Jessica Koulianos at Open Heavens | Bethel Church

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Jesus who are so thankful to gather in your name today God Jesus we need you so much right now Thank You Holy Spirit Thank You Holy Spirit for being our best comforter our best friend thank you for never leaving our side never giving up on us never turning your back on us thank you Father for what you're gonna do today I ask that you'll touch your people today God Lord we didn't come here for another event we came here to encounter you today Jesus the Lord I ask that we will encounter you God let none of us leave the same in Jesus mighty name amen you guys can sit down yeah you can stay playing that's great so um you guys have heard a little bit about my story and I'll go a little deeper about that today you know I was born in a Christian home I told you the part about how I went to Columbia when I went to Columbia I got set free of unforgiveness hatred but I didn't say yesterday is I actually told my father one time I hate God and when I said that he said please don't say that you don't know what you're saying and I said no I really do I hate God I hate him for calling you I hate that I was born into this family I hate everything about it I don't want anything to do with this I really had no intention of ever serving god I wanted to grow up and get out of my household and never look back I was broken I was confused I was deeply misunderstood I didn't trust anybody I had walls so thick that I wouldn't let anybody get through them I didn't let people hug me I I was completely lost and so I went to Columbia when I hit rock bottom after getting kicked out of a Christian University and I was really low and I met this beautiful family as I shared yesterday Cesar Castillo know who took me in and loved me and I had hope and that was the first time I had been in a Christian environment for a really long time because I stopped going to church all together I just didn't want to do any of it anymore and so I was there and a lady spoke on unforgiveness and I had seen so much unforgiveness and bitterness in my heart so much that it I felt heavy inside and so I was so sick of feeling so heavy so I ran down to the altar and I said I want to be free from unforgiveness I can't live like this anymore I want to forgive I want to forgive everybody even God and Cesar Castellanos daughter came and laid her hands on me and decided to embrace me which already felt a little at first weird for me and she started to hug me and I started to hug Mia to start to cry and she prayed for me in Spanish I love Spanish now so many things happened and yes I ha man I love the Hispanic community they're so beautiful she started praying for me in Spanish and I don't know what she said I don't want she started to pray I felt a heaviness lift off me and I felt so free that I felt like I could fly out of the room I really did and I just started to forgive just forgive people from my childhood forgive my family for not being there like I thought they should have been at the time they didn't know they were doing the best they could they just never did it before I had to start to forgive the Lord I started to forgive all the people that turned and turn their backs on us and betrayed us just there was so much inside that I I never let go of so I started to just let it all go and I went home that night well not home but to the Castellanos house where I was staying and for the first time in years I opened my Bible again and she said oh god I miss you I miss you I want you again I used to love you so much as a little girl I was really tender-hearted like I am now notice the crying I was really tender-hearted as a little child so much so my parents had to take me out of Bambi because I could not get it together at Bambi when the mom died and I was wailing so loud and crying my dad was like trying to cover my mouth and he like we left the movie because I was so disheartened over that mom dear and I was so tender though as a child life wasn't complicated life was easy I didn't see bad I only saw good and for the first time since I was a little girl I started to feel tender again in my heart I started to talk to the Lord again and he was so available and so there and then the next day I went to a workshop session and the thing that always gets me is this is not really the heartbeat of our ministry Jesus image there was a guy that he talked about first love coming back to your first love and he said don't you remember when you were little and you used to cry so easily you would read the Bible and you'd cry you'd hear a song and moved your heart you'd cry and I just sat there crying I said oh god I just want that again I don't want to look at life the way I look at life anymore I want to be tender again I want Jesse back I want to be that little girl again I want to have a heart like that again and he started to break communi started to cry so I went home a completely different girl I stopped I was really bad just I don't have to tell you all the things I did just take my word for it you wouldn't want your child to be me I was really bad and I I remember one night driving with my friend I didn't tell my family this is I went to meet her at a nightclub and I sat in the parking lot and I tried to get out thinking I won't do anything bad tonight I'm not gonna live like that anymore I can just go in and be around it I'll be okay and I could not open the door and I called my dad and I said dad I lied to you I'm at a club right now trying to go in and I can't get out the door and he said just come home baby just come home it's gonna be okay and I went home and from that day forward I never lived that life anymore he took me to all of his Crusades I started traveling I met Michael shortly after that and we started serving the Lord together I wish my story ended there but it doesn't this is where Bethel comes in and this is what I believe in my heart today I know you guys are here hungry for an encounter from the Lord right we're all hungry for God to touch us see if God doesn't touch us we just go through life living day to day the same and that's not what he wants for us he wants us to be free and whole he wants his children to not live a life of fear and anxiety and doubt and unforgiveness that is not the life that he made for you so I pray that as I share my story today that God will encounter you even in your seat and you'll be set free today that you'll have your moment like I had my moment here three years ago I came here and God set me free God set me free and I believe that only I I'm so thankful to be here because I believe with all my heart that God wants to set each and every one of you free today today is your moment do not leave this event without holding on to Jesus he will set you free only Jesus can set you free he's the only one that can set you free but you have to grab it you can't just sit there you can't let him pass you by you have to take him you have to go after him with everything in your heart so I met Michael we had three kids we got into ministry life got busy I stopped praying I stopped seeking the Lord I stopped going to the services again I just felt busy as a mom I just wanted to be home and I'm not saying that's bad I love being a mom the greatest calling in my life is being a mom it really is that to me is the most special thing I'd rather do that then stand up here it's just beautiful to be a mom and a wife but I just was lost in my own issues my heart started to get hard again I thought that I was free from that but see if you go back to living the same way you might not be living in sin like I used to be in college but my heart grew cold again - geez I stopped going after him again see he gives us daily bread right you have to go after everyday even a week from being outside of Jesus it changes you you feel different even if I spend a few days without the Lord I'm like I don't feel like myself I'm not tender like I used to be I need Jesus I'm so desperate for him and you can say that's religion no that's Christianity that's true love that's a marriage and we're married to Jesus we're married to him so I stopped going after him ministry was something when Michael started getting busy it scared me a little bit I thought that my kids would go through the things that we went through growing up it was something that I didn't want to fully embrace and so I became numb again inside and I stopped going after God well little by little it started to break me and all of life's problems started to weigh me down see in my family I'm known as the strong one I'm the one that figures everything out I'm the one whenever there's an issue they call Jess I've always been strong I found my identity and being a strong person I actually found my entity in that more than Jesus that was my role so I can never crack I can never lose it because if I did then everything else would fall apart so I was always that girl so I started to feel weak but I didn't talk about it to anybody because I didn't want to look weak I didn't want to be vulnerable I didn't want to feel exposed I didn't want to tell people what was really going on inside see sometimes we can live like we have it all figured out and you can fake it to everybody else but you can't fake it to yourself you can't lie to yourself and you definitely can't lie to the Lord you know what's going on inside and I kept faking it and faking it and faking it and finally it just got to the point where I stopped sleeping at night I didn't sleep for three years when I say not sleeping I don't mean like five hours I mean like if I got two to three hours that was a decent night for me I had so much going on in my mind so much always happening I carried burdens of other people's issues that were not mine to carry and I had it weighing on me so heavily that I couldn't sleep and I remember I used to wake up at night and just say lord please just let me sleep please let me sleep I just want to sleep please and another part of my story then I share it now publicly because my mom was so brave to go and talk about it on 700 club years ago but she got addicted to sleeping meds when I was a kid and she got addicted to medication because she couldn't sleep because she grew up in ministry too and she just had the pressures of this world so I was so when I saw that happening I thought no God you can't let this repeat itself I didn't want to ever do this I didn't want to have these issues I saw what it did to my mom all those years not sleeping when it did to her I don't want to get addicted to to medication I just I don't want this so I when I started not sleeping it deeply scared me and then I started to feel anxious all the time and something I dealt with since I was a little girl with severe fear not like a little fear like severe fear like not leaving the house always afraid that something bad was gonna happen I was always waiting for the next tragedy to happen because it felt like in life there was so many highs and lows growing up that I I always just felt I didn't deserve to be happy I didn't feel like I deserved happiness at a happy life so even if things were going good or even if there was people in my life that really did love me I was always thinking that something bad was gonna happen or their motives weren't pure so I when I started not sleeping I thought oh no I see the pattern going but instead of running to Jesus I ran away even more and I should have done that I knew better and so I started not sleeping my fear intensified in a major way severe fear I didn't feel sane in my mind I was anxious I was self-destructing things I was not a fun person to be married to I wasn't being a great mom I was completely falling apart my whole life I was ruining everything the Lord was doing and Michael and my dad would have these talks and Michael and his amazing friends would have these talks and they would talk about Jesus and they would cry and they would do all these lock aways and have all these amazing encounters and I would just sit there envious in my heart and I would say that never happens for me I don't I don't talk about you Lord and cry you don't move my heart like that anymore why not but it's really simple I wasn't putting in the time they were putting in the time they were making him number one and I wasn't he was just an addition he was just there I had no deep relationship with him and that's why I was feeling so empty inside so finally one day I took my kids to the store am i younger too if you know my younger too you understand they're a handful so I took my younger two to the store and it was just a stressful day Michael was out and about and I started to feel really funny in my body and so I came home all shaky Michael shared yesterday I had to wear a heart vest because my heart was physically being affected dr. Crandell who's an amazing doc dr. Crandell right Michael yeah dr. Crandell he's an amazing doctor and her bunkies Patti I have so many people go to get to him for a checkup and he said something's really wrong your heart's really messed up it's skipping around I need to put you on a life vest for a few weeks just to monitor your heart so my fear was so severe and anxiety that was physically affecting my body now so I was laying down because I when I came home I felt all tingly inside my chest was tight my arm went numb and Michael came home and I don't really even remember much but I guess he was like slapping me on the face and he was like Jess snap out of it and I said need to call 9-1-1 something's really not right I think I'm having a stroke and I'm not one to ever be an alarmist so for me to say call 9-1-1 something was really going on in me and so he called and they came and they were checking me out and I heard one of the paramedics say to one of the other paramedics they said I think she's physically fine I think this is a breakdown this is anxiety and to be honest with you in that moment I would have rather than told me it was my heart or something was physically wrong because the shame of accepting that I was having a nervous breakdown was too much for me to bear because I used to think they weren't even real and I would judge family members of mine that had breakdowns and I thought they were just a weak so when I heard that I didn't tell Michael that that's what I heard them say I was embarrassed to say that I had another friend Rebecca Kalinda she called me and said Jess I love you but this is not your heart you're having a breakdown you're having a nervous breakdown right now and so don't say that she cuz it is and that's what it was I checked out I they sent me home I had a full-on nervous breakdown full-on so we called everybody we called all our amazing friends and man we are so blessed to get to rub shoulders with in my opinion some of the greatest men and women of God in this hour we called them all I had everybody pray for me everybody that you can think of pray for me nothing changed because if you don't find Jesus your life is the same it doesn't matter who you have lay hands on you if you don't have a face to face if you don't have an encounter with the Lord if you don't run after him you will stay the same you will stay the same Todd white prayed for me about five times to sleep at night he lost your faith every time it's already sleeping no I'm still not sleeping your faith is weak no my faith it wasn't I didn't know Jesus of course my faith was weak I wasn't serving God I knew him but I didn't have a intimate relationship with him of course I'm not sleeping the business of life got the best of me so we called pastor bill he likes in a column Dale we called bill and his response said how quickly can you get here everybody else that we called was so sweet and they prayed for me and it meant so much to me but only one person said how quickly can you get here and we were so desperate at that time honestly I thought I didn't know if my marriage would survive I didn't know if my kids would be okay I didn't know if I would get locked up in some mental hospital I was really when I say just trust me I was at my rock bottom that was really my rock bottom and when I heard that bill told Michael that I said I will do anything I need a touch from God I'm desperate for Jesus right now I will do anything else let's sell our house let's move to kids let's put everything on hold at the time Jesus image was growing and all of our board members and all of our friends said what are you doing you can't leave now you guys have too much going on you have to be obedient to what God has called you to and I love my husband because he said I don't care about all that right now I'm to get Jesse hole I need to get my wife better and I love him forever for doing that for me and I remember our friend Daniel kolenda he called Daniel and said so many people are telling me not to go that it's silly that we're doing this that we're gonna lose support we're gonna our people won't understand and Daniel goes bro what could as momentum if you're driving into a tree you go get Jessie better Daniel but it's the truth it was that moment like I knew in my heart just like I knew if I didn't go to Columbia when I got invited to go it was one of those moments again I've only had two like that this was another time I knew in that moment if I didn't say yes to that that my life would have stayed the same I don't know where I would be if we didn't move to Bethel I honestly don't know where we'd be that's that's the understatement of the century I don't know where I'd be so we said let's go we put our house on the market it's sold thank you lord we moved our whole family here and I was desperate for a touch from God so bill put us in touch with Jason valeton I love Jay I don't know if he's here but Lauren is I love you Lauren and I went in broken thinking there was no hope Jay walks in and I go okay he's a fisherman I've had like dr. Dobbins and like the best in the world talk to me they did nothing for me you are like in your flip-flops sitting crisscross applesauce asking me about my life are you really gonna help me like honesty is like hi I'm Jay I'm like hi I'm Jessica I'm about to tell you all my deepest darkest secrets get ready you're gonna hear some stuff man and I thought in my head is like how is okay I'll give it a whirl so we sat there with Jay and I remember walking into the office feeling so hopeless and like this I don't know this is gonna work but it's got to work and Jay in that session gave us hope that it's gonna be okay I remember he asked me something that I've never shared I don't think publicly he said close your eyes and I want you to answer me and tell me the first thing that comes to mind when I ask you these questions I said okay so I closed my eyes and he said what do you think of when you think of ministry I said pain cuz that's all I knew is pain in ministry and I was afraid that my kids would I have that pain that I had growing up and it's not because I didn't have a wonderful family I did it was just we didn't know what we were doing and I didn't know what I was doing it was just a lot fast and I wish we had people in our life then that would have helped us walk that out a little bit better so I said paint and he goes what do you think people think when they look at you I said I think if they knew the real me they'd be really surprised and disappointed and he goes how do you see yourself I said worthless and when I said worthless I started to cry and I think Michael started a car I was like oh oh whoa and I knew that that's what I felt because it was the first thing that came out of my mouth was I felt worthless not good enough I've never before that moment I never felt like I measured up I always felt like I had to be something that I didn't feel like I was able to be I always lived in the shadow of somebody it was my dad and then it became Michael Cooley honest his wife and I was like oh no this is never gonna leave my life but that's okay now cuz now I Know Who I am in Jesus so it doesn't I now I'm honored to say that they're my family it doesn't bother me at all but at the time I didn't know who I was I didn't know my value I didn't know my purpose in life I didn't know I was just lost and so desperate for a Savior so after leaving that meeting me and Michael look through each other we said you know what we'll be okay we'll get through this there just hope we're not gonna end in a bad situation our kids are gonna be okay there's hope there's hope but I want to tell you this this is so important that you get this I'm all about counseling and talking to people I think it's beautiful I like to explain it as a way like that's the way to shine light on the issues it brought things to the surface that I didn't know we're there I got to talk about things that I never told a soul I talked about things from childhood on I got to get to the root but the cure is Jesus okay the cure is Jesus because you can go to counseling all day and you can get as many solos as your heart can handle but if you don't find Jesus Christ if you don't find Jesus who sets everybody free he will not leave change you will not leave changed and Beth will be the first people to tell you that you won't leave change to leave the same you'll still be bound those chains that held your hands will still hold them you will not leave different so in that season it was so beautiful because it was a time where I could just be with Jesus so I would go we had a house on the west side of town here and I would go drop the kids at BCS and I would go home and I would just pray I would sit in my room I would close the door and I would just pray and talk to Jesus and the thing that got me so much that still messes me up inside is how available he was how near he was he didn't throw my issues in my face he didn't throw my shame in my face he didn't throw all my shortcomings in my face he was there just wanting me wanting me dirty me messy me with all of my issues he loved me and so I started to pray and man I had such beautiful encounters during those months I will never forget them but I tell you what I cannot live without Jesus I cannot live a day without Jesus and I mean that with all my heart see we get so used to living this life every day and we forget how near and how available he is do you know he waits for us he longs to be with his children he loves us that much when I got married the night before I got married I remember waking up in the middle of the night and my dad was sitting over my bed just watching me sleep and it startled me a little bit I was like whoa okay but he knew it was gonna be my last night in the and he just wanted to watch his firstborn sleep like Oh daddy would they were waking up and I said daddy what are you doing in here and he was maybe he's done that more than I know I don't know but that's the first time I saw him doing it so what are you doing dad he goes Oh teary-eyed I just wanted to watch you sleep I just wanted to watch you and that touched me and it's something that I think about still and it makes me cry because I thought what a loving father what a beautiful dad to sit and watch me sleep but Jesus does that too and if it moves your heart of your own father does that how much more should it move it if your heavenly father does that because he is our Father and He loves us and he waits for us he waits for us and how often we don't turn our affection towards him we get busy with all the stuff all the stuff and the busier you get in life or maybe the more successful you get in life or the more growth or whatever you want to call it you have in life let me tell you the more you should become like a child the more you should go after Jesus the more you should give him your everything your everything he loves to be loved he loves his children he's so available it'll mess you up you'll mess it should mess you up like I can have you whenever I want the King of Kings I can go and talk to the King of Kings whenever I want you love me you want me you want to be with me you want to touch me you love it when I sing to you you love it when I pray to you you love it when I talk to you oh Jesus you're so beautiful I just want you I just want you you're my everything and see I knew that language but I didn't have that encounter for my life you can talk the talk but if you don't live it your life is dry let's try like I said all my friends talk to that talk but it was real it was genuine and now for the first time in my life I was actually having an intimate relationship with Jesus he was my everything and I'll tell you what I don't even know how it happened people asked when did you get set free I'm like I don't know all I know is I found Jesus and everything else went away I can't tell you the time I can't tell you the night I can't tell you the hour all I know is I started sleeping again like a baby like a baby Michael can tell you I'm as soon as my head hits that pillow I'm gone and don't even bother me until the morning time that wasn't happening for me the fear went away severe fear I was always afraid someone close to me I was gonna lose them always I was so afraid of everything that's gone the anxiety gone the depression gone self-hatred gone all of that gone fear of man gone all of it gone in the blood of Jesus Christ it covered it all it's all gone it's all fine see it's it's so simple that it baffles your mind it's so simple and people comes me all the time how did you do I don't know how I did it I just found Jesus I found Jesus and he became my everything he became the reason I woke up in the morning he became the reason I live he's everything to me I found him and hen there's freedom who the Sun sets free is free indeed where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom that's my safety and I'm very aware if I leave that I'll go back to those chains again I'll become bound again no one is exempt from walking into sin no one is it's a life outside of Jesus that causes those things to happen nobody's exempt from having a breakdown it doesn't matter if you're up here you can have all of those issues - we all need Jesus we all need Jesus I want to read some stuff to you I one thing I wanted to say I remember this was so cool for me I went to my first Zozo ever and I was like oh this is I don't know what to expect this is neat but I was so nervous and I told this amazing woman it was just down the road here I told her my story and I was crying and she looked at me and said isn't this amazing and I said what amazing did you hear - told you she was it stops with you you're fighting so that your children don't have to go through the things that you went through it stops with you and in just one moment it can start with you now my daughter will never have to have a breakdown all the women in my family had nervous breakdowns from generations past my daughter one half side that stopped with Jess I thought I took that moment you have to take that moment you have to grab that moment you cannot let it pass you by and I don't think we're all here by accident I think God is setting you up God is setting you up this is your moment you're here just like I was here three years ago this was in 2016 that I was here never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd be right here right now I mean it's just like mind-blowing from the full circle God's redemption is amazing but I knew my moment and I wasn't letting it pass me by for nothing in the world I was gonna find Jesus with all that it was no matter what I had to do I just had to have him I had to have him and this is your moment this is your moment that's why I'm here today I'm not here just to give you a beautiful speech and make you feel warm and fuzzy inside I'm here to tell you this is your moment grab it by force and grab it by faith and take it and don't you dare let go of it but find Jesus find Jesus he's so available so beautiful I'm gonna read to you Luke chapter 4 I'm gonna start at verse 14 through verse 20 you can read along with me or not then Jesus returned to Galilee filled with the Holy Spirit's power reports about him spread quickly through the whole region he taught regularly in the synagogues and was praised by everyone listen to this when he came to the village of Nazareth his childhood home he went as usual to the synagogue's on the Sabbath and stood up to read the scriptures the scroll of Isaiah the prophet was handed to him he unrolled the scroll and found the place where this was written the Spirit of the Lord is upon me for he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor he has sent me to proclaim the captives will be released and that the blind will see and that the oppressed will be set free and that time of the Lord's favor has come he rolled up the scroll and handed it back to the attendant and sat down all eyes looked at him intently so basically this is what Jesus saying like it's me what the scripture talks about Here I am everything you need is found in me that's what Jesus is saying here what you read about in Isaiah it's right here in front of you it's talking about me he was worth of religious he was in the synagogues but they didn't see that they treat it as common they knew him as as Joseph and Mary's boy so they didn't see that the savior of the universe the person that came to take all their issues away was standing right in front of them but they were too blind to see and that's what God is saying now like Here I am do you want me are you thirsty I'll give you living water are you hungry I'll give you bread from heaven what do you need it's all found right here Here I am I'm right in front of you but they didn't see that so then we see in verse 20 this is the part I'm sorry not verse 20 let me find right here we go I'll just say I'm all over the place now I'm feeling it the part that got me is he offended the religious he made them upset so much so that they tried to push him off the cliff and then the Bible says that he just walked on by he just walked right through and kept going his way and that's the part that messed me up and like he was so near all they had to do was touch him all they had to do was just barely reach out and they could have touched Jesus they could have touched their heel or their Redeemer but they didn't see him their eyes were blind they couldn't see their ears were closed so they couldn't hear but all they had to do was go like this they didn't see he just walked away see he's in the whisper he's in the whisper bike Elijah was he in the earthquake no was he in the fire no he heard God in the whisper well if you hear someone whisper what do you have to do you have to be really close to them you have to be near he's in the whisper so he just walked away and they never had the person to set them free they never found Jesus or you can be like the woman with the issue of blood that is like I don't care what it takes I don't care how low I have to go I don't care how desperate I am I don't care of the shame and the embarrassment that I'm unclean whatever I have to do I have to touch Jesus I have to be with Jesus I have to have Jesus no matter what no matter the cost no matter the cost no matter the price I just need him she got her touched healed in a moment in a moment so today that's where I ask you who you're gonna be like the religious I feel like this is my opinion there's one kind of person for me personally it's really hard to minister to that know-it-all been-there-done-that mindset that I've seen that before oh I've seen that before if we're not acting like children you need to go back to the beginning you need to go back to the basics you need to go back to your first love you need to go back to where you started my dad tells this story that when he would go to Kathryn Kuhlman meetings she would sit there and talk about her childhood all the time and he said it would sound almost boring cuz they were the same stories and what is she doing why is she talking about these stories that she talks about all the time and then he found out after she had gone to be with the Lord use it he asked a staff member why did she always talk about her childhood stories they said oh she was going back to the beginning she was going back to when she first met Jesus shilling to remember the beginning see it's when we complicate things that life gets hard he's so simple just go back to the beginning go back to what stirred your heart years ago sing the songs that moved your heart then they'll still move your heart now he's not looking for professional Christians he's looking for the ones that will say I am lost and I need a Savior I don't have this all figured out I don't know what I'm doing I'm desperate for you I'm lost without you I I mean I I don't want to do this on my best day I'm not a professional speaker I don't ever want to be I just want Jesus I just want him I want to walk off this stage today and say Lord were you happy did I touch your heart God did I minister to you today did I do what you called me to do was I leaning into you God if you wake me up at night to pray will I listen when you knock at the door of my heart will I open it will I be there you've been there for me he's looking for that again go back to the beginning go back to the basics go back to your first love I want to read another passage to you thank you Jesus just prepare your hearts even now where God wants to touch you he wants to encounter his people and he wants to set you free today you do not have to live in those chains anymore you don't have to live bound you don't have to live a life outside of the presence of Jesus there's no other place to live there's no better place to live John verse 6 we're gonna go to chapter 6 verse 26 this is what Jesus is looking for jesus replied I tell you the truth you want to be with me because I fed you not because you understood the miraculous signs but don't be so concerned about perishable things like food spend your energy seeking the eternal life that the Son of Man can give you for God the Father has given me the seal of his approval verse 28 they replied we want to perform God's works - what should we do Jesus told them this is the only work God wants from you believe in the one he has sent see it's not about what he can do through you it's about him it's not about the stuff it's not about the stuff he'll do the stuff because he's amazing he'll do the stuff because he's a loving father he'll touch his people he'll provide he's amazing but it's not about that it's about him it's just about Jesus verse 32 jesus said I tell you the truth Moses didn't give you the bread from heaven my father did and now he offers you the true bread from heaven the true bread of God is the one who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world sir they said give us that bread every day listen to this part verse 35 jesus replied I am the bread of life whoever comes to me will never be hungry again whoever believes in Me will never be thirsty everything is found in him it's so simple that it sounds like it's too good to be true everything is found in Jesus every answer to your issues is found in him but he wants to be loved he wants to be loved he loves like any father loves to hear their children say I love you see we've made it about the stuff he just fed 5,000 here and he's saying like hey don't love me because of the stuff I can do love me for me love me for me not what I can do for you to just love me so yeah Lord we turn our gaze upon you Jesus we turn our affection to you Lord we thank you God for never giving up on us never turning your back on us God for being so near when we didn't deserve it Correll Minister with your instrument Jesus we thank you we thank you God for your goodness listen you can just treat this like any other day or you can position your heart right now to say I'm gonna have Jesus maybe you've grown cold maybe you don't go after him like you used to maybe you're like me how I was three years ago here hopeless and desperate just wanting to find a Savior just wanting to feel loved and accept it and I'm telling you you can have him you can have him he loves you he loves you everything you've done all your sins if you go and repent of your sins say you have to make a public confession but whatever you do is under the blood of Jesus it's under the blood of Jesus the Bible says he drives it away like it's forgotten it's not even remembered once you repent and turn your heart towards him it's gone just come to Jesus like a little child come to Jesus thank you Jesus we welcome you Holy Spirit we welcome you Holy Spirit thank you Jesus for your love thank you Jesus for the cross thank you God for your blood Jesus your beautiful blood Jesus that poured out for us God that washed us that set us free thank you so much Jesus for never turning your back on us God when everybody else did you never did God you've always been there you're so faithful you're so beautiful Jesus if that's you I want you to I don't know if you can come down here but if you say Jess I've grown cold yeah stand up just come down to the altar if you go I've grown cold my heart is hard I want Jesus like you're talking about I want to know him like you're talking about I want to encounter the King of Kings I want to lay it all down see the Bible says you cast your burdens upon him for he cares for you do you know what that means to cast your burdens it means to literally lay them at the feet of Jesus like they're not mine anymore it's yours God you take it yeah and if you're in your seats to start to pray pray just pray intercede right now don't be a spectator God is gonna set people free today Lord we thank you we thank you Jesus we lay our burdens at your feet God we give you our lives Jesus Oh Holy Spirit put a hunger in our heart again God make us hungry again make us hungry again for Jesus oh Jesus we love you God oh Jesus we give you our pain God we give you our disappointment we give you our struggles God we give you an it our anxiety got our fear our doubt Lord oh Jesus we give you our depression we give you our thoughts lord I ask that you'll renew our mind today in Jesus name touch our mind Jesus renew our minds today God soften our hearts God just break those walls God that we placed around our heart God thank you Jesus we want to let you in Holy Spirit we love you we love you Jesus just love Jesus don't don't even look at me just tell the Lord how much you love them we love you Jesus we love you Jesus I need you more thank you Jesus Jesus thank you she's thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] before [Music] you [Music] more than words to say its concern [Music] you [Music] before [Music] more than yesterday [Music] I need you more than say aye [Music] before I need [Music] [Applause] [Music] defense [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] these fences fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] jeez [Music] I need you [Music] more than yesterday I need you more so much more than words can say I need you before I need you I need you [Music] when I I [Music] whoa [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I think so [Music] let's just take a moment just honor his heart right now we give you praise wigs all to Lourdes there's something about being present in this moment let's not let it pass let's be present and give you all the praise right now fully present or not on our phones we're not watching Netflix we're not watching anything else Lord but we're fully present to you and I thank you for the gift of being present yeah I thank you for the gift in many of you right now that the Lord is allowing you to step into something new and it's being present the ability to be present that you you don't want to hide anymore that's actually a gift that you don't want to I think you whether you're changing our desires so I bless your ability to be present right now Gordon let's just take this moment and let's sing that song one more time being fully present and it's a gift right now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Jesus Image
Views: 263,937
Rating: 4.9094462 out of 5
Keywords: Michael Koulianos, Jessica Koulianos, Jesus, Image, Holy Spirit, Bethel, Bethel Music, Upper Room, UPPERROOM, Todd White, Benny Hinn, Eric Gilmour, Reinhard Bonnke, Bill Johnson, Jesus Image
Id: fAqVlJevdR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 35sec (3395 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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