Create a Percentages Bar Title in Davinci Resolve

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hi everybody Jeremy here from digital studio and today I'm going to share with you how to recreate that percentage title for more infographic 2.0 title pack so if you're ready let's check it out [Music] all right so in DaVinci is over now on the edit page and the first thing I want to do is bring a new Fusion composition in my timeline then we can go over to Fusion once in Fusion the first thing I want to do is bring here a new background and Link the output of that background to the media out then I'm just going to reduce the alpha Channel down to zero to gain transparency next I'm gonna bring a new background again in my working area and Link the output of that background to my background one I'm Gonna Change here the color of the background to White and then still with the background to selected I'm gonna click on the rectangle to create a rectangular mask this rectangular mask gonna help us to create our line so here I'm going to adjust the width to 0.25 and then here the height to 0.005 then here I'm just going to go to my viewer and just zoom 200 so we can see a bit more what we're doing then I'm going to select my rectangle 1 and here which is going to make a rounded corner by increasing the corner radius up to one we're then just going to select all rectangle one and the background copy them and then paste them right next to it I'm gonna then link the output of that background to the merge 2. now let's change the background to red and basically now we've created a white line and a red line above it now I'm going to select my rectangle one I'm gonna copy it and then I'm gonna paste an instance then I'm going to link the output of that instance to my merge now we can go to our rectangle right here and bring the position here to the edges of the line so we're gonna go and move the X position to 0 375. moving it that way allows now to have that control with the width where we can just increase the value of the line like there is some progression going on and we're able to do that because here we have this instance mask that is just blocking that line as you can see now if I'm playing with the width one part is mask and doesn't appear on screen and the other one is contained within that mask now I'm going to do one last trick and I'm gonna make my white line smaller than the red line just to make a bit of difference between the two so I'm going to go over to the mask instance and here I'm just gonna right click on bother with and I'm gonna the instance so then I'm gonna go back to my rectangle 1 and then here I'm gonna reduce the bottle width a little bit if we zoom in as you can see there's just a slight difference but in my opinion that just helps to make the design a tiny bit better now we're gonna add all text so I'm gonna add my first text and Link the output of that text to the merge 2. in that first text we're going to write battery life I'm gonna change the font for pop in and reduce the size then I'm going to change the H anchor here to left and I'm going to adjust the position to have it align on the left side then I'm gonna bring my second text and I'm gonna link it here to my merge and then here I'm gonna write 75 change the font for popping and then here we're going to go over to shading we're going to select element number four enable it we're gonna switch the color from Blue to Red then we're gonna extend it to horizontal and we're gonna increase the round now we can go back to text and we can reduce the size but as you can see if we zoom in now that we are adjusting the size the round doesn't behave properly so we're gonna have to go back to shading and here we're just gonna have to increase the extended horizontal so I'm gonna change that for five a bit more maybe eight and perfect we should be good now let's just I just find a little position we can unzoom and adjust the position right there now we have our final design we just need to make some animation and connection so the lens of our line represents the percentage amount that we have there all right so the first thing is I want to create a custom control to do that I'm going to go over to rectangle then here we're just gonna right click on the rectangle and we're going to select edit control now I'm going to create a new control so we're going to call it percentages here we're going to switch from user to control I'm going to select slider control and wrench we're going to go from zero to 100 then click ok to create it and as you can see we've created a new percentage slider that we can just adjust right here going from 0 to 100 but as for now it's not connected to anything so we're going to need to connect that we're going to connect that with the width with an expression so I'm going to right click on the width I'm gonna click expression and then here we're just going to write a simple expression but first I want to rename my node because we're going to need to have the name of that node in the expression so here I'm going to select the node it's F2 on my keyboard and I'm gonna name it bar now we can go to the width and we're going to write bar Dot percentage slash 200 and now we've basically connected the percentage to the width if I'm adjusting the percentage slider as you can see now it's reacting accordingly but one thing please be careful that you're writing exactly the name of your node that included the mesh so here its matches could be it's very important that it's the exact same name as your node then Dot and the exact same name as here the slider that you created it's Capital sensitive so just be careful with that then we're going to go over to a person touch text to make it reactive to that bar to do that we're going to go over to text and here we're just going to do an expression as well we're going to right click create an expression and then here we're just going to write floor parenthesis bar Dot percentage and close parenthesis so again here make sure that it's the exact same name as your node and your slider and then you can write dot dot then quotation mark and then here we're just gonna do percentage and quotation mark and as you can see it's just pulling out naturally the value that is in all bar slider so now if we make any adjustment here in the percentages it's reflected in the text if you wish to have dollar here instead of percentages you can just swap that right here so here you could choose switch that for dollars Euro or whatever or the design that you want at the end also if you wish to increase the number within the Thousand range you can just do that right here by adding a bunch of zero afterwards and it will be again reflected right there and so now if you make modification to the bar it will just be adjusted to be thousand to whatever zero you just add after it right now we're just going to do percentage and we're pretty much done now we just need to make an animation in to do that I'm going to start by here going to frame 15 and and I'm gonna drop a keyframe on the rectangle right there on the width at 0 25 and then we're gonna go to frame 0 and we're gonna reduce the width at zero then I'm gonna go to my first text and here I'm just gonna add a mask to it I'm gonna reduce the height of that mask and then just put my text within the mask so now we can just keyframe the text outside of the Mask so I'm gonna go to text one go to frame 22 here drop a keyframe on the position and then I'm gonna go to frame 10. and I'm going to move the text outside of the Mask then we're going to go at frame 50 we're gonna go to the bar and we're gonna drop a keyframe on the percentage to whatever value we want to be the final value so in my case that's going to be 75 I'm going to drop a keyframe on that at frame 50 and then I'm gonna go to frame 16 and I'm gonna bring the percentage down to zero then here I'm gonna go to my text two it shifts based on my keyboard search for transform and bring a transform node here on a transform I Train 50 we're going to drop a keyframe on the position and then we're gonna go to frame 16 and we're gonna bring that text to the edge of the line right there then I'm gonna select my Transformer it she's based on my keyboard again search for brightness node and bring that in I'm going to activate the alpha channel of that brightest and contrast node here drop the gain at 0 and put a keyframe on that and go to frame 30 and increase the gain back to one now we're going to smooth out all those animation by going to the spline make some space so we can see what we're doing I'm then gonna just select everything we've just created click Zoom to fit to make sure that we have all all points visible select all the keyframe point that we just placed it as on our keyboard to smooth out the curves then it's t to just bring the ease in and ease out and we're going to increase the easing at 85. and now if we played we got our final animation hope this video was helpful please don't forget to like And subscribe again you can download that title by clicking the link in description below and if you enjoyed this title and you want to see more there is a fullback available on our website thank you very much for watching and see you in the next one bye speed up your workflow and create better videos using the pack available on our website including titles transition and templates but only for DaVinci Resolve get started today by downloading our freestyle pack containing a combination of 20 titles created from all Library Link in description below or at
Channel: Video Editor Studio
Views: 1,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve tutorial, motion graphics, davinci resolve motion graphics, davinci resolve title, davinci resolve template, davinci resolve title pack, Waqas Qazi, jamie fenn, JayAreTv, That Modern Dude, Skyline Motions, Billy Rybka, Chris' Tutorials, Casey Faris, CB Super, davinci resolve fusion, davinci resolve 18, Patrick Stirling, free pack, free title, free template
Id: 4geYrlQIeU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 04 2022
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