Getting the BEST SHOTS from the Insta360 One X2 - Viewfinder Workflow

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[Music] today i'm going to show you what i think is the easiest way to get shots like that using the insta360 one x mark ii let's go [Music] okay let's jump straight in and before we get started just a tip never take the cover off a 360 camera until you're ready to start filming that's how i have owned 360 cameras for what over two years two and a half years now i've never scratched never marked a lens i always keep the neoprene cover on until the last minute take it off start recording so that was why you will always see this on until i am using it the second thing is that you get the best results from a 360 camera the further away you can get it from your body don't hold it here it's not an action camera that well it's not it's not a gopro it's not like a traditional action camera get it as far away from your body as you can at the very very least use this this is a little pocket sized invisible selfie stick screws on the bottom and that gets it out to i think it's about 70 centimeters which is which is fine fine for most years but i think getting a little bit further than that works better now you've got a couple of options here one is you could get this which is the 10 foot long the 10 foot long carbon fiber pole which is far too big for in here uh they also have a shorter carbon fiber pole which is longer than that first one i showed you and there's an aluminium one which is longer but what i like to do is because this is pocket sized i bought two of them i just screw this in the bottom here extend this out and all of a sudden i've got a lot more reach and that's the method i use to shoot the footage i'm going to show you in this sample just a disclaimer though this insta360 will not recommend this this creates a stress point right here and on the right conditions this will snap in half or at least there's a good chance it'll snap in half so you know you've been warned i do this i'm telling you that it can work but if you do this and you're not careful you will destroy or lose your camera let's continue okay so we'll say you've got your footage now what is the best way to process it and for me my favorite way to process the footage from a 360 camera is using the viewfinder mode in the app so let's load up the app and we'll get into that and i'll explain why that's the mode i prefer to use so let's open up the insta360 app and switch on the camera now you can process the footage directly over the wi-fi from the camera but to be honest my preference is to download the file to the phone first because i find the playback slightly faster when you do that so that's what i'm going to do here follow the instructions for connecting the insta360 to your phone find the shot you want and download it and then we'll go from there i'm not going to tell you how to do that it's pretty straightforward get the file that you want to actually edit download it onto your phone and open it up and the first thing you just need to do is just play through it in real time now i'm going to skip ahead here because i don't want to edit this entire clip so i'm just going to play just play it in real time watch what's happening swipe move around have a look to see where the camera goes and what you can see at this stage you're just planning what you might want to use as your angle you can see here i'm running along a cliff walk this is a blackhead coastal path actually did an entire video about this which you can see linked in the description uh you head down in here in the cave so you're just at this stage trying to think what angle do i want to use i won't be looking at myself don't be looking ahead don't have a wide angle a narrow angle and just plan out what you wanted what you want to do with the shot okay so what i'm going to do quickly before we then get into the actual reframing is i'm going to go back to the start of this shot here and i'm going to trim the shot just so it contains the bit i actually want to use i'm going to trap the tim tap tap tap the trim function there tap it again that starts the trim and i'll just whoops and i'll just swipe that across to the end hit that tick and there we go i've got the shot now this is where we get into the reframing so you tap that little plus there and you've got a few options but the one i like using the most is viewfinder and the reason i like using it the most is because it is the most organic tab viewfinder i'll just let me just explain that you've got this red dot and that is your uh field of view and the play button so when you press and hold that it starts to play and depending where you slide it either zooms way out um like a tiny planet or it zooms away into a more standard fov and you can then also you can see where that moves using the gyroscope in your phone control where the shot looks it's just such a natural look so what i'm going to do is i want to start with it looking at myself and then i'll spin around into the path so we're just going to start so i'm just going to press and hold there i am and i can spin around here and now i'm looking along the path i'm gonna let's see i'm gonna slowly zoom out there by swiping i'm thinking ahead what am i gonna do with the shot what am i gonna speed it up i think it'll look really good if it speeds and flies along here and because then it goes down into this bit so zoom along zoom along and then i'm mentally thinking so i know what's coming up i get to this corner and back and up and then you sweep around the corner i'm going to alert spin i say something to the camera there turn around and now this bit i'm heading down into this cave so i want to go ahead uh as i go into the cave like widen it out even more and they'll point down there's a glove there's a crazy kind of angle there's me okay so my idea is i'm gonna zoom through as i go through i'm gonna zoom forward and then spin around and zoom back out into a tiny planet as i'm now along that coast flip around into the path and then i'm just going to hold this as i run down the length of the path then once i've got this certain point i'm going to stop and i'll show you how to make this even more impressive steps right that's pretty much where it's at so i hit that tick up on the top now that's the shot reframed but now i want to add a little bit more to it because i want to speed certain parts up so i know i want to speed that entire end section up all the way from let's see from where it now starts to spin so you're just going to swipe the timeline go back and it will show you your reframing so see there just as that angle starts to head spin around there i'm going to then change the speed so i tap speed and see i'll tap speed here and i like to do this in increments so i start with a slow speed and then speed faster and faster and faster so i'm going to start two times speed let's do a little bit of that hit the take four times speed a little bit more of that hit the tick um jump up to it times speed a bit more of that take and then 16 times speed which is kind of really fast and do that almost to the end of that shot let's see once i can see the end in sight okay i'm gonna change it to it a little bit of it a little bit of four and and done um and let's see is there any other parts of this i want to speed up a bit yeah i think i'm going to speed up this section a bit where yeah after come around the corner let's see so i come around the corner yeah from when the camera angle starts to go i'm going to speed it up from there not too much i'm going to speed it up two times because i can always speed this up a little bit more on the computer uh so once it gets around there oh maybe yeah let's go up to four for that bit actually until we start to come down in there okay this bit's quite fast actually i'll make that two let's just make it two uh because that'll give me a nice sweep and then i'll make it come back to real time about there okay i think i'll speed this bit up as well so come around the corner and then as it swoops back down uh let's go to four times speed time we go down we go into the cave and as soon as that angle changes hit the tick go to two times through the cave and then on that flip back to real time okay and those are all speed changes i'm gonna make but the next thing i'm gonna do is um just tweak the colors a bit to show you how to get the the best looking footage because i often get comments how do you get your 360 footage to look so good um i'm going to try and find find um a place where there's a lot of contrast a lot of lights lots of darks which is this shot here is perfect for that we've got the sky in the background you've got the dark cliffs and i'll just show you the sentence that i use we're going to adjust and swipe along and find shadow and brighten up the shadows see where they're brightening up so i'm starting at zero i'm bringing that all the way up to like plus 75 or so on go to highlight and then pull down your highlights a little bit as well and then i just also like to increase the exposure just a bit increase the saturation a bit and then go in and just do a little tiny bit of contrast you can do all of that i typically do all this afterwards in the in the app but if you want to get shots right out of the camera before you have to worry about that this works quite well okay pretty happy that hit tick now for exporting it you just hit the export button top right and tap export reframe video settings i use you tap into custom here uh resolution full hd 1920 1080 bit rate set this to the highest for the highest quality um and then hit save and there are options here for color plus and remove green color plus adds this kind of like hdr effect to the footage i don't really like it um but you might like it so have a play around remove grain i would use that if it's night and you've got like noise in the footage but typically during the day bright sunlight you don't need to use it so let your clip export so from there let your clip export um if you're on an iphone and you're editing on a mac you can then airdrop it to the mac or you have other options such as you could you could you can upload it from your phone to dropbox or there's ways of transferring it with the cable to your to your computer or you can just edit it straight on the phone and you know work from there but that is essentially my workflow for working with 360 clips it's reframe them using that viewfinder make a couple of brightness clip make a couple of brightness and contrast adjustments export them and then get them into my editing app for the final work [Music] off the railway bridge [Music] everything is be quite the same okay and hopefully you find that video useful hopefully that will help you to get better shots out of your insta360 one x mark ii and it wasn't a full editing tutorial just to show you how to get the best shots from the camera there's other editing tutorials out there if you want to find out how to actually do more in an edit and program how to add music how to play with the color color grades how to speed footage up and do things like that but it's just yeah just my workflow for getting really really nice shots off this camera i really love 360 footage and what you can do with that i find it works best when you combine it with footage from other cameras if you want to see a really good example of that go watch my video which was called uh running running the blackhead coastal path and because that's where i got the footage that was used in this and if you think you'll enjoy that have a look around the channel see what else is on here and make videos about small cameras action cameras drones running the outdoors feel free to subscribe and i'll see you in the next video which is going to be about i think it's going to be another drone comparison which is very exciting
Channel: Stephen J Reid
Views: 50,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: insta360 one x2 review, insta360 onex 2 review, insta360 one x2 test footage, insta360 one x 2, insta360 one x footage, insta360 onex2 audio quality, gopro hero9 media mod review, gopro hero9 footage, reframe 360 footage, reframe insta360 onex2 footage, how to use insta360 app, how to use insta360 one x2 app
Id: gzWlRzTBMy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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