Count-Up Text Effects with EXPRESSION MAGIC! DaVinci Resolve Tutorial

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hi let me show you how to create a customizable count up text effect in DaVinci Resolve I've got a blank timeline I'm going to hop over to titles and drag a text plus effect right onto my timeline now this is a little interesting because we are starting this you know on the edit page with this text plus effect but uh for those of you who don't know this text plus effect is just the text plus node from the fusion page but you just have complete control over it on the edit page but you can always click this button to open it in the fusion page and we will do that soon because there are some controls you can't access from the edit page but for now the first thing we're going to do is just super General use a font you like the color you can always come over to the shading Tab and you know add an extra outline or something will we do that sure okay and at this point just to uh simplify things I am going to click that button head over to this fusion page because what we're going to do next it's pretty exciting and a building block to some of you know the wireless power infusion I'm going to right click up here where it says template and go to edit controls in this ID drop down you can see you know every parameter this node has but we're actually going to click up here where it says new control and add something in I'm going to type in counter I'm going to select slider on this input control and that's going to be it I'm going to click OK and now over in this user option I have this little counter slider I can slide that around by default it goes zero to one and it does nothing because it's a control but not connected to anything and you can do these following steps in a few different orders what I'm going to do um just you know so we're starting to display some fun things let's come back to that main text effect I'm going to right click on this text field and come down to expression and I'm going to type in here just counter and click off and because uh this extra control is located on this one node and it is the only control called counter you can see if I Mouse over this then down in the corner it says template dot counter when you do expressions like this if you just do the name of the control it will look within its own node if I had multiple nodes then uh to point to this control I would need to type in template dot counter but I don't need to here and you see now that's a zero and if I come and slide this up hey that number goes up all the way to one and hey one actually thing I did want to show off and I think it will be good to show off here I'm going to go back to edit controls in this ID select that slide or scroll all the way down to counter and I'm going to check this button for integer I will click that and then now uh this will either only be a zero or one of course like other controls you can actually just click in this box and enter any other number and hey it will be five and now that is showing up as text as well but we want to make account up animation so we want this control to change over time and we're going to do that with anim curves I'm going to right click on counter go to modify with anim curves and this is especially something we would have to do in the future page because that enables this modifiers Tab and if I click that we see a m curves and the scale by default is set to one so over the course of our clip this will go from zero to one uh because that is integer that does uh change over at the 0.5 value it's going to be up to you how you want to treat you know when that number Hits there are some other expression options hmm we'll see well I might show this off later if I don't leave a comment and there might be another video we've got some interesting options for how to control rounding anyway if I uh change this scale to something like five then over the course of our entire duration it always starts at zero but then counts up to that number now this does take the entire duration because of this transition option in this Source uh we have a few different options for how we could you know speed this up number one we have this time scale if I pulled this up to like uh uh two of a time scale then it would complete that move in half a time and then just hold if I did set this back at one but change the source to custom then you have this input option and you know you could set your own values of zero and uh one and it would execute that move at whenever those keyframes are this is also really important um because this uh does not get uh uh influenced by the standard you know uh duration or transition the the length of the clip on the edit page so this takes you know a little probably like what like four seconds and if I go back to the edit page and stretch this out it will not affect that timing at all one two three four five great I'll go back to the fusion page and that is the bones you might notice because we don't have that modifiers tab from the edit page I don't have a way to set this parameter if you click and drag this counter slider then that will especially because we have that custom source it does do some pretty funky things to that input we don't want that so I can get rid of that to where it is oh I extended that that's what's going on here so it goes zero to one so we want a separate control just for control not that's being like directly influenced by the animation if you were publishing this effect from scratch you could um select that scale parameter inside the anim curves but um you know just to keep this all simple on you know this one node without having to go through the normal processing for macros I can come back to tools and I'm just going to create another edit control or another custom control and I'm going to call this counter control slider integer for now I will click OK and this is just another normal slider actually I am going to hop back in and change that from the default zero to one to zero to you know like 10 just so we have a little bit of room and now if I go into that anim curves I can add an expression on that scale and because this is a modifier it does need that extra information so I am typing in template dot counter I believe it needs gaps counter control and yeah that goes to zero now so now it won't move at all but if we go back to tools that custom control now directly controls that scale value so if you were to you know go up to what like two hundred then it would count up to 200 over the duration we set with those custom keyframes and I'll go ahead and show it off because it's fun if I right click on that counter nope if I right click on that template edit controls if I go back to that counter control and uncheck integer then depending on when it's sliding in it might be you know way too fast it is way too fast let's okay let's come down to like what four yeah now we have all now we have all these decimal points which again you could control by doing that in the control but if I go back to my text value instead of counter I can either type in here seal like ceiling open parenthesis then that Counter close parentheses and hey that will round it up or I could type in floor and it will round down very helpful to just tack on if you have a number and you don't want to dive into changing the controls or whenever you're dealing with a value with decimals that you either want to round up or down uh seal or floor put that parameter in parentheses and it will do it one more really cool thing say we are counting up let me come back to user let's go back to 200 because that's fun say we are counting up to 200 but we are counting up to 200 how do you attack a dollar sign on here well in this little expression I'm going to we're going to do a quotation mark dollar sign quotation mark space period period oh that's I I didn't make the dollar sign I just did before dollar sign uh space period period space hey I was pretty sure that was right okay so now this number as it counts up it just you know tacks a dollar sign on it and it will attack on you know whatever you type in there could be dollar sign it could be no any other sign just because and it's super easy to just tag stuff on especially to the beginning or end of your parentheses even if this was back to a dollar sign um you could do you know period period parentheses um I don't know more dollars doesn't have to make sense we're demonstrating some pretty cool stuff and importantly if I go back to the edit page um it added that little user slider as well so now from the edit page I can change this number to whatever I want if you wanted to change the timing you would probably need to rig up to Fusion but if hey if you're building this yourself then you can rig up timing however you want and if we head back to uh text you see that expression so it's pretty easy to change you know whatever you want to go in here and then it will keep doing its thing okay this is a lot and then once you have an effect you like if you have an open power bin you can just drag that right in there and it will save all those customizations for any future project you want to work on thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Patrick Stirling
Views: 9,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: u0dr57t-ccw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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