obviously power up your camera so after you're done recording it you turned it off or whatever you want to start editing start to edit start to editing then you want to power up the camera then you're going to want to i'm going to throw actually here make a little space right here is going to be screen recording of this here all right we're going to open up the app we're going to turn the camera on and then it's going to ask you essentially if you want to connect to the camera if you want to wake it up or all that different type of stuff it's probably going to connect to it automatically if this first time that you've actually connected the camera to it so right now it's asking me to join if it's the first time you've connected the camera to your phone then it's going to go through all the steps it'll it's really easy setup process basically the same thing as it does here automatically it's just you have to click through all the stuff and agree to it and all that so now we're on the home screen here which i don't know why i'm showing you the phone because the screenshot's right there we're connected to the phone i'm gonna go ahead and bottom left and click album so then i can see all my clips that are on the sd card right now so at the top you can see all what shows you the stuff that is downloaded to your device as well as the stuff that's on your camera on the sd card and then if you click local that's the stuff that's only downloaded to your phone and if you click camera that's the stuff that's only on the sd card so if you want to find yourself quickly that's one way of doing it so obviously it's going to be the top clip here we're going to click into it so it's automatically going to start playing like this okay so basically when the camera records in 360 mode is recording everything um so then when you go into editing mode you're gonna have to basically tell it what you want to do so in this case i have a clip of me getting on the one wheel riding the one wheel so there's a couple of different shots that i want to get one being i want to actually see my feet stepping out of the onewheel and then i want as soon as i take off i want to be seeing me on the one wheel riding it so to get that shot we're going to go ahead and i'm going to scrub all the way to the front of the clip i'm going to get the onewheel in the clip i'm going to hit the plus button that yellow plus button that's on the timeline and then i'm going to go to deep track because i'm i i want the one wheel to be the subject right now drag over the onewheel so it starts tracking hit start tracking now it's going to start tracking the one wheel okay now what i remember when i started recording this i actually the first time i got on the one wheel i i fell i fell off it because it didn't it didn't start going it didn't level me out so i might have to edit that out later but soon is right here as soon as i start taking off boom okay so now i have that entire section tracked from the start of the clip you see the one wheel and now until the point of me getting on it and actually riding it you see the one wheel and the frame the entire time so now what you can do is obviously for a certain point in time i'm going to want myself tracked so i'm going to reposition the frame go to the end of that little part where we track the one wheel and i'm going to do the same thing i'm going to hit the plus button i hit deep track and then i'm going to hold it on my on myself i'm going to drag over myself that way it detects me as a subject and then i'm going to start tracking so this is one of the cool features about this app is that with all the ai that's built into it it has auto subject tracking so you literally it makes it so much easier for you when you during the editing process all right now we got everything tracked we got the one wheel tracked we got myself tracked the entire clip and now from here you can go ahead and do the rest of the stuff that you wanted to do so say we want to so right now the aspect ratio is nine by 16. say you're not going to tic toc you're not going to instagram say i want to put this on youtube i'm going to go down here change the aspect ratio 16x9 so everything's still going to be tracked so it which is really really nice you don't have to go back and restart you can change all that stuff after you've already tracked and so let's go ahead and let's watch this clip back [Applause] all right pretty cool stuff you get the idea so it tracked me through the entire clip i can script through this entire clip here and i am in the center which here's one actually i want to show you guys this little this little swoop boom and that at that point right there where i took the camera and i flipped it behind me i actually had to re uh restart the tracking so when i flipped it back behind me for whatever reason i don't know if i just just got out of frame or something but the ai lost me as a subject and it stopped automatically and then i had to restart the tracking not all the way just from that point so from that point where i turned the camera to my back i had to reposition the frame and reselect myself as a subject and then start tracking the rest of the clip but then from then on it was fine after that so let's let's go ahead and scrub to the end here right here at the end you can see right there boom i you get the little little bit of me turning the camera off so say i want to edit that whole section out right right to that point so right there where i start reaching up for the camera boom i want to trim the rest of that out so i'm at the bottom left here i'm going to select trim and i can go ahead and actually trim out that little bit there so if i hold this arrow i could trim right up to this point here and that's about good so hit the check mark and now when i go to the end of the clip all you see is me turn the one wheel off just like that so now we have one entire clip edited from start to finish using the deep track feature so say you didn't want to do deep track say you wanted to do something else with the clip you had another you had something else in mind so we're going to go ahead we're going to delete we're going to delete all the all the tracking here i'm going to click on the yellow region hit the trashcan button after i selected it delete all of our precious work okay so now we just have a clip that is just floating in space essentially so now when i click that little plus sign at the bottom on the timeline i have a whole bunch of different features i can do i can choose viewfinder which viewfinder's a feature where you're essentially you are your own camera person so with viewfinder i can actually i can actually edit the footage in real time while the video is playing so i'll show you right here as an example i can reframe this i'm going to go ahead and hit the plus sign hit view finder and so now when i move my phone it actually moves the frame and so and then when i hold down this record button it's actually recording this as a live edit i can zoom in and out and go to little planet mode zoom way way in and wherever i move the camera is where the camera is actually going to be pointing in the edit so if i want to just track myself the entire time i can use this feature as well instead of the deep track feature which is a pretty cool feature especially if you're doing like unboxings and stuff i've actually used this feature for unboxings which is pretty cool all right so we got that little little bit i'm gonna hit the check mark i'm not gonna do that the entire clip because this is gonna be an annoying clip to try to do that with but just let's just watch back that little bit that we that we did using the viewfinder feature and the cool thing about this feature too is that even though like when you're actually doing the edit it feels a little jittery and it looks a little juicy on the app it smooths all that stuff out for you so after it exports the video and it actually makes it applies all the keyframes for you after you've already made the camera movements using the viewfinder it smooths all the keyframes out so it's one smooth motion so it's not all shaky like somebody's holding a shaky camera all right so say we didn't want to do viewfinder say we wanted to do field of view function so we're going to go ahead and hit the plus sign hit field of view and this basically all we're doing is manually setting keyframes every time i move the frame at this point it's going to update that keyframe for this to be pointing in that direction during the edit and you're going to have to do that every single time you want the camera movement to be changed so we're going to go ahead we're going to use field of view we're going to manually set some of these keyframes i'm going to scrub through until i'm out of frame and then set the keyframe there so then when we scrub back i'm always in the shot so let's go ahead and let's watch back this clip from those manual keyframes we we made using the field of view so you get the idea field of view is essentially just using manual keyframes to set yourself to move the camera wherever you want instead of using deep track and instead of using the viewfinder function where you kind of work like a virtual camera it's doing everything manual setting manual keyframes so that you can get the camera exactly where you want it when you want it and if the deep track function or any other editing function on here doesn't work for you you can always resort to the field of view function just for um so you can really dial in your look and i don't usually use the field of view just because the deep track is so good and it's so much faster typically when i'm recording myself using the insta360 i'm always usually i want to be i want to be the subject as as bad as that sounds usually i'm recording myself so i'm going to deep track myself for the remainder of the clip and then anytime after that i can use field of view to kind of whip over to something else or whip back to myself but yeah that's kind of how i use it the field of view function can be you can you can edit pretty quick with the field of view function the only thing is in between those keyframes unless you're really dialing in you're not going to be like dead center of frame and that's the thing i like about deep track is that it usually keeps that subject that is tracking like dead center frame the entire clip that is tracking it so that's the reason why i use deep track but field of view is also a good function like i said it's more of like a manual keyframe function all right so i'm gonna go ahead i'm gonna actually trim this trim this clip up quite a bit just to a tiny little section um just so i can go ahead and show you guys how to export this video pretty quick so i'm only gonna do like a minute two minute clip here so i trimmed it down to like a two minute clip i'm gonna go ahead i'm gonna use the deep track function because that's my favorite i'm going to get her over to me deep track and now i'm going to track myself for the entire clip and then we're going to go ahead i'm going to show you guys how to actually export this video all right so now we get the entire clip tracked i'm gonna hit the button on the top right it's like the share button shows a little square with the arrow share button and then we get a bunch of different options so for it's going to show us resolution so it's going to give us like an auto resolution so right now showing 1920 by 1080 for at 30 frames per second then you can turn on color plus which is like like their vivid color or whatever like it's supposed to i don't know i think it's supposed to like give you like an hdr effect and then remove grain just in case you're shooting like towards the night time or in areas with low light you can remove that grain or remove as much grain as you can possibly get out of the out of the video and then if you want to you can go ahead and hit custom and you can choose a custom resolution you can choose a custom frame rate you can choose a custom bit rate which is going to give you more or less quality and then you can use the you can also select color plus remove grain and all those different types of things and then once you've selected um what your option is what your resolution is and all that different type of stuff you can go ahead and click export and it's going to go ahead and render out the video and export it to your phone or whatever device you're using to edit all right so there it is guys quick little video on how to edit your insta360 videos if this video helped you at all please consider subscribing to the channel and make sure you like share and comment on the video i'll answer all the comments so if you guys have any questions at all please make sure you put them down below and i'll see you guys in the next video you
Channel: Blake Graham
Views: 5,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 360 camera, Footage, How, Insta360, action camera, best 360 camera, edit, how to edit, insta360 one r, insta360 one r 1 inch, insta360 one r footage, insta360 one r review, insta360 one r twin edition, insta360 one x, insta360 one x2, insta360 one x2 review, mobile, one, one r, one x2, phone, premiere, to, videos, x2
Id: vICFjbJ3xF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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