Become The Master of Your Life | Bob Proctor

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hello there and welcome my name is bob proctor i got up this morning and i picked up my phone and i looked and i had a quote on it by dr seuss he said to the world you may be one person but to one person you may be the world i read that and i looked at it and i read it again to the world you may be one person but to one person you may be the world and my mind went back bang like that to 1961. i met a man his name was ray stanford stanford literally changed the direction of my life i was a very lost soul i was 26 only two months high school education dumb jobs factories bars and he said bob why don't you change the results you're getting he didn't know me real well but he could see i was losing and i s you know it never entered my mind i could change my results he said you read and i said no i can't read now that wasn't true i could but not well i have since found out i read about as well as most people the average person reads at about a grade seven level and from that point on they never improve upon their skill of reading he gave me this book and he said you know the author of this book napoleon hill spent his entire life studying 500 that were of the world's most accomplished individuals and he put what he learned in this book he said i think it would be a proven move in your part if you spent the rest of your life attempting to understand and apply what he wrote now as strange as it may seem that's exactly what i have done from that time i was 26 until today i'm 86. i've read that book every day a little bit i devoured it at first see i got elastic around it because it's falling apart my assistant gina has worked with me now for 34 years she wanted to take and have it well rebound and i said oh no gina told the energy don't change the energy of the book well everything in my life changed changed so dramatically i started cleaning an office and all of a sudden i was cleaning offices in toronto montreal boston cleveland atlanta and london england i mean over a five-year period my life changed like night and day and i was living in england i was earning over a million dollars a year and i was being very very irresponsible i'd go down to playboy club on park lane and i'd play roulette i didn't care if i lost because i knew where the money was and one day it was like i had a euphoric experience something just stopped me in my tracks and it was like a little voice my head said you're being totally irresponsible proctor and i started to ask myself how did this happen how did i become so successful because i had struggled all my life up to the point i was 26 and i couldn't answer the question i've been raised to believe if you're going to earn a lot of money you've got to be really smart well i knew i wasn't very smart but i was earning a lot of money i was raised to believe if you don't go to school you can't win well i hadn't gone to school i wasn't winning i owned the whole company and i couldn't get anybody to explain how did a guy with no formal education going in the wrong direction bang just like that turn around start going in the right direction meant that somebody has to know and i'm going to figure it out and so i began to study and i never stopped i would go anywhere to gain an understanding of why we do what we do and why we don't do many of the things we want to do and i found out there's only five six seven percent of the population that really lived the good life we're god's highest form of creation and yet we act like we don't know the war is over as a people i'm talking about the masses a good 90 percent of the population here i had changed and i didn't know why so i was non-transferable i couldn't tell anybody how to do what i had done took me nine and a half years and when i got the dots to connect and i found out why i changed i made up my mind i was gonna spend the rest of my life teaching this and that's exactly what i did i digested myself for the company and i went and i got a job in chicago with earl nightingale and lloyd kona at the nightgale conan corporation here i went from over a million a year i took a job for 18 000 a year i was prepared to pay them to let me work there i want to study them i want to find out what made me take and i have never stopped now i went to work for them and then i went out and i started my own company you see we were at the langille konaf grocer we were selling success programs we'd sell them it was on record at first then on cassette and i did that for five years and i was doing very well but the people i was selling the programs to they weren't changing and i realized that just getting this material wasn't enough you had to be taught how to use it so i went to lloyd conan and i said lloyd why don't we quit selling recorded programs start to give them away we'll teach a seminar and teach how to use those programs no no he said bobby we're we're staying in the cassette business leave the seminar business to carnegie so i thought no it was time for me to leave i left and i sat down in a house on maplewood lane in glenview illinois and i took my pen and i said i'm going to build a company that operates all over the world today the proctor gallagher institute operates in 89 different countries i'm sitting here in our studio and we can broadcast all over the world this like many tv stations we have just recently we broadcast to 119 countries a few thousand people teaching a seminar in the science of getting rich it's fascinating information well after working at this for about 22 23 years i wrote this book called you were born rich and the idea behind this is that everybody's born rich most people are just a little short of money you've got deep reservoirs of talent and ability within you the trick is to figure out how to bring it to the surface now that was put together after studying and working with this for 20-some years but that was 36 years ago i wrote this i have never stopped studying this information in a matter of two three weeks i'm going to be running a master class i'm going to take a group of people who are seriously interested in changing the direction of their life compounding whatever success they're enjoying and i'm going to work with them every week for six months and i'm going to teach what's in this book that i've continued to study for another 36 years i want to go through the subject matter that's in this book here the first chapter is me and money and i put that as the first chapter because i sat down when i decided to write the book and i segmented all the changes that i took place trying to get the dots to connect steve jobs says you cannot connect the dots looking forward you can only connect them looking back so i look back where did i start what happened and what happened was i started to understand something about money i never had any i always needed money well i learned quite a bit about money and that's why the first part of this is on money we'll be studying that for a couple of weeks itself let me ask you a question how many sources of income do you have do you know that wealthy people dating right back to the ancient babylonians have always had multiple sources of income on last night while i was sleeping i was earning money you can earn more money when you're sleeping than you can spend when you're awake now that may sound like a an exaggerated statement but it's really not you see you don't go to work to earn money you go to work for satisfaction you provide service to earn money and when you can find a way to provide service all over the world you'll have money coming in from all over the world i provide service all over the world and i can show you how to do it and in this first chapter we'll do that we even got a company to help you do that me and money prosperity consciousness prosperity consciousness this is not taught in school you can go right through our educational system and learn absolutely nothing about earning money i find this subject absolutely fascinating and i'm going to tell you you will too ask yourself this do you have more money than you need well the next chapter in it is how much is an f i'll tell you how much is enough when you've got enough money to live the way you choose to live for as long as you think you're going to live then you've got enough most people don't know how much is enough they really do not know how do you really want to live because you're quite capable of doing it how do you really want to live see i'm living today the way i really want to live man i live a wonderful life i'm 86 i got the energy of a 36 or a 56 year old and i work all over the world everyone can when you never have to think about money you'll be amazed how much free time you have so the first two chapters mean money and the second how much is enough you're going to find these fascinating now think of this for a moment if i was working with you every week for six months two hours a week you'll be given this book here it is here in this format you're going to receive it in this format this is a beautifully leather-bound book you'll have your name inscribed in gold here and it will be an autographed copy you'll also be given a ring biter with exercises in it because we're going to study this for an hour and then we're going to get into exercises for an hour every week you'll have exercise to do through the week i guarantee you your life as far as money will change almost right away now think the third chapter is the image maker do you know that everything this phone this book this sand timer it was an image in someone's mind before it ever became a thing thoughts become things this pen i remember the first ballpoint pen i ever saw my grandfather on my father's side came to live with us in 1946 for a few months i was just a little boy it was at this end of the second world war my dad had come back from fighting on europe and he brought his father to live with us for a little while grandpa proctor saw something in a magazine he wrote away for it and he got a ballpoint pen up till then we had to load pens with ink and it was generally all over the place or we dip and nib in an inkwell to write with now the first pen the first ballpoint pen i saw it was it skipped all over the place the ink would run then would stop and strut today the ink flows freely but you know that first ballpoint pen and this ballpoint pen they were both just images then they improve upon it from that point on the image maker everything this studio your house the clothes you're wearing the jewelry you may have all started out as an image you and i are image makers we have mental faculties do you know that you and i are the only creature on the planet that is totally disoriented in their environment do you know all the other little creatures on the planet are completely at home in their environment they blend in you and i totally disoriented in environment we don't blend in you see they operate by instinct which is perfect we've been given higher faculties we do not blend into our environment we've been given the ability to create our own environment we are truly god's highest form of creation and the images we build in our mind we can move into physical form that's how everything starts everything starts in the form of an image we're going to spend time talking about the image maker that's very important the next chapter is let go and let god god does all the work now most people's religious education is pretty shallow mine is but my study of the mind is great and i found out how god does god's work god works by law dr werner von braun was asked by apprentice and president kennedy what it would take to build a rocket that would carry a person to the moon and bring him back safely to earth now dr von braun was the father of space program he said the will to do it get an image in your mind and hold that image well of course it happened it was believed for a long time science and theology were antagonistic well if you study it you'll find out they're not in fact von braun who was the greatest scientist in the world there he said that after years of studying the spectacular mysteries of the cosmos he was led in the firm belief in the existence of god he said the natural laws of the universe are so precise that we don't have any difficulty sending people to the moon and we can time the landing with the precision of a fraction fraction of a second he said these laws must have been set by somebody see the law is god's motive supper and i we've got to start to understand the laws most people do not the next one is expect an abundance now i was in the movie the secret i was and uh with a number of other people over half a billion people saw that movie the secret and the secret talked a lot about the law of attraction well you only attract to you what you expect expectation is a mindset and as you build that mindset you set up the law of attraction expectation the next one is the classic the law of vibration think of this for a moment this little phone it's actually a computer isn't it this operates by the law of vibration that's how it operates see every level of vibration is referred to as a frequency our phone operates on a frequency when i was a little boy we never had a phone at our house i was probably 15 years old before we had a phone maybe 16. i even remember the first number was oxford 3137 and the phone we got was a party line when you picked up the phone you could hear everybody else they were picking up the phone there might have been a hundred people on that same frequency today we have millions literally millions of people all have their own phone they have their own frequency i've got a frequency of my own and you have one of your own why didn't we all have phones back then because we didn't understand the law of vibration we didn't understand these laws we didn't understand frequencies but you see we do understand it today and because someone understands the law of vibration and knows how to program this thing to operate on a specific frequency i can communicate to you and you can communicate to me in fact we're communicating right now on a frequency well i want you to think of this for a moment this body you're living in operates on frequencies that's right it operates on frequencies and as you start to understand the law of vibration you can start to take control over your life most people don't don't even want to study it that's how we leave that for the scientists if they go to look at the law of vibration they would probably dig into scientific book i didn't get this from the scientists i've got it on a very practical level where a child will understand it and when you start to understand this particular part of this program of this master class on born rich we'll show you how to develop your riches because you are born rich you have deep reservoirs of talent and ability within you and we'll show you how everything in this universe operates on frequencies everything operates on frequencies we have to get on to the frequency of the good that we desire you'll see is this too heavy for me no no i teach this to children and i teach it to adults at the same time the adults don't get bored and the children are fascinated when we start teaching the law of vibration you are really going to start making headway the success of your business is dependent upon your understanding of that law then we have the risk takers if you were raised like i was you were probably raised with concept it's better to be safe than sorry i'm going to tell you something that is an outright lie it is not better to be safe than sorry people that play it that way they're playing it safe they go through life like this it's one dull experience life should be an exciting adventure it should never be a bore if you're not taking a risk you're not winning i think helen keller the blind lady that taught us all so much she said if life isn't a risk it's nothing and she was right well we get into the risk taker and you're going to love it you're going to absolutely love this part of the mastermind or of the master class that i'm teaching you should get into this i don't care what you have to do to get into it make up your mind you're in it the next part is the razor's edge well i'm going to tell you something the line that separates winning from losing is as fine as a razor's edge there was a movie made on that daryl zanek taught the movie was director of the movie in fact there was a center page spread in life magazine way back many years ago when the movie first came out had all the actors and then all the stand-ins and it showed the difference in their income it was vast one person would be earning 75 had a person earning 75 000. the difference in them was as fine as a razor's edge and as i look back in my life the change that took me from where i was to way ahead in life it was as fine as a razor's age in fact it took me nine months to figure it out the change was so simple it was so simple and so obvious i was missing it now you can benefit from what i've studied i've studied this subject now since 1961 every day i'll guarantee you in this master class everybody in this master class you're going to develop friends we're going to have people in the master class from all over the world you're going to develop friends that will last a lifetime you may do drunk ventures with them because you're all going to have multiple sources of income the razor's edge well i'm going to tell you it was a very small change that i made it changed everything in my life it's um it's like here just let me take a look at that again it was like that quote i want to make sure i got it right to the world you may be one person but to one person you may be the world such a small play with words but such a great change in the meaning in it the next one the second last one is in don't think in reverse have you any any idea how much time people spend thinking about the past they spent so much time looking into the past now think about this for a moment the sand in the glop top of the glass represents the future the sand in the bottom of the glass represents the past now you notice the sand is running here you cannot get it back it's gone the sand right here in the center right here that's all we have to deal with is what's right here right now there's an interesting story to this when i was a little boy my grandmother used to always be saying i'll soon be gone dear i'll soon be gone grandma acted as though she just had a little bit of sand left when actually she had a lot i think when she started to say that she would have probably been around 60. and to me that was she was a very old lady i've since changed my attitude about that but she was a very old lady and she'll say i'll soon be gone grandma lived to be 94. 94. she just went to sleep one night the angels came and took her away you see she thought she just had a little bit of sand sheet a lot i jumped with around with another young guy named bob yates we were 16. bob was driving in the kingston road highway into toronto and he ran into the abutment of a bridge his life was snuffed out like that if you had asked bob a half hour before that accident how much sand he had left he probably would have said a half a half a century for low he didn't have a half an hour so here's bob at 16 probably thinking he had a lot of sand he only had a little grandma at 60 thinks she only had a little she had a lot the truth is you don't know how much you got neither do i but i'll tell you one thing we have an obligation to live life to its fullest help as many people as we can do as much good as we can to ourself and others and all we've got to deal with is what's right here right now don't think in reverse quit looking backwards what steve jobs say you can't connect the job dot's looking forward you can only connect them looking backwards that's where most people spend all their time connecting the dots living in the past get off into the future where you don't know what's up there that's what makes it so exciting you will love it when we get into this in the last part but certainly not the least the vacuum law of prosperity you see nature absolutely abhors a vacuum you must make room for the good that you desire you've got to create a space for the good that you desire you have no idea what you're capable of doing i know i don't have any idea i'm forever trying to figure out just what i'm capable of doing it's a marvelous way to live well this master class is going to change lives there's just absolutely no question about it we're giving the book bound in leather because we want you to treasure this and you are going to treasure this just like i'm doing with the one that i've got bound in leather that i've been studying now since 1961 we want you to treasure what you're going to get i'm going to show you stuff in here that'll just make your head spin you've got so much going for you now some of you say well i can't afford it i want to talk to that for a moment if you're saying you can't afford to do this i think what you should do is ask yourself how many other areas of your life does that show up in how many things is it that you would really love to do but you can't afford it do you know most people never in their whole life drive the car they would really love to drive they never take the trips they'd love to take or shop for the garments that they want to wear where they want to shop never buy the house they would love to live in why do you know there's no end to the amount of money you can earn i'll tell you one thing if you have trouble putting together the money to do this it'll be the last time you'll have trouble putting the money together i'm going to show you how to solve that problem forever now i used to say if i had to bore the money from my grandmother to get what i really wanted i'd bore the money from my grandmother that's where i used to get the money when i didn't have any and i always paid her back if you have to borrow the money from your grandmother's do this borrow it you would be so glad you did this is going to be one of the most phenomenal experiences that you'll ever have and i'm going to tell you in all the years i've been in this business i've never done something quite like this i'm really looking forward to this it's going to be a phenomenal class i've been studying all this stuff well i've been studying everything that's in this book that you're going to learn from for 36 years it's classic material listen just make a decision right now you're going to do it you see i learned in here successful people make decisions very fast change very slow if and when they change them at all the only prerequisite something you're going to learn for making a decision is do you want to if you want to for god's sake do it you will be so glad you did and i look forward to working with you this is bob proctor thank you i hope you enjoyed this video we put a lot of good information up here and it causes everything in your life to get better if you'd like us to notify you every time we put a new video up hit subscribe and then turn on notifications check out all our videos and we will notify you when we put a new one up [Music] you
Channel: Proctor Gallagher Institute
Views: 589,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bob Proctor, Proctor Gallagher Institute, Law of Attraction, Paradigm Shift, Self esteem, Self confidence, Prosperity, Thinking, Inspiration, Rules for life, Personal development, This will change everything, Change your life, How to manifest money, Goal setting, Manifesting, The secret, Subconscious mind, Happiness, Spirituality, Self help, Life coach, abundance, wealth, mindset, potential, life, God, fulfillment, grow, Success, paradigms, visualization, coaching, life coach, universal laws
Id: alzGOr4Qgd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 35sec (1775 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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