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I'm about to show you is complete and utter destruction good morning guys welcome back to another episode of daily driven exotics Dave and I are just checking out of our hotel this is the last day we are in Los Angeles but we having a very epic day ahead of us so we are about to bounce out in NoHo and we got to pack up all our stuff check out we got some coffees copies of copies of copies well I got in my car and sure enough what do I got [Music] I have a little tire do I have a low tire [Music] of a flat tire just on the bottom [Music] and we're supposed to go do all this stuff right now okay let's go in to fix this mode I know we think who think now let's think okay I'll be back in a minute [Music] already we have arrived back out of the zone and I know something really funny no oil changes or curve is permitted in the parking lot if there's a sign you know that's happened many many many times okay so we need a little compressor and probably a can of stuff you spray a tire that temporary of seals it I never had at work but at this point I'll try anything especially because it's not my car found some compressors now they didn't I dear friend Damon so I should probably Don the best one perfect right where I left them Oh hold on did he get a coffee with help me we have a pact we always have coffee together something so bad all right I have a solution oh yeah it's not gonna like it use it that's never gonna put air in my time with you oh thank you you're it some people can dish it and they can't take it that's him not taking it as me keeping this in my car for effort that's why now you're keeping the goddamn poem seriously was it Oh got a hole there and had an ear in it last night putting air in it look we started at 0.2 [Music] no balls no bubbles I think in this is so bizarre grow someone let the air out of my tire now on a completely separate no we had no intentions of obviously showing up at Ajax and wasting Mitch's time with a tire issue but since we're here I made a phone call to the owner of this car and well he's on his way over he's a friend of ours and I'm just so grateful that he's first of all okay because what I'm about to show you is complete and utter destruction of one of the most beautiful cleanest supercars that we've had the privilege of driving on this channel and it was a straight piped Murcielago and look at this what are your thoughts all night it's insane it's awful that is what is left of the straight piped black Murcielago you guys [Music] as you can see the interior here is intact airbags all deployed just complete carnage you guys look at this glass parts the back is completely destroyed ripped all of the control arm and the wheels and every time I mean everything is just toast so you can see here's one of the here's one of the wheels sitting right here crazy now I'm not even going to get into what happened we're gonna Brian come and basically tell us you know when this type of thing happens people see this car and I think people just make assumptions that like he was traveling at some high rate of speed or something like that and you lost control when in this case that's not what happened at all is that the rear this is what's left of a rear holy I broke it straight off of oh this is the hub carrier holds on and just literally just broke it right off of the suspension geez I'm just super grateful there anymore yeah Bogey's baby it's not the whole freaking break still in there so Brian's gonna come down he's gonna let us know what happened I'll just show you a little bit more around the mercy what's left of it now I didn't know that all of these panels are carbon fiber on a mercy did you know I had no idea this is fiberglass the bumper but this is carbon this is from a stock it's all called a stock car everything is carbon with the exception of the doors and the Wow it's a minor trim so like books all of this yeah I had no idea that Mercy's are all carbon fiber check this thing out so you're an LPA all that stuff is this car do you know an OE lp640 yep and obviously quite safe three cars hit this car and when I say hit this car like that's what happened three cars hit this like nothing not even a hint what the heck looks real good tire dr. Michos what's the final diagnosis on the tire someone let the air out of it it appears that way Oh got you did you really course not holy he was like this arrow hurts me all day Randy Savage sent us a box is dde on it whoo what are we got oh boy Oh format Oh too beautiful for the internet to see really orange dd perk on floor mats those are safe those are beautiful thank you again Randy he was showing us on the rally but somehow they lost one of the Huracan ones they had it not in another vehicle oh wait wait what there's no more no that's it that's all there is there's these ones right man you got them for the all right now these are legit Randy had him in all of his vehicles and they were really nice when you have your feet on them we sold these at shop didi calm people want the ddu wrapping do you think so Oh Oh sick damn how does it come up for Randy for sure good job Randy dve floor mats bro that is sick I got put this on the side uh-huh more confetti it's everywhere bro I mean seriously look dude look at how much confetti I just found I don't even know where it comes from because I already clean this all out it lives in there blow those slowly does it I guarantee it it's brutal I'll keep that first heyday your first but you know if you're never getting Kate those are really nice Thank You Randy you say thank you Dan thanks Randy let's put them in your we have another we have another casualty here remember Edmunds Jeep that was covered in mud I'm thinking it's not supposed to look like that it's been a rough week here with your clients and all of it all the crew discussed skull on the rad that's not so you take the arrow to that what 40 inch tire it really tips this thing doesn't it we're staring at the back of your head how's that going Wow what broski fancy Randy Savage really stepped it up for you thanks dude now we got to get rid of those ugly seats alright guys my board Brian showed up hey hey first of all I'm glad that you're in one piece although I don't think there's much that would like tear this apart look at this dude you had some blood you were saying right here yeah hey my back my lower back is hurting but other own good you're alive yeah I'm alive it sucks about the car oh yeah baby this sad man it was a masterpiece for sure yeah we were just saying before you got here like it's one of the cleanest mercies you let us take it on the channel that time [Music] this cars amazing dude like it's mental it sounds so incredible to hear that b12 whine behind your head dude it is it's art he mailed it with uh with the stamps and everything truth is is you get another car can't get another Brian oh so I think it's important we had you come down because I think it's important that people get the record straight when you're driving a car like this it's easy to just get blamed right off the bat oh he was you know killing it down though whatever the funny thing is is we know you you're really chill for a guy who drives cars like this you just kind of like how'd we end up in this situation because there were four cars including yours for cars and bolts right right oh say this is Rosco and I'm traveling east and this is Balboa so we passed the light on a Hyundai Genesis fixed up exhaust and I said that was in front of me already so I'm taking myself all here we go cuz when guys have cars like get around exotic cars they want to speed up or have their engines try to act like that racing just to get their attention and I'm thinking to myself let me get around this dude before he does something crazy so I moved around and as I was going around he sped up okay and he came into my lane and I saw him out of my peripheral coming towards me oh my why is he getting so close so I sped up a little bit to get away and he clipped my back bumper spun me out here there was a car here so I hit this knocked off the wheel and then an oncoming truck hit me right here and then I spun out again and landed up on the curb across the street across the street mark he sent me this photo and that's the photo you guys see right now where the car sitting up on the curb destroyed I did walk away and the guy was nowhere to be found he had parked down the street got out his car and I had to walk across street to go find them I didn't find him till a little bit later on and I asked him like what were you thinking why did you even do that and me all he all he said was what year is your car oh oh and I said why the hell would you even ask me that how long have you had this car what's the history of you in this car almost three years and course it was one of the you know dreaming cars on the list to get yeah you know work very hard from not having any gas in the car living with your mom and Inger to you know changing people's lives for a living and then getting you know a goal checked off list and when I drive his car I'm very very cautious I'm alert because I said people do crazy stuff all the time you know driving these cars but I can test to that you're a legit driver and like it for someone who owns this car you're in a lot of ways the opposite of me yeah you're really chill very composed calm just driving it you know but you know we have just to the best you got to watch out for everybody else he'll get another car you guys mark my words again thanks for coming down letting us know what happened you know what the Internet's like it's crazy there were people there assumptions are made people were saying this is your girl's car she lent it to you dude I'm just glad you're okay yeah thanks for coming down and in the meantime no no we gotta get another car yeah alright mercy oh one final time sucks man really sucks dude like my heart goes out to Brian was perfect it's so sick I mean the fact that I wasn't just a first-gen mercy lp640 moment of silence sir hey thank you for checking my wheel anytime my pleasure you didn't take the air out of it did you i form something much more dialogue i know you would i know you would make sure that the wheel or the tire i should say is still okay so let's go tire pressure monitoring yeah it's good that is so bizarre under green amazing that's good its healthy it's exactly what I need [Music] bro you have a week to get a full wide body kit oh oh XCOM tires my favorite tires in the whole world seriously not even joking not even because they you know let me use the tires because the reality is is they really are the best tire these are just some of the tires these aren't all of them not even close what's that oh really [Music] [Music] the big boys over by r8y tires player until next time be good Alex [Music] do not touch our cars don't even think about out like six cans left do not look this on the event note do not even completely awesome no you can't touch okay till the next time later don't touch our cars yet I just gave him a handshake that's a front hey stay out of trouble makes them fun videos I hope you get your BMW done in time [Music] another play try that's a coffee I guess we're gonna take a shuttle hey so what's next bro new car yeah so we can't tell them can we we got to find out when the paperwork settles on that one sign of paperwork will tell you guys all right well [Music] we're back we're back in it's cold it is very cold look at the - you guys we had ice all over the car rolling out what what's with the - 36 degrees well it's so bold well bro another epic adventure we got lots on the way you guys I'm really excited to be able to reveal to these guys what we have coming yes we got some new cars we've been looking at we're trying to get how did they say that waiting for that ink to dry or and you notice he said cars uh yeah more than one we're gonna get day we're gonna we're gonna get Dave what he's always wanted a v6 we're going we're going for you guys a lot of things no he wants to complain about not having a v10 we'll just downgrade him so he appreciates the VA but when you guys want to see it's true we do want to do like some some JDM stuff even some classics like we were thinking I was thinking just so I'll throw it out there an R 34 which we've already hinted at first gen and a sex like that I think that's a cool car to like play with I mean can get them relatively cheap if nobody wants to watch the same thing over and over and over we're actually not you know not me my a dd-did won't won't work this is when they're not close I can feel a breeze it's cold so you guys smash the subscribe button join the daily German exotics family go to shop DT calm we have hoodies we got some brand new beautiful videos we go all the way from youth although I pull out three XL now so you want to wrap the brand we would love that and we will see you guys in the next video see you guys okay [Music]
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 2,859,242
Rating: 4.797689 out of 5
Keywords: Lamborghini crash, Supercar accident, Destroyed Lamborghini, Daily Driven Exotics, Lamborghini, Supercharged Lamborghini, Exotic Rental Car, Rental Car, Lamborghini Huracan, VF Engineering, Drifting, Burnouts, Supercar, Tire Change, F1, F1 Sounding Exhaust, Porsche, McLaren, Bugatti, Pagani, Koenigsegg, Ferrari, Audi R8, Mercedes Benz, Amg
Id: kJT-XuPtO38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 23 2018
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