Inspector Gadget: The Movie - Nostalgia Critic

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hello I'm the Nostalgia Critic I remember it so you don't have to let's talk about inspector gasps he was a show in the 1980s about a half human half robot detective no this one was funny intentionally funny it centered around the inspectors bumbling antics to stop a super villain named dr. claw while gadgets youngmee's penny and a dog named brain would go behind his back and solve the crime for him it wasn't anything special but for kids it wasn't that bad it had a smart humble role model who never got the credit but was just happy to see justice done it had a menacing villain you never saw who had a pretty intimidating voice well what a delightful surprise and of course it had that kick-ass hole [Music] doing a movie on this premise however will be tricky but not impossible great care would have to be taken let's see um let's get that idiom who said that's a lot of fish from Godzilla and while we're at it why don't we get that [ __ ] who ruined Madonna's career no the other one there you go and finally let's get one of the greatest directors of all time the one who directed the coming-of-age classic cool as ice ice melts if that trio of idiots wasn't enough this movie has horrible writing terrible jokes and follows the show about as closely as well casting John Leguizamo as Luigi I mean it's bad this [ __ ] is really really bad so don't go catch it [ __ ] a movie because we're ever quite an experience this is Inspector Gadget so as the film begins I have to admit it is pretty cool hearing the theme song in a motion picture [Music] that quickly changes when we see the [ __ ] face himself Matthew Broderick he doesn't even said anything and already I hate it we see this annoying dream sequence where he saves a bus of kids from danger when we suddenly cut the cliche number five six to one thinking you're kissing a woman when really you're kissing an animal go-go-gadget react brain having another hero cop 3 what goes on by the way this is penny everybody yeah the GU need to get a blonde girl play the part they said two years as a security guard isn't enough experience to be a cop Uncle John I'm sorry and of course just like in the show her parents are not around and thus uncle gadget known right now as uncle Brown is left alone to take care of her this is brain he looks nothing like the cartoon doesn't talk so let's move on smell the badge it's the heart behind it [Music] I'm very proud of you well what the hell is that well nothing anyone we're not gonna address that okay we'll just come back to that later we see a scientist played by odo from deep space 9 and his daughter Brenda as they're trying to work on a new invention that can control robotic limbs by the power of the mind tap your foot again what what were you thinking about it I was thinking about how much you remind me of your mother that's it it's animated by will not by thought by your heart not your head oh I see so it's love that fuels scientific mental animatronic limb repair oh and this just in believing in fairies can regenerate dead tissue back to life as well what the hell is that well why did something random things popping up in the same way unless those are the segways okay film on oh one guys when you do a transition you want something that actually transitions not incredibly distracts from everything you see guys when you do something this annoying and this distracting it doesn't add to the style it just takes away from the story but little there is I mean if you're gonna go that far why not just go all the way why don't you do this [Music] so Brown it turns out as a security guard at the doctor's place and often makes chitchat with the doctor's daughter Brenda but little do they know that the evil doctor claw is watching and ready to steal the robotic foot for his own diabolical deeds maybe he's hoping to start an animatronic kickball team he's that's the doctor eyes famous guest shot and edited by a monkey and brenda comes across the lab and sees what happened dr. Bradford I won't rest until I find whoever's responsible justice will be served look at that I almost pulled out of my wide-eyed blandness and delivered an actual human emotion but I pulled back into the blandness just in time oh that's too much motion just in time so Brown goes after the bad guys to see if he can make justice prevail Oh No we've been chased by the hatchback squad were you needing to keep dr. claw in the shadows because you are aware you're revealing it quite clearly right now now he's back in the shadows again are we just supposed to forget you revealed it right there I mean we saw it there's no surprise now we know what he looks like why put it back in the shadows if you just showed his face I mean it's sort of like starting off the original Star Wars movie with the Imperial Senate will not still do this when they hear you've attacked a diplomat back to me of lady that is no way to speak to your father oh [ __ ] you're not supposed to know that yet um just forget that part everybody totally knots important Carrie help good good come with that take her away dodged a bullet [Laughter] [Music] because so dr. claw finally reveals himself again and uses an explosive to blow him up remember smoking kills I [Music] mention to the cartoon that dr. claw never reveals himself and even if he did would this be at all what you imagine he looked like I imagine he looks like a monster I imagine he looks like a machine I imagine he looks like that gay guy from my best friend's wedding no enough so the explosion leaves Brown about his brokenness is acting Brenda makes a plea that he always thinks with his heart so he'd be perfect for their weird-ass little robot operation thus all the doctors come together to put mr. Brown back together loading with cartoon sound effects [Music] we see the claw actually has a claw now so he decides to give himself that name yeah I forgot to mention his name wasn't actually claw this whole time he was sanford scolex just call one word like madonna so let's just recap vector claws and call doctor claw he doesn't own a terrorist organisation called mad he sounds less like a monster and more like a fetching critic and the fact that you never see him in the show is being replaced with seeing him all the time I mean wow did they get one thing right why did you change so much were you afraid if you stuck too closely to the cartoon that wouldn't be taken as seriously neither remind you this movie has scenes like this yeah wouldn't want to face that so Brown wakes up and finds that his entire body is laced with and let's be fair here mostly pointless [ __ ] yeah you never know we might need a balloon or bubbles there's no security guards looking after this walking human atom bomb just let him press the nuclear button he'll be fine what's around you've just come out of a very long recovery you are now a sophisticated network of tissue hardware and software no I gotta get out of here God is he bad I'm sorry this guy's a marvel truly a gift to bad acting it's like he never knows which delivery to give so he sort of starts halfway and decides to maybe go with another one maybe no I gotta get out of here no I gotta get out of here I know that this is all new for you and it must feel strange by the way here those really annoying sound effects that won't shut the [ __ ] up yeah get used to that people it's all throughout the movie it's like he's wild gerald mcboing boing or something no so Brenda explains to him exactly how he functions and he'll they'll be able to keep him alive it's a high-powered processor chip that increases the charge in the human brain wave enough to move the machinery that's now built into your body but we still can't make you act without this chip your body couldn't possibly function any more questions nope then I will just give you your manual to study heart of gold everybody he's so innocent that he actually makes monkey sounds whatever he sees a woman's behind can't go gadget hard ah no she continues to show him how his junk works and oddly enough that's not as disturbing as it sounds and Brown tries to get the hang of it there were two guys trying to rob a jewelry store and you wanted to trip him up what would you do go go gadget oil slick okay why would anyone put that much toothpaste inside of him I mean how many emergencies require toothpaste and why hose is there really a situation where you need to shoot toothpaste from the hose and why did they come out when he said oil slick what can we see dr. Claude sorry I'm still on that so he's introduced to his new set of wheels a convertible and just to ante up the annoyance in this film the proud enough to have the car voiced by DL Hughley oh what a delight good morning riveted [Applause] not the gadgetmobile guess it could be worse they could be having Chris Tucker doing the voice in the car [Laughter] [Music] it's a Disney movie oh did you see that a subtle little wink to the audience to show that it's aware it's a Disney movie and of course when I say a subtle little wink I mean a fatal stab into the eye when I'm talking salad park rookie thinking he's good enough for dr. B that's Bennet any of your business what makes you think our win is mine now why are we in his mind all right now we're back in the car okay now we're back in his mind hey I got an idea it's doesn't showing us those extra scenes you shot for the movie but had nowhere else to put them why don't you focus on something useful like I don't know giving us to the [ __ ] end credits no clue so not a class so to come across a couple of criminals trying to steal a car but Brown of course thinks they lock themselves out it actually helps them to steal it here just how to do it all right thanks truly they made the right choice in making him the world's first super cop imagine all those intelligent hard-working officers putting their lives at risk that don't deserve such incredible powers a bunch of hats what's the big idea we got us a couple of jailbreakers well then we should inform the prison guard by the way just another pain to bring up in this movie the editing is terrible I mean awful some of the worst I've ever seen like watch this shot oh did you see that how wrong was that one 1000 what is the point of what he met shot in if you can barely see it was there a subliminal message that was trying to be snuck through actually slowed down let's take a look I know so they finally catch the bad guys and Brown has claimed a cure later that night he's invited to some sort of celebration of the new technology okay I mean really you gotta put sound effects in even when someone's getting tapped on the shoulder what does it have how does it tell the story any better hell maybe they're on to something maybe Silence of the Lambs would have been a lot more dramatic if they added sound effects [Music] so close impressed with Brenda's where can offers her a job to work with but catch it doesn't trust him and apparently doesn't recognize him seeing how he clearly saw him blow up his car so he sets up a listening device that will no doubt lead to more irresistible say Venus you know I think I figured out the formula for this movie it took me a while but I think I got it down poorly edited slapstick followed by weird wide-angle shot of some guy going ooh and Matthew Patrick looking like an idiot yeah let's try it let's see if that works slapstick pull idiot slapstick pull idiot slapstick pull idiot well you can't fault a formula when it works except of course when it doesn't work it's annoying as [ __ ] when do I get started on my big case I have a few assignments really cut your teeth on first [Music] so Brown gets his nickname Inspector Gadget but still wants to get closer to finding out who killed Brenda's father he takes a look at the only clue from the scene of the crime is he's a small guy and printed on it but what else could as I stand for space invaders school burns right Oh what about that scolex industries oh well thank God that came across that lorry knows it could be anything else in the entire world si what could it mean uncle gadget look at that truck oh of course Sports Illustrated they must have stolen that foot for their brand new foot finish edition oh wait automobile but it turns out he's right as he finds the foot heavily protected and tries to break it out once again the formula slapstick cool idiot oh did I forget to mention in a comfortable void of nobody laughing so Klaus shows him that he's made another Inspector Gadget only this one's evil and surprisingly and even worse performance lots or loss of fees as he wreaks havoc on the city dr. klahn removes the chip that keeps catching alive taking away his only means of breathing goodbye mister by the way am I the only one that thinks broderick dead looks exactly the same as Broderick alive I don't think so so penny Brenda locate him in the junkyard and tried to see if they can bring him back to life an estate chip is gone it is neat it's got the part do it all by himself well bye let me know how that all turns out [Applause] hmm John John can you hear us she's a lot even though it defies everything logical at everything scientific Inspector Gadget comes back to life sibling for the will of heart I said simply for the will of heart simply throw em apart excuse me Jane Aspen you're so French really witty and the head of no time free so the team gets together to stop dr. Clough first they drop off penny yeah cuz it's not like she did much in the show and they tracked out dr. Klaus Lim you're under arrest for the murder of Artemus Bradford scolex god you're irritating I actually think that was the critics quote on the DVD so the two gadgets pull out of the car and have a fight with each other it's pretty lame and not the least bit funny but no there's nobody after that we shouldn't be fighting we've got a lot in common said that I've got nicety I hope that we could work together been partners together you and I could have ruled the world of cool down river so he tosses the villain into the ocean right before saying oh let me guess you should have your head and goes out there dr. claw who of course has captured Brenda yeah I'm sorry I still can't get over how much this guy has nothing to do with dr. claw the main villain of the show he seems more like one of dr. claws henchman than he does the actual mastermind what are you doing you're supposed to be disposing of gadget are sit back and relax darling well how dare you so as you'd imagine gadget gets Brenda off the helicopter and claw Jack's himself just to be caught by the car I'll get you next time gadget Jesus you know if you want a movie that's actually more faithful to the essence of the villain you'd be better off with this it's not cold Oh Oh the claws coming at you oh you're scared of a claw you're scared of the claw and thus we finally end the movie thank God I don't think I could take any more of them to render all that your host okay now it's the end of the trip okay now it's the end of them oh come on my name is Sykes okay now it's the end of the movies i watch it's a radio computer even a face brain say something brain is not here complete waste of a great talent but whatever fine at least now it's finally over oh my god desperate you guys are really trying to get at least one lap anything-anything little piece of [ __ ] giggle you can think up I mean really you're trying everything you're trying every last-minute piece of [ __ ] giggle that you can get out of holistic oh you are that needy for us to like something in this movie well [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you the deferent is the perfect word to describe this movie it throws every bottom-of-the-barrel joke every overuse sound effect every tired slapstick routine and every over-the-top reaction in the sad hopes of getting a laugh and not one of them works not once it's edited horribly it's acted horribly it has little to do with the show and the stuff that it does have to do with the show it's a complete slap in the face it's just crap total total crap and if I were you and we'll go back to the video story take your [ __ ] money back don't go gadget refund I'm the Nostalgia Critic I remember so you don't have to [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's a TV movie
Channel: Channel Awesome
Views: 501,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: channel awesome, nostalgia critic, doug walker, movie, film, inspector gadget, inspector gadget the movie, inspector gadget movie, inspector gadget review, movie review, film review, inspector gadget movies, inspector gadget 1999, matthew broderick, dr. claw, rupert everett, michelle trachtenberg, penny, inspector gadget live action, kids movies, nostalgic movies, inspector gadget cartoon
Id: 4XjF2aj4ZSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 26 2018
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