Insta360 One X2 Tutorial: How to Edit on the Insta360 App | Basic Editing and Export

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hello how are you doing today my name  is Otto and welcome back to the channel this is part 2 of my insta360 One X2   tutorial and on the first part I cover how to  use this camera and how to access the menus if you want to watch that part I'll put a link  up here and also on the description of the video so in this video I'm going to focus  on how to use the insta360 One X2   app to edit your video clips so let's get started to connect the camera to the smartphone you need  to have wi-fi, Bluetooth and location services on so I'm back to the main menu and  I'm going to choose album over here so this is gonna take me   to the video clips that I have both on  the camera and already on the smartphone so the best thing to do or the way I prefer  to do it is I like to download the videos   so to download you select a video clip   and then here you can just pause it and you  hit download so it downloads to the smartphone so now what I'm going to do  is I'm going to select a clip   and I'm going to explain how to edit a video but first uh let's take a  look at what this do over here   the left arrow is going to  go back to the previous menu this icon with an arrow up is to export the video but   I will get to that later and this is for the menu here we can turn on or off the  stabilization I like to have it on,   this one is to lock direction of the  camera and on most cases I set this to on if it's off what it's going to do is that  the camera is going to keep looking at the   same direction where you started recording  the video for example if I start recording   like this facing over there and if I turn  to the right side what you're gonna see on   the app is that the camera is still facing  that way instead of looking at that point identify tracking targets is this little icon that  will suggest if something can be tracked or not,   I leave it on but I don't use this so  you might actually just turn it off over here you can reset all the edits  that you've done to the video clip,   you can add or remove from favorites  and here you can also delete the clip on the main screen I can tap the  screen to play or to pause the video,   the left and right arrow will go to the previous  or the next video that you have available and here at the bottom we have the video  timeline and I can just drag this to the left   or the right side above the timeline we're going to see a  general menu where we can select a few things,   the first one is ratio so if I press it  it's going to change the ratio of the video then we have multi-view which is  basically a picture-in-picture   style, so for the multi-view you're  going to select the starting point   let's say over here and you drag the  timeline until you want it to stop you confirm here, now you can see that on  this section of the timeline I have a picture   in picture so I can still work on this side and  this one over here is just going to show myself so we also have multiple ways to select it   so this is a split screen and  this is a front and back view so right now I'm going to delete it just  because I'm not going to use it anymore to trim a video just select the icon over here   and now you select the starting point where you  want to trim the video let's say I don't want   this part over here, so I'm going to select  here and then I'm just going to move or drag   until the end and all of that is what I want  for my video clip so let's say I'm gonna cut it right here, so then I just have to confirm  over here and that's it with the speed icon   you can select the speed that you want so you  select over here, now you have to select if you   want to freeze the frame or if you want to do a  slow motion or if you want the clip to go faster so for this example I am going to choose 8  and now I need to choose uh the section that   I want this bit to be applied so I'm just  going to drag it to the right side again   and I want to go until here so I select okay  and then this icon over here is to select if   you want motion blur or not here on the app is  going to look the same but when you export the   clip it's going to show the motion blur so I'm  going to keep it on and I'm going to confirm and   now on the timeline we have this red bar on the  top indicating that this part has a speed change so I want to play it just to see how it looks like so if you want to change it or delete it  all you have to do is go back to speed   and here I have it the red line and  I can just delete it and confirm the stats icon is to select the GPS   and on filter you can select the filter  and just apply the intensity that you want and here on the right side you can select music,   there's a big selection that comes from the  app and you can also select your own music so on the timeline there is  a plus sign and here's where   we're going to set what we're looking  at and how this is going to happen if we look at the video we can see that  the camera is just looking straight   but let's say that instead of walking straight on  the bridge I want to be looking to the right side so what we have to do here is, let's go back over  here, so over here I am going to put a pivot point   by pressing the plus sign and now on the main  screen you can see there is a yellow dot which   indicates where the camera is looking at, but I  want to change that so I'm just going to drag this and let's say that I want  to look that way you can see   the little plus sign right there and  that's where I wanted to be looking at so I'm gonna hit here where  it says update keyframe   and now the yellow dot is over here  so if I go back to the initial point   and press play the camera is  going to turn to the right side now imagine that I want to look to  the right side just for a couple   seconds so here we are on second number two so I'm gonna wait until here and I wanna keep looking  to the right side so I'm gonna add another pivot   point here but the yellow dots is still over there  so I'm okay because I want it to be looking at the   right side but now I want to look back to the  front so what I can do here is I'm going to just   move a little bit to the right side of the  timeline and I'm going to add the pivot point, now   yellow dot indicating I'm looking  over here, so I'm going to move it   and I want to be looking right over  there so, update keyframe, so here   it's looking to the right side but then the  camera changes very quickly to the front I actually want the camera  to turn slowly to the front   so what I'm going to do is I'm going to delete  this pivot point (the last one that we did here)   and instead of placing it here  I'm going to just move it...   over here, so I'm going to make a new one again the yellow dot is over here I'm going to change  it to here and I'm going to update the keyframe   so now it should have a different  effect let's take a look there we go, now it's lower  to change the field of view   we are going to be using the same pivot  points so here I can select to add one I want to be looking to this Japanese house, so  I'm going to update the keyframe and here on frame   I'm going to select ultra wide, wide, linear or  narrow and the effect is going to be different so on wide it's going to be like this, linear   and narrow and here we can also choose TINY  PLANET which is going to look like this let's say we want to go linear in here,   just update the keyframe and let's  see how it looks like on the timeline so it just makes kind of like a zooming effect to do an object or person tracking  you need to add a pivot point   and then here we're gonna select deep track  and we're gonna choose or select the subject,   so let's say I want to track the house  now we're gonna select start tracking and this is going to do the  animation or is going to   keep track into the timeline the  subject so I can just stop wherever   I want but I'm going to just let it go  and see if it keeps tracking it or not all right I think that's enough in here  so I'm gonna stop and let's see the result alright that's good. When we are on a pivot  point, all the way to the right side we have   this icon that says rotate so we can use  this to play with the roll axis and here   what you do with this is just just slide this  bar and then you can just play around with this   and you can roll to whatever degree you want to so  let's say I'm happy over there and then over here   I can add another one, just  to make it go straight again so when you're ready to export the video you're  going to select the export icon over here   and now we're going to select reframe video the app is going to start to make  a quick export but if you want to   change the export settings you can press over here now here you can choose between the  quick export which is already doing it   in the background or you can go on this  icon and change to the custom settings here you can select the resolution  the bit rate and the frame rate   then when you go back you have to click  on quick export and actually choose custom I also like selecting color plus and tap  confirm and this is going to make colors   more vivid and dynamic range is going  to be more balanced, but it will also   add some noise to the video clip so it's a  good idea to select this to remove the noise I really hope that it was able to cover  at least the basics of how to edit videos if you have any questions please don't  forget to ask on the comments down below,   don't forget that it's all about the  practice to get better with the edits my name is Otto and I hope to  see you in the next one, BYE
Channel: Otto Julian
Views: 50,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Insta360 One X2 Tutorial, how to use insta360 one x2, insta360 tutorial, insta360 one x2 beginners guide, insta360 one x2 video edit, insta360 one x2 editing, insta360 one x2 export, insta360 one x2 keyframes, insta360 one x2 trim, insta360 one x2 slow motion, insta360 one x2 track, one x2 tutorial, How to Edit on the Insta360 App, tutorial insta360, tutorial insta360 one x2, insta360 editing app, insta360 one x2 reframe, insta360 app tutorial, insta360 one X2 beginners guide
Id: aH8y_17wYdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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