Smith Wigglesworth

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Welcome to Revival Radio TV. I'm your host, Gene Bailey. Today, we're gonna talk about revivals and being the one but what if you just don't want to do it? ♪♪ Genesis 26:18 tells us "Isaac dug again the wells of Abraham." ♪♪ In every generation, there have been revivals, massive moves of the Spirit that changed the course of history. ♪♪ In every revival, there were believers like you who chose to answer the call to become the one in their generation. Discover your call to be the one in your generation. ♪♪ We are about to take you face to face with history. ♪♪ What if you just don't want to do it? What if you are tired, you don't really want to do it. You don't feel like it. You're having a bad day? - Gene, we're all like that. - Yea. - But like King David, I remember, he sacrificed to praise. I think it's a choice. - A choice. - To choose to do it. - Well in this show, we're gonna look and answer the question of how Smith Wigglesworth walked all of this out. ♪♪ ♪ At the turn of the 20th century, ♪ one man's message of faith transformed nations. ♪ Smith Wigglesworth entered the annals of revival history ♪ by simply making a decision. ♪ Time and again, he chose to reach out by faith ♪ to help people who were hurting. ♪ The result, God brought widespread healings ♪ and calls to repentance to many ♪ which gave rise to a revival ♪ that literally spread across the world. ♪ His life choices released the Holy Spirit to work in his life ♪ and powerfully impacted 20th-century believers. ♪ Over a hundred years later, his teachings ♪ are still transforming lives. Well, one way that Smith Wigglesworth walked it out, he was in Australia and he saw a guy who is twisted over. He had a cane in his hand and his feet were tortured and he was with his friend and he looked and he said, "Am I gonna, ugh!... Do I just pass this guy"? And then there is just like, something just flipped on inside, he's like "No". So he goes over to the guy and he says, "If you won't meet me in 5 minutes over in front of this hotel, you will get prayed for and you will walk out with no pain and straight and your back will be the straightest back on the face of the planet". - Um... - So he goes, he does his stuff, comes back 5 minutes later and there is the guy, sitting in front of the hotel, all bent over and somehow, they get him up to Smith's hotel room, he prays for him, and 5 minutes later, the guy literally walks out, his back straight and no pain. - Amazing. - That's amazing, I mean. I was thinking just about a younger version of Smith Wigglesworth. I want to take you back to the 1880's. He's about 20 years old. He's staying at home and of course, his mom is at home and he was a passionate soul winner and so, we have the story of him raising the dead and healing the sick but he was a soul winner. In his lunch breaks, he was an apprentice, he was a plumber. In his lunch breaks, he would go out and his goal was to win at least one person each day but this time, he prayed a bit differently. It's a great story and he said, "Lord, I want to reach the one who is nearest to eternity". And so he went out and it's half an hour and there is people everywhere. Now today -- just a short time ago, there is automobiles and there is... but there was thousands of people who were walking and horse and carts and stuff like that and so there's all these people and he's saying, "Lord, who is the one that I'm supposed to minister to"? And all these people go by, 30 minutes...45 minutes, an hour... He's saying, "Lord! I've got to get back to work and work extra hours". And so an hour and 10 and 15. After 90 minutes, this horse and cart just comes by and that verse out of the book of Acts where Philip, he jumped onto the chariot, the horse and cart of the day. The Ethiopian just jumped on him so he didn't introduce himself. He just jumped up and started sharing the gospel. His main concern was not really the guy. He's thinking, "I've got to work extra hours here" and so-- and this guy just said, "You've reached the wrong man. You spoke with the wrong man. Don't talk to me about that" and there was that moment of "Oh"! That doubt just came... "Lord, did I--miss it here and blow it here"? And he clearly heard the Lord say, "No, he's the one". So he just jumped back in and this guy is not nice as well but after a short time, just tears come down and so he realizes that God is really touching his heart. He leads him to the Lord, he jumps off and goes to work and forgets about the guy. Okay, so fast forward now, 3 weeks and he's at home and his mom is saying, "Hey Smith, have you been-- witnessing to people again about salvation"? And he's like, "Mom, I'm always doing that". And she says, "Well, a funny thing happened last night. I was visiting a very sick man and I said to him, "Would you like for someone to come and pray with you"? And he told a story. He said he was out and about 3 weeks ago and it was the last time he was in public because he got really sick soon after. This man just jumped on his horse, I mean on his cart and shared the gospel and he described to me who it was and his mom said this, "Smith, I think you were the one". - Right. - Awe. - That lines up with Wigglesworth and his belief about faith. - Uh-huh. - Wigglesworth said that "Faith is facts to be believed, commands to be obeyed", so what he was doing, he was waiting for the command on who this was when he got in there. He didn't think it was and then he heard, "No, he is the one" and so he obeyed the command again and then finally, "promises to be enjoyed". That's Wigglesworth, how he saw faith. You've got to obey the command. - Yea, but you know, like you said earlier, he still had to choose... - Yes, he chose. - He had to choose his time like I'm not going because the pressure of getting back, you know and the daily life... - Yea, yea. - I had again to make a choice. - And here's the end of that. His mom said, "Smith, he went to be with the Lord last night". - Wow. Now Smith didn't know that. - No. - And I mean, I'm sure that we all have those moments. - Sure! - Go and share with that one. And it's like "but"... - Well, how many people would have gone, "Oh, I'm sorry", at the first... - Right, yea. - At the first... - Yea, yea. - True. - What about you know, opportunities present themselves everywhere. What about if you are in a store and you're just shopping and you get interrupted? - Oh, my gosh. Smith Wigglesworth was in a shoes store, right? Little shoemaker back then. They made shoes. We would have a shoe repairer or we'd go over to Walmart or something but he was in the store. He saw a guy and this man had a green shade over his eyes. He was crying and he was in great agony and when Smith--you know, he's in there for shoes so the shoemaker tells him, he says that the guy had an inflammation and it was burning out his eyes and this compassion rose up on Smith and I think that's important too to recognize when that compassion shows up and he went up to the man and he said, "You, devil! Come out of this man in the name of Jesus" and instantly the man says, "It's all gone. The pain has left. I can see now" and basically, you know, that's what inspired him to set aside a little bit of time every single day over an hour. Wasn't it? For salvation? - Yea, yea... - So, there was that one time that Smith Wigglesworth was on a train and the Spirit of God came on him so heavily that it says that his face shone and within 3 minutes or so, everyone on the train was coming up to him to receive Jesus. But that all come from, not because he has a seminary degree, not because he's a doctor by his name, not because he's an evangelist that everybody knows... - He was a plumber. - He's just a guy and he spent time with the Lord. And I think to "be the one" requires us to just be available. - Robert Haldane did 10 months, led 16 guys to the Lord and the entire continent of Europe was transformed. - And you know, no one is ever wowed by your intellectual knowledge here. Like you said, your seminary degree or anything like that. They are impressed by, "Hey, this guy's been with something. He's got the light on his face showing. Amazing, amazing stuff! What about when you're--There were times, you walk in and you meet somebody and they are dealing with a life problem that is about to destroy their whole life. - Well, that's the thing...I have a son that he feels that his calling is business so this businessman came up to Smith Wigglesworth one night and said, "I can't sleep, my prosperous business has gone bankrupt. I'm just... I'm at my rope's end. I have no where else to go and what do I do? My life is miserable" and Smith told him, "Go home and in the name of Jesus, sleep" and so the man turned around and he was kind of reluctant and Smith said to him, "Go"! And the next morning, he called up on the telephone and he said to where Smith was staying he said, "Hey, tell Smith I slept all night. And I want to see him at once" and so basically, he saw Smith in person and said, "I'm a new man". - Wonderful. And he said, "Okay now, I have a bankrupt business. Can you help me make it prosperous". And Smith said, "In the name of Jesus, yes! Come tonight and we'll start you on that road" and so he went to the meeting that night. The man accepted Christ and he began learning Bible precepts-- Bible concepts and his business was put back... - He was a man of faith. - Yea. - Doug, you knew someone that knew Smith. - Yea, it's just a great little story that I have. I'm on vacation in the South of England. It's actually called the Isle of Wight where Queen Victoria had her vacation home there and I'm in a kind of Christian kind of guest house and I was speaking to the owner and just kind of checking him out as far as if he was baptized or Spirit-filled and I mentioned the name of Smith Wigglesworth and he just lit up. He said, "Oh, he was raised here" He knew Smith. So I mean, instantly I'm thinking, "Oh my word"! I go, just a list of hundred things I want to ask so I find where he is and it would be an understatement to say that Ray was old. Ha-ha. So I said, "Hey, Ray! I understand that you knew Smith"? And I was asking all these great things and he kept falling asleep, ha-ha, so here is my one little story here. He said, "Hey, Doug"! He said, "As a young man, I was at a youth camp and I found a whole bunch of chickens with eggs and I took these eggs and I presented them to the great man of God" and Smith said to him, "Wow, I really appreciate that" but he said, "I've been told that I shouldn't eat eggs like that because it's not good for me and at the time I'm thinking, my word, that's just like Wesley, isn't it. So even though, we know about the miracles and the spiritual side, there was a natural side of the guy too. He took care of himself. So that's my amazing spiritual story of... [Laughs] - What about when you go and you attend a church service and you hear somebody talking about, you can get healed and you hear this teaching. What do you do with it then? - Well basically, you've got these awesome services where people are learning things and there is just this stirring up when you hear the Word of God. "Faith comes by hearing, hearing by the Word of God". Well, there is the coal miner who heard all this-- these amazing miracles, he's watching things happen and so he says, "Okay, what happens? I'm a coal miner. I've got a stiff knee. What happens if I believe, target my faith" basically in his binocular back in those days..."for this... What would happen"? And so he does. He lays his faith out, "By His stripes, you are healed" and he does it to his knee and he walks around and it works. There is a success there and not only that, he goes to a prayer meeting because remember, this is the time period when all of the coal miners were starting to find Christ and had Bible studies and so he says to them, "See, God healed my knee" and so they said, "Well, I have a problem with my elbow, I have a problem with my knee, I have a problem with my..." so they go around and they lay hands on everybody and God healed everybody and it started with one person, sharing the message. - Being obedient. Alright, so what if maybe I'm on vacation, I'm on a ship and a man collapses. Everybody panics, what do I do? - Well, now I got a Smith Wigglesworth story but I'm gonna start off of a personal story. and that happened. He attends my church. He's called Leroy and he's a quiet guy. He's not a preacher, he's owned flower shops for years and he loves to go on cruises and he just told me this, this morning. It's about 2005, in the month of June, he goes on a cruise. Well, he's just gone back into church in January of that year, attending the church that I attend and his pastor, Pastor Bret Freeman had told him, "You can do the works of Jesus, you can pray for the sick and raise the dead" so - Wow, - he just believes it, you know. He said, "Doug, I have no religious background of any kinds so I think he's in the Bahamas, you know on these private islands and he's in a restaurant with his group and Leroy is a shy guy. He likes to stay with the group and just felt the Lord say, "Walk toward the beach". So, he just leaves the group, he goes toward the beach and there is a commotion happening there and all the people here are from the cruise ship and he gets there and they dragged a lady out of the ocean. She is not breathing and she's turned blue and the poor daughter was just shaking and seeing her mom and there is no one doing CPR. They are just in shock and of course, they are thinking, "Oh my word, she is dead". Leroy thinks, "I can raise the dead". He's not a preacher, - Right. - And so he just says, "In the name of Jesus, breathe"! And she goes, awk! Like that and that was it. - Wow. And he just did what he'd been told. He said, "I hadn't been in this long enough to realize it can happen". - Right. - Ha-ha. Jerry Savelle says that. "I didn't know how to do it wrong, I just read the Bible and believed it". - And that's on a cruise ship. How many of us had been on these cruises so something comes up... You just do all you know and I thought that was great. Wigglesworth had a very similar thing. He was traveling from Egypt I think to Italy and a guy collapses. Everyone is crying and he's just excited. He things, "Oh, this is a good opportunity". And so he just rebukes death and this guy just wakes up and he says, "What's that all over me? I can feel something on me". Well, that's the Holy Spirit and we have the same Holy Spirit and the same Bible that Smith Wigglesworth had. - Wow. Alright, so what about-- what if you're... your own family is saying, "Don't do it"? What's the story of that one? - Oh my word! So-- Wigglesworth. He's visiting a man who is very sick and I think his mom was a big visitor because she shows up and so she is there at the bedside. Now of course, you must remember in those days, you were born at home and you'd die at home. And so that's how it happened. The hospital system was not anything like it is here today. We call 911 and you know and so she gets there and his mom says, "He's dead, Smith. Don't do it". - Isn't not funny? Oh, my gosh... - Well, it's like a red flag to it. - Yea. So Smith said, "I've been trying to witness to this guy and while he was alive, he wouldn't let me help him". He sure will when he's dead. [Laughs] - Not possible... - Yes, because the guy can't argue now so he rebukes death and this guy wakes up and Smith said, he did get saved and so it was an easier recipient of the Gospel I think when he was dead than when he was alive. [Laughs] And the first discussion of what hell looks like on the other side - Oh yes. That's just a great story - Uh-huh. - Yea. What about when you get a request and you send out a handkerchief to somebody? - Acts chapter 19. - Yea. - With Paul. They took handkerchiefs from the body of Paul, they placed them on the sick people and they recovered. Their evil spirits, they departed. That's a scriptural contest. You study why they did that in that time in the world and I always have trouble with that, Gene, because it's just one example in Scripture. There is not one example, there is a secondary example. When the woman with the issue of blood reached out and touched the fringe or the tallit of Jesus, the aim of His garment, there again is cloth--a prayer cloth. - Amen. - That was her point of contact. Same thing with Elijah so I found 2 or 3 places where I don't understand it. I'm not asked to understand it. I'm just asked to believe and act upon the Word. It's exactly what that is. - You've got anything else, Doug? A handkerchief miracle? - Oh my word. It was a man and we're in Australia now. Wigglesworth, he traveled in his last days and a woman comes up to him and says, "My son is lazy. He would not work. I can't get him out of bed in the mornings. I'm sure there is a lot of families that can relate to that. So he said, "Let's pray with this prayer cloth and just put it under his head. So she did and the next day, this man is changed. He just wakes up because I mean the life of God, you know, impregnates there and just froze that darkness off of him and there is more power here than we realize, really Gene. - Yea, it isn't and it's not just the-- It's not just the power of an handkerchief, Greg... - No. Not at all... - What is it? - It's the anointing. - The anointing. It's residing on there and-- when he took--his prophet, he took Elijah's Mantle, which was his tallit, his cloth and he's, "Where is the Lord, God of Elijah"? He's calling on that anointing that had been on him. It's really just faith in the Word. It's "If I can touch the aim of His garment" , they took handkerchiefs from Paul. It's not a magic pill or a formula, - That's right. - It's the anointing. - Alright, so what about-- notice whenever Smith had to make a choice, he made a choice and he prayed for somebody and they were healed within 5 minutes or less. What's that all about? Well, there was a service in Norway where again, -- was talking about how he couldn't touch, lay hands on people and so he prayed but in this one service in Norway, he got the idea that he just was going to pray for everyone and there was this anointing that that hit the whole service. Every seat was filled, every window seal was filled, every nook and cranny was filled. It was a jam-packed service and the anointing of God just-- The Glory of God just filled the place and so as he prayed, the message went out like a river. The power of God rested on everyone. Every single sinner in that place was accepting Christ. Every single injured, unhealthy, you know, every person needing help received their miracle that day under 5 minutes. - All under 5 minutes. - It has to be... The only way I can try to answer that, try to wrap my mind around that... I'm being honest because there were times in the Scriptures where it says that "He could do no mighty work there" - Right. - You know, so even Jesus can't. Yet, I'm seeing Wigglesworth doing so I'm thinking "Lord, what is that"? Now, as you were talking I thought, it has to be-- the corporate faith of the place. There is no unbelief in that room. - Well, I remember even being involved with-- healing ministries in the past decades. You know, you can walk into a place and it's the same team that was in the last city and you walk into a place and you go, "Um...That just doesn't feel right" and nothing seems to flow. So there is absolutely something about the corporate faith. - Maybe it's the audience being the one. - Well, absolutely and it's the same time, it's in that same environment when... - Probably night to night. - Yea, yea, yea...The second night, they see somebody get healed the first night. Now it's a totally different story, the second night. - Lookie-loos are gone. - Yea. Now they are like, wow! Someone got saved. And you see, that guy get out of a wheelchair and how wonderful that was. I mean--there is absolutely a element of corporate faith. But now Smith, as we've already learned, all he did was read the Bible. He didn't read any other books. This man was devoted, he committed and he was not just a stalworth but he was tenacious in holding on to the Scripture. In facts, if all you do is read the Bible, let's get real... If all you do is read the Bible and seek God do and listen to Him, things are gonna change around you. - Things are gonna be different. It has to. - Isaiah 55:11, the Word sent out does what it was set out to do. - "My Word will not return to me void". - Yea, absolutely. Alright. What if you've got a friend who has no legs or he has stumps and you hear the Word of the Lord saying, "Go and get shoes. - That is the ultimate, right? Because you have stumps, I mean. - Now where is the faith? The faith to get healed or the faith to go, "Why am I not... [Laughs] - Well, ah! I don't know... Well Smith was talking with his buddy, a curate of the Church of England and of course, you know, they are just chatting, they are just having a perfectly lovely friend-to-friend chat. And Smith says, "Go get shoes. Go get fitted for shoes". And the guy thought it was a joke. It was like, "What? I have stumps, I don't have feet. Just in case you didn't notice. But he's up all night long and finally he says, "Okay"... He's feeling the sense that God is saying, "Do it, go to the store". So he goes to the shoes store. Now imagine you're the guy... - This is Nike. They make shoes. - Yea. - It just fits you! It's not like going to, you know, a department store. - And you walk and you tell this guy... - Although you do, "Just do it"! [Laughs] - Oh no, I mean, you have to be...You have to... - Understand it... - Ha-ha! I know, I get it. - So the guy said, "Good morning. May I help you"? And he says, "Can you get me a pair of shoes"? and he says, "What size and color"? And then this guy looks at him and says, "Um...We can't help you, sorry". And the guy says, "That's alright, young man. But I want a pair of shoes". Size 8, color black". So the assistant goes and he pulls out. He had that size in stock and he pulls it out and he returns and he hands it to the man and so the man puts his stump in the shoe, right? It's like "What"? Instantly a foot and a leg grew, right in front of this assistant. One foot, one leg, the other foot, the other leg. - Got to get some of 'em shoes... [Laughing] - Yes, that reminds me of Mary, the mother of Jesus. - Uh-huh... - Whatever He tells you to do-- - Yea. - Do it! - It's not complicated, is it Gene? - No, it's really not. It's really not and we touched on the compassion you know...of Jesus. You have to have and Smith had compassion. - Oh yes. And you know, Lillian De Fin was telling us about the compassionate...He would stand in the corner and you know, cry because he was able to afford to clothe some traveling ministers. - Wonderful! - And what a guy! What a phenomenal...These are just a lot of quick stories that we've gone through today about excuses. Why you think it can't happen. Why you think you can't be used and I really enjoyed... This is one of the reasons I love Todd White. He just goes and he just does it. - Absolutely. - Uh-huh. - He just goes out there, finds somebody. There is compassion, he loves on them. The love of Jesus is so present and it's infectious and that's all we've got to do. We don't have to figure out why. We didn't have to figure out, how is God gonna make feet and legs grow into shoes. - No. - All I need to do is go and do my part and go get the shoes. - Uh-huh - So "be the one". We sometimes think that we have to be called to go to Russia or somewhere. You don't. Just "be the one". Be available. Be bold. Be the one in prayer. Be the one in giving, be the one-- in the audience. - Some of the members in our church. They wake up and they say, "Okay, Lord. What's our assignment today"? And they would jump on their little motorcycle and they'll go and they'll pray for someone and then they come back. Just say "Yes". - So be the one in Walmart, in the restaurants and we always had that. I mean, I always remember this. Years ago, when I wasn't the one, Gene, and this young man--he was from India, he was working in a restaurant and you know, I just took a shine to him. He was a young guy and he was learning English and a few weeks afterwards, I thought I'm gonna-- be the one for him and I came back and I said, "Where is so-and-so"? And the guy dropped his head and said, "Oh, he was killed by a drunk driver last week". - Oh wow! - And I thought, "Oh my word". And we've all been there, haven't we, honestly. - Sure. - Honestly, but it's just a small decision. Okay, look stupid and put your foot in there. But do something and great things can happen. - There is some people, you know, you can't-- maybe you're homebound or whatever else. You can still be the one in prayer. You can still be the one in supporting Christian television or ministers. - Yea. There is still ways that you can be the one. - There is prayer groups online and basically, our entire ministry here, I have left and brought to them many times and said, "Pray for us over this" and time and time again, I see this massive miracle take place. - Yea. Well, that's it. That's it for today. We've gone long but-- take this today. Take the word that you've heard. Take all these instances, all these excuses. And with Smith Wigglesworth, look in the face of doubt and defeat and became the one anyway. Amen. We will see you next week. ♪♪
Channel: Revival RadioTV
Views: 61,347
Rating: 4.8607888 out of 5
Keywords: Gene Bailey, Linda Schulz Lane, Revival Radio TV, Eagle Mountain Church, Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Revival
Id: 2h5rELiqf04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2017
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