My New NYC Apartment Tour!! HUGE NYC LOFT

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it is moving day here in new york  city welcome to my brand new soho loft so today is the day i am finally moving into my  new new york city apartment this will be my last   rental in new york city and i couldn't have found  a more unique space in this video i'll be doing a   raw walkthrough of the new space and without any  ado welcome to my new new york city apartment   welcome to the apartment this is the entry kind of  four-year area and i'm trying to figure out what   to do with this space so i'm thinking putting  a bench along here so you come in you take   your shoes off we have the beautiful fluorescent  light which i'm going to probably change out just   to give it a warmer tone then off to the left  this is actually really cool oh what's up theo   this is the walk-in closet so if you come fully in  we'll shut the door just so you can get the full   experience sorry theo so there's a ton of storage  we have all the shelving and like i said this is   moving day so i'm still totally unpacking and i  figured why not make a raw moving vlog but yeah   we have all the shelving here then on this side  we actually have the closet for hanging coats   suits all that so there's a ton of storage and  also more shelving right here i'll probably put   my camera gear and then further back in this is  actually the laundry room so there's a setup for   a washer and dryer which i still have to get and  then on this far corner we have a ton of shelving   have all my tools here vacuum the fact that this  place has a laundry room and also a walk-in closet   that's typically a lot of storage for a new york  city apartment but this place has something that   i've really never seen this in an apartment in  the city we have to head out into the hallway   check this out i have a ton of keys we got the top  lock bottom lock and of course the storage room   lock so check this out this apartment has a  100 square foot storage unit which if you are   an artist i mean you can see the light in here  there's a full window in here you could make   this your studio i have my bike in here i have  some boxes eventually this will be filled up   with probably miscellaneous things and it's  actually funny i just put out a video on   my channel i did a collab with cash jordan  the rental agent and we toured an apartment   that was smaller than this storage room so  just for perspective this could be an apartment   in new york city this room right here so that's  pretty cool when i saw that this had this storage   room like another thing that was like checking the  box where do i sign back across the hallway and   we're back in the apartment and now for the big  reveal when i first saw this place and i walked in   here and i saw this this is 2 200 square feet of  prime industrial soho loft living 15 foot ceilings   tons of natural sunlight when i saw this i was  like okay like this is it this is home you know   when you walk into a place and you can instantly  feel that energy that's kind of indescribable if   you've ever purchased a home or even renting an  apartment when you know you know when i walked in   here i just knew i knew this was home and uh and  that's that this apartment actually has a proper   lofted living space so let's head up there first  off to the corner though i want to point this out   this is my super 73 this just came in the mail i  haven't even taken this out yet but i think it's   cool to even have a super 73 in the apartment but  let's head upstairs they painted this white and i   love how it's just this industrial metal staircase  welcome to the loft and you can see the ceilings   aren't quite high enough for me to have this be my  bedroom but i'm going to use it as like a lounge   guest bedroom so off in the corner here we have  the guest bed which theo sleeps on you have the   built-in lights you even have a ton of outlets  so this place was designed to be a bedroom   but like i said because the ceilings are pretty  low it's probably going to be a movie theater   area slash guest bedroom and even it gets lower  as you walk in so this is kind of interesting   this i'm going to probably turn to a reading look  so can you make it through i mean how cool is this   little corner there's even a window so you do get  a little light back here but i was thinking about   putting just some shag carpet some poofs and  just bookshelves and having to be like a cozy   like hangout area i don't know comment down  below what you think i should do with this space   i think you need a big bean bag like a love sack  yeah like a bunch like a like a lot i love old   buildings and when i saw this place um i mean i'll  talk more about what this was before but when i   saw this like i need to move in here it just has  so much history but let's head out come on dogs   also i want to introduce this is cooper this  is my buddy pat's dog cooper is a bernadoodle   theo's good friend he'll be giving the tour as  well you're a good boy aren't you the owners   of this apartment built in here watch out cooper  they built in this paneling so this can slide open   to let in the sunlight if you're having a party  you could give some kind of like a speech up here   i mean take a look this is how you can really see  the full perspective of this place and how large   it is it's pretty awesome but we'll shut this i do  like how they also have these on a track so they   can slide open let's head back down show you guys  the rest of the space so from the top of the loft   it's really that you can see the true perspective  that this was a factory and it now has its second   life as a dwelling as a living space and heading  down the stairs i want to point this out one of   the reasons why i fell in love with this space  was the natural light this is just bouncing off   a random window out there it's just casting this  awesome light stream here i mean the lighting in   this apartment is 10 out of 10. but heading down  the loft we have this pile of just i've put away   most of the things but this is just the uh yeah  this is the pile i've got to figure out what to   do with all this stuff i want to ask your opinion  about this area here so hear me out i was thinking   about either painting that wood white or black so  comment down below what you think or do i keep it   just as the wood and over here we have the kitchen  and this table is from an apartment i lived in   three years ago so this will actually be going  i'm planning on getting a massive 10 foot maybe   12 foot table which will go like right in this  area just because i feel like it's such an open   space you need a big table and then back to the  kitchen all new appliances which is pretty sweet   all stainless steel and it's really interesting  because in photos people are like you don't look   like you have enough kitchen space but look how  high these cabinets are and look how much space   there is for storage i don't own enough  kitchenware to actually fill all this up   so over time i'll be accumulating more and more  the kitchen also has a dishwasher which i've only   ever lived in one other apartment that had one  of these which was my last one then off to the   corner here brand new microwave more storage i  mean this right here just kind of have all the   supplements all theo supplements that's pretty  much the kitchen i'm still debating if i should   put some kind of an island here or a breakfast  bar just to really break up the space because   it is just so open concept the lighting in here  is actually very awesome i was kind of worried   that there wouldn't be enough lighting but if you  look up you have this stage lighting track with   this dramatic overhead lighting which i love it  really fits with the space it's super industrial   then we'll head off so this will be the dining  room dining room table right here and you can see   there's the perfect space here and here for two  massive pieces of art i love how you even have the   display lights to light up the art so if you are  an artist in the city comment down below if you'd   like to feature a piece in my apartment even just  to have in here for the tour i want to support   local artists because this building is a soho  artist building i've met my neighbors and there's   people who have lived in here for the past almost  40 years i actually met a girl down the hall she's   26 and she said she was born in this building and  then right in front of us here this is going to be   the living room kind of relaxation area i actually  have my couches from the last apartment these are   from cartiel i'm going gonna plan on getting a rug  of some sort here just to break up the space from   the hardwood floor i had a lot of furniture for  my last apartment that was in storage so i have   this awesome stage light this is staying this  place is a bit older so there isn't central air   and we have the four units which i think is  awesome rather than having the unit in the window   which could be a bit of an eyesore nice little  relaxation chair here this is called the womb   chair so i've had this tv from a partnership about  a year ago i worked with lg this is one of those   tvs where you hang it and it looks like a picture  frame so you can display whatever art you want   and i'll either mount that right directly in  from the couches or on this wall here kind of tbd   this place will look totally different in the next  few videos i'm actually doing some construction in   here which i'll talk about in a bit but from the  living room i want to talk about this this is a   15 foot concrete column and a little history about  this building this was actually a printing factory   so they had huge printing machines in here which  are super heavy so that's why there's this massive   industrial concrete column right in the middle  of the apartment and i love this thing i think   it's so cool just so you can see the bones of the  building like this is holding up the roof above us   but continuing on we have the bathroom off  to the corner here and the bathroom is a bit   tiny i'll head in here for some perspective  it's just the essentials sliding glass shower   new vanity why'd you even talk about this like is  there anything to talk about here just a bathroom   man it's a functional bathroom just to get the  job done so yeah leaving the bathroom if you've   been watching my channel for some time you'll  remember this this was in my apartment it was   three apartments ago so it was the 300 square foot  apartment this awesome industrial mirror this is   staying not right here i still got to figure all  that out but then this area here this is where i'm   actually going to be building a wall so from this  point here directly across the whole apartment   to right about here i'm going to make a  wall so this wall is going to be half glass   with black factory windows and then right here  there's going to be a sliding glass barn door   like i was saying the loft up there i don't want  to wake up and smack my head so i'm going to have   a proper bedroom here we have the kind of dirty  king-size mattress took a beating on the move this   mattress will be most likely right here and i'm  going to keep it really minimal i don't want to   have a ton of furniture just the essentials but  i haven't had a bedroom like an actual bedroom   in a long time because even the last apartment  it just had that little lofted area so this will   be a very decent sized bedroom again we have  another one of those awesome concrete columns   right in the bedroom over here another ac unit and  then we have my good old desk again from that 300   square foot studio apartment brought it into this  place i love this desk it's actually from west elm   the chair is from cartiel and this will be my  office area and i'm kind of debating if i want   to make almost an l-shaped desk here just so i can  have another monitor and really have this be my   edit station so comment down below what you think  the windows the windows are the reason why i got   this apartment aside from you know the industrial  feeling the loft the columns we have these four   gigantic i believe they're eight and a half feet  there's sunlight all day there's natural light   that just comes into the entire space throughout  the day and i mentioned there's a wall going up so   with those glass factory windows you'll still  be able to see into the bedroom and i plan on   putting a curtain rod or something just so you  know when i need privacy i can have it but i   really want this light to continue just filling  up the space so the factory windows are really   the way to do that i love the fact that this place  has character it has the high 15 foot ceilings it   has all those theatrical stage lights throughout  the place i mean i'm stoked on this place i'm just   gonna walk and get a perspective shot of just  like this place is it's huge and it was such a   rare find because i'm still in soho i feel like if  you're living in soho the only real reason to live   down here or tribeca is to live in a loft building  like this so there you have it here is just a raw   first look at my brand new apartment comment down  below especially if you are into decor interior   design i am open to suggestion on just how to  stage this place and really to place the furniture   just because it is a large open room so comment  down below i hope you're well watching this   video and with that i'll see you in the next  video where i'll be documenting the renovation   the construction of the wall to make this place a  proper one-bedroom i'll see you in the next video oh
Channel: Erik Conover
Views: 930,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: my new nyc apartment tour, new nyc apartment, nyc apartment tour, nyc moving vlog, new nyc apartment tour, new york city apartment, nyc, apartment tour, new york city, erik conover, erik conover nyc apartment, luxury apartment tour, new york apartment tour, nyc moving vlog our new apartment, our new nyc apartment tour, soho loft, architectural digest, nyc penthouses tour, new apartment, house tour, home tour, luxury nyc apartment tour, new home tour, new apartment tour
Id: kF9UvM5a_zY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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