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[Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] this is a swanky little place what's up guys Damon from daily driven exotics and welcome back to yet another episode so I just got the computer all set up you're probably wondering where I am I mean some of you probably know where I am the airport lights kind of give it away if you don't know I'm not gonna ruin the surprise for you okay I'm gonna ruin the surprise for you I'm in Los Angeles yet again I flew all the way down because I want to do a reveal of the brand new skull by Brixton it's a brand new line of wheels they just came out with which are the new wheels on my car while going on my car but they are completed we're gonna go to the facility tomorrow and reveal once and for all the new wheels the new color the new design and everything but in the meantime since I got in I got in a little late who else am I gonna go and meet up with who have I not had in any of my videos for quite some time none other than Alex joy and Alex has completely redone his Horicon as well new wrap new wheels he's got all sorts of funky lights going on it's like Tokyo Drift or something so apparently they're downstairs so let's go see this car [Music] what the hell where are we Oh from the hotel elevator - Alex choice house Alex been a while my friend it's been a while how you been so so your car's a little different we got like freakin Tokyo Drift going on over here Wow how's that for a reveal you're a little late on the reveal on interview no I mean I wrote a listen I revealed it on my instant when you said I could I just oh yeah I didn't have the video footage but like look at this thing man it's epileptic okay okay okay so you got all sorts of lights you can actually choose so this app is really cool you can control all the lights oh that's wild and you got all the different modes of strobing and you've got a new rap and you've got new wheels from Brixton and these have like a mild not super hardcore but a mild glow to them right the wheels yellow blower I saw this looks much better it actually does legit look super clean this way it takes the forged carbon from that kind of dull look to obviously a high-gloss look dude I love what you did to the car I mean obviously I saw it being built but you guys haven't seen it being built and this is a piece that I didn't see because he got this put on actually after I left and it was later revealed at the beginning of a rally you did so literally like this exhaust was literally put on while the tow truck driver who was gonna take my car to the beginning start line at the rally was waiting for the exhaust guy to put this exhaust on yeah I mean this is incredible so it's similar in the sense that it's the two the two pipes coming off but you have now like these insane welds high cuts yeah pipettes and they're all titanium and each of those PI's are like $10 G's so count up count how many pies they're like it looks like a lot of pause but I mean dude congrats on the car bill that's insane guys drop a comment below tell us what you think about all the mods that he's done and we'll just quickly walk through them you know my favorite mod is yeah what is your favorite oh you got a mini me bro you got a mini me a mini me oh my gosh now icing on the cake hold these up so these are legit Easy's that you had a friend of yours so these were cream easy sort of all white easiest I kind of gave to one of my friends and he painted this that is making like so legit I mean come on you guys alex has matching Yeezys to the car like a bananas on the back bananas on the bananas or it's bananas all up in Alex's car and these are bananas all across the huge wing from sadistic yes so how did he get Andre for making these yeah I saw that Andre made him yeah I mean oh he did that what a talented guy it's like custom shoes and Andre you're gonna make some shoes for me I got some easy butters on their way this this was all done we'll take a tooth thinking so imagine just staying sitting here tooth picking every single fiber no thanks I got better things to do with my Andre Andre Andre I hope you charged Alex like $5,000 let's count the mods that Alex has changed with the Huracan one painted blower number two gloss what would you call that resin is it clear just clear coat clear coated forged carbon engine bay panels number three would be the rap looks stunning so this is what is this design yeah bait made this design for like little kids in like 2007 when they first came out and these they made these this pattern and sweaters and they were going for like not know like literally really cheap and this sweater with this design on it literally cost three times as much as how much it would cost to wrap this car wow that's not so sweaters more sensitive so that was number three does mod the fourth mod since we're already back here is of course the exhaust I would say the fifth mod is the under glow whole LED freakin design thing you got going on it's like full-on Tokyo Drift some people don't like it I think it's awesome I think that whole we're already you know so over the top with our Lambos I mean this is like this is just it's adding it's adding to that quality and the value I think it's super sick number six is your brand new wheels now these do glow in the dark a little don't they can we make them glow so we can see my camera yeah you need it really because it's it's minimal the amount of range it only actually works when I'm like right it's when it's bright outside and I Drive through a tunnel then you can actually see it because it's bright and it's dark all the sudden glow in the dark paint like it takes it takes like light energy for it's like charged up and then it'll glow a little bit Cartier believed in this car so much that with his own money he ripped off my mirrors took it to a body shop and painted them black because wrapped mirrors look like and they peel on the edges and like he it's really hard to wrap so he painted the mirrors for me that's pretty legitimate and you should do it too because black mirrors look cool on every other color black mirrors I don't know if I'm counting that as number 7 mod but I'm definitely counting the NuForce diner Novara front bumper that you added to your to your whole kit by the way I already destroyed it driving across it no nowhere near as you but why what's wrong my bumper have you seen my bumper after my rallies my mind's half off I don't want anybody's reveal videos I'm too busy making my own videos I've watched it did you see my little plug I did I did I saw your plot no offense Damon yeah it was good thank you so all of those was seven mods makes up to this now there's a few little ones like you have some other lights in here keish oh those quickly yeah your hazard lights kind of like get out of my way or something's wrong with my car cuz I just did a rally and something broke didn't you break something on the rally heard like a not a driveshaft what is it a an axle broken axle that sounds serious how did you get that fixed in this wheel oh yeah I was doing donuts in st. Louis and the CV joint on the wheel side broke because the wheel was extended all the way I mean this joint was extended all the way and you're not really supposed to this I mean you're not really supposed to do donuts with this car you're really not that's why I bought a two-wheel drive axle broke and the really surprising thing for me yeah is that the accident the broken axle did make a horrible noise but I did enjoy driving it because it was real joy it made it completely rear-wheel drive I was sitting there doing burnouts and like drifts with like my front literally my car sounded like goes about a fall apart it was that bad but it was brutal Jeff and I was kind of having fun like normally when my accent when an axle breaks it you're awful real stop working but yeah it was just rude well Jeff so which is crazy rear-wheel drive maybe 582 is in Alex's future and when I was driving through Texas which was right after st. Louis which is where I broke it I went to the Lamborghini dealership Lamborghini Houston I'm a Lamborghini Dallas there and they didn't have this port laying around because to get a front axle apparently you have to write a whole claim to Lamborghini it's like an insurance claim and it takes like three weeks to come to even yeah and geez when you're on a rally and you spend tens of thousands of dollars on the rally like you really don't want to give up all that money so yeah you don't want to be stranded you don't your cardstock and also the owner of that dealership happened to be his friend happened to be on the rally so his friend was like you know this guy is on this rally and we really need to help him out so what they did is they took one of their showroom horror icons and the axle off of that car and put it in my car all within like two hours they had like 10 texts working around this car that's sick yeah well hey then we obviously got to give a huge shout out Lamborghini Dallas Texas so on the rally when I was driving like 80 miles an hour on the freeway I wanted the 55 I wanted to throw a smoke grenade up like hold the smoke and Jordan see what's going on and as I was throwing the smoke grenade out the window it exploded in my hand the burn on my hands loosely the whole area burns no I mean see it's it's gone now we made proof you can't just make my flames entire inside of the car was filled with yellow smoke and that's by the way is toxic it's like sulfur yeah it's sulfur Nick over you literally like you Louie can't breathe I couldn't breathe I was blinded I couldn't see and I couldn't make your eyes stings my Iowa stinging and I didn't have a passenger so what's is that this oh okay so I was driving 70 on the freeway I was blinded I slammed on my brakes like four people almost rear-ended me I was just came to a complete stop on the freeway the freight was shut down because I was blocking it and I came out of the car crying and then I rubbed my eyes a little bit and then I saw that this was on fire so this oh it doesn't look good look down inside the door you guys holy oh my gosh it's all the way down in there it was really bad you have to pull that door panel off and have market in there actually no Marco he says you'll go there say you have something wrong your car but then you'll use all his tools for free and you'll fix this right pretty much that's what he says dinner that's [ __ ] sick all in bro this thing is absolutely all right off to dinner in style Alex so that's what I thought you could top the Lambo game anymore you just God and redeem yourself bro it feels good to be back in LA I'm not gonna lie though as cool as these lights and gadgets are they are a bit of animal brushing for the passenger because that's when you're looking through the windshield I love the wine the light sounds really nice the only time I like it when anything wines in my life well guys this neighborhood look familiar to you maybe right here that's where I got pulled over we are in Beverly Hills yes Beverly Hills the neighborhood that just loves [Music] [Music] [Music] nailed that parking job sir well done well done let's see if we can get some food just starving hands down one of my and our favorite restaurants right here it'll pass CEO I'll get it I'll get it right we're rolling around everyone's staring at us and I completely forgot we're in a pink Lamborghini [Music] this is jaywalking explain to the people like what this place is like it's El Paseo it's recognition people serving us that's how good the service is you know it's amazing the food is amazing yep this one pasta here was made with like highest quality black truffles they mix it in a cheese bowl it's the best thing you can have it's like a hundred dollars oh yeah thank you sir thank you that your truffle pasta is the infamous truffle pasta what that costs a hundred dollars which is worth every cent it's amazing something I'd normally get but I got steak thanks a lot guys everybody's gonna come here for dinner amazing food oh I feel so good feels so good so full now these guys are telling me that in the last little while there's these scooters that are essentially like you can rent them they're all over the street they're called lime and birds it's like uber and lyft limes and Birds limes and birds so they're gonna be like they're all they're literally littered all over Los Angeles you take your phone you scanned a little code on it and ona walks yeah I just got just got the the app let's get the lime app I don't know apparently I'm promoting some app I don't even know what's going on but they said it's fun so we're gonna go and explore along with whatever other shenanigans we can get in tonight down pipe on the CLS you know can we hear it downpipe sounds mean bro they jump they jump good again do it again do it oh yeah freak right out so we're going lime picking and bird hunting right how to get pulled over 101 okay we're doing this just hammer he's just messing with you oh that was so mean this is only where that was so mean Alex we're apparently looking for the lime set it yeah that chirping noise yeah because you can ring let's just wake them up all night Oh wild oh my god we're like outside this guy's house so creepy I wouldn't want to put one of these in my house and have Alex try show up at and mill the night guys we found some limes all right so hold on you have this app you put some money down he's add your credit card add like 10 bucks so how much is it's a ride 1 $1 to start it 10 cents a minute all you do is scan to write it ok show me how this works scan scan the QR code right here and then you're good unlocking and I can do this while writing it with a camera he said it depends how good you are if you're Tanner Fox then yeah I'm Damon fryer that's all you need to know all right um wish me luck I hope I don't die so I got to ride this thing one-handed how long I'll get it going I'm riding all I'm holy I can see how this is sketchy with the one hand thing because it is pretty sketch and while we're on a road Paulie doesn't make it any safer this is crazy yeah I'm riding a lime guys my freaking lime hey guys full sketch you can drift the lime seeking drift limes and we're back Alex was saying that you can like drift these things or something because they have a back break you did like a 180 that's amazing okay where are we going alright I don't know it's kind of sketchy get up here yeah Brandon this is sketchy as hell bro with one hand sketchy Alex these things are fun though roll win so this is gonna be the new thing everybody's on these things here in LA it's gonna be like all over the world everyone's gonna have these things I can feel it I can sense it I need to put the camera away before I crown [Music] so these are the secret alleys to rodeo all right punch it Oh okay almost bailed one-handed [Music] we are the SCOOTER kings of rodeo in the middle of the night d stop for red lights oh my god I almost crashed that's amazing a lime burnout oh my god that was a full he rammed the chair and then I couldn't slow down because I was filming on one hand I rammed it in the back of the back of his line here jeez you okay Alex dude we smashed that chair I got almost leading up to it [Music] what what just happened my camera dude my camera won't even focus we had a major crash a catastrophe oh my wrist I smashed my camera but the hood saved ya the hood saved it so you can see where I ground it down literally i won yeah that thing saved my like $1500 lens just now well guys that is going to be a wrap for the DD vlog today thanks for watching remember smash that subscribe button throw me a thumbs up on this video say goodnight to Alex and Alex and we'll see you guys tomorrow [Music]
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 1,765,383
Rating: 4.8213344 out of 5
Keywords: lamborghini, beverlyhills, cops, police, police encounters, supercar, bugatti, ferarri, mclaren, exotic rental, porsche, rental car
Id: v56pxvtFuVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 19sec (1459 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 21 2018
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