Adobe Firefly Masterclass: Get into Gen AI with Howard Pinsky

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[Music] thank you [Music] good morning everyone and welcome to the Firefly Master Class my name is Howard Pinsky senior design evangelist here at Adobe I hope you're all doing well on this what is it Thursday it's Thursday it feels like Friday because we have tomorrow off so excuse me for not knowing what day it is also I'm always locked in the door indoors so I don't know I don't know but I hope you're all doing well if you are tuning in live here on behance today let me know in the chat who you are and where you're tuning in from Carol from blazing hot Florida and then Anika from Toronto awesome two places I've spent a lot of time was born in uh Toronto raised there for about 20 some odd years and then moved to Florida for about five or six years something like that great places very different weathers though all right so what they've got going on today well we're going to dive deep into Adobe Firefly now if you haven't used Firefly yet I would definitely recommend it a lot of really cool tools that we're building internally and many have been released already to the public still in beta but you can dive in and check it out Firefly is our generative AI model I hate the word AI it's being used way too often so you're not going to hear me using it very much actually fun a little bit of a fun fact if you've watched my Firefly and generative fill videos on YouTube I don't say the word AI once in any of them it's just not necessary right Patrick great to see you all right uh Nika saying didn't know you spent time here I did I was uh I lived in Toronto for I think I think it was 21 years before I moved to Florida all right so let's go ahead and hop over to my screen and we're gonna get going so if you want to dive in and really immerse yourself in the world of firefly hey Andrew great to see you Firefly dot you'll be taken to this page right here where you can start trying out many of the tools that we have available so we have text to image General fill text effects generative recolor but then we also kind of hint at a few things that we're working on now it's not to say that all of these things will be available but we're definitely exploring them we're seeing if they're possible we're seeing if they make sense right 3D to image could be exciting extend the image which is available in Photoshop and you're going to see that in a little bit and down here we've got even more personalized results text to Vector text to pattern text to brush sketch to image text to template it just goes on and on hey Jan great to see you as well we've got a lot of tools block available to the public and a lot coming all right so let's start off with text image now if you've watched my streams before you probably know that I'm not the biggest fan of straight up text to image but this technology is necessary to power and build a lot of the other tools like generative fill and generative expand and many of the other ones that you're going to see right Susan from Maine and Oliver great to see you as well so let's start with text to image and I want to go over a few different examples right obviously we start off with some inspiration we've got this cat it's a yellow a cat wearing a yellow beanie sunglasses eating a hamburger modeling in the studio now I don't see the hamburger here but you know that's the thing about these generative models is the language part of it is always getting better right so it may not recognize everything you put in there especially if you put this whole long story but it's going to get better but some of these examples are really cool so what can you use text to image for a lot of things really you can use it for pretty much anything so if you want it right down here maybe you want to start off with let's say a pattern right maybe you're on Adobe stock and you can't find the exact texture that you're looking for so you might want something like a marble texture right marble texture and I'm typing it right hold on hold on I was going to say I'm typing it right down at the bottom but you can't even see that can you let me move my little face where where's me I'm going to move myself over here all done Boop there we go okay I should be moving in a second all right marble texture with blue accents let's try that right I just pressed return on my keyboard to start the process it's doing all this generative stuff in the background whatever it does and it gives me a pattern right and I can click on any of these and cycle through them to see exactly what I'm looking for and these are really cool right like I mentioned earlier we're still in beta so things are still being trained and tweaked and all sorts of things um and while we're in beta these cannot be used for commercial use once it comes out of beta absolutely but right now you can't but this is really cool right and what's nice about Firefly is that it's very user friendly not only do you have this text field at the bottom but you also have these options over to the right so if you're looking for a very specific Style right now it's set to Art and you're going to see some of this in a moment but you can really dive deep into some of the different styles down here you have movements and themes and materials so if you wanted something like clay or yarn or metal or whatever it might be you've got those there and then color and tone and lighting and composition you don't really get that with many of the other text image models you just get a text field and you know good luck right so we can dive in here we can make some additional changes maybe we don't want blue maybe we want um black and gold accents when we press return and it's going to regenerate this image and then if you want a very specific aspect ratio like oh these are just fantastic right right here at the top right hand corner it's set to square but we can choose landscape portrait Square again or widescreen and it's going to regenerate those images in that aspect ratio which is great and in a moment we're given come on you can do it this is the fun thing about these these generative models when you're streaming is you know if your internet's not too fast or if you know if there's a lot of people generating at the same time it might be a little bit slower but here we go we've got some wonderful images just like that right so what else can you do well you can make fun and silly things so if you wanted maybe uh let's say something yarn related maybe a a tiger made of yarn or maybe a knitted tiger wearing a leather jacket right why not let's see what happens now it is set to wide screens we probably want something like square or portrait for something like this so we're going to regenerate that in that new aspect ratio and let's see what happens now what I found personally is that including the I mean these are kind of fun right now it is set to Art which could be throwing the style off a little bit but I mean this is pretty cool so let me turn on let's try photo and see what that happens but what I found is including the targeted keywords inside of the text prompt right you may have saw earlier if I go down to materials we do have yarn over here now we could use that but also including it inside of the text prompt helps a lot to kind of push it more in that direction so it looks pretty cool as a photo let's turn off uh all the content types and see if that helps at all to kind of push us in that direction a lot of this is experimentation you know so much of this is brand new and that looks pretty cool right and of course you can do any sort of animal you can do Play-Doh you can do uh uh chocolate you can do all sorts of different but look at this it's got like little fur kind of Pokemon it's really cool um but on a slightly more practical level let's also say you know very similar to the texture let's say you wanted a very specific image maybe you have a hamburger and this kind of shows you how far you can push this so if you were to just type in something like now if I type in just like hamburger or a cheeseburger right cheeseburger it's gonna probably tell me it's too short right I think it has to be three words a photo of a cheeseburger or you know what let's do a gourmet cheeseburger right we'll start with that we're going to start nice and simple now when you start it's going to look okay it's gonna look nothing special right these images they're fine and they might work for some situations but they're not great right so first thing I would do I would turn on photo and that's going to start to push this image in a more photorealistic Direction so that's number one and we're gonna get okay right so we're starting to get there now I'm also going to change this to let's say a landscape photo because I might be using it as the background on a website or as a product shot something of that nature so probably the landscape might work a little bit better so again we're getting there but if you take a look at some of the textures it's just not there yet so that's where we can really start to push it in a more advanced Direction so we can do something like an editorial style photo of a gourmet cheeseburger so we'll start there and see what that kind of looks like and now we're starting to define the type of photo that we're looking for right you can do a studio photo or a product photo or whatever it might be and we're starting to get slightly higher definition not not necessarily resolution but it's kind of looking a little bit sharper right and then we can also start to control and Define where this cheeseburger and I'm sorry if there are any vegans in the chat but where this cheeseburger is going to be uh positioned right so maybe on a rustic table and we're going to see what that looks like and what's interesting is once you start adding additional elements that starts defining more of the scene right so we have a rustic table which is this one over here I mean they're all rustic cable but this one looks really nice right and then we might want something um maybe it's in a Tavern right in a Tavern something like that so that's going to start to define the background of the photo as well we're going to see what that looks like ah right okay we're getting somewhere and then maybe a dimly lit now restaurants one of those words that I can never spill restaurant dimly lit restaurant in the background and let's see what that starts to bring us and then if you wanted to you can start adding some additional keywords you know it's it's up for debate whether or not these additional keywords help but something like highly detailed or you know rustic uh rustic style sometimes they might help sometimes they may not style right and then it's going to kind of keep pushing you towards your final result and I wish I saved all the pre I mean we can go back but I wish I saved all the previous ones and downloaded them all so just so you can kind of see the difference of what they're looking like and now we have a pretty decent final result and of course you know like many of the other uh generative models out there Firefly will continue to get better and better and better and eventually it's just going to look like reality and is anything real I don't know uh let's go ahead and switch this to widescreen because we might want a wider version of this but you know one thing that we added recently is generative fill and you you've probably seen this in Photoshop but it's also available on the Firefly website so let's go ahead and actually generate on our word table let's say surrounded by fries and uh what else pickles right I hate pickles but we're gonna add this there's a purpose we're adding these pickles that I don't like Anika saying is anything real I don't know I don't know I'm over the last few years I just don't know if anything's real all right so we've got some images right and you might run into a situation where you really like this image here it's got the fries it's got the burger but it's got these weird looking pickles over here to the right I don't like pickles I know some of you do but I just don't want the pickles right so what we can do we can go up to this button up here edit and then go to generate fill so we can go straight into generative fill on the Firefly website and what we're able to do now is we're able to paint away those pickles so we have some options over here insert remove or pan so let's start with remove and I'm going to go ahead and zoom in I think I can zoom in can I not zoom in no okay because I can't I thought there's a way but anyways I can just go ahead and paint over here get rid of these pickle looking things they almost look like olives too right and then press remove and it's going to start that gender to fill process and in a moment those pickles should be gone poof and it gives us four different options that one looks pretty good right beautiful that's it that's all there is to it just paint it away and you might be asking you know what's the difference between generative fill and some like content aware fill which we have in Photoshop I'm going to show you that in just a few moments once we dive into Photoshop so text effects or text to image and then generative fill let's go back to the Firefly home page and let's explore very quickly text effects I haven't been using text effects too much but they're kind of fun you know if you have a situation where you need something like this definitely go ahead and use it but you can do something like maybe this gold one or this Mossy one right I'm going to start with some inspiration and all you have to do is type in the word that you want to generate down here at the bottom left hand corner and then the style that you want to use and generate on top of it and then you're left with something like this so if you wanted something you know poop and it's going to regenerate in that Mossy look and you can type in pretty much anything you want let's say popcorn I'm going to regenerate that Nika's saying command Control Plus might work to zoom in the browser yeah that probably does yeah all right so we have a few different options for popcorn it's going to regenerate as I select these different options we also have some Styles over to the right hand side we have match shape so we can make the popcorn a little bit tighter on the letters or a little bit looser so if you wanted the popcorn to kind of move away almost exploding right you can do something like loose over to the right and it should kind of push it a little bit further away from the text then of course you can choose different fonts and background colors and all sorts of fun things down here at the bottom again I don't personally find a need for these text effects too often but if you do they are there for you and then finally we have generative recolor which is also available in illustrator so if you if you have a vector image at the moment on the Firefly website we use SVG so if I hop over to Boop finder I've got a few svgs here and all I have to do is just grab one of them let's say I don't know this one's kind of fun pop it in here and I can describe the color palette I want to use let's say uh pastel tones we'll see if this works and in a moment we're given some different options for our SVG and because it's Vector all of this is also Vector right so we can re-download this SVG and use it on websites enlarge it shrink it whatever we need and we also have some sample prompts over to the right as well trippy disco lights is always fun right and then some more neutral ones like salmon sushi which sounds delicious honestly I can go for some I haven't had sushi in a while I'm gonna go for some sushi today maybe actually maybe tomorrow I'm off tomorrow right so we have some different fun results but like I mentioned it's also available in illustrator so if I do hop over to illustrator we have an illustrator file so it doesn't have to be an SVG in illustrator it can be a standard illustrator file and we've got two over here and you know this one here has a few different elements to it we've got these uh people in this robot thing in the foreground we've got a background and some textures right so we can we don't have to select the entire image we can of course but we can select just this bit of it and then under the edit menu go down to edit colors and then generative recolor again also available in beta and then we can choose a prompt up here at the top or we can choose one of the presets so let's go I don't know Summer by the Sea yep everything's in beta and then we've got a few different options and we can just cycle between and because all of this is Vector it's all layered everything is all the colors are being applied directly to those layers which is amazing right let's go back to the trippy Disco they're kind of fun right gives a nice vibrant pop to your images I can select the background separately and then recolor and maybe I'll want let's you know let's do the trippy disco again and it just gives your images a whole different vibe now you can select the entire thing right so if I go over here and maybe select this entire uh you know layer over here or a group of layers and then recolor generative recolor one more time maybe a dark blue interesting right that one's kind of fun right very simple but Howard out there making us hungry this morning I'm making myself hungry I didn't really eat much today oh this one's fun it's got a little bit of a toned down effect but it looks really nice so if I um I can undo and go back to the beginning so that's what we started with right and then we can go through all these different options and then we've got our new result which is really nice all right so that was illustrator let me hop over back to the browser for a second and if you're wondering where you can find svgs or AI files if you go to you can find some here so we have a vector section right here at the top and this will allow you to browse different vectors different categories but if you don't have any credits you can also go to the free section and we do have some free vectors so right down here at the bottom we've got some free vectors you can browse there are 500 000 free vectors now obviously some of these like you know these black and white ones are probably not going to work for generative recolor but there are some illustrations that you can browse um probably just type in at the top here and browse it download it for free try it out in illustrator now if you want to try it out on the Firefly website you will need an SVG so you can either export it from illustrator convert it or um you know find an SVG and use it that way all right the last thing I want to show you in the browser before we hop over to photoshop and have some fun is Adobe Express now we are currently in there's a new beta for Adobe Express and you can go back to the previous version if you want but new DOT a lot of dots in there um and I use express all the time for you know social media posts and very slight video edits and there's also inside of the Creative Cloud desktop app there is where is it I know it's here somewhere quick actions there it is rearrange the sidebar a little bit I think you all have this version but there's some quick actions you can uh you know do some of these Express actions directly in your Creative Cloud app as well but what I want to show you is directly in Adobe Express now we have text image and text effects now I'm not going to go through this whole process again because it's basically what you saw on the Firefly website but it's also built into the flow of your Express workflows right so if I was creating let's say an Instagram Square post for example and of course this works on non-square posts as well but me white won't I don't know what I just said we might want um you know this one over here maybe we're creating a post for apparel or whatever it might be right so we've got something that looks like this and we can go ahead and change the text what's the date August 10th so let's go ahead and change this things are still loading in the background um August maybe closes tomorrow right 11th and everything looks pretty good but the background it's fine right it's not not the best now we do have this background here let me actually hide this layer here all right let me actually move it behind where's that background there's the background so what I want to do is actually extract the background so let's move this background up for a second there we go and do I have it selected I might have it's there we go okay I want to remove the background so right over here to the left I'm going to press remove background it's going to cut out the subject from the background perfect and now what I want to do is go over to elements and I want to wherever did it go this is the thing with betas things move around a lot where did it go I know it's here somewhere generator Phil where did the text image where did it go I lost it somebody in the chat is going to scream at me because backgrounds maybe no where did it go templates well this is fun it it's not there anymore I swear it was there I was using it this morning and it was there maybe it's in media it's got to be in media right there it is text to image I knew it was there I totally knew it was there all right so we might want like a a brick wall with rainbow graffiti I did not spell that right did I there we go all right we're gonna change this to something like maybe photo and then generate Sean's yelling media I knew that I totally knew that I was testing you Sean that's fun right I'm gonna resize that move it behind let's move all these things behind there we go and now we have our new brick now of course we might have to change the text I'm going to change a bunch of different things but if you're looking for a very specific background for your post you can very easily do that so this might be you know I'm going to change this to White for example yeah it's a little bit accessibility wise just doesn't work right so what I'd probably do is either regenerate the background or maybe drop the opacity add a black overlay on top of it um all sorts of different things right but that's maybe maybe a dark dark brick wall I think that's going to work I don't know we're gonna see the words say we're closed but the picture says we're open it does doesn't it that's the that's the importance of uh proofreading your work before you post it so this might be why would they say why would the template say closed anyway oh it says we're closed until oh I see we're closed until I get it but you know what yeah I'm gonna put open it just makes more sense but anyways you get the idea right so if you need a new background if you need an asset a very small asset or whatever it might be you can very easily dive into Express as you're working under the media tab which I totally knew you'll be able to access text to image and generate whatever you need all right so let's go ahead and hop over to photoshop because that's where personally I'm very excited about um now if you don't have the Photoshop beta and all these generative fill Technologies and tools are available in the beta hop over to your apps section within the Creative Cloud desktop app scroll down to Beta and then you'll be able to download the Photoshop beta and then when you open it or you open any image we can see the generative fill technology so down here at the bottom we've got our taskbar and this what I love about the taskbar is that change is based on what you're doing right so if you go ahead and you know select an object like this you're going to notice that the taskbar has change and generative fill appears on it now what I want to do first is I want to highlight one of the tools I use all the time in Photoshop and that is the object selection tool so right over here to the left hand side we've got our object selection tool and this what it's going to do is going to start detecting the various objects inside of this image and I can just hover over any of them and click to select now usually when I'm going to be removing an object I like to expand it a little bit instead of going up to select and then modify and then finding expand all of that's built directly into the taskbar so right over here we can go ahead and click on that and then expand it let's expand it maybe about 10 pixels now earlier I was talking about content aware fill versus generative fill what the difference is because you know I've seen a lot of questions it's basically the same thing but it's not so content aware fill if you go up to the top you go to edit and then content aware fill right this brings us into the content aware fill experience you could you can just run content aware fill as well but if you wanted slightly better results you can go into this experience here and you have a bunch of settings over here to the right you can choose what is sampled and what is not sample but as you can see the results just aren't great and that's the same thing if you go to edit and then fill and then content aware you press OK you've got this jumbled mess back here because content aware fill even though it is an AI tool it's it's not intelligent it's certainly not as intelligent as a lot of the tools these days right so essentially what content where Phil is doing as far as I understand is when you have a selection it's looking around your object basically you know it's probably creating a little bit of a border around it and it's looking at all the different pixels looking at the color the shading the lighting that sort of thing and then it's using that information to fill in the subject so in this case it's this runner in the background right but because it's not intelligent it doesn't understand the rest of the image it doesn't understand that this is a light pole it doesn't understand that this is a fence it's kind of looking just in that general area now with content with with generative fill it's understanding everything which is kind of scary but it's also very brilliant right so when I go to generative fill I can either enter something in here that I want to replace this object with I keep saying object it's it's a person um I can replace it with a person right or I can replace it with whatever I want but if I just press generate it's going to start the process of removing this person and it's not just looking around looking at the little pixels around it it's looking at the image it's understanding that there's a light pole behind this person it's understanding there's a fence that goes into the background and look at that right if I turn this off and then back on it looks like it's it's really weird it's really kind of tripping me out it looks like this person was added after the fact because it's so perfect you know this building in the background is moving down perfectly the fence is moving into the background and has perspective it's added the bit at the bottom of the light pole and of course it's given us a few different options so if we wanted something slightly different right it's really strange it's recreated the Shadows down at the bottom it's wild this Tech is wild and this is the stuff that I'm excited about not necessarily the text to image it's the tools that are built into Photoshop that allow you to work faster but also a lot more efficiently right because we could have done this with content aware failed previously but it just wouldn't have been perfect and then we'd had to go in and make some changes afterwards and fix all the mess but yeah as Reverb Mike says easy peasy lemon squeeze indeed so let's look at another example this one here you may have seen this in one of my videos on YouTube but we may want you know we've got this image of a bowl of fruits but maybe you're a photographer and you've shot this image and then afterwards either the model comes to you or the scope of the project changes and she needs to be eating ice cream for some reason or you just want a few different variations of this this uh particular scene right so I'm going to grab my lasso tool we're going to make a very rough selection I'm also going to include the fork and we're gonna do that and boom we've got our selection right now we're going to hop into generative fill and instead of just generating to remove which I'd be curious to see what happens but we're going to go ahead and type out something like ice cream with uh cherry on top and it's going to generate what I typed into that box we wanted Fruit Loops I don't think Fruit Loops in particular would work because it's a trademarked word or I think but um something along those lines cereal might work for example but we've got a few different options for ice cream now the bowl got a little bit wonky there probably because my selection was a little bit strange let's go ahead and redo that let's just do ice cream and see what happens there but in many cases it's going to recognize that it's not only ice cream but that it should be eaten with a spoon because I suppose you can eat ice cream with a fork right um but it's going to change the fork to a spoon and this is kind of where it really gets intelligent now in some cases some of the results are looking a little bit funky but eventually you'll get there right and this is the thing about this technology it's always going to get better and better and better so you might have some funky results now but it's definitely going to improve over time and if as you saw in my video on YouTube um you can get some really interesting results if you continue to kind of work it in the right direction now this cup over here we might want maybe coffee right so I'm going to grab my rectangular Marquee tool and just type out coffee and we'll see what that gives us and I love the fact that it gives us a few different results so we can kind of cycle between them so we're not just limited to one so we have that one there that one's pretty good that one's decent as well I think we're gonna stick with this one there we go Jan is asking it might be interesting to know when and why you do generative fill in Photoshop versus generative fill in Firefly so for me personally I'm always always in Photoshop just because that's it's very natural for me I've been using it for a million and a half years um so I'm it's just always open so whenever I have an image that I want to edit I just pop it into Photoshop but uh the nice thing about Firefly is that it's super convenient you don't have to have Photoshop open you don't even have to have Photoshop at all install on your computer and just generate fill over there so for convenience wise that is definitely a good option um now just sticking with this image for one more second I want to show you assuming this works it should work but you know in the background here we might want maybe a bowl of fruits now you might be thinking if you've never seen this before that it's going to generate a very sharp in Focus bowl of fruits and sometimes it might but because it's very intelligent and it's analyzing the scene back there see this one's a little bit better see sometimes it'll generate something you don't want and in that case you can definitely report it rate it good poor whatever but this one over here you can see that it's blurred so it's matte it's trying its best to match the blur in the background so you don't necessarily have to go back later on and apply a blur you can very easily just move on with your life right now in some cases you know the blur might be not not be as strong as you want so you can either regenerate again and see what it gives you or what you can do is just go into let's say one of your filters gaussian blur for example and generate that way so let's see what it gives us this time it's going to give us three new results that we can look through and that looks pretty good right and that one in my opinion looking at this now match the blur of the sink and then this whatever this is salt and pepper possibly maybe it's maybe it's a cereal that uh I think it was was it Reaver uh Sean was asking maybe no Reverb Mike was asking it earlier maybe that's the cereal um but yeah that one looks pretty good right it definitely matched that blur in the background so it's very intelligent in that way all right let's move on to this example here and this is a big one um this one kind of blew me away when I was experimenting with it because I've been in this situation before where you're on vacation you get someone to take a photo of you and your significant other or just you and there's all these people in the background now someone pointed out on LinkedIn when I posted this example or like that's that's the beauty of this photo is that there are people all around it and I totally get that but in some cases you just want those people gone right so I'm gonna grab my lasso tool and I'm going to make a selection I'm going to select all these people as best as possible it doesn't have to be a very good selection I'm going to keep some of the pigeons because you know why not the pigeons didn't choose to be there I guess they kind of did right so I'm gonna just make a selection around these people I'm going to hold down my shift key on my keyboard to continue the selection over on the right hand side again doesn't have to be fancy but I'm just including as much information as possible I'm also kind of trying to hug the subjects in the background a little bit so that photoshop has a little bit more information including you know these arches and these polls and whatever these things are right and I'm going to go generative fill and simply generate not going to type anything in I could I can type remove or I can type uh architecture whatever it might be but usually generate is just enough and in just a moment we're going to see the people disappear and again it gives us a few different options some of them have more pigeons that we can uh you know add into our photo which is great and if you take a look Photoshop didn't have a lot of information to work with including you know when it came to those um arches at the bottom of the image right but it recreated a lot of them and it gives us a few different options and he's saying or you want to use it commercially and maybe there's a child in it maybe that's right so a lot of real world situations where gender to feel comes into play um you know there have been many times where you take a photo and it looks great but there are children or teenagers in the photo you probably don't want to include them right so you can remove them you can use generative fill to change their face a little bit uh blur them whatever it might be but a lot of real world scenarios for this sort of technology so we've gone ahead and removed them but maybe just to see what would happen we want to regenerate this with pigeons I might regret this but let's see what happens but you can you know go back and regenerate with different keywords so even if you made a generation hey Bruce uh with nothing you can always go back and add something in later on yeah some of the I mean it did definitely added some pigeons in the background uh it's probably not exactly what I wanted right so I'd probably go you know back to something like this um you can also enter in you know a prompt let's let's say there's nothing there in the first place you can do something like tourists I don't know if this is going to work very well and generating people it's just not the best experience at the moment those will definitely get better over time but we're gonna see what happens I like um I like experimenting a little bit anywhere when this might be available out of beta so we can use commercially I think the the answer that I've heard is as fast as humanly possible right doesn't mean tomorrow but um obviously the team is working very hard behind the scenes to get all the legalities and get it the you know the training model in finish and blah blah blah blah blah there's a lot of moving pieces but um hopefully soon right so there you go if you want to add tourists you can certainly do that if you want to remove Taurus you can do that now speaking of another real world example let's go to this one here I posted this on Twitter and Linkedin a few days ago and you might have an old photo that you found somewhere and you want to retouch it now there's a lot of different ways to do this in Photoshop people have been doing it for ages as long as photoshop's been available and you know recently we added in if we go up to the neural filters under the filter menu recently we added in the photo restoration neurofilter I can turn that on it's going to process this one process on device so it's not connected to the cloud or anything and you know it restored the photo a little bit but we can also crank up scratch reduction and then it's going to detect some of the scratches and it's going to do its best it does take a little bit of time but it's going to do its best to remove some of those scratches right and it does a pretty good job right if we turn on you know I think the the photo enhancement is probably a little bit too much but if we turn see the original and then the new one it detected a lot of scratches and it removed a bunch of scratches but it still obviously has all this you know the paper tears and these blotches here that we probably want removed a little bit better so generate fill can definitely help with something like that so let me go ahead and I'm going to grab my lasso tool and I'm going to just start making a selection this guy looks mad that we took his Fruit Loops cereal I see what you did there um so I'm going to go ahead and make a selection right and I'm going to make a selection here and you're not limited let me actually just move this let me put it up here and I'm going to pin it into place you're not limited just one right just like I showed you in the tourist example I can hold down my shift key and just go bananas right I'm going to select all this information here I'm going to leave a little bit of like the coat for example uh I think I ran into a there we go select some of this I guess I'm ending up selecting a lot more than I originally wanted to whoops where am I going this is why you should probably zoom out there we go okay let's move this move this out of the way let me start again these selections are um they're complex because you also want to include some of the coat in the background right so that photoshop kind of sees some of that it's tried to recreate it so let's go again and select this information here and what we can do oh I didn't zoom out again I'm I'm failing at my job today aren't I so I'm going to select this here okay I got got most of it and also select this blotch here right and then maybe this one over here we've got some over here there we go hopefully there's music in the hopefully the music's working so you don't have to just hear silence all the time and then over here we're going to go around like this make sure to keep some of this area here go up and then there we go all right so we've got a bunch of selections now we can go in like I mentioned earlier you know to give Photoshop a little bit more to work with we can deselect some of this area here part of this coat but let's see what happens if we just have this selection press generator to fill and then generate and like I mentioned earlier uh don't need to enter anything when you're trying to remove can't hear the music oh no I guess the music is not working oh it looks like it's not turned on on my wirecast next time I'll make sure it works but there we go right before and after that is fancy and again we have a few different options we may not necessarily need all the different options but gives us a few options for the coat and the arm and that sort of thing but this one looks pretty good right and then for the smaller areas then you can use something like if we hop into our healing tools like our spot healing brush like whoops on the wrong layer that would help right right we probably don't need and also create a new layer on top make sure sample all layers is turned on we don't need anything to advance for these smaller areas Bruce is asking does it help to select everything in the first try sometimes but sometimes it actually hurts to select everything because you are you're kind of limiting the information that photoshop is using to make the repair in this case so sometimes selecting smaller chunks and also because of because generative fill I think the the resolution in Photoshop is somewhere around like 1200 by 1200 if you're working with a much larger image and you make a massive selection then you might get a little bit of blurriness or low resolution for the result so if you do it in smaller chunks then you're gonna probably get much better results in my opinion but definitely experiment and see what works best yeah so the spot healing brush can just go around and make some smaller changes or you could include included some of these areas um with the actual photo now again this is personal preference right um a lot of people might like this particular result or the original right because it looks authentic it looks old but some people just want to restore their old photos and see what might have looked like when it was originally taken so having the different options for both is interesting right it's definitely things to consider as you're making these edits All Right Moving On generative expand right we added this what was it last week or the week before time time is weird time wobbly timey why me wobbly things um we added this not too long ago and it just an easier process of expanding an image so previously what you had to do is you had to grab your crop tool and you had to extend an image maybe I want to extend it all the way out this way right and you know we've got our fill set to background now if we were to set it to content aware fill which is the old way of doing things we're going to get this it's not great right so now if you go ahead and extend the image before we add a generative expand we were to just create a simple background simple crop right then grab our rectangular Marquee tool make a selection on the left make a selection on the right and then generate a fill which wasn't the worst thing in the world but now we have generative expand we have it on the top on our options bar we also have it on the taskbar at the bottom I can go ahead and hit that don't have to enter anything in because I just wanted to do its thing and in just a few moments it's going to go through the process and it's going to give us our expanded image every time I see this I just get blown away at how intelligent this actually is because it's recreating and giving us a few different options now that one's not great I would probably report that one but you know that one's pretty good it's even added a little leaf in the foreground but it's recreated this animal tiger leopard cheetah jaguar thing I don't know what it's called um I think I did this last time in one of my other streams but it's recreating this it like this information didn't exist before it's it's literally hallucinating this new animal which is absolutely wild right and it doesn't just work with animals obviously um big use case is landscape so you're on a family vacation or an application whatever it might be and you know we've all got our phones right we take a photo vertically because it's just the natural thing to do with phones these days and you might want a horizontal version of it so I'm going to go ahead and hop into my crop we do have some ratio presets at the bottom so we might want I don't know two by three and five by six now these are mostly vertical so I'm going to just go ahead and just extend this outwards and then leave this blank and press generate and it's going to start the process it's going to recreate the mountains and the water and who knows what else maybe I'll add a shark I don't know possibly probably not though and there we go right and it's giving us a few different options again like I mentioned earlier but we've just taken a more or less vertical image and then extended it out horizontally so now we can share it on other platforms that are not vertical based right so if you want one for your story and one for your uh you know Instagram real or your feed right you can very easily do that which is wonderful all right now this example here you might think that we're going to extend this out and we certainly could but one tip that I saw I think it was from blue Lightning TV not too long ago is about converting photos into paintings using gender to fill now you might think right you can just you know generative fill select everything fill and then type out oil painting but it's not going to work that way right what it's going to do is going to regenerate it's going to generate a brand new oil painting on top of this image and essentially replace it and you're going to see that in a second that's certainly not what we want like we could use this texture and use a a blend mode for example and kind of get something kind of but that's not really what we want we want to use the original pixels or at least some of the original pixels of this particular image to generate the oil painting so let me let me see if I remember this correctly because it's not as easy you might think so we're going to hop into Quick mask mode I think it was no it was channels I think and then we're going to create a new channel and then what we want to do here is we want to I think quick Mass mode also works but we want to fill this Channel with a color so we have basically a range from 100 down to zero percent we want it somewhere in like the forty percent range so the brightness right down here one about forty percent brightness right so we're going to fill that with so we're gonna set that and we're gonna fill this canvas with about 40 brightness so we're gonna go to edit and then fill and then foreground color which you can also do with your uh alter option backspace uh shortcut right uh oh can't see behind oh no it's it let me see if I can move myself a little bit more there we go so basically back here just a single single Channel new channel right and then I filled that Channel with uh 40 brightness as you hopefully saw that one and what we want to do is want to make a selection of this channel so I'm going to hold down my command or control key and click now because it's less than 50 it's gonna give me this warning no pixels are more than 50 selected that's fine that's totally fine what is letting you know is that because we had forty percent brightness it's actually selecting kind of like 40 of the pixels a little bit difficult to explain but if we go back to RGB now we still have our selection even though we can't see the selection right we're going to go to generative fill and type out oil painting and we're going to press generate and now it's going through the process one more time but it's using 40 of the pixels of our original image to create this oil painting and if all went well if I remember this process we should be left with an oil painting of our original image right and we have a few different options we can cycle between and that looks pretty good right there's the before and there's the after so if you're looking to do image to painting that's definitely a way maybe we'll make it easier in the future possibly if anyone if any of the engineers are watching let's make this let's make this easier right there's got to be a way with the uh the taskbar maybe if we like have a a check box or something to include the pixels of the I don't know I'm just brainstorming but definitely an option and we can dive in here if we wanted a watercolor painting and it's still going to use the selection right the 40 of the original image to create this new watercolor painting and in a second we're going to be left with watercolor now this mountain up here kind of is floating away for some reason but that one looks pretty good all right so we've got our watercolor and we've got our oil painting I'm sure there's many other styles we can apply this to but definitely a pro tip a little bit more advanced than um I would like so maybe eventually it'll be easier but there you go and then we're back to the beginning now one more tumor two more examples before we wrap things up um I know a lot of you you like text image but you'd like to use other uh text to image services or you've just grabbed a stock image somewhere and you want to make some changes to it so I showed this off I think it was yesterday but we can just start selecting uh some of the random you know pickles again right don't want those select those I'm just holding on my shift key and grab my lasso tool make some additional changes maybe I'll expand this a little bit let's try 10. and then generate a fill and generate so it's incredibly simple just grab an image bring into Photoshop or Firefly on the web use gender to fill just to remove objects or even add objects if you want to um and there you go now occasionally you might get this warning at the top in this case you don't have to worry too much about it um but it probably detected something that was a little bit risky for some reason but back here we have this goop I don't know what this goop exactly is but we might want to replace that with maybe ketchup right so generative fill ketchup and I completely spelled that incorrectly so I'm curious yeah it does ketchup that's a bit better um and then in a second it should replace this with ketchup and I do want to show you one more Pro tip right after this and there we go oops we've got our ketchup a few different options that one looks pretty good all right so one more example and this one is kind of fun videos got this video that I downloaded from Adobe stock it's a stationary video so the camera doesn't move that's very important right so it's not going to work in all cases but you can open this directly in Photoshop so I've opened this video in Photoshop it's loading there we go timeline popped up at the bottom and we might want to crop this or extend this for Instagram reel right you can't really post this on Instagram so if I go ahead and go to crop now this one I'm not going to use generative expand now I mean we I suppose we could right if we go outside of here um I'm going to set this to Instagram I have a preset saved which is essentially 9x16 right now we could just crop it like this and call it a day right but we might want it a little bit larger so I'm going to expand it maybe in both directions just like that and then go and it's going to create it's going to generate the surrounding area of that stationary video again it has to be stationary because Photoshop doesn't do motion tracking or anything like that but it gives us a few different options and then we can extend this down here at the bottom in the timeline and then we can go ahead and play and now we have an extended video pretty simple right again yes has to be stationary and the things on the sides where you're extending can't have any motion but in those situations it's pretty cool and it works all right that's going to wrap things up for me for today big thank you to everyone who has tuned in definitely dive into Firefly test it out use all the different tools let us know how what you think and stick around we've got more content coming up in just a few moments and I will see you all next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Adobe Live
Views: 63,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: f1jEf_xShiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 20sec (3440 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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