You Were Born Rich • Part 1 [REMASTERED]

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[Music] given the kids to dream a vision that your heart is all [Music] carry the best bars you can pass the sister to brother Danny [Music] world famous athletes astronauts international personalities who have really made a difference in our world you and I we all started out exactly the same just like that beautiful little baby that you just saw we were born rich rich in potential we have deep reservoirs of talent and ability within us you're about to embark on one of the most exciting journeys you could possibly get involved with this program you were born wrench is the most effective personal development program in the world today its butt isn't designed specifically to help you realize all of your dreams live the life that you really want to live we're going to invite you in to a live seminar so that you can experience the excitement the high energy of actually being there we have special guest Paul Hudson on the program you'll be meeting other personalities people just like you and I who have been involved in this program and it's made a tremendous difference in their life consider this just like that baby when you and I were born we were natural born risk takers we had no limitations we were free to step out and do everything we wanted to do now some of the people that you are going to see interviewed have attended this seminar some of them a number of times most of them at least twice the real benefit of having this seminar on the video is that you can stop the tape at any time and go back and play it over again you see reading and memorizing or just watching this really is not going to do you any good you must understand and apply the ideas now the exercise book your action planner that's in your program is vitally important it's probably one of the most important elements in your entire born rich program it's vitally important that is I suggest you get involved in an exercise you take it and you really get involved stop the tape think of where you are and think of where you want to go and complete the exercise don't put it off literally where this buck out now what I'd like you to do it's come with me mentally prepare yourself as we gwyne to a live seminar there's a seat saved just for you you are about to embark on the most exciting journey of your life Bob Proctor seminars proudly presents you were born rich the most dynamic personal development program of its kind in the world ladies and gentlemen here to lead you through your journey into your own powerful potential mr. John canary and mr. Bob Proctor can we do better than that how you feeling I'll tell you what I'm gonna do Robert could all the people in this side of the room just remain silent for just a moment let's just try this side the room see who wins this contest so far you feeling whoa my turn now let's see whose side you're on here all right how do you feel sorry ol buddy looks like you won we're gonna get started with Robert why I wanna wish you a very warm welcome to our seminar here today and we've got a special guest who is sitting at home and we're inviting that person into our seminar and they're going to experience everything you're going to experience I know many of you've been through our seminars before some of you have never been through our seminars but I think you'll find if you keep your mind wide open just sit back and relax you're gonna find it a pretty interesting experience I've often mentioned that we never give anybody a brain hernia with the information we use it's all very simple and it's very very effective you know I've spent a long time studying the subject of why we do what we do and why we don't do some of the things that we'd really like to do and I've come to the conclusion that the two main elements in a successful fulfilled life is motivation and education and if we get a proper balance of motivation and education we're going to find that we're going to be led into some very wise decisions that will inspire us into some intelligent action and we will live a very very fulfilled life what I would like to suggest you do is flip to them by page two in your action planet take your action planner and turn to page two you know some time ago John canary gave me a little piece of literature about getting out of the comfort zone that was written by Bob Gregg's in southern Florida and there's some excellent information in here many of us are pretty comfortable in our life we've got a reasonably good income the mortgage is paid there's feud in the fridge we've got a nice warm bed to sleep in and everything seems to be floating along just fine and you know a person in that position could very easily think why would I want to do anything to change this well we have found that if your life is not going in one direction yet absolutely by law must be moving in another direction and Riggs is talking about that here he said many of us have established a comfort zone in our lives we're just coasting along taking the line of least resistance just getting by now he said this is a very common and understandable attitude we've all worked hard to get to where we are and it may seem a very good place to be the problem with this is that once we stop reaching stretching seeking and risking we actually stop growing now Riggs goes on to say that the comfort zone frame of mind yes settling for what we are today that may be fine today but without continued growth and I believe this is the key line coming up we are now all we are ever going to be now for me that would be a fairly disturbing thought he went on to say if you're in a comfort zone beware the danger of a comfort zone is that it doesn't hurt and it might even feel good many take that to mean it's a good place to be but it's not a comfort zone maybe what is holding you back from real growth real accomplishment and you're potentially exciting and rewarding future now I've mentioned if we're not going in one direct we must by law be going in another direction you're either creating or you're disintegrating whenever we hear persons say I like it just the way it is we know that person is advertising their ignorance of a very basic law of life because absolutely nothing stays the way it is now if you'll take a look at the top of page 2 there is a concept there by Sidney Herbert Wood and it's the test of an educated person I think many of us have had a false concept programmed into our mind with respect to education we I think I've been raised to believe that education is going to school for a certain number of years and be able to correctly answer a series of questions but you know many people will go to school all their life and be able to correctly answer the questions but then when it comes to getting out into the marketplace and really making it happen they just don't know how to compete many are withdrawn they they don't even feel comfortable meeting or greeting a stranger well would said the test of an educated person is can I entertain a new idea now I think you know and I know that if we're going to improve we have to have a very open mind I once heard that an open mind was being prepared to throw away some of our most cherished beliefs when a better idea comes along now you'll find that the vast majority of people seems to back into the future dragging all of their old experience with them when they're confronted with a new idea they asked does it fit if it doesn't then they say it's wrong now what we want to do is ask ourself would this new idea improve the quality of my life or what it'd get me going in the other direction can I entertain a new idea today and tomorrow you're going to be asked to entertain many new ideas but every one of the ideas that we're going to share with you are going to be positive they're going to be creative they're going to be constructive and they'll definitely improve the quality of your life then we see the second one can I entertain another person now there's many people that would feel totally uncomfortable walking up to a stranger and just saying hi how are you today pleased to meet you Jan now do you know some people when it comes to meeting a person their head is down their hand is wet they're shaking inside their heart is pounding and they only do it because they really have to they would just assume pull away from the new person now that individual has not learned very much if anything about themselves because we should feel totally comfortable meeting anyone anywhere at any time and then you ask can I entertain myself well do you know many people are not able to entertain themselves I spent half my life not being able to entertain myself I always had to be around someone else it was always come on let's have a party I absolutely hated being alone and that was because I really didn't like myself now I have found through studying the ideas that we're gonna cover here over the next couple of days we can develop into very interesting and reasoning companions most of the time that we live we do spend with their self and you're going to find that some of the very best conversations you ever have are going to be with yourself I get so excited about some of mine I talk right out loud I dress you know strange look from people from time to time but you get such great ideas going in your mind that you just can't help it now here in the first paragraph we say that this program you were born rich is based on the premise that you have rich resources lying dormant within you I have heard many people laugh when they take a look at our program or take a look at the title of the book bored and rich you see they think that means that you've been born into great wealth some people are but some people are not but everyone without exception has been born with tremendous resources Lange within them we've got deep reservoirs of talent and ability and through following right rules and natural laws we're gonna find that we can draw that potential to the surface and we can bring it to bear and it will cause the manifestation of prosperity in our material world now in almost all the seminars that either John or myself does we take and we put an are here in the morgue now what I would like to suggest you do is you let that our represent the results that you're getting in your life now there's three areas that we're going to suggest that you focus on one is happiness one is health and another one is material wealth now when I first started to study this material I was not happy I was not healthy and I definitely was not wealthy I had a chapter sit down with me and he saw something in me that I obviously wasn't capable of seeing in myself his name was Raymond Stanford Raymond Douglas Stanford in fact I named my son after him Raymond Douglas Proctor and Ray looked at me and he said Bob let these lists here represent results that you're getting in your life then he asked me if I thought he was a happy person and I said yeah I thought he was he said have you ever seen me sick and I had to admit I hadn't he said have you ever seen me when I was broke and I gained I had dead men I hadn't well he proceeded to tell me that he thought I was one of the most miserable people he had ever met and you know it was true I was an unhappy human being he said you're always sick now I didn't have a terminal illness but I always had a headache or a cold or a backache or something and he pointed at the area of money he said you're always broke he said you're forever trying to hit somebody up for a couple of dollars for gas now if I was to put this in proper perspective for you I was earning $4,000 a year at the time and I owed sakes so do you see I was really interested in being happy or healthy at the time I figured if I could just get this money problem straightened out everything was going to be great he proceeded to tell me that there were certain laws governing happiness and if you follow them you can just keep getting happier and happier that sounded a little foreign to me but that was his opinion and he pointed out that you and I have an ingenious system built within us to keep our body in excellent working order and then when he talked about the area of money he said you know he said there's exact laws governing wealth and he pointed out he said this stuff cannot talk but it can hear and he said if you call it it'll come well I can assure you I was ready to yell at the top of my lungs I mean if there is an and I wanted it was some money I figured it would take the heat off for a little while ray suggested that I go out and buy this book it's napoleon hill's book Think and Grow Rich and you know he said there's a secret in this book and he said if you can find the secret in the book you can have anything you seriously want now you take a person that's unhappy not very healthy is in debt you'd have a difficult time accepting that I was 26 and I just couldn't accept the idea but as Ray said your ways not working why don't you try his and that's what I'd like to suggest you today if you're not getting the results you want your way obviously isn't working why don't you try ours now I often mentioned that John and I have got license to brag about every idea we use because none of them are ours we don't claim that we've originated these ideas in fact we openly admit we haven't we've just gathered them from books here and seminars there and great teachers all over the world and what we've done is put them together in an organized coherent manner so if your way is not giving you the results you want I would suggest that you take a real serious look at these ideas now I looked for the secret and I couldn't find it but I found in one place here he said a peculiar thing about this secret is that those who once acquire it and use it find themselves literally swept on the success with but little effort and they never again submit to failure what a marvelous promise he said if you doubt this study the names of those who have used it wherever they've been mentioned check their records for yourself and you'll be convinced now he lists upwards of a hundred names here he's got Henry Ford William Wrigley James J Hill George Eastman theatre Roosevelt he goes on here john d rockefeller thomas edison luther burbank woodrow wilson how could i relate to any of those people i couldn't relate to them but you see that first part he said check their names or check their records wherever they've been mentioned so I did that and I got out books on Edison and I got bucks on rockefeller and I got rooked books on Woodrow Wilson and all the great people that he had mentioned here and you know what I found I found they were no different than you they were no different than me many of them had very little formal education which made me feel fairly comfortable because I didn't either many of them had very very rough roads to start on but I found out we're essentially all the same Genoa was different the results they were getting and as I studied on here further Yanni's chapter on persistence and any mentions that persistence to the clawed or to the character of the human being is like what carbon is to steel he said the only thing that he could find in Edison or Ford that he never found in everyone else was persistence they'd get a hold of an idea and they'd stick with that idea and I look back in my own life and I never did that I try something a couple of times know if it was rough I quit I'd have people say it all Bob why don't you just give it up I say yeah you're right and I would nod you see the people I was mixing with they were losing to I never stuck at anything so I made up my mind if I ever found this secret I'd work at write until I died now I did find the secret he was in a hundred different places in the book and it was simply sit down decide what you want write it on a card carry the card in your pocket and read it as often as possible every day now keep in mind I was earning four thousand I owed six I was sitting in a fire hall at the time and I wrote on the card that I was going to have my possession by New Year's Day of 1970 twenty-five thousand dollars now I wrote that on the card in 1960 you know the idea of having $25,000 it was it was sort of a fantasy I don't think it was $25,000 in the whole fire hall at the time now I wrote that the card in 1960 keep in mind I gave myself a decade to pull this do LA I really didn't believe it was going to happen but I found it a couple of things I found if you write a lie on tired and you read it often enough you're gonna start to believe it and you know William ring William James background the turn of the century he said believe and your belief will actually create the fact well I did what he suggested I read this card every day I've carried it around and I just keep reading it and one day one of the guys in the fire hall got a hold of it and they pulled the card away and they passed all around everybody stared laughs Carter's gonna get rich I had a chap in seminary the other day that he said the same thing had happened to him he was in a seminar and then and he got one of these gold cards and they passed it around working he said everybody laughed at me but he said I'm winning now I didn't read the card in front of anyone any longer but I kept reading it I'd go to the bathroom and I'd sit in the toilet lock the door and I'd read the card or I'd be driving down there yeah I'd be driving down the street and come to a traffic light and I'd haul a card out and I'd meet it now something very funny happened to me one year later I was earning one hundred and seventy five thousand dollars a year now that's an enormous change and it went well beyond the million in a year now that was not supposed to happen see everything I've been taught since I was a little boy indicated that if you don't go to school you can't win if you don't have businesses here experience you can't win I had not gone to school my second month in high school they asked me to leave I'll never forget how happy I was when they made that decision and as I look back they were probably much happier than I was when they made that decision but here I was I I was 16 I had very little knowledge I had absolutely no skills and at the very best my attitude was poor what chance that I have I really didn't have anything but I didn't know that and so I just bummed around and job to job in another Navy and not a fact reason another buyers mostly in those buyers until I was 26 here I was at 26 one ray sat down with me I had very little knowledge absolutely no skills and my attitude had not improved greatly but he introduced me to this idea and I found that it doesn't matter what's happened in the past you may not have a colorful background and maybe you have you may not have a lot of formal education and maybe a have but it really doesn't matter if you've got a goal and you are willing to stick to it and study the laws you're gonna find out that you can win now that was like an emotional impact and I had to find out what happened to me and so I made up my mind that someone had either written in a book why they were they were talking about it and I made up my mind I'd read every book that was ever written if I had to and I'm gonna tell you I have one of the finest libraries on personal development psychology the area of the mind that you're gonna find anywhere and I don't just mean library of books I mean library of tapes and records and I would travel anywhere in the world that I heard of a good seminar to find out more about myself find out more about you find out what makes us tick and you know a strange thing I found as I studied me I understood you better because we are essentially all the same and that's just sort of the way it works this seminar is nothing but the culmination of all that study but it wasn't just study it was a lot of practice a lot of painstaking study and an awful lot of experience and John and I have seen great changes take place in their own life but better still we've taken seen phenomenal changes take place in the lives of the thousands and countless thousands of people that have studied these seminars we've done these seminars as far away as Takapuna New Zealand and we've done them all over the United States every state in the United States and we've done them all across Canada people in England they're studying this right now as a matter of fact this book born rich is being read in Russia right now that's a fair distance away from here and it's a lot different philosophy than most people in that country are used to now we point out here that material wealth is a normal and a natural state for you to live in intellectual comprehension come down to the third paragraph on page two it's vitally important the intellectual comprehension of this program is not difficult you had a relatively short period of time you will be prepared to correctly answer a battery of questions about this part in rich program if you read it memorize it you could answer almost any question in it but that doesn't mean that you're going to win you could very quickly say I know someone mentioned something I'll say I know I know somebody that says that all the time no matter what you say to her Varys says I know all right now knowing and doing our poles apart and I point out in two or three places in the book that reading and memorizing are not going to make you successful if the understanding and then the application of wise thoughts that count you must understand the idea and you must go out and act on the idea regardless of how much your old program wants to hold you back you've got to bust out of that she'll and do the thing that you've got to do john ruskin here gives us an excellent concept on education he said education does not mean teaching people what they do not know it means teaching them showing them leading them to behave as they do not behave now the compensation that you're going to receive for following the ideas that you're going to be studying for the next couple of days is absolutely incredible I could do nothing but keep expressing great ideas when I talk about the good that can come to you you can do anything you want you can have anything you want by following these ideas now I choose to believe that every one of you wants something way down deep inside of you is a dream and every now and then that dream floats to the surface of your conscious mind and when it does you quickly push it out and you say I can't do that now the truth is you can you just don't know how and if you can get that straight in your mind I'm going to tell you you've busted out now verdun Howard one time pointed out in a magnificent book mystic paths to cosmic power you could not escape from a prison if you don't know you're in one you cannot escape from a prison if you don't know you're in one well I think we're all in one to some degree but that dream you've got that comes to your mind I would suggest you look at it real carefully I was given a cassette tape by a gentleman in a seminar that we were conducting a couple of years ago and it was copy of a speech made by a minister out of Minneapolis and there was a couple of lines in that tape that were absolutely incredible he said the same this thing when he's officiating at a funeral he has not the death of the body but the death of all the dreamers that's out hopes you are going to build an ever built maybe that car you were going to get never not that trip you're gonna take and never took their business you are going to start and build but never did well the saddest thing is not the death of the body but it is the death of all the dreams we've got to do what's inside of us let's not go to the grave with the music still in us now as we go through this seminar John's coming on in a minute to lead you through the part about proper use of the seminar but as we go through it understand this if you do not direct all of the information you're going to hear towards a specific end the information will probably be rendered useless so what I would suggest you do as John's coming up here just jot down in shorthand in your book anywhere in a blank space that's something that you want and look at the quote on the bottom of page two Ralph Waldo Emerson said do the thing and you'll get the energy to do the thing do the thing and you'll get the energy to do the thing don't wait start right now whether you're ready or not just say I'm going after it I'm going to get it and your present circumstance has got nothing to do with where you're going later on in the book here you're going to find that there's a quote by a magnificent author he said your circumstances may be uncongenial right now but they will not long remain so if you perceive an ideal and strive to reach it now think of that you may not have much money your social life may be in a bit of a chaotic state maybe your business isn't going the way you'd really want it to go he said your circumstances may be uncongenial but they will not long remain so if you perceive an ideal and strive to reach it now flip over to the next page and I'm going to invite John back on to lead you through how to get the proper use out of this program and I don't suppose there's a better guy that I know to be able to do that because I watched John start and there's a story of him in Boy rich I watched John start from ground zero and just keep making headway John canary learned how to use the ideas in this program so well that he's very competent teacher of the ideas today what I left the seminar with was a desire to want to know more there was something about it that that stimulated a desire within me of all the things I ever wanted to do but no one ever told me that I could do it and I believe when I walked away from there I felt very comfortable at least with the idea that hey there is a there is something about me that if I learn to use it properly that I could actually go out and achieve it even though I didn't know how I believe that that was the starting point so that was the beginning for me and what I got most out of that particular seminar I believe where where we went from there is at that time there was only there was only perhaps a half day to a one-day seminar and it was structured around the Earl Nightingale material of course and it wasn't as I guess you could say as prolific as it is today although it was as energetic as it was today you know probably even more so but today there seems to be a smoother flow a more structured presentation a more organized presentation in a way that in a way that an individual can actually take it and use a step-by-step methodical approach to actually working with their creative process at that time it was more of you know why not take a look at yourself and try to recognize that there's potential within you and that have you set a goal which I did at that time and sitting in the front row of the seminar just about that time I took something called a goal card which it wasn't as beautiful as it is today wasn't as organized or arranged as it is today but that was back in around 1970 71 than that period of time and I remember Bob mentioning if you take a card write something on it that you want to do and if you read it everyday and do the best you can every day you're going to achieve it now I don't know how many people that day you know wrote something on a card but I would say most of them were actually writing something out but I think it had a profound impact on me to the point that I wrote down that I was going to be doing what Proctor was doing and even more importantly that I was going to be doing it with him now I'm sure that I to him on a number of occasions that particular day but I was just like anyone else sitting in the audience he he probably heard that story from a number of people or related goals something of that nature but I knew that I was going to I didn't know how so whatever he was running a program because identified so much with the way that he explained it there were so many people talking about how to in their seminars and I was exposed to that I was in training courses with respect to the product that I was selling at that time but he was getting to a point where it was it was kind of like it was kind of like all of a sudden you could see you could see that you could do it even though you know there was no special methodical method to doing it so when I walked out of there that day with a three by five card with something written on it to the to the effect that I was going to be doing this program like he was doing it and with him I was I was wondering what would happen if I had told a lot of people that well I didn't bother telling anybody but I kept going back to every seminar that was being conducted no matter where it was of what was in Chicago in Toronto what was in London and what was in Kingston or Montreal that's where I would end up and I think that you know the fact that I was available so much and in every seminar that Proctor began to wonder who is this guy and before long he started calling me and we started to develop pretty good relationship pretty good friendship the rest of that is history of course I've worked with every major company people from every walk of life from professional hockey teams professional baseball teams many major corporations and have not regretted one day of it as tough as it's been so let's give John a real warm as he come on lead Athena you know anytime I started something like this I always like to start with the balls and one of the reasons that I use this is because had such a dramatic impact of my own life and I knew that this worked in a physical sense as I just took a look and stared at it but I wasn't quite sure how it worked in every other sense and I know many people that when they get an understanding of how this works that if you put a little bit into light you're only going to get a little bit out of what in other words if you want to spend a lot of time complaining about what's wrong in light that's just about the only thing you're ever going to find in your life I like to put it another way if you want to look at the scientific side of things they'll say that for every action there is an equal reaction in the opposite direction if you want to go over to the other side to see what the theologian has to say or the philosophers they'll tell you exactly the same thing they'll say that as you sow so shall you reap and then there's a way that I kind of like to use it and it works this way that the only thing that can flow into your life or mine whether it be in a financial sense whether it be in your personal life whether it be in your family light one thing is for certain that the only thing that can flow into your life is based on what's flowing out of your life I know that any time that I have there sitting at home and some of the some of my son's buddies will come by he'll always take them over they'll say what's this and he'll take it and he'll say well you see what this means if you put a little bit in you get a little bit out what if you put a whole lot in you get a whole lot oh that's just the way it works now you see we can make what is called a conscious choice here today on what we're going to take out of this program if you want it to spend a little bit of time trying to find out why this program won't work I guarantee you you're going to find it but there's only one reason you can ever find something wrong with anything and that's because there must be something right with it you see you can't have one without the other I mean how would you know good paycheck we didn't know bad paycheck I mean you can't have a hot without a cold you can't have enough without a down and in without an out I mean all the bucks were use here be luck the book bob was using Think and Grow Rich it has an inside and outside has back has front and you know most interesting thing that I found about that is not too long ago I was doing a seminar out in Calgary and I was at a place called the port O'Call in and you know I was standing down in the basement there doing this seminar in a place like this but there was a fewer people and at the back of the room there was this beautiful magnificent glass window and as you look through it you could see the magnificence of the mountains and all along the top of the mountains you could see the beautiful snowcapped tops and the peaks and the Sun was just bouncing right off the top of those mountains and I made an analogy quickly I said isn't it interesting that the only reason we can appreciate the magnificence of that mountain is because it is sitting in what is called a valley now folks everybody here today has the ability to do just one of three things you have the ability to take anything that you're going to hear I mean as you sit there you can take and gather all this information and you can completely reject it you can do that or you can take all the information and you can neglect it and that's what a lot of people do they get it and they neglect or you can take the information and you can accept it now I'm going to make a suggestion to all of them I want you to just sit there and really think about this don't accept what you hear don't reject what you hear and please don't neglect what you hear but you know folks only a fool would not take an idea examine that idea kick that idea around to see if it will change see if it will alter or see if it will improve the end result for happier healthier more productive life now I've always felt that and I guess I've learned this over a number of years that the biggest task that I have almost every day of my life is that I have to take an idea that I have and communicate that idea to another individual in a way that will enrich their life and you could say that that's not the easiest thing in the world to do but you know it is simple and I guess the best story that illustrates this goes something like this there was a professor one time showed up at a university like this one and he walked in the back door and all his colleagues grabbed him he was at a convention and they said doctor are we ever glad you're here he said what's going on said well there's 500 people here and the guest speaker hasn't shown up said and you've been announced as the guest speaker oh hold on a minute he said I not want to go out there and give a talk upon all my colleagues but he said what's the subject said that's the thing you see you're the only one that showed up without your spouse that's why you're given the talk well he said what is said the subjects on sex oh no not me I'm not going up there in front of all those people who know me not just then his name was announced and up he went he got up and he stood behind that lectern there and he just gave a 40 minute performance just knocked your socks up and after it was all over got a standing ovation away he went home felt pretty good he said I should get on the circuit here I know a lot of people like that and he walked in the door and his wife Martha greeted him there with a big hug and a kiss and she said well dear how convention go said well there's a matter of fact it was great I was the guest speaker said dear you don't know anything about speaking I knew that they didn't know that went along great said well dear would you talk about now he's not a dumb guy right he said honey she'll be up all night if I tell her oh he said honey I talked about sailing George you don't know anything about sailing well I knew that they didn't know that and they seemed to like it well often went to bed now the next day Martha's out doing the shopping and so all the girls are at the convention now just to show you how two people are talking about who they think they're talking about the same thing but reality they're not they only think they're but they have two different ideas and they all spot at Martha and they ran over and they said Martha we didn't know Charlie was such an authority on the subject oh oh she said girls he isn't really the old fool he only did it twice and you know what the first time his hat fell off in the second time he fell over this side now there are two people who thought they were talking about the same thing well the idea that we're working with here today is to take an idea we have transfer that idea to you as an individual but there's only one way we can do that is you've got to kind of let go of the resistance you got to get hang a little bit loose because it is somewhat disturbing some of the information disturbs people sometimes it really does it actually does was a Bishop Sheen was given a great talk every Sunday afternoon and one Sunday afternoon he's giving him talk fella put his hand up the yacht and said holed up in a fish if you don't believe all that jazz dude oh he said I believe it all said come on Bishop you don't believe that story that Jonah was in the stomach of the whale I said I believe it bishop come on Bishop not Jonah in the stomach of the whale said come on you're a grown man no he said I believe it said well tell me Bishop how are you going to prove it well he said I'll tell you what when I get to heaven I'll ask them say you have a bishop what do you don't find him there he said then you can ask them so you see if you want to reject it you want to neglect it go ahead I know the information works on page three at the very top the suggested use of this program and you know Bob mentioned earlier that I've actually taken these ideas and I've made him work as a matter of fact I can remember when I first picked up the information from this program I believe it was Earl nightingales lead the field and I was given a suggesting you saw how to use that program which took five minutes Bob was working with Nightingale at that time I was and he sold me a program for two hundred and forty five dollars that was back to 1968 that was a lot of money in 1968 that's a lot of money today for a lot of people and he said now here's what you do you take this tape put it in your cassette player I didn't have one of those and he said what you do is turn exciton because wasn't a popular thing in cars but he said you listen to the first tape all week then go to the second one to listen to that all week that was the suggested use of the program at that time so you see I've watched this program grow up not only grow up but I've been able to take it and maximize it more than any individual I know that has ever gone through this seminar and I can say that and I can say it with conviction I can say it with commitment so let me just walk you through a couple of steps born rich is the beginning of an exciting journey you're about to take and like all journeys which are properly planned and completely enjoyed you must have these four basic points you've got to work these four basic points see it's the old idea that there are two simple words that we could implement to really get the results we want the first one is called order quarter order is the very first law of creation and the second word is movement and when you have order and movement working in your life what begins to happen is there's a pattern of growth that begins to develop see I think that we try to get here without first covering your bridging the gap of these steps along the way so if we have the order and the order is is to make a decision that no matter where I am no matter how well I am doing I can do better and I'm going to set an object up to bring about that order and then we use the movement which is known as the system and I believe that born rich is a system I don't believe it I know it you don't have to believe something till you understand it then you don't have to believe it anymore but belief is the fuel to get you off the ground so the first step a clear understanding of where the journey begins a very clear understanding where the journey begins and I don't know anybody that'll do that more effectively then Robert when he comes back up to start going through the basic concept and creative process number two checkpoints and route to help you stay on course you see I believe we know for the most part a lot of us what we want and as Napoleon Hill said time and time again in this great book he said you must know what you want why you want it when you want it and an idea on how you're going to get it you must know what you want you must know why you want it you must know he said when you want it and he said you must have an idea on how you're going to get so we need checkpoints and wrote to help us stay on course number three a clear understanding of your destination I believe one of the greatest definitions that I've ever heard of success in my life is that success is not a destination ever has been but it is something called a journey it has always been what is called a journey it is not something you get it is something you're becoming it never ends it's infinite in terms of growth and number for a commitment you know I've spent a lot of time studying as everyone else books such as in search of excellence in pursuit of excellence I know when I look at Paul hut C I think a lot about excellence and you know excellence is perhaps one of the most important words in your life well one of the reasons for that is because Paul knew about excellence 20 years ago his company they published something called in search of excellence and the pursuit of excellence but what does the word mean I hear people say excellence in this excellence in that what does the word mean to you well I got to tell you what the word really means it means a commitment to completion folks you never ever want to forget that excellence is simply a commitment to completion the steps are not easy but the understanding of the steps are easy if you remember it's a commitment to completion that means completing the things around home it means completing the things that your work it means completing the commitments in your personal life it's a commitment to completion you will agree a person would be very foolish to tell themselves they are presently in Atlanta Georgia and their destination is Dallas if in fact they were actually in Calgary Alberta with Dallas Texas as their as their destination so many people that are trying to set a goal they don't know where they're at consequently they don't know how to get there unbelievable as this may seem this is the classical error millions of people make philosophically with their lives they are not completely honest with themselves when it comes to recognizing where they presently are where they presently are honest answers to every question and series consideration to every exercise and suggestion will clearly indicate three points and this is what this program is about is these three points where your journey begins that's number one number two the mental adjustments that must be made the mental adjustments that must be made let me give you an example any time working with a young person just love working with young people they only have to understand what a mental adjustment is and they'll make it quicker than you and I are you aware that your kids your kids they only have two what is called make up their mind you and I have to change our mind we can teach them how to make a mental adjustment and here is the major mental adjustment that all of us have to make simple one you must regard all adversity you must regard all circumstance all conditions in your life if you could look at it as though it were an investment in which you can attract and learn more about growth in your life it's an investment only while the difference we'd find in everything that we do and number three approximate time it will take to complete the journey the approximate time it will take to complete the journey now before you become emerged in you're born rich program form the attitude that this program has been prepared especially for you this for you this not for me this is not it's just not not for for me only it's not for Bob it's for you especially prepared for you imagine that the offer that the speaker is a clear personal friend I'm who of you whom you have chosen as your mentor I wonder how many of us have a mentor I always say you want a program in since the beginning it really is it says make a commitment to yourself that you will follow every instruction necessary to alter and you're going to hear this word so opt to alter your old conditioning now I want you to think what is old conditioning do you know any time that you get these very pain remembrances these nagging little things that grab us when we're trying to do something or they tell us we can't do it why we can't do it and all these things that are just kind of like grabbing at as these doubts and words that's your conditioning you know I'd give anything if a person would just grab hold of one idea this one simple idea anytime that you get feedback telling you why you can't do something if only folks you could remember it's not a reflection of your potential or you as a person but it is a reflection of your conditioning I give anything for a person just understand that when you get that all feeling that you can't do something you can only remember it's a reflection of your conditioning and not a reflection of your potential now I want you to think about this everybody is familiar with the great Bruce Lee perhaps the greatest martial artists that ever lived and you know he was also a great teacher and very often people would they come to him and they say could you tell us master how we could be a great martial artist like you now he would take him out into a little gym and he would go through some of his moves and what he was doing as he was trying to find out where they are because he said most people had the wrong information about martial arts just like many people have the wrong information about this word success this word success this progressive realisation of a worthy ideal and after he take them through the little exam he would sit down at a table he'd put them on one end he'd sit on the other end and he put in front of them a glass of coke he'd say I want you to look at that and let it represent think about it now he said I want you to let this glass of coke represent your knowledge this is what you know to be the truth and he said I want you to let this this clear water represent what is the truth this is my knowledge this is what I've learned and he said this is what you want for me this is what you want I want you to think about one step here how often have we looked into the lives of other people and we see things that we truly admire we look at maybe their person what I give to be like that individual we look at what they have and we say what I would give to have what they had we look at what they do and we say what I would give to do what they do folks if we only knew what we're looking at are nothing more but our own rejected thoughts they accepted thoughts that we have rejected so this is what Bruce said I can't give you my knowledge because you see there's too much of yours however he said if you are prepared to let go of yours and make room for mine then we can work together but as long as you hold on to this I can't give you this think about it are you prepared to let go of what you've learned and by that I don't mean to just cast the decide but to examine it and to take a new idea that you will hear in two days here a new idea and to examine that idea entertain that idea to see if it will change alter and or improve the end result for a happier healthier more prosperous life if you're prepared to do that this program will really really work for you will really work for you would you go back to the book with me please second lines paragraph rather than merely listening to the messages questions and exercises think think deep penetrating thoughts ask yourself what does this mean to me how can I apply this idea to my life remember not how can I apply it to someone else's life how can I apply this idea to personal growth and development in my life does a simple basic laws of life or create or disintegrate we're either moving forward or we're going backwards and the last paragraph set aside a definite period of time every day weekends and holidays include it for the proper use of you're born rich program in other words make a decision see folks we don't have as many problems as we have decisions to make by that I'm not asking our suggesting that you should discount your problems I would never suggest that but you know I am suggesting that you have the talent the ability to potential to handle in to deal with your problems so that we have as many problems as we have decisions to make it says for the proper use of you're born rich program you must set aside different times to work with it you eat every day to nourish your body look at you're born rich program as a form of healthy nourishment for your marvelous mind and use it daily until its use becomes habitual until its use becomes a now in two minutes I'm going to bring Bob up to go through the basic concept which is the real star of this program is what you're going to see on the board it's what it's all about the first time I was introduced to this concept believe me it hit me I had such impact on me didn't change anything right away but it showed me a way to do it in 1973 I had something written on the goal Kurt had something written on a goal Kurt and on that goal card there was something very interesting I said on March the 1st 1973 what I wanted to do was this very program now at that time I could not lead I could not lead this group this group you could say in silent prayer I could not have led this group in silent prayer could not but I wrote on it that March the first this what I was going to do now in February the 28th rolled around now I tell you this for your benefit not money for your benefit because someone sitting here today is probably thinking exactly what I was thinking but maybe in a different different area I had absolutely no credentials to do this none absolutely none and for three years prior four years prior wherever robert was doing a seminar I'd be there Paul hut C knows that I fly wherever he'd fly I'd go wherever he was and I'd sit in the front row I have it home maybe a couple of thousand workbooks from seminars a couple of thousand notes all through them something can't even read them anymore now on February the 28th after four to five years of a lot of pain and there was four or five years of a lot of traveling and there was a whole lot a whole lot there was a lot of things you know what really happened on February the 28th I was no closer to the goal now remember it was one day away one day what I was no closer to go after five years kind of disheartening and discouraging isn't it so this is what happened I got a phone call from Chicago it was Robert On February the 28th 1973 and he said John I got some bad news for you I can't get to Toronto Chicago is closed he said you're gonna have to do the seminar in the morning now here was it's what I always wanted to do and the first thing that hit me was fear panic I remember giving him a gold card and he said you obviously had something to do with the Chicago Airport closing but to the day it worked even though all the appearances said it wouldn't work Genoa I made a decision this was my knowledge this was his I had to get rid of mine to get hits that's what you're gonna have to do today and tomorrow so what do you say we bring Robert back up for the remainder of the morning to really get this creative process rolling Bob so what say we bring Robert back up for the remainder of the morning to really get this creative process rolling Bob [Music] thank you done I want to suggest now that you really put on your thinking hat I have a paper here that was written by a gentleman who has since passed away he was a great Canadian his name was dr. Lawrence Rempel and when I first moved back to Canada from the United States about 8 years ago dr. M Powell was sitting right here where mr. Kovic the great photographer is sitting and this man took more notes than anyone I had ever seen in a seminar I honestly thought if I could have got a copy of his notes that I would have probably had a transcript of what I was saying now I made up my mind I'd get to know him after the seminar was over I wanted to know why he wanted to have all this written and he introduced himself as dr. Rempel asked me if he was a medical doctor he said no no I said are you a dentist he said no and I said are you a character he said no I said you want to play 20 questions and he laughed you know and he said no he had a doctorates degree in thinking now do you know he had the only doctorates degree in thinking that it ever up till that time come out of the University of Toronto it took him 11 years to get it every time he went to go down the road somebody put a block up in front of him and say no one has a doctorates degree in thinking now that's rather odd especially when you consider that thinking is the highest function of which accumulate leaders all down through history have been in complete and unanimous agreement that you and I become what we think about now play with that for a moment it's a subject that is not taught in school gets the highest function of which were capable and every great leader that has ever lived all told us that you and I become what we think about most of the time dr. Ann Powell wrote a paper tools for teaching thinking he said thinking is a skill which can be learned just as we learned skills such as typing and playing the piano now I said few public schools offer courses devoted expressly to teaching thinking rather we are expected to learn and teach thinking as a byproduct of learning mathematics reading science history at trade and so forth and he said we do in fact learn a lot about thinking in this way the trouble is we learn our thinking skills in bits and pieces and we never put it together as an overall picture if asked to describe what all is required in order to think effectively most people would be at a loss to give a complete account thus we are unable to assess our own thinking skills or systematically teach the skill of thinking to others now consider this for a moment when you think you think in pictures check it out I want to suggest that you think of the home you live in and as you do realize that an image of your home comes on to the screen of your mind it's almost as if there's a screen running right through the center of our head and the second we think of our home the picture of the home comes onto the screen of our mind now I want to suggest that you think of your automobile and the second you think of your automobile the picture of the home is gone and the picture of the automobile is there think of your kitchen your backyard think of where you work or go to school and bang bang bang just like that the picture changes we literally think in pictures now I'm going to suggest that you think of your mind now when most people think of their mind they get an image of the brain how many thought of the brain quite a few hands going up and yet you know the brain is not the mind any more than the fingernail is and paradoxically the fingernail and the brain is the mind you see mind is an activity and body is the manifestation of that activity and we're going to find out as we go along through the morning and this afternoon that body is really nothing but an instrument of the mind now your brain is comprised of hundreds of thousands of cells into these cells we impregnate pictures or images and as we think we activate that particular group of brain cells and the picture that's in them flashes on the screen of the mind now I'm going to come back to that in just a moment flip over onto page five in your exercise book at the top of the page that's talking about me and money now when you think of yourself and you think of money what kind of a picture do you get you know the vast majority of people get a picture of poverty and what we want to do is take and build cells of recognition in your brain for prosperity so we're talking about me and money that's you and your money now we say the program was written in the sincere hope that it would lead you and that's all we could do is lead you it's like dr. Billy be sharp in Chicago he said a person will not believe something until they discover it for themselves so we just actually want to lead you to this new awareness well we want to lead you to the many discoveries that lie within you and we're going to do that through the repetition of prosperous ideas what we're going to do is tell you one thing ten thousand times and ten thousand different ways and we're going to cause pictures to fly on the screen of your mind until you get a clear picture of greatness and prosperity locked up within you because that's what they're regardless of whether you understand that or not at this point now we're suggesting that you start to see money whenever you think of money see this stuff as an obedient diligent servant you're the master gets the servant and don't ever get that equation reversed or you're going to find yourself in very very deep trouble you can use this to bra provide service far beyond your own physical presence if you and I had no money we still be able to provide service but the service we provided would be confined to our physical presence at any given place or any given time however if we had some money we could provide that service far beyond our own physical presence so let's make certain that we get that programmed into those cells properly now you come down a little further we're gonna say here that lack and limitation can only exist when we make room for them in our mind but prosperity consciousness knows no lack and it knows no limitation now I want to suggest that you resolve to just completely take the lid off your marvelous mind just blow it away and let the greatness start to flow around in there now flip over to the next page when we start thinking about money and we start thinking about ourselves as I suggested we get images on the screen of our mind now on page six we say throughout your entire born rich seminar your attention is directed at the importance of your mind the type of thoughts and ideas which occupy your consciousness are of paramount importance in developing prosperity in your length your mind is either in an orderly or a confused state order must prevail John mention that little or little earlier order and movement are what necessary well we start with the order so we say order must prevail in your mind have you ever hope to see it manifest in your material world now you want order in your material world that means meaningful relationships that means prosperity and growth in our business it could mean all kinds of things that are good but they all have to start in here everything starts in our mind well if we're going to have order in our mind we must have an image of our mind and most people don't have so what we're going to do as we go through the seminar is build brain cells now that may sound a little strange to some of you you may be sitting there and thinking well this is ridiculous how can I build brain cells sitting watching this box well I can assure you that you can and I'm going to convince you very shortly that you're able to now what I'm going to do I'm going to use different examples as we go through this seminar and each one of these examples are real live examples every one of them this is a letter that I received on February the 18th 1986 it came from Joann white she was the Regional Administrator to the vice-president of sales for the Metropolitan surance company in Kansas City now Joann was in a seminar there in January of 1986 this letter is dated February of 86 and when Joann came to the seminar in 1986 she told me a fascinating story now apparently she had come to a seminar that I conducted in Kansas City ten years prior to this in 1976 now I didn't remember Joann nor did I remember her son who she was telling me the story of but when she told me what happened I quickly related to it because it's happened many times and there's many situations that I do remember apparently we had been doing seminars right across the country for the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and a friend of hers in another area had been talking to her on the phone who also worked for the same company and this friend told her if this seminar ever comes to Kansas City make sure you go and take your son well she took that person's advice and she came she brought her eleven-year-old son Eric who had been diagnosed as having learning disabilities now keep your mind open here folks because this is real could happen and it can happen to anyone someone had made a classical error and someone possibly in a position of authority in fact probably in a position of authority and they told these lady and her husband that their 11 year old son had learning disabilities and not to expect too much from him so they didn't were still the little boy didn't expect much from himself I told her to bring a little boy to the seminar and we just build new brain cells that that child could do anything he wanted that this idea of learning disabilities was an error that someone made and they shouldn't believe it any longer and I said you bring him have him sit right near the front and I said we'll give him a little special attention and you'll just watch the change take place let me read to the letter she's dear Bob I want to take a moment to tell you how much I had gained from your seminar in Kansas City and how much I am continuing to gain from the use of your tapes now at that time all we had is audio tapes now you can sit and you can watch this over and over and over again because there's going to be parts of it that'll seem a little confusing to you first time through but as you play it over and over and over again that confusional leave and order is going to come to your mind there's many times I'll take a book and I'll read the same paragraph over and over again this book that I mentioned earlier of Napoleon Hills I've been reading that for 27 years no it's not such that I'm such a slow learner yes just there's so much depth in the book my wife sitting back there and she said no it's not the depth that's that your slow learning right and anyway that's just her opinion all right now she said I listened to the tapes each time I get in my car and I intend to continue to do so and of course you've got the audio cassettes from the seminar as well Jean just snapped them in your car remember this if you only drive 25,000 miles a year you're spending 13 40-hour weeks behind the wheel of that automobile all of which your conscious mind is free to travel around and do any that wants to do your body is programmed to drive the car well she's Bob I'm sure at times you ponder over the long-range effects of these seminars do you merely get people excited and then once you leave town forget it well she's I attended your seminar when you were in Kansas City 10 years ago I brought my 11 year old son who was going through some trying times in school he had been diagnosed as having learning disabilities and he was really struggling listen to this he was certain he was a reject what a terrible thought to be running through the little kid's mind I'm a reject many adults running around with that but they're mine you could have been sitting with that thought in your mind you might be sitting with that thought in your mind I'm a reject there's no such thing as rejects God didn't make any rejects wishes I brought Eric to the seminars he learned that you can do anything or be anything that you believe you can he learned to set goals and to achieve the goals that he set listen to this for progress I am very proud to tell you there was both an immediate and a long-range change in Eric's performance in that same school year he has great spiraled upwards and he became an honor student Eric attended Bay State he has an Eagle Scout he was listed in Who's Who in American high schools he was editor of his school paper he qualified for scholarships that's plural he had his choice for college and at the present time he's a junior at the University of Missouri and he's on the Dean's List I feel a great deal of this can be credited the fact that this 11 year old boy learned he could do anything he believed he could and he became a goal setter Joann concluded by saying Bob I just wanted to share this letter with you as I really do not know if we would be able to tell this success story if I had not brought Eric to this seminar I'll always be grateful I guess you will and I guess Eric will too and what was the big win was it The Who's Who in American high schools was a being editor of his school paper wasn't the honors that he accomplished that first year was it the college scholarships in college I don't think so I don't think any of those things were the big win you know what the big win was it was the one single idea that enabled him to do all these things and one idea can cause you to make the progress this young boy made we have a gentleman in our audience I'm not quite sure where he is he's a good friend of mine grant Sylvester he's the president of money concepts for Canada and Brent Sylvester hired us to conduct these seminars way back in the 70s for a large company that he was a senior executive in and right across the country they had a 53% increase in sales now that's hundreds of people that's an enormous increase I want you to think about that for a moment here's an idea they give this little boy honors and schools gave grants company of 50% increase in sales so you see I don't really care what you do it doesn't matter what you're doing it's you that counts and the more you understand you the better your results you're going to get now I'm gonna run through a very quick idea and it's very simple don't let the simplicity of this idea deceive you what we're going to do is run through a concept and explain just how brain cells are built now I'm gonna ask someone from the audience me know your good friend come on find your mother all right Nina wonderful give me your hand if you're sitting in your office or sitting at home I want you to meet one of the best managers I know thank you and I mean that sincerely and I'm not just saying that to flatter Nino I'm saying that because of the results that I see as people get Nino was kind enough to hire my son and daughter-in-law to go to work for them at the beginning of this year and every month this year they have earned somewhere between twenty and forty five thousand dollars a month now you don't do that if you haven't got a real good manager drawing the best out of you management is the development of people it's not the direction of things so Nino is very good friend of mine now you know I want to ask you a couple of questions I'm going to do something what I'd like you to do is hold out your hand like this right now I'm going to ask you to close your eyes now I would like you to look at that I want you to see what that is I know anybody say anything I'm going to put it in Nina's hand you just close your eyes Nina I'm going to put this in your hand and I want you to feel it close your hand and feel it now Nino tell me what that is it feels like a piece of metal well move your fingers around it and tell me what kind of a metal would you use that for I would imagine to open the door to open the door what do you call a piece of metal it opens the door Nicky this guy's a real ham and I'm down yeah yeah I'll take it away you guessed it right you know you win one of our cassette tapes that is a key all right now what happened there let's stop and think what happened Nino has sensory factors he can hear see smell taste and touch and when your sensory factor touch comes in contact with something a light message is sent through a nerve passageway in your body yet strikes a group of cells in your brain those brain cells are activated and the picture that's in the cells flash on the screen in the mind so although Nina was not looking at this which is a sensory factor and will work that way too he was touching the key and that triggered the image on the screen of his mind now what I'm going to do I am going to show something to Nino and I'm going to ask him what it is you know I would like you to tell me what that is he pinned it oh what a pen you think it is yes you don't know what it is do you you're guessing now aren't you now you weren't guessing when you told me what that is but when you when I asked you what this little metal object was you're guessing is that correct now you know what you're really saying is I had sales of recognition when I touch this but when I look at this I have no cells of recognition now we're going to build cells of recognition in your brain I'm going to tell you what this is and I'm going to do something with it and as I do that instantly and a millisecond cells will be built in your brain that Nino has a little plunger on it now as I hit that plunger something's going to come out of here you see that that is a toothpick Nino that's what your aunt mark is you and you don't need anything all right now all right now that is a toothpick now that's no big deal and you could miss the whole message here but to see Nino didn't know what that is you know he was saying I don't have any cells of recognition in my brain now when you go home you know you can tell rose that you built some brain cells this morning she can love more of you all right you take more of her home but that's exactly what that is all right and we just built some brain cells Thank You Nina Nino's Missouri is without question one of the greatest real estate sales managers I've ever met and you know I told Brian something and I'm going to tell you something whenever you go to do something make certain that the people you surround yourself with are very successful Karl Menninger one-point time pointed out that environment is more important than aridity in other words the people you find yourself surrounded by are more important to your success your well being than what's built right into your genes at birth and I suggested by going see Nina I told Lesley go see Nina go to work for the man and listen to him and do what he tells you and you'll draw the best out of you and that's exactly what he's doing now we're going to build some brain cells with respect to the mind all right and as we build these brain cells with respect to the mind we're going to build a picture of our mind right in here and then as we get that picture in here we can start making headway at making some of the adjustments that Jon talked about and the proper use of the program the points we've just covered were simple but vitally important and one of the most important points of all was the fact that you and I must have an image of our mind without an image we have confusion so that's very very important now I would like to introduce you to someone who I wrote about in born wrench Hinds and Donna DAWs they came to the seminar and their circumstance was doom and gloom we had bought this house in July of 1975 after being expropriated for the Pickering Airport Fiasco north of the city and almost every evening I would come home and I would be extremely negative started to take out my frustrations on Donna because the mortgage payments and everything else was more than what we expected and after you buy a home you have to buy curtains and things like that from 7:30 I believe until 10:30 at night I would probably say during those three hours my life changed totally because from an almost decision to having to sell this house to three hours later to having a target of having a Cadillac paid for in three weeks that is a tremendous change an important point here is that Hinds das had been an insurance agent for fifteen years he had great information he had heard many motivational speakers but he was still at the financial point where he was going to have to sell his house Hines problem was confusion he did not have an image of his mind and that's what made the difference unfortunately a lot of those if you want to call the motivational speakers are geared on a very narrow specific point and yes it may give you an immediate chart of adrenaline but very quickly wears down because you are not given the understanding of how it works if I know how something works as opposed to simply being told blindly as to how to do it I have a different understanding so that was the difference yes the the very easy understandable way that Bob explains how the mind works how you control the mind with your thoughts and how the results are obtained I got my Cadillac in twenty two days after I made promised to myself now I'd like you come with me and just the same as we were able to help Heinz and Donna and millions of others I want to help you watch closely and we will create an image of your mind that you can work with for the rest of this program for the rest of your life we were talking about building brain cells and developing an image and placing it in these cells for our mind so what we will have then our cells of recognition when we think of our mind rather than drawing a blank or drawing on a picture of the brain we actually have a workable image that we can start to use now before we do that let me mention something here about a gentleman I heard speak way back in the early 70s I was fortunate enough to be on a program in Chicago at a human resource congress with a gentleman named Frank Gobbo Frank Bobo had been an aerospace engineer he was a president of an aerospace company and one day he was working on his budget and he realized that 65 cents out of every dollar revenue coming into that company was going back out of the company again to employees for either salaries or benefits and he suddenly realized he knew virtually nothing about people here he was spending sixty-five percent of all the revenue on something he knew virtually nothing about he said I knew a lawful lot about engineering and I knew a fair amount about aerospace but I knew very little about people and so he said that he decided he would study some psychology and fortunately for him he ended up collaborating with Abraham Maslow now Maslow made a break with break through the like of which is maybe only made every few thousand years he had come to the conclusion that you and I have infinite potential he's written a paper he went on he left aerospace engineering and he went on to start the Thomas Jefferson Research Center out in Pasadena in a paper called the productive person Goble wrote by Nature you and I are alike by practice we get wide apart there's the difference in our results again now he said the difference between the most dissimilar characters between the real achievers and the non achievers for example seems to arise not so much from nature as from habit custom and education you went on to quote William James who concluded that we use a very small part of our real potential and James said that most people live whether physically intellectually or morally in a very restricted circle of our potential being we make use of a very small parsh portion of our possible consciousness and of our souls resources in general much like the person who out of their entire bodily organism would get into the habit of using and moving only their little finger I want you to think for a moment if you had a child and that child was laying perfectly still in its crib at the early part of its body that was ever able to move was its little finger I'm quite certain that you would probably beg you would borrow and if you head to you would steal to find out what's wrong with that child but isn't it strange that a human being can stop growing mentally at a very early age and it can be virtually ignored this is without question one of the most important subjects we can go to I want to refer back to something Napoleon Hill wrote again that cut my attention when I first read the book he pointed out in here somewhere in your makeup there lies sleeping the seed of achievement which if aroused and put into action will carry you to Heights such as you may have never hoped to attain do you know as I think of this and as I read it now I'm doing things today that 27 years ago if anyone had to suggested I would have thought they were hallucinating I am take a look at my paycheck today it's so completely different than it was my first started to study this in fact the same people that used to pay me four thousand dollars a year are now paying me four thousand dollars an hour and the only thing that's really changed is what's going on inside everything was already there it's just a matter of learning how to use it now he said just as a master musician may cause the most beautiful strains of music to pour forth from the strings of a violin so may you arouse the genius which lies asleep in your brain and cause it to drive you upwards towards any goal you may wish to achieve now I'm going to put a couple of marks on the board and I want you to really think seriously about this you know human organizations as we know them today are not going to last much longer and that is because they have been we have built them on a false premise these organizations have been built on the premise that you and I are physical beings and were really not we are spiritual beings living in physical bodies and we've been gifted with something called an intellect and by learning to use the intellectual factors in our personality we can tap into the higher side of our own nature and improve anything in our physical world don't you know to the average person that doesn't really make a whole lot of sense and it may not make a whole lot of sense to you as I just said it but you're gonna find as we go along with this and as we keep working with this idea it's gonna make an awful lot of sense to you now I have found when we start to study yourself there's only two points of reference we can go to one is science and they have this theology there doesn't seem to be anywhere else to go I have found that there are only six basic religions now I spent quite a bit of time living and working in California I think there's something like 4000 religions in California but everybody starts their own out there because there's tax breaks you say but you're still gonna find there's just six basic religions and they all teach us essentially the same thing they teach us that we are non-physical beings they may use a different word but the concept is the same you know it's a strange thing most people don't even know much about their own really and yet they say mine's right and all the rest are wrong and they don't even know what the others are I have found that every one of them has the truth in it we are non-physical beings see the truth is something like the center of town yet really doesn't matter which side you approach it from when you get there you're in the same place now the other area that we might want to look at is science science tells you your energy as a matter of fact I DuPont scientist many years ago said that the electrons and the atoms of your body contain a potential energy of more than eleven million kilowatt hours per pound do you know that there's enough potential energy locked up in that thing that you're sitting in that we call a body to light up this whole North American continent for nearly a week and then you'll hear people say I haven't got any energy what a ridiculous statement that's all we are as a massive energy you know this thing you're living in vibrates it glows as a matter of fact there is an aura of energy around your body that is the cells leaving your body your body changes at the rate of about 50,000 cells per second and as the BAA as cells leave the body new ones are created and you know you can photograph the energy leaving the body Semyon Kirlian way back in the early 30s perfected a form of photography where he could take and photograph mass and the rays of energy coming from the body would penetrate the camera penetrate the film and you'd actually catch it on the on the film and you'd photograph the density and the Colorado I would imagine you're very familiar with this are you honey that's right and you know as the image in a person's mind changes the vibration of their body changes and the density and the color of this energy changes and changes dramatically do you know you've even got a mental faculty where you can start the field light energy coming from a person and you can determine the mood they're in very very quickly you can virtually read what's going on inside an individual now as we study this we're gonna find that this side and this side is actually all hooked up think of this for a second you see sitting here on the lectern a glass of water now let's stop and think about this for a moment we call that glass it's actually energy because of the speed it's vibrating at we call it glass we call this water that's what it is it's water but it's actually energy too as a matter of fact the ring that's hitting it is energy and the finger that the ring is on is energy everything's energy everything vibrates at a different speed stay with me here for a moment what we're talking about here is energy now well the energy is in the vibratory rate it's in in that glass we're going to call it water and we call it water because it's vibrating and a physical or a Coryell state if you were to add heat to that energy that we call water you wouldn't call it water anymore then you change the terminology that you would use yet be the same energy but it would be moving faster in a higher speed of vibration then we would call it steam or vapor and we would call the energy steamer vapor because it's not in a physical vibration it's now moved into what we call an astral vibration if we were to continue to add heat to that energy that we now call steam you wouldn't call it steam any longer you would call it air ether gas and that's because it's not in an astral vibration any longer it's moved into now what we call an etheric vibration but every level it's the same energy now as we take a look at this we're going to let these lines represent levels of vibration or as we more commonly refer to them as frequencies and you know each frequency is hooked up to the one above and the one below there's no line of demarcation where one stops the other starts see every frequency it's like the colors of a rainbow as they fit together there's no place where one color stops and the other starts they're all joined together now you're never going to see that with something you call sight sight is a physical sensory factor you have to go to one of your higher faculties and you develop this through understanding you start to understand so you see the part of us that we cannot see and the part we can see is all the same this is just the flip side of the claim of this spirit always manifests through its polar opposite we have the ability right here to tap in to this great power that I choose to refer to as spirit and we can tap in with an intellect and we can cause this power to literally move in to form into something we call an idea that idea must literally move into something we refer to as results you see both science and theology clearly indicate nothing is created or destroyed the only thing you can do is cause it to change now this particular program is about prosperity and when we think of prosperity money plays a very large role but of course so do relationships and so does the health of our body but let's go back and think about money for a moment then when you think about money money is really an idea you say that's money no money is an idea let's manifest on paper now paper used to be wood I remember when I was a little boy I lived way up in mission but cotton Harbor that's about three wigwams the site at the North Pole little Martha King garden I think but at any rate when I lived up there I'd watch them take these large logs out on plot cars on the railroad and I remember people telling me that they were going to make paper out of it I thought how do you make paper out of a tree it didn't seem to make sense well you alter the vibratory rate of the energy that's called wood and pretty soon it's called paper and then you put ink on it and now we call it money now let's think about this money for a moment if it can be neither created nor destroyed it must already be here if we can't destroy it if heat will cause the energy that we call water to move into an etheric state I would imagine the heat would cause what we call money to move into an etheric state and there it goes and where is it you say it's gone it's not gone still here you see you'll never see it on the level it's on now with your physical sensory factors sight but if you use your intellect and develop understanding you'll know that it's still here what we want to do is cause it to move into form now that's just about as bizarre as they know ever here to some people's ears but I'm gonna tell you it's just as true as anything you'll ever hear if you understand natural laws and what I'm talking about is moving your mind into a higher vibration developing a higher consciousness and you can literally attract all the good that you want you see money is literally attracted to us or it's repelled you know in first 27 years of my life I can assure you that I was not magnetized to that green energy yet used to stay away from me and now it just keeps coming to me what did he say in this book right in the start of it he said when money starts coming it'll come so fast and sure it's so furious it will literally make your head spin now let's take these simple concepts that have deep meaning and let's take this other board here and build a picture one of our intellectual factors is imagination another one is reason now with reason we have the ability to think John's going to be talking about that a little later on with our imagination we can tap into this infinite power and we can go beautiful pictures in our mind now since no one has an image of the mind we have to make one it's like the little boy in school he was sitting there dueling the way draw and picture and teacher says what are you doing son kid says I'm drawing a picture god teacher says nobody's ever seen God well he says will I finish the picture you know I heard about a gentleman that was running a seminar in Vancouver British Columbia I was living and working in Chicago at the time I at the time was prepared to go anywhere to try and find out why I changed and Vancouver was not too far to go from Chicago I always sort of laugh when I hear a person say or if you hold one one of these seminars in the East End of the city all calm but I don't want to drive across the city I'd walk across the continent if I thought I could get something that would help me understand me better because I know it's my understanding of me that's going to determine the results that I get in my life yet my happiness in my health or in the area of wealth well I flew off out to Vancouver and I had heard many speakers I'd read many books I had a ton of information running around my head but it couldn't get it to fit and I couldn't get it to fit for the same reason that some of you have never been able to get it to fit you have no picture in the brain cells of the mind do you know there's many psychiatrist says have problems with their patients because they're not giving them an image to work with when they're working with their mind I have taught this idea to psychiatrist I to psychiatrist Marty Cohen out in Century City California tell me that he made more headway with a patient in four visits than he had previously made in four years and the simple reason for it is he gave them order he gave them a picture to start to work with well as soon as this gentleman got up and started to speak he was great big gentleman by comparison to me he and I looked like Laurel and Hardy when we worked together but in any rate the second he got up to speak I knew this man knew what he was talking about and I'm gonna tell you I listened carefully I went over when he was finished I asked him I said could I spend a couple of hours with you and I'll never forget him looking at his watch and telling me that he was sorry he didn't have a couple of hours he had to go and catch a plane no he said I'd love to spend some time with you but he said I've got to catch a plane and I said well I've got to catch plane two I don't mean right now and I said where you going or he said where are you going I said I'm going home he said where do you live and I said Chicago I said what are you doing here I said like here you speak he's that's a long way and I said not for what I got so at any rate I think he was impressed today traveled so far he got his calendar out I got mine out and he told me he was going to be in Toronto in a couple of weeks I said well Toronto is only an hour from Chicago it was just up and down I'll come over if you'll meet with me well the two of us sat down the skyline hotel and I'm gonna tell you Leyland Bell Bend the wall taught me as much in two hours now I should say two days now it wasn't it was two towers we just spent a couple of days together but everything fell into place in just a couple of hours he taught me more in two hours than I had learned in nine years studying faithfully every day and he proceeded to tell me he said listen Bob he said there's a difference between hearing and listening he said you hear with your ears you listen with your emotions now he said as you sit here he said your mind could take a trip but your body would stay right in front of me now he said you'd hear every word I'm saying but he said you may not necessarily be listening he said if you're gonna learn you're gonna have to listen and you listen with your emotions you've got to keep your mind with your body no trips now I said if you do that odds are pretty good you'll learn and he says there's a vast difference between learning and gathering information he said you see all the way through school we were encouraged to read remember and repeat read remember and repeat if you were able to do that fairly well you were given the mortarboard of the sheepskin and they said you had learned doesn't necessarily mean you've learned anything at all you might have learned how to develop your memory did that might have been the end of it now I'm not saying no one learns doing that some do but he said learning is not gathering information learning is when you consciously entertain an idea you get emotionally involved in the idea you step out and act on the idea and you improve the results in some area of your life now I said this is the name of the game Bob he says its results pretty good teacher a long time ago said by their fruits you'll know them in other words you can always tell a person's level of awareness by the results they're getting if the results they have no one to blame but themselves for 27 years I blamed everybody I blame my parents I believe my brother my sister I blame my employers I blame the commanding officers ahead in the Navy it was never me always them they weren't doing enough for me they weren't doing it right the truth was I wasn't facing up to the truth about me I was never study and I didn't know anything about myself and as a result the results indicated it I was unhappy ii broke now he said Bob he's you're gonna have to alter some ideas in your mind but he said to do that you're gonna have to have a picture to work with and he told me about a doctor in San Antonio Texas doctor through Minh fleet he started the concept therapy movement he said he attempted to teach the healing arts and he run into a problem he said the medical profession that he was a part of we're treating symptoms or effects they were not treating causes and he said if you're ever going to enjoy health you must treat the whole person now that's called holistic healing how many of you are familiar with Willis tequila quite a few well that's where you heal the whole person you see you're a triune being you live simultaneously on three planes of understanding every one of us are the same every one of us the difference is in our results but the same here and that's where it all starts and that's what we want to understand when we walk into that office where the broadloom is up to our cheeks and there's a great big oak desk and a battery of secretaries that person is not that much better than you are I don't care how big their car is how much money they've got in the bank I don't care how pretty they are they're no better than you and they're no better than me see our problem is we have been living strictly with our sensory factors and never with our higher level of understanding if a person's skin is a different color we say they're different if a person who lives on the other side of an imaginary line we say they're different if a person speaks a different language we say they're different if a person is a different sex we say they're different are they no they appear different to our sight but when we develop a higher understanding we're going to find out that we're all the same and when we start to grasp then we can start to take action on the results we want as we see a person getting better results we can watch and see how they're getting them and then we can do what work what they're doing Napoleon Hill says it pays to know how to buy knowledge I'm going to tell you the best money you have ever invested is in this seminar and I'm not saying that because I'm selling the run yeah I'm not saying that because John sell nerdy John's done I'm not saying that at all I'm saying that because I've studied thousands of seminars and what we've done is take the very best of them all and put them in this when this was introduced to you early this morning this was advertised as the most effective personal development seminar in the world today it is so far as I know and I'm gonna tell ya I've been to a lot of them and it is because we give you a picture and then we show you how to change things well dr. fleet said if we're going to see hell we're going to have to give a person an image of the other side of their personality and he said since no one's ever seen the mine I'm going to make a picture of the mine now he said let this represent the mind then he said let this represent the thing that we've given all of our attention to now up till now the body and he says it's this thing here that moves into action and causes the results that we get if we're going to change what we do or if we're going to change our behavior we're definitely going to have to change what's going on in here if we're going to change what's going on in here we're gonna have to understand how it functions and as he pointed out there are two sections to the mind join together but different in their method of operation and he referred to this as the conscious mind and this as the subconscious mind now if you look on page 6 of your action planner you'll see that drawing the davyandelve and wall drew that on the opposite side of a placemat in the coffee shop of the skyline hotel on Dixon Road in Toronto Ontario Canada I'm going to tell you my life changed I've put that drawing on the or thousands and thousands of times in periodically I wanna do I hear people snicker but I'm gonna tell you if they stick around they don't snicker for long because what it does it starts to trigger all kinds of light in their mind you've heard let there be light let there be a higher consciousness let there be an awareness well what we've given you here is a picture to start working with it's not my picture it's not even through min pleats it's our picture second you've got it in your mind at yours no one can lay claim to something like this but we can all use it and we are all the same I don't care how different you may appear to be to the person beside you you and the person beside you are exactly the same now it's understanding of how this functions that makes it different now if you'll flip over in your exercise book your action planner to page 8 and I would suggest that you follow this really closely you could be sitting in your den or your family room and just watching this in the books tuck away somewhere that'd be a terrible error you'd be wasting your time and you know time wasted you never get back now of course you only have to pay once you're saying if you've wasted the past you've already paid the price you don't have to pay twice there's one some consolation to it but I would suggest you get the book out and follow me here now you'll notice on page eight and nine are six drawings there it's actually just three different ideas or it's one idea broken down into three different parts and as you take a look on page eight the conscious mind the subconscious mind in the body there are some very key parts to that on the top drawing on page eight we say this is the part of your mind that thinks or reasons this is where your free will lives Viktor Frankl wrote a magnificent book called man's search for meaning Viktor Frankl was a Jewish psychiatrist who spent the warriors in a German concentration camp and you know I don't suppose anyone has ever been subjected to more abuse intellectually and physically than someone in one of those camps I certainly couldn't even imagine it even although he wrote it very well but he pointed out he said regardless of how they chained us and abused us they could never take control of our mind unless we chose to let them he did not choose to let them Viktor Frankl was a courageous man he's lived to talk about it he's lived to teach about and I'm gonna tell you he's a wise person that's where your freewill lies you don't have to follow anybody else we say the conscious mind can accept or reject any idea now there is no person or circumstance that can cause you to think thoughts or ideas you do not choose there are the most important lines that you might find in this entire program now what I'm going to do is run over a few ideas and as I do with each part on page 9 jot some of them down not what I say but what it means to you now let's understand this right away what I say or what John says in this seminar is not that important what you see us put on the board is not that important there are different little props that we may use they're not important what's important is what you think as a result of something we may say or you may see on the board that's what's important there's something you want and there might be one idea that we fire it that'll just trigger something in your mind and away you go and you can do anything you want I was talking to Raymond Aaron here earlier this morning he's got a millionaire's called and there's many of you in the audience now I want to congratulate you I think it's a great idea he's teaching people how to become millionaires I watched a lot of people laugh when they say what he's already made a hundred a hundred people here have developed a net worth of at least a million dollars just you one person's teaching it is incredible in it it really is that's not a crazy idea told you ought to be a millionaire you can be a millionaire do you want to start your own business you construct your own business he'd do anything you want but clearly understand this if you don't know how this works you haven't got a snowball's chance in that hot place of doing it we're just about to the end of this first tape there's been some very important material covered it's vitally important that you go back and you read through this book possibly even watch the entire tape again before going on to the next tape read from page five to page eight cover your own notes and pay particular attention to page eight before you go to the second tape please understand this this program will be of little value if you have not established a goal something you really want that you're emotionally involved in that you're working towards possibly to help you before we go to the second tape we'll take you on a little tour down through some tropical island [Music] to unlock I hope you enjoyed this video we put a lot of good information up here and it causes everything in your life to get better if you'd like us to notify you every time we put a new video up hit subscribe and then turn on notifications check out all our videos and we will notify you when we put a new one up [Music] [Music]
Channel: Proctor Gallagher Institute
Views: 573,598
Rating: 4.8933764 out of 5
Keywords: Bob Proctor, Proctor Gallagher Institute, Law of Attraction, Paradigm Shift, Self esteem, Prosperity, Sucess, Thinking, Inspiration, Better life, Rules for life, This will change everything, Change your life, How to manifest money, Goal setting, Manifesting, The universe, The secret, Bob, Proctor, Subconscious mind, Happiness, Spirituality, Life coach, abundance, wealth, mindset, potential, life, God, grow, visualize, You were born rich, seminar, remastered
Id: 4rPDhM-mIJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 44sec (7004 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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