How To Make A Progress Bar in DaVinci Resolve - Fusion Motion Graphics Tutorial

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[Music] hey everybody casey ferris here i make videos on davinci resolve here on youtube today we're talking about making a progress bar like this before we get into the video let's talk about the benefits of high fiving it feels good it makes other people feel good high five today nice so let's go back in time and see how the heck we made this thing so the idea here is if you were making a video and you have something where you want your viewer to know how long it's going to last this might be an ad this might be something that you just need to mention but maybe isn't exactly what your main video is about i've seen this used in a few different videos on youtube and i really like it so here we have a little mention of high-fiving before we get into the video let's talk about the benefits of high-fiving it feels good it makes other people feel good high five today so what we want to do is make a little progress bar that goes from left to right here to show kind of how long this video is i'm going to do that using a fusion composition first thing i'll do is go over to my media pool right click and we'll say new fusion composition but here for the duration i'm gonna make this like 10 frames long just super short and i'll hit create and i'll rename this progress bar and we'll double click on it to open it up so here we have our blank fusion composition and what i'll do is just grab a background node that's this very left hand icon here in our toolbar grab that and drag that down into our node graph then i'll take the output of this background and drop it on the media out and that'll show us a black screen up here in our right hand viewer and so if we were to render this right now all anybody would see would be a black screen because that's just this black background attached to media out i don't want that so i'm going to select background one and go up to the inspector and down here where it says background i'm going to turn down this alpha right here just leave it black and turn down the alpha that'll make sure that our background is transparent so anything we put on top of this will work splendidly and the size of the composition will be what we want and everything so let's actually make our bar we're going to do this with a couple of background nodes actually so again this very left hand icon i'll grab and drag another background node to the node graph and i'll take the output of this and then put it over the output of our background one and this is gonna be the outline so i'll hit f2 on the keyboard i'll say outline just rename it and now let's change this color to something nice i don't know maybe like an orangish yellow i like this color like this kind of nice deep yellow you like this i like it anyway we're gonna make the kind of little loading bar outline with a mask so i have my outline background selected i'll go here to our icons in the middle for our masks i'll click on rectangle and that will automatically add a rectangle mask to our background and now i just need to size this well so i'm going to bring up the width and bring down the height and we'll do something like that and i'm going to uncheck solid and boost up our border width and that's just going to give us a little stroke around the edge then i can grab this little widget and bring it down here maybe towards the bottom i want this to be pretty subtle so i think i'll make this a little bit wider and a little bit skinnier something like that because i don't want this to be just so terribly obvious that that's the only thing people look at instead of whatever i'm trying to tell them so we'll just push this down towards the bottom of the screen not really within title safe but it's supposed to be real subtle okay so something like that looks good now we gotta make the fill for it and instead of doing all of that sizing again what i'll do is just take both of these and hit ctrl c double click and then hit ctrl v that's gonna add a copy of each one of these i'm gonna select outline one and hit f2 on the keyboard and let's call this fill now take my fill and take the output and merge it over our merge one and now we have some stuff going on except for it doesn't look like we do but i promise we do if i select this mask here and i'll rename that too just to be a good kid i'll call it fill mask and this one's called outline mask look at us just being amazing i'm going to take this fill mask and over in the inspector sort of reverse part of what we did i'm going to click this solid again and that'll fill this in i'll get rid of our border width just by double clicking on it let's zoom in here i'll hold ctrl and just roll with the scroll wheel and i want to size this mask to be just a little bit smaller than our other mask than our outline something like that yeah so i just brought down the width and the height take a look at what that looks like yeah nice now this is what the bar will look like when it's totally full so how do we get it to animate from left to right like fill up we'll do that with another mask and we could animate the mask that we have here but it's just a lot easier to do this with a separate mask i'll show you why in my tool bar here i'm going to grab another rectangle mask but this time i'm just going to drag it down underneath my merge 2 which is where my fill gets merged over everything and i'll connect it to the mask input of merge 2. what this is going to do is only merge things over everything else where i put this mask so really what will happen is wherever this mask is that's where we'll see that filled in bar you see what i'm getting at here reset stuff and i'll just boost our width up and what i'm gonna do is just animate where this mask is there are probably fancier ways to do this but all i'm really trying to do is get this right edge to be pretty close to the end of the right edge of this interior fill something like that and then i'm going to move to the end of our composition so frame nine and i'll go over to our center for our mask and click on this keyframe diamond and that's gonna tell that mask to be right there at nine frames and i'll move to the beginning of the comp something like this at frame zero and now what i'll do is just move this x number for the center of my mask and i'm just going to move it down to where it's just off the left side basically it just hasn't quite started filling up that bar yet at frame 0. so now as i page through this it fills up the bar right so at the beginning of the comp it's not filled up at the end it's totally filled up now why did we do this over just a few frames because we're going to be using a really special node called a keyframe stretcher and what this does is it stretches whatever animation we want over the length of the clip in the timeline so if this is 30 seconds long it takes 30 seconds to fill up the bar so here's how we add it i'm just going to select our last node before our media out and i'll hit shift space bar that'll bring up our select tool menu and i'll type kfs and that'll bring up keyframe stretcher and i'll hit return on the keyboard and that'll add a keyframe stretcher node now unless you set this up right it ruins everything oh boy you can get yourself in trouble so i'm going to select this and go over to the inspector and you have to set this stuff right you can't just add this thing to the end or it will ruin everything i can't stress that enough so this is really important source and make the source end whatever the last keyframe is i basically picked nine frames just sort of at random just because it's more than two frames you might be able to do this with two frames actually you just need to have enough frames here to show your animation so that you have places to put your keyframes but let's do source end is nine frames stretch start is going to be the same as source start and source end stretch start and stretch end zero and nine okay as long as those are all set to be the first frame and the last frame of your animation this will work now for different animations and different things you set this differently this is very specific to this exact thing but if we did it right magic should happen yes so we're done here in fusion everything lives in this progress bar fusion comp so let's go back over to our edit i'll grab our progress bar fusion comp and i'll drag it into the timeline over whatever clip i want to show this progress bar on zoom in a little bit here and then i'll just set it at the beginning and i'll grab the end of this and just drag it out just so it's the same length of the clip so now it will play for the length of the clip about telling everybody about high fives nice obviously you can style this color this make it as subtle or as obvious as you want but the workflow is the same by the way if you want to check out more fancy things like this you should take a look at our fusion titles for editors they live in your effects library and you can just drag them to your comp and size them and there are some really cool animated titles that you can customize right here in the edit page that means text background color anything you like check those out right here so good awesome sauce i wonder what it tastes like you know what it probably tastes like is that sauce from cafe yum that stuff is so good you know what i'm saying man i should get some of that
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 11,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make a progress bar in davinci resolve, davinci resolve, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve 16, tutorial, resolve, davinci resolve 15, video editing, davinci resolve 16 tutorial, text animation, davinci resolve 16 tutorial for beginners, fusion, how to, davinci, text, resolve 16, davinci resolve 16.1, davinci resolve effects, davinci resolve 16 editing tutorial, fusion tutorial, motion graphics in davinci resolve, text effect, free video editor
Id: voAC7tavwrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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