DIY KITCHEN MAKEOVER (Renter Friendly) ✨ DIY Backsplash + Wallpaper!

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[Music] hi guys welcome back to my channel drew here from lonefox and today's video has been such a highly requested makeover that i do in my apartment and it was one i honestly was just putting off the kitchen was an area where i was like you know this one already looks pretty good like i don't exactly know what i can do in this space it has brand new cabinets a brand new backsplash brand new tile so all around even though i wasn't a big fan of the cabinets backsplash and tile i didn't know really what i can do to this area so it was kind of taking me quite a while and then one day about two weeks ago i was like i want to start on doing the kitchen it's an area i've kind of been putting off and it's been an area that you guys have really been wanting to see i also want to thank today's video sponsor hellofresh so much for making this video happen i truly love hellofresh i've actually worked with them i believe just one time in the past and i've always loved every single meal that i made from them so highly suggest them and i'll touch on them in just a little bit you guys but before that let me share with you the before of this kitchen so upon moving into this apartment the kitchen was just renovated and it had brand new cabinets put in it had new flooring put in a new backsplash however the three elements just don't work very well together the backsplash is very blue toned the flooring is a very warm tone the cabinets are kind of an off-white color and the walls are also a little bit of an off-white color so i just wanted to kind of figure out a way to make everything mesh together and just look a little bit more aesthetic and streamlined and that's what we're doing today so i guess we could just go ahead and jump on into my process you guys i don't even remember what i did first in this space honestly i'm filming the intro after the fact uh because my first intro i filmed i talked about how i didn't think much transformation was going to occur and i had to refilm it because the transformation was crazy so stay tuned you guys and let's get started [Music] welcome to day one of our little kitchen makeover upgrade i'm very very excited today is going to be probably one of the most tedious days because we're doing a peel and stick backsplash today now that's going to take up a majority of the time and i just want to share with you guys the current backsplash and what i don't like about it now i know a lot of people do like this kind of backsplash it is your traditional renter grade glass and marble backsplash i swear every single rental apartment has this it's like a cool toned blue color which i'm just not a fan of it just kind of doesn't go with this space so my friends over at smart tiles actually sent me a ton of really cool peel and stick tiles i'm going to share them with you guys i'll link the ones i used below so here are the backsplash pieces now as you can see each sheet comes like this and it has a total of six bricks on the front of it but the great thing about these bricks is that they actually have a texture to them so they're a little bit different and i also love how these bricks are a lot larger if you guys have seen me do a kitchen makeover in the past in my old apartment it was more of like a glossy subway tile that was a lot smaller i have a ton of sheets of this so let's go ahead and get [Music] started [Music] applying your own peel and stick backsplash is so much simpler than it actually looks the only hard part is when you get to any outlets or any small like corners or nooks and crannies that require basically a little bit more cutting to it but i swear to you guys you can totally do it and the great thing about peel and stick tile as well is it's really forgiving so if you cut too much you can literally just add a little piece back and you're not even going to be able to tell it kind of just blends seamlessly so do not worry have fun with it it is a very repetitive process and i believe the entire install of this one took me probably around four hours or so in my kitchen [Music] yesterday i didn't get as much done as i thought i was going to i actually only ended up finishing the backsplash on this section of the kitchen now i do still have of course this section over here that i need to complete so that's kind of going to be my first task for today but i am starting a little bit late today it's always an amazing day when you get a hello fresh box because you know inside you're going to be packed with incredible ingredients and recipes to create some amazing meals they offer so many different recipes to choose from each week to break out of your recipe rut including locale carb smart vegetarian and even pescatarian options and you can actually go through and choose your meals each week which i personally love i opted for the chicken sausage bolognese the beef and cheese tostadas and the sweet and smoky pork tenderloin i thought i would try a couple different options and i have all the ingredients inside of here fresh i popped them in the fridge and when i was ready to make it for lunch i pulled it right out to prepare my ingredients uh the thing that i love about hello fresh is that it cuts out stressful meal planning and prepping so you can enjoy cooking and get your dinner on the table in 30 minutes or less or even 20 minutes if you go for their quick and easy options so super simple and you guys i personally am not a chef i am not a cook either but i do thoroughly enjoy making my hello fresh meals like it's really fun just to have a smaller project you don't have any leftover food waste which is also nice so you just know everything that you have you're going to be eating and there's going to be no waste or extra food that you just honestly don't end up using and that happens to me all the time when i want to cook something i go out and i purchase all the ingredients i need i spend a decent amount of money i come home and then i'm left over with all of these random vegetables or just extra ingredients i didn't end up using and they just honestly go to waste so i love how hellofresh just pre-portions everything out for you so you know exactly what you have is exactly what you need [Music] i just realized i haven't even touched on what i'm making here this is the sausage cavitappi pasta and i will tell you right now it was stunning it was very very very good i love pasta if i could use it for every single meal i probably would do so and the great thing is that hellofresh is super flexible they allow you to change delivery days or food preferences and even skip a week whenever you need to and they've also donated over 4 million meals to charity in 2020 and continuing to step up their food donations during our little coronavirus situation that we're in at the moment and i just love all my meals i've had with hellofresh so if you'd like to try them out go to and use my code lonefox 12 to get 12 free meals including free shipping [Music] all righty guys so running into a little bit of an issue this morning i went to go put up the peel and stick wallpaper on the wall here and for some reason only this wall in the entire apartment not even the walls like around the rest of the kitchen only the archway wall is textured it has like that orange peel texture to it which basically means the wallpaper is not sticking properly it's kind of just peeling right off there so it does look like i'm probably gonna have to sand this down but i'm honestly not mad about that because all the other walls are sanded so might as well make this one look like those you know um and then when i go to move out of course i'm just gonna have to put a coat of paint over this uh but for now i'm gonna go ahead start sanding this wall down i'm then gonna have to probably clean it and allow it to dry overnight and then we can apply the wallpaper tomorrow when it's nice and dry and prepped and ready to go but sadly it looks like i'm gonna have to do a little bit of prep work on this wall but i'm hoping that it won't be too bad [Music] when it came to sanding down this archway it took quite a bit of elbow grease you guys i'm not going to lie this took me probably about an hour and a half to two hours the before looked like this and the after looked like this now i know that after doesn't look like anything crazy but it was very smooth to the touch which is exactly what you're looking for so i went ahead and sanded the entire archway and then wrote hello in the paint dust have been sanded i also went through and wiped them all down using a mild cleaning detergent that's why i had to run online to use once you sand it down just get all those dust particles off now i'm going to go ahead and let this full wall completely dry until tomorrow and then i'm going to do the peel and stick tomorrow but the first thing that i'm so excited about is changing out the handles in here so the current handles look something like this just your kind of generic very very basic handle you can see them on the back there i'm going to be changing them to something like this which i just love these i got these off of amazon super affordable i think they were like two dollars a piece maybe even less than that um but this is what they look like i love them and i'm going to be swapping out every single handle in here they all look like this so i ended up getting 27 of these these are brand new cabinets i didn't want to touch them i didn't really want to do anything to them so i thought just changing up the hardware to kind of go with our black details in here would be a nice touch [Music] what does my hair look like i think it has dust in it [Music] dust here need to clean that up started putting the knobs on as you can see however the actual drawers the ones that kind of have um that pull out like this so any of the drawers such as this one over here this one here i need to get new screws for so i'm gonna pick those up at lowe's later so i can go ahead and add those handles in there but then we are going to be working over in the breakfast nook area now this area i really cannot customize too much just because this is where i film all of my youtube videos so i don't want to alter the lighting by doing any form of color on the wall or you know have it reflecting in different uh tones and such so all i'm gonna do in here is actually paint all of the window trims black which is the same thing i did over in the living room over there that you could see so i'm gonna go ahead and start taping off all the windows we're gonna do the electrical tape hack where you kind of put the electrical tape on the crossbar and the reason that i'm doing this is because this wall will have our black based lemon wallpaper then we're going to have our black trim here the green is going to pop through from the trees corresponding back to the wallpaper and i think it's just going to be really cute and i'm going to do some minimal styling maybe like a little wall art piece over there and just keep it simple so i'm going to start off by painting these windows here so we can get those ready to go i'm also going to paint the trim of the window above the sink as well [Music] windows are taped up you guys but just a little tip that i've seen so many times that i've never tried myself i wanted to share it with you guys here so the first thing i'm going to do is actually go in with some white uh wall paint it's chantilly lace that's actually not the color of the wall however i'm going to be painting it right in the crease here like a nice layer of that that way any paint that bleeds under the tape is going to basically be the white tone paint which should match pretty well to the wall if it doesn't you're going to have to get really close to you know see that color difference once the white paint is dry we're going to do all the black and then when we peel it off it should reveal a really really crispy line basically make everything a lot nicer if you have a really contrasting color i think this is a really nice tip so let's see how it works [Music] [Music] um when it comes to painting the window trim i suggest using a nice quality brush that way you get no streaks but of course on the first coat of any color you are going to have some streaks so i did go through and apply a full second coat to this window and that really locked in the color and made it look a lot more opaque and of course streak free so i'm going through painting all the window trims marie was helping me right here with it which is so kind of her and all around i just love the way that these windows in particular look with that black border on them [Music] the sun is starting to set it's about 5 30 at the moment the wall of course i sanded it down i actually did take a little corner of the wallpaper and pressed it on here and it seemed like it was sticking good so that's great the window trim around this window has been painted black and of course these three windows have been painted black as well the first coat never looks that great it's very streaky but the second coat we're gonna fill it all out remove the tape and then the tape also kind of throws it off as well very excited to see that and so i'll catch you guys in the morning and we're going to work on the kitchen a little bit more [Music] when i woke up today i was a little bit scared i'm not gonna lie this was my focal point of the kitchen i needed this wall to work and i was just kind of scared that the wallpaper wasn't going to stick but it ended up sticking i will say though that these walls in my apartment are just so wonky they just do not match up they don't align up the edges are weird so the wallpaper went on a little bit randomly and i'm sure a lot of you guys won't have problem with that but i ended up just piecing it together in the end and it looks absolutely incredible i'll also say that this wall only took me about two hours to create from start to finish and it is the statement this kitchen needed it was just kind of bland a little bit basic and boring and i love the pop of yellow the depthness of the black and i like how the green of the leaves actually kind of go back to the green of the trees that you can see out of the windows so i just love this accent wall good morning everybody uh it is day three or four oh my gosh look at my hands at the moment i just put up the wallpaper which you guys probably saw let me flip around and share it with you guys here is the brand new wallpapered archway i really wanted to add something statement in this kitchen maria's over there applying a second coat of paint to the window trims and i really love how the black window trims tie back to the dark wallpaper uh and then we're gonna go ahead and add the little crossbars in there i'm also going to go through and apply a coat of black paint to the underside of this arch because when we move out we're gonna have to paint the sanded wall anyway so we can just go ahead and paint the underside of the arch as well but i think it's just going to make it look more defined and just a little bit nicer kind of more cohesive [Music] for the underside of the archway i use the same exact black paint that i used on the window trim and the reason that i am painting this is because the white underside really gets lost in the white walls in the background so i wanted the archway to be super defined so you can just see all of the edges and the lemons also kind of mask that a little bit so adding this black paint was key and then of course once i do leave i can go ahead and paint this as well with the matching color of the sanded wall that we did so the windows have been fully coated with two coats of paint i went with a fine brush and just tuned everything and made sure it looked really nice and now i'm going to go ahead and remove the tape but if you guys remember i did that tape trick so i want to see with you guys first experience if that does create a more clean line when i pull it off so let's take a look um that looks crispy to me you guys so some wall paint is coming off with it which is not my favorite but i mean i guess it's not too noticeable ha ha yeah the tape is finally off of the windows the wallpaper is up the archway has been painted and how amazing does this look so far it's crazy what it looks like once you actually tape the tape off and what was really nice as well is i had this color from that ikea dresser hack that i redid this is white dove by benjamin moore and it just happened to match the walls perfectly in here so i was able to touch up anything um over there made sure that this line was all nice and clean as well this windows finish off above the window there is this little blank space here and i thought it would be so cute to add a light kind of like this one this is a gooseneck sconce and i got this one on amazon it is pretty large but i do think that it will still look super cute above the window now this is actually not going to be a functional light you could totally add a puck light underneath if you want to but i want to add an actual edison bulb so it looks like a real light but like when would you ever turn this on like doing dishes at 1am need this additional light like sorry i'm just going to turn on this one it's just going to be more for aesthetics and appearance um and that way i don't have to hardwire anything into the wall it's just going to be two screws hung up there kind of as a wall art piece but it's essentially a light and i think it's going to add a nice touch so on the living room windows i used electrical tape which i saw this hack i believe on tick tock where you take the electrical tape and this is super affordable it's literally a dollar and you can put it over your little windows like uh crossbar sections like this and it just makes it instantly look like the metal's black which i love it matches the window framing that we did and this area of the window is all metal whereas everything else i painted is wood um and allowed you know meant to be painted so i'm just going to cover these sections with the black electrical tape and i think it's just going to make the windows look a lot cleaner and nicer [Music] i just want to point out how incredible the black electrical tape bars look as opposed to just leaving them white like this and such an easy renter friendly hack you can just pull them off when you leave and you're good to go i'm going to start working on this window over here [Music] [Music] hi hello guys it is the last and final day of our kitchen mini makeover um it actually kind of turned into a little bit more of a mini make or more of a makeover i feel like i started off this video talking about how i didn't have much to do but the changes i made are honestly super impactful so far which i'm very excited about i ended up actually going shopping last night and i forgot my camera i was gonna go today i just got a couple of accessories i thought i would share them with you guys before jumping into the styling portion because all we have left in here is styling and then the final reveal so i'm just gonna share with you guys a couple of things i got i went to world market in target last night and at world market i got these super cute little canisters these were affordable to 12 and 6.99 so i thought that was a great deal i also ended up getting a glass canister from world market this was 12.99 um and put some oatmeal in there then i got this also from world market an oil dispenser i've always wanted one of these um we've always just used like the traditional you know bottle that the oil comes in but we got one of these to put next to the stove which i think is really cute it has a gold top on it these are from world market i don't remember let me see yep these are it's just a set of wooden um utensils just styling purposes you know and of course we can use them as well and last but not least are just two items i picked up at target which i ended up getting this cutting board here i just thought it was cute i like the color of it and i wanted to add a bit more warmth to the space and i really only had two square cutting boards so i wanted one with some shape to it and this little brass bronze vessel which i love i use this in my grandpa's makeover and it's just such a cute like perfect little shape as a studio monkey line so those are the pieces that i ended up getting all that is left to do is style it and i'm so excited to see the final outcome of this kitchen you guys it has been such a fun makeover um and i've been working on it for like the past week or so so i'm really excited to have it kind of come to an end and see the full vision come to life so let's get to styling [Music] with you [Music] all right you guys the kitchen is complete and i am ready to share with you the reveal of it luckily it's a little bit dark back there so you can't really see everything but i'm going to show it to you all in three two one [Music] and that concludes the kitchen makeover video i hope that you guys enjoyed this transformation it was a super fun one and i love how it just pulled together at the end the thing about the kitchen is that i love a bold kitchen i love when there's like bold cabinetry or a statement tile or just something that adds a bold touch to a kitchen space and i knew i couldn't do anything with the cabinets and i knew i couldn't do anything with the flooring so i figured let's go ahead and add a fun wallpaper to this archway here and i think that it did exactly what i needed it to and it also only cost around 70 dollars for all the wallpaper that i used in this space which i think is a pretty decent price um so i hope that you guys enjoyed this video and i hope that it gave you some ideas for your renter friendly space now of course i know not everyone's going to go ahead and paint their window trim but when i do move out i'm going to go ahead and paint it back the way that it was when i moved in pull off the electrical tape remove everything paint it back you guys have seen me make over or unmake over my apartment in the past and i would love to know your guys's favorite part of today's makeover make sure to leave a big thumbs up as it really helps out my channel and subscribe for brand new videos every single week on home decor and diy and also do not forget to check out hello fresh you can go to which is linked below and use my code lonefox12 to get 12 free meals plus free shipping which is amazing but i'm gonna go ahead and enjoy my kitchen honestly probably gonna cook another hello fresh meal because i'm already hungry again and i will catch you guys in the next video bye [Music] you
Channel: Lone Fox
Views: 662,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lone Fox Home, Drew Scott DIY, Imdrewscott DIY, DIY, Lone Fox, Lone Fox DIY, Drew Scott, kitchen, kitchen makeover, renter friendly kitchen makeover, apartment kitchen makeover, transformation, diy backsplash, peel and stick backsplash, diy wallpaper, kitchen transformation, rental kitchen, rental kitchen makeover on a budget, on a budget, easy, room makeover, interior design, lone fox makeover, cabinets, kitchen styling, wallpaper, renter friendly diy, cute, affordable
Id: AD2mtljCeTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 16sec (1456 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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