How To Edit FreeCapture Videos Using Insta360 ONE R App Tutorial

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today I will share with you how to edit together video clips from the insta 361 are using the insta 361 our app this is a long video so use the timestamps below to jump to the bits which are relevant to you so grab a cup of tea or coffee and let's get started once you have some video clips ready to edit the first thing you need to do is connect the camera to the app to do this make sure your 1r is turned on connect to the 1r Wi-Fi on your phone and in the album tab you can now see a green bar next to the camera icon this means the camera and app is now connected so what is the local tab the local tab and this button will show you all the photos and videos saved on your phone this button will show you only the photos saved on your phone this button will show you only the video saved on your phone and this button will show you all your favorite photos and videos saved on your phone so how do you favorite a photo or video just tap on a video you wish to favor it tap the video to pause it tap the start icon to favorite it tap the back button and you'll now see a star icon on your favorite photos and videos another way to favorite your photos or videos is to tap the multi select button now choose the clips you wish to favorite and tap the star icon now when you tap the favorites button all your favourite photos and videos will appear here to unfavorite a photo or video tap on it pause the video tap the start icon go back and now the photo or video will not be in your favorites anymore or you can tap the multi select button choose the photos and videos you wish to unfavorite and tap the star icon their favorites feature is really helpful when you are trying to shortlist the best video clips to add into your story favorite the video clips which you want to add into your edit and unfavorite them when you are finished editing your story what is the camera tap the camera tab and this icon will show you all the photos and videos saved on the camera this button will show you only the photo saved on camera this button will show you only the video saved on your camera and this button will show you only your favorite photos and videos saved on your camera whilst the camera is connected to the app you can preview the photos and videos just by tapping on it and you can even start editing your video clips without transferring the video files from your camera to the app as long as they are connected you can edit but for the sake of this tutorial I will transfer the video files from the camera to the app so I can turn off the camera and put it aside just before I transfer the video files over the all button will show you all the photos and videos saved on your phone and camera so this button will show you a combination of everything in local and camera so how do you transfer video files from the camera to the app first tap camera tap video to see your video clips tap the multi select button choose the video clips you wish to transfer and tap the download button to start downloading and here you can see the progress of the transfer once the video clips has finished transferring tap the local tab and you will now see the video saved to your phone to delete a video tap the multi select icon tap the video you wish to delete tap the trash icon tap delete' and now it is deleted I don't need the camera anymore all my footage has been transferred so I will turn the camera off and put it aside if you want to edit a single video clip then tap the local button and then the video tab and this will show you all your video clips tap the video clip you wish to edit tap the screen to pause the video clip and tap the screen to play it now let's go through the user interface swipe the video left right up and down to the coronal 360 video this is the back button which will take you back to the album tab and it will also save their edits you make in this video clip always press the back button every five minutes so you do not lose your work this is the edit button and when you tap here you'll get four options on the bottom the first one is speed you can choose to slow down your video to a quarter or half the speed or you can choose to speed up your video by two four six eight or even 16 times to go back tap this arrow The Next button is filters and filters will change the color of your video clip so go through each one to see how it changes the color pick the one which you prefer and to change how strong the effect is you can move this slider left or right and to save your changes and go back tap this arrow the next button is trim and trim will allow you to cut the beginning and end of your video tap the left marker to trim the beginning of your video and tap the right marker to trim the end of your video once you are happy with it tap the back arrow to save your changes the final button is music now unfortunately you still cannot add your own music but I'm pretty sure this will become available in a future software update to add music tap the music which you like adjust the volume here to make it quieter or louder drag this audio timeline left or right to choose where you like the music to start from once you are happy with your music then tap the back arrow to confirm and when you are happy with your edit make sure to tap the tick to save your changes this is the export button and you can choose to export a flat reframed video or an immersive 360 video here are more options where you can turn fo state stabilization on or off first date keeps the camera incredibly steady so I recommend you leave it on at all times Direction lock is hard to explain in words but you'll basically stop the video clip from rotating by itself the view is fixed on a single point if you are using these lens guards that you'll need to turn on stitch for lens guards otherwise you will not get good stitching results if you see purple fringing in your video that you need to turn on chromatic calibration to get rid of it you can reset your edit here if you want to start again and get rid of the pivot point speed color grading and music details will tell you the duration of the video the date and time the video was recorded the filename of the video the video resolution the frame rate the video size and the camera it was recorded with snapshot will let you save an immersive 360 photo or reframes 360 photo from your video clip so let's say I wanted to save this photo behind then I would tap snapshot save the current image and now this photo is saved to my phone album on the bottom you have the favorites button which we already talked about the flag button will add markers on your video so if you want to mark the good parts of your video then use the markers to quickly find where their best parts of your video is this is the aspect ratio button and you can choose 16 by 9 1 by 1 9 by 16 depending on whether you're making a video for Facebook Instagram YouTube or tik-tok and finally you have the delete button to remove the video from your phone when I edit free capture videos on my phone I always do it in this order trim add pivot points and then finally add speed in this example I will edit a droney video so I will tap this video clip I will tap to pause the video now to trim the video clip go to edit trim and I will trim the video until I begin to bring the selfie stick up which is about here and I'll go to the end of the video and I want to end the video just before I stop to bring the selfie stick down which is about here and tap the tick to confirm the next step is to add pivot points and a pivot point basically tells the software this is what I want the video to look like at this point in time first you need to frame how you want the video to look like at the beginning when you are happy with the reframe then tap the plus button to add a pivot point and now you can see the pivot point has been added you will notice some extra options on the screen and for the first time ever you can now control the roll of your video clip by moving this slider left or right and this is what you would use to create the barrel roll effect to reset the row just tap this on D button here we have the different field of views which will change the zoom and fisheye Distortion right now is set to ultra wide and you can see that there bridge is curved which is resulting in a lot of fish IDs to and it zoomed out if I change the field of view to white you will see that it's zoomed in and it has less fisheye Distortion the bridge is not as curved anymore when I select the linear field of view it's zoomed in even more and now you will see the bridge is dead straight there is absolutely no fisheye Distortion and when I select narrow you'll see it zoomed in the furthest and there is also no fisheye distortion whatsoever if I select tiny planet view then you'll get the most amount of fisheye Distortion if you want to save a tiny planet photo from your video clip just swipe up to turn it into a tiny planet go to options snap shot save the current image and now the tiny planet photo has been saved to your phone album for this droney I am going to use a linear field of view and I'm going to scroll forward in the timeline until the camera is directly above my head and I'm going to add a pivot point here and finally I'm going to add a pivot point at the end of the video to look back at me upside down tap to play and you can now see the result I changed my mind now and I want to change the field of view from linear to white for each pivot point to do this tap the pivot point you want to change and now you can make changes to the pivot point so I'll change it to white and now I'll tap this pivot point change it to white tap the final pivot point change it to white play it back and now it looks much better to delete a pivot point tap the pivot point to select it when you can see the black cross on the pivot point just tap it again to delete it the final step is to add speed to this droney to do this tap Edit and then speed go to the part of the video where you want to add the speed in this case the beginning I will choose four times speed and drag it up to where I want the speed to end tap the tick to confirm and then I'll go to the end of my video to add another speed here I'll add another four times speed and add it to the end of my video and tap the tick to confirm the reason I add speed to the beginning and end of a droney is so we can seamlessly loop into the next roni to make a tiny planet video the first thing you need to do is trim your video so you only have the part of the video which you want in the final edit so if you want to make a 15 second video for Instagram stories then trim the video down to 15 seconds or less tap the tick to confirm next add a pivot point tap the camera' icon tap the tiny planet icon find your subject using the phone's gyroscope hold down the record button and turn around to keep yourself at the top of the tiny planet [Music] and when you're done tap the tick to confirm and you now have a rolling tiny planet video smart track is a cool feature where this software will automatically follow you without having to add pivot points to use smart track go to the part of the video you want to start tracking in this case the beginning of my video hold down your finger on the subject in this case that's me so I will hold down on my face and now the software will start tracking me automatically you can stop tracking at any time by tapping this stop tracking button once it's done go back to the beginning of your video tap to play and now the video is following you to remove the smart track in tap on the yellow highlighted part and then tap the trash icon above it and it's now been removed now you know everything there is on how to edit a single video clip now let's jump into how to edit multiple video clips go to stories tap create a story then go to local and then videos this is where you can add multiple video clips into your story each big square is a single video clip tap the video clip you wish to add into your story and they'll be up to 5 options for each video clip there's the forward view out direction in Direction selfie view and free capture the first four views are the software figuring out what you might want to show in your video free capture is the same as when we were editing our single video clips it gives you the control on what you want to show where you want to trim your video where you want to add pivot points and where you want to add speed it doesn't matter what you choose because you can always change it later so select any view then tap the downward arrow that video clip is now selected I will now select a few more video clips which I want to add into my story once you are happy with your selection then tap the tick to confirm and our timeline will be created with your selected video clips let's go through the user interface this is a preview of your entire story and I can skip anywhere in this story to see what my video looks like so far I can see all the video clips in my story by swiping this left or right here there are more options and there's currently only one option to delete the entire story this is the export button which we'll come to later over here you can add music which is similar to what we talked about before and over here you can change the aspect ratio which is also similar to what we talked about before and here you can make the preview bigger and smaller if you want to move video clips around then hold down the video clip you wish to move drag it to where you want to move it to and then let go if you tap the box in between the video clips and then tap add media you can either add a video a photo or a text transition I will tap video photo to add another video clip tap the video clip you wish to add select a view tap the downward arrow tap the tick to confirm and now the video clip has been added into your story next I will add a title for my video to do this I will tap the Box in between the videos tap add media and add text transition I will type welcome to my video and tap confirm you can change the text to be bold and in the center you can change the text color you can change the text duration to be longer or shorter you can change the background to be a different color and when you're happy with your title tap the back button and now the title has been added to your video now I can place the title at the start of my video remember to tap the down arrow and then when you hold down the title you can then move it to the start of your video instead to add a video transition between the text and the video tap the empty box choose a video transition of your choice I will choose fade out you can change the duration of the transition so I'll make it one second long and now if we watch the video back from the beginning you will now see the video transition from the text to the video earlier in the video I showed you how to edit a single video clip in the album tab you can also do the same kind of edits in the story tab but it has a slightly different layout to do this tap the video clip you wish to edit you have the same options as before to trim the video and to add speed to your video here you can tap the text icon to add text directly onto your video so I will type pill castle as an example and tap confirm and now you can see the text is directly on the video and you can choose which color you like and tap the tick to confirm to adjust the volume of your video clip tap volume and now you can either mute your video by going all the way left or make it loud by going all the way right and tap the tick to confirm on the bottom of the video clips there are also more options which are POV chewed and cut in POV tap free capture and you will notice that this is the exact same edit that we did earlier in the video so if you want to you can make all the edits to your video clips in the album tab then when you create a story you can add your video clips go to the point of view tab select free capture and it will bring in all the edits that you've done before in the album tab or you can make a story from scratch add all your video clips go to the point of view tab select free capture and then add all your edits from scratch without having to go to the album tab first confusing I know to show you the difference between free capture edit in in the album tab and story tab I will now turn this video clip into a drone II using the story editor using the steps we talked about before trim add pivot point and then add speed the first thing you need to do is tap the video clip go to POV and change it to free capture now go back confirm the changes then go to tweak trim and now I can trim the start of the video when I start to bring the selfie stick up which is about here now tap the write marker to end the video just before I bring the selfie stick all the way down about here and tap the tick to confirm the next step is to add pivot points so go to POV free capture go to the beginning of the video reframe the view add a pivot point I'll choose wide I will now go to the middle of the video when the camera is above my head I will add a pivot point here and now go to the end of the video and add a pivot point over here when I am upside down and tap the tick to confirm next I will add speed to this video clip so I will go to tweak speed and at the beginning of the video I will add four times speed till about here and tap the tick to confirm and at the end of the video i will add full time speed here until the end of the video tap the tick to confirm and now I'm going to repeat this process for this clip so I'll go to point of view free capture go back go to tweak trim trim the video until I start to bring the selfie stick up about here go to the end of the video [Music] trim the video just before a selfie stick which is the end about here tap the tick to confirm now I will add pivot points by going to point of view free capture I'll go to the beginning of the video reframe the view add a pivot point select the wide field of view go to the middle of the video when the camera is above my head add a pivot point here then at the end of the video I'll add another pivot point when I'm upside down over here tap the tick to confirm then I'll add speed by going to tweak add speed at four times speed at the beginning of the video tap the tick to confirm then at the end of the video I'll add four times speed here till the end of the video tap the tick to confirm now let's play all back from the beginning and this is the result now you can make a drone elute video all from the 1r app without having to use expensive video editing software which is pretty impressive to color grade your video tap on the video clip you wish to color grade go to toon tap filter and it's exactly the same as we talked about before and in the cut tab you have various different options you can choose copy to make copies of the same video you can split this video into two parts so now I can choose where I want to split the video and tap the tick to confirm I can choose a video clip to delete I can choose where I want this video to start so I can move it left alright and tap the tick to confirm or I can replace this video with another clip from my album to make a time shift or hyperlapse video with a bar roll effect we will use the same steps as before trim the video add pivot points and then add speed choose the video clip you wish to edit the first step is to trim the video so go to edit trim and I'll trim the start of my video and the end of my video and tap the tick to confirm next I will add pivot points and at the beginning of my video I want to look in this direction and add pivot point one minute later I want to look directly behind over here and add a pivot point now to add the barrel roll effect you must have one pivot point which is at 0 degrees roll now I will scroll one minute later in my video add another pivot point and change the roll to either minus 360 or 360 degrees and another minute later I will change the view to look back at the front and add a pivot point here now the final step is to add speed so go to edit speed now I'll add 16 times speed to the entire video [Music] and tap the tick to confirm now if I tap to play it back you can see the time shift reframe the bar roll effect and another refrain once you have finished editing your video tap export in the top right hand corner and your video will begin exporting you can change the settings of your export by tapping quick export and tap in the COG wheel next to costume and now you can choose your preferred resolution bitrate and framerate and tap save to confirm make sure it says custom here so their video exports with the custom settings if you want to use insta 360 is color plus feature for more vibrant colors then just tap it to turn it on or tap it again to turn it off and now all you need to do is wait for your video to export that's it you now know how to edit videos using the insta 361 or app and if you don't have the one are already I honestly think it's the app which makes this camera stand out from the crowd the fact that I can edit these videos without the need of expensive video editing software is truly incredible so if you are a beginner in 360 and you're looking to buy your first camera I do recommend the 1r as long as you have a high-end smartphone I hope you found this video useful if you did then please do like and subscribe it will help the channel grow which means I can make more useful video tutorials for you I love to see your one hour edits so don't forget to tag me and I'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Best360
Views: 125,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best360, best 360, insta360, insta360 one r, how to use insta360 one r app, insta360 one r app, insta360 one r app tutorial, insta360 one r app video tutorial, insta360 video tutorial, insta360 app tutorial, insta360 app video tutorial, insta360 app for beginners, how to edit videos using insta360 one r app, edit videos insta360 one r app, edit video insta360 one r app, insta360 one r app guide, insta360 one r app beginners guide, insta360 one r android app tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 24sec (1884 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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