Inside Erik Conover’s $3,750,000 SoHo Loft | NYC APARTMENT TOUR

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it's a fully renovated historic soho loft with  high ceilings and it really captures that true   spirit and the essence of old new york we actually  just moved into the apartment and we have yet to   furnish it so comment down below if you want  to see a full video when the apartment is fully   decorated and with that let's get into the tour  welcome to the apartments this is the entryway   you come into the apartment through this elevator  so the elevator drops right in to this landing and   there's so many reasons why we chose this specific  apartment and i'm gonna go through every single   detail because it's such a thought-out space  even right here when you walk in this right here   shoes off apartment i love there's this closet  when you first walk in and every single door in   this apartment is handleless so this is just  push to open here is the coat closet when you   first walk in another thing that we really loved  about this place was how high the ceilings are   these are nine foot ceilings in the entryway  so this is where we have all of our coats   some of my suits you know the essentials then  the apartment flows down this gallery hallway   it's a very deceiving apartment as you'll see  right off of the gallery we have this huge window   and a wild hanna coleman sitting here we have  another bench and there's additional storage   that's another thing in this place the first time  we saw we're like where's all the storage it is so   thoughtfully designed right here these drawers  open up this is the extra bedding for the guest   room which is right over here and this guest room  as you can see now is serving as the home office   and this is actually a murphy bed this  sucker folds down to a queen sized bed   so this is where i get the majority of my work  done when i'm home and then if we have guests   over it's a bedroom in case you have a guest  and you want some privacy these are all handmade   walls which close off this entire space so if you  want some privacy you have your guests over these   pocketed from the wall sliding on the ceiling then  the entire office or guest bedroom can be sealed   off from the rest of the apartment tons of privacy  that was a major thing that we were looking for   when we found this space is to have a open  concept apartment but then it had the option to   separate it off if you really wanted it talking  about storage space there's closets pretty much   everywhere and i also love how high the closet  space is like we actually needed a ladder to get   to this especially in new york city everything is  up so the fact that we have that vertical storage   is pretty cool from the office slash guest  bedroom the apartment then turns the corner here   and this is also pretty unique  this is the original door   from when this loft was a factory and they  left it as is and this bad boy opens up to the   stairwell don't look at that we have some of our  garbage and dog food there but that's the original   stairwell in this loft a lot of history in this  building right next to the door we have kind of   the control system of the apartment this is the  virtual doorman here we have the heating and air   conditioning and then also here we have all the  lighting control we've been in the apartment for   three days and to be honest with you i'm still  trying to figure out all of this i've never lived   in a place that has controls like this normally  the kind of places i live in is switch on the wall   to turn on the lights i mentioned that this is a  very deceiving apartment from the hallway the home   opens up to the 2 000 square feet of open concept  soho loft living and we land right in the kitchen   passing into the kitchen we have this half  arch and because this is such an old building   it's been entirely renovated so even the  heating pipes are hidden behind this wall here   it's funny because i feel like i'm giving a  tour of one of my listings rather than my home   i've never lived in a place this big i'm  talking my entire life from the time i was born   till now this is the largest space i've ever lived  in it's still pretty surreal but we're going to   start touring the kitchen with the details and  here we have the outlets which are all hidden   behind the lip of the countertop and there's  a two purse so there's 12 outlets hannah loves   to cook she can be in here with her vitamix the  toaster the griddle all at the same time because   there's more than enough space on this countertop  to be just whipping up all those delicious meals   that was a big reason why we chose this place  was because of all the kitchen countertop for   real estate for cooking this is pretty cool if  you hit all and then you hit down the shades are   built in behind this wall and they're motorized so  you can choose if you want to have all the shades   go down at the same time if you want some privacy  and that's it oh no oh it's gonna hit the flowers you can take the flowers then we mean what  the hell i'm trying to give a tour of our   apartment here you're not helping at all  go to mommy go to mommy go to mama here   yeah he's showing that he loves you you're too  big for her now come on ceo is almost 90 pounds   now come on help me give the tour you're  not helping at all so let's try that one   more time we're going to select all send them  up no flowers to hit no anything in the way   just with the click of a button let there be light  you know since we're looking up if you look at the   very top of the ceiling you notice that black  strip that is actually the air conditioning   even something like the air conditioning built in  so seamlessly into the ceiling of this apartment   another reason why hannah and i chose this  apartment was because of how unique this kitchen   is i've never seen a kitchen anywhere not in any  architectural digest nowhere on pinterest anywhere   a kitchen that is so minimal you've probably  noticed there's really nothing that you can see   with your eye when you first walk in here other  than this massive island in the center this is   calcutta lincoln marble on the top of the island  and everything is built in to this main island   normally in a kitchen you have a standing  refrigerator this is the freezer in our kitchen   and here is the refrigerator i've never seen  drawers for a fridge and a freezer we thought this   was so cool the fact that it's just so different  from the norm especially in our family it's been   pretty controversial our parents are like where  is your refrigerator where's the freezer and   we're like mom dad it's right here it's built in  and even the burners are built into the marble   themselves which is i mean to cook on a countertop  that has the burners built into the marble   i've never seen anything like this and again we  have that tony stark technology the vent rises   from the island the classic tony stark technology  in our own apartment it's pretty sweet i've never   had a dishwasher in an apartment in new york city  so having a dishwasher i mean to not hand wash   dishes along with the dishwasher we also have this  huge deep set sink another thing this building has   is water purification built into the building  itself so you can drink this right from the tap   and then also over here this is something that  i've only ever seen in places that i've toured   for my channel we have the wine chiller we  don't drink but we use it for water chilling   and we actually went and got some of these glass  bottles you know you only see these typically   at restaurants in the city just so we feel like  we're at a restaurant every time we have dinner   right into the water chiller that's something i  never thought i'd have in an apartment in the city   onto this shelf this is really how you can tell  for some perspective of how large the ceilings   are in here these are 13 foot ceilings i'm just  like six three and some change and i fit under   this shelf and this shelf came with the apartment  i love this this is very industrial it's a metal   shelf hannah has her cookbooks up here if you  remember from our last apartment good old droop   has gotten massive over the summer but i also love  how now it kind of breaks up the brick having some   nice green and some life in the apartment then on  this side of the island we have the four breakfast   stools i have my morning coffee here get some  work done then also on the far end of the island   we have the pantry which is also built in to the  island these drawers pull out again i've never   seen a pantry that is built in to an island  it's really interesting because when we first   toured this apartment we kind of were asking  ourselves where's the storage and after moving   in and being in here we've realized that this is  pretty much the the average storage that someone   would have in their kitchen but it's so minimally  designed and so sleek and just the fact the space   is so large it doesn't look like there would  be enough storage but there's plenty of storage   from the kitchen one of the other things you first  notice when you walk in here is this this is a 13   foot tall steel and glass door which leads into  the bathroom and this is so unique for a loft   normally involves people tend to level off the  bathrooms meaning they'll build space above for   a living and kind of the bathroom's a second  thought it's an afterthought here the bathroom   is i mean take a look at this this looks like a  luxury hotel bathroom the people who renovated   this place put so much thought into every inch you  can see even the wall of the bathroom curves like   a wave so they can make room for the soaking tub  this is a five fixture bathroom the proportions   in this place you can even just see like i'm a  pretty tall guy look how large this vanity mirror   is it slides open and even like i was saying the  storage goes vertical in here like i can't even   reach the top shelf it's also cool how it is very  modern and sleek but yet they painted this red   this is the water main for the apartment which  you can see follows up on the ceiling here   which leads to the shower and this is a uh this is  a rare one for me normally i have to duck when i   go into a shower this is a 13 foot high waterfall  shower the first time i took a shower in here it   felt like i was actually outside in a thunderstorm  and this is pretty cool here i mentioned that the   storage is kind of hidden throughout when we  first saw the place we didn't even know that   this was a closet but this opens up and here is  all the bathroom storage towels vitamins all those   things and again that top shelf we have to get a  stool to reach up to that this bathroom also has   porcelain tiles with heated floors bathrooms  like this i've only ever seen in hotels or   places i've toured but to have this in our  home it's i still don't have words for this   leaving the bathroom we're gonna head back out  into the kitchen segment of the loft and real   quick i want to talk about the exposed brick this  is another one of those features where if you've   seen tours on my channel i'm always talking about  exposed brick it's classic new york city this is   the original brick from the loft it's one of those  places where you wake up every single morning and   you just you feel it you feel that new york energy  just from something like a brick wall another cool   thing which you'll see a bit later in the video  at night is this brick gets so well lit up because   there is a rail light that runs the entire length  of this great room and at night you can really see   all the details come out in this brick work and  this really is a dream apartment this is something   i've always wanted in a house to have a brick  wall like this when we saw this place on the first   showing it was kind of an instant this is the  spot and the brick wall was a major part of that the wall outside the bathroom you can see has  this nice wave curve that was done to fit the   tub in there and it's very rare that they did this  normally in lofts people just make them very boxy   and the fact that the designers of this made this  nice wave really breaks up the space because it is   one giant space and we have yet to really figure  out what we're gonna put as far as staging and   furniture comment down below what you think  we should put here we're definitely open to   input for the furniture of this place because it's  so much space and it's so open continuing down the   loft we have this awesome dining room table this  is one giant plank of wood it seats eight people   and this was left here when we got the apartment  this is the only piece of furniture that we have   in here and this is staying i mean this is so  classic to have a massive dining room table   very cool heading down the space from the  dining room this is going to be the living   room and this is such a bright space we have  these huge foot windows letting in all this   light that's another reason why we got this place  was just for the natural light it is so well lit   we thought this was also very elegant this  is white oak which is being used to cover   the radiator and also the floors are white oak as  well and white oak is something when hannah and   i talk about our dream home white oak is on the  floor every piece of this apartment we felt was   move-in ready there wasn't anything that we really  wanted to change and even another cool feature   that we actually discovered is right in here this  is a drawer which pulls out we have the remote   which has a tv built in hidden into this fixture  here along the wall this is crazy this is so cool   it's super important to both of us that the tv  isn't just right there on the wall and again this   was a feature that we didn't even see the first  time we toured this place when we were looking   to get the apartment we just discovered this if  you know us we're projector people i haven't owned   a tv in probably seven years but now we have a tv  built in that hides away another cool feature here   in what's the living room are these handcrafted  white oak bookshelves these things are huge and   then this ladder here this was handmade in germany  and this is the extent of our book collection we   have a few more books in storage but that's a  goal of ours is to eventually one day fill this   entirely with a book collection up these stairs  here we have the loft which was designed out   so uniquely every detail was thawed out even  in the stairwell you have recessed the lights   so late at night if you're going to the bathroom  you're not going to trip and fall but up to the   top of the loft this is technically the bedroom  and we're still waiting on our mattress we have   the queen mattress right now even in the bedroom  there are so many details we have the little nooks   on the side for your water your books the wave  theme goes throughout the entire apartment i   love how they didn't just wall this off they left  it open to look down below and then also you have   this built-in led strip which it looks pretty cool  in the daytime but wait till you see this at night   and then as far as closet space again we have  more built-in custom closets this is the first one   this is just where you know t-shirts underwear  shorts things like that and again the closet   was built to kind of mimic that wave throughout  the whole apartment and then this is the walk-in   closet still a bit messy just high enough where  i can barely fit in here without hitting my head   even the fact that this is a loft and there's  a walk-in closet it's pretty unique you'll also   notice that this is open down below which i'll  show you more in a second heading down the loft   there's still a bit more to show and i mentioned  that the walk-in closet was open down below this   is a giant plank of wood which serves as a  door which opens up to see the closet above   but also the laundry room and i actually  have to duck a bit to go in here   comes with the territory of loft living but this  is the laundry room we have full washer and dryer   in here which if you do live in the city having  washers and dryers in your apartment in itself   is a luxury and then this is theo's room i'm  just kidding this is storage this is where we   have off our boxes still moving in pretty  messy but in time that'll be where i keep   my bike my surfboard basically all the toys to  go have fun when we do leave the city that starts   this storage gym equipment in here yoga mats  things like that there were no corners cut when   they did the renovation here and that's something  we saw instantly when we looked at this place we   actually came back three times before signing on  the dotted line just to really inspect everything   because there are so many details and i've only  mentioned a few theo was one of the main reasons   why we opted to get such a big place it is 2  000 square feet so theo was definitely a big   part of that decision just so we could have room  to to play around and also the fact that hannah   and i have always dreamed about living in a loft  and life is too short we had the opportunity so   here we are but also this place looks pretty  cool at night so i'm gonna go walk theo   we're gonna get some food and we'll come back when  the sun sets let's go come on come on let's go i hope you enjoyed the video if you  did make sure to give it a thumbs up   and make sure to subscribe because we're going to  be documenting the entire process of furnishing   this apartment there are tons of videos on the  way both on my channel and my second channel so   make sure to subscribe i hope everyone's well  and with that i will see you in the next video
Channel: Erik Conover
Views: 1,325,714
Rating: 4.9008646 out of 5
Keywords: NYC Apartment Tour, nyc apartment tour luxury, nyc apartment tour manhattan, erik conover apartment tour, nyc apartment tour, new york apartment tour, New York City apartment tour, apartment tour, new apartment tour, New York City, luxury apartment tour, luxury apartment nyc, new york real estate, luxury apartment nyc tour, nyc mansion tour, home tour, house tour, nyc penthouse tour, nyc, Erik Conover, new house tour, new home tour, new apartment, apartment, penthouse, tour
Id: 5ZddIBC0Jjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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