INSIDE the SMALLEST Apartment in NEW YORK CITY | 60 ft.² Micro Studio

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this is officially the smallest apartment in all of new york city [Music] a lot of you watching this know me as the guy who creates travel guides to exotic places around the world the guy who did a workout with thor and of course the guy who tours luxury apartments around new york city but not many people watching know that back in 2015 when i started this youtube channel i was living in a 250 square foot studio apartment with an ex-girlfriend at the time that's two people living in a space the size of most walk-in closets it's important to lay this backstory because when i first moved to new york city i was broke i was living paycheck to paycheck i had a ton of student loan debt so living in that tiny apartment was my only real option to be in one of the only cities in the entire world where you can move here with absolutely nothing not knowing a single person and make your dreams come true so this vlog is a special one as someone who's spent two years of their life living in a shoebox new york city apartments and if you follow my instagram you know i recently moved into a 2 000 plus square foot loft which i'll be touring in the next episode but it's very safe to say i have the perspective of what it's like to live in these places we're about to tour in today's episode [Music] there he is did i ruin your shot the man the myth the legend mr cash jordan so if you don't know cash is one of the top rental agents in the entire city this guy has toward how many apartments you said two hundred dollars oh she's so i've made over 250 apartment tours on my channel but they're not as nice as his tours as you know i mentioned i've lived in a 250 square foot apartment this is kind of going back like a blast from the past let's see we're at the first place and like i said these apartments are only going to get smaller the final one might be the smallest one in the entire city and they're all smaller than what you just mentioned none of these are 200 square feet no forget that that right there is third avenue on the other side of us is second avenue we're in midtown east on 53rd street and uh you see that tent city those are actually restaurants so if you walk out your door you might gain weight you ready so here we go nice welcome all right all right so for the main hallway we have the actual apartments we have four units here ready here we are first apartment door stays open oh wow this is actually not as bad as i thought number one because we're facing south true so we have the sunlight but this is uh yeah this is a tiny apartment it's a square footage it's not a bad place let's uh let's check the square footage i got the uh the laser tool yeah what do we have here 17 feet seven inches by six feet six inches i'll tell you six four so if you go horizontal your head and your feet are gonna touch the fridge roughly 18 by six so like 110 square feet not counting the bathroom so maybe it gets up to 175 150 square feet max this is the biggest place that we're seeing your bed i can't see another spot for it then in this corner somewhere and i think you're going to want to get the smallest bed that you can but once you've got a bed here really past the fridge i mean it's going to be a small table and probably like a tv mounted on the wall and that's the setup i wouldn't put a couch here what's crazy most people they don't do a murphy bed because they're going to live here for like two years they didn't have one in their parents house growing up and it just doesn't make sense when oh i might move in with so-and-so in a year anyways why am i going to spend more than i need to right exactly let me show you guys the bathroom so again this i'm happy that this is like normal size need to get an extra light bulb up there but at least it's like a normal sized bathroom the fact that it has a bathroom [Laughter] you'll see later in the video but the fact that there is a bathroom in here you know that's a luxury yup it's yours this is not a bad apartment it's a good place it's just small the kitchen and everything was redone like a year ago you've got all normal size for new york normal size appliances any other 49 states that's not a normal sized stove i love how in new york things just become normalized like this becomes a nice kitchen for an apartment like this but also like the nice locker on the cabinets good storage pretty much this is the nicest place we're gonna see what is this so then we have that's your thing that is your closet and that's it what is the rent for this place so it's 1800 with some free rent so it nets out to 15. this is the starting point of this video like cash are saying the nicest the largest yeah it's just uh this is the big guy it's not horrible for 1500 a month if you're just moving to the city and you're looking for that first apartment this is not a bad first apartment cash was just saying it's been a while since he's taken anything but the subway there was a point when i first moved here where i would bike from the upper east side down to the meat packing district because i couldn't afford the monthly pass that's crazy in my mind 100 and i think it was 120 a month was like that's food yeah that's food right there so i biked from the upper east side i'm talking year-round we're here on mcdougall street we're by washington square park new york university fun neighborhood not midtown definitely a more desirable neighborhood you have all the cafes it's much quieter you're on a tree-lined street and this place is smaller yes correct and cheaper but definitely smaller and maybe the neighborhood's a little louder let's go check it out there's a code i have to type in so i can't show the code to the internet but the fact that we have a code that's a little level up rather than a key entry we have a code let's head on in i don't know if we're all gonna fit come on in oh i don't have do you see this here they go spin around this is the smallest apartment i've ever seen you're you might be too big for this apartment like my wingspan is almost the entirety this is probably a nine foot go look at the bathroom dude wait till you see that are you seeing this in the frame so for some perspective like i'm a pretty big person but i take it at the entire door of this bathroom bathroom sink we have a vanity the shower is just in the middle here sandwich in you have the shower rod to then cover the water from getting on your toilet i've never seen i don't have words for this i'm not like this is the craziest thing i've ever seen on a positive note this is technically a self-cleaning bathroom because everything's going to get wet because your shower's right here in the middle and you have the nice shower caddy i can't believe this i mean we're going to take some measurements but this is you have to go inside look you have to turn i you can't walk straight like this to get out i have to do the side shuffle to get out of the bathroom and then we have the i guess you could call this the kitchen with the kitchen the kitchenette we have a sink it's a nice storage area you could put a hot plate here i guess uh and plug it in the faux marble right here on top from the kitchen then we have the mini fridge microwave combo so my shelves the store whatever you like and then in the corner where diego is is where the bed would go yeah i don't see another place for the bed i mean it's gonna have to go here this could be the bed so this is technically a loft if this holds should we test yeah i mean you have insurance does does eric have insurance so you could sleep up here this holds 215 pounds wow so you put a ladder there and then this would be the bed and actually look at this i'm just noticing this see that spackle oh yeah someone someone had a ladder you know we gotta look at the positives when renting because this whole video is about you're just moving to the city for the first time you're looking for that first place so on the positives you have a huge window with tons of light bouncing off that window you have the fire escape which is this could be a balcony you know you might pop out there at your own risk let's head out there you have your own i guess you could call this a terrace if i can even make it out here okay got the shimmy out here okay we made it so you do have technically an outdoor space and it's actually interesting someone has the drying line here with the closed clips you could even have a garden out here someone has a plant box like cash was saying outside you are paying for the neighborhood we're on a beautiful tree-lined street in the west village but back into the apartment let's go take some measurements if i can shimmy on in here from the medicine cabinet to the tile what is that two feet yep just two oh geez oh that is a tight shot man right there 1.7 let's get the measurement of the actual space so i'm so cute like what is this space so let's do it oh geez all right well kitchen counter just about eight feet yeah it's just underrated yeah depending on where i put it like right now it's 7 11 sometimes it's eight so like eight by nine eight by nine eight by nine 72 square feet 72 square feet and it's all yours twelve hundred dollars is what this nets out to so it's cheaper and smaller than what we saw first it definitely has less but like eric mentioned the neighborhood here is fantastic and since you'd probably be paying 1200 for your own bedroom in this neighborhood to get an apartment that's the size of a bedroom is that the same deal with no roommate it might be we took a little hiatus we picked up another member of the apartment hunting squad and we're seeing is this this is this is it and you know what's funny is we have another member with us and this is the smallest place and you said it's pet-free it is pet friendly so st mark's place fun neighborhood right by you know new york university as well since it kind of takes over downtown but definitely an awesome block lots of restaurants this is it this is it 14 st marks that's right theo is excited okay look at this dog he's just like foaming and chomping at the bit to get in let's go feel come on not bad this is actually a pretty impressive entryway so this is the nicest building that we've been to so far diego's gonna go in there and film our reactions to seeing this but don't say anything when you get in there i wanna just i wanna have the reaction you good to go in no let him get in position get as far back as you can all right all right let's do this this can't be legal this is it this is it man what what we're home what is the square footage of this this is let me get the tool there's a bunk bed here without the bottom bunk we've got a loft going on a sink i guess this is the kit is there a bathroom it's out in the hallway oh my gosh the hallway bathrooms eat okay i don't know what to say you could never live here with a dog that's what i'm thinking it was a tiny dog but could you imagine this dog living in here the door almost hits the sink and this is your i mean this is the kitchen you have a little mirror here medicine cabinet this tiny sink with storage underneath mini fridge microwave comes with a tv at least we have the bunk bed which is pretty awesome good use of space true the loft above so my shelving closet this tube fluorescent lighter high school gymnasium wow just for some perspective i wanted a shot of myself and theo in the frame i can actually go and put my arm almost across the entirety of this apartment this is six like six eight wingspan so this is probably just under seven feet cash is gonna take some measurements but also check this out this is just a reality of living in a place like this if you're a tall person just i mentioned in the last place having that natural sunlight this is a true alleyway view there is i mean there's a little light we're on the top floor but you look down it's just nothing to brick it's great if you have no friends yet if you're still working on friends if you don't have them yet this saves you some money what does this place go for so right now these are between 1095 and 11.95 and these are rent yeah people rent these the factors people willing to pay 1100 a month i mean this is smaller than a college dorm do you want to know something crazy that i didn't tell you about this apartment i lived in this exact unit in 2007. this exact unit i lived here and i had like all this stuff i tried to move in and none of it fit so i had to throw away half my furniture and at the end of the day i had the bed which was up and i had like a little futon which is where he's standing over by the window my clothes i had enough like a slim enough wardrobe that it did fit in the closet like i just when i was like 22 i just want to be in the city but you made it work i made it work so if you're watching this and you're looking to move to the city it is definitely possible don't say the rent's too high excuses if you want to move here bad enough and you have that dream it's right here contact cash all the places that we've shown in this video cash is actually renting out so they're all down below in the description along with cash's contact information if you like this video give it a thumbs up also go subscribe to cash he is the rental guru here in new york city anything rentals this guy can help you out there and with that we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Erik Conover
Views: 596,428
Rating: 4.8956523 out of 5
Keywords: nyc apartment tour, apartment tour, smallest apartment, smallest apartment in new york, smallest apartment in the world, smallest apartment in nyc, tiny apartment tour, tiny apartment, tiny apartment in new york, micro apartment new york, micro apartment, micro apartment tour, studio apartment tour, living in new york city, tiny nyc apartment tour, living cheap in nyc, Erik Conover, erik conover apartment tour, nyc, new york city, minimalist apartment tour, cheap apartment
Id: kUMQ-bRxOjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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