Inflatable 'House' with Woodstove: Camping in Largest Tent I own

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good afternoon folks hope you're doing well I'm out here with a new tent a bit couple of bits of New Gear actually uh it's a bit of a beast as you can tell I've got lots of gear in my backpack there's more gear inside this tent bag as well there's a stove uh a um outdoor stove as well and I've got a wood stove over there it's it's a lot of gear I'm not used to this much but I figure it's quite nice to have quite a comfortable Camp every now and then this is the first time I've ever set this tent up I've never done it before it's my first time using an air tent on the channel I've got no idea how it's going to go but without further Ado thank you for watching and let's get camp set up this doesn't come with the tent this is actually a separate stove outdoor fire pit sorry that wi well sent me we'll do that in a bit that set up this thing is massive folks this is probably the biggest tent I now own I think it's a one it says 1 to six person um it's certainly a luxury camp for what I've never I've never done this before I don't know what I'm doing in here get all the components out that's fairly straight explan self-explanatory that's how we Pump It Up that's gold pump it up no too early instructions here from the looks of it of how to set it up it's always nice when that's on there the bag with pegs and an air the uh repair kit for the air tubes this is massive this thing is huge without doubt the biggest tent I have owned it's a monster oh man let's find these air tubes so according to the instructions it says lay the tent out which I've done and then peg in four corners of the tent which I will do next and then it says the two inflatable valves choose one close one valve keep one open and then pump air into it nice heavy duty pecs for a change I didn't bring a mallet but it's very soft ground today here so we should be okay I'm not going to Peg that bit Peg the bottom bit yeah that goes in easy with my hands do the rest so I've closed one valve off and I found the other valve the one way valve bit this sorry this bit so yeah doesn't let air back out this is the bit where you always prayed it got valve the valves right yes cool so that took 10 minutes with filming filming around moving the camera not too bad let's adjust the pegs all along the edges on the the kind of rain skirt here are these heavy duty n nylon webbing straps with a d-ring at the end so I got to tension all this out put those in um so there's also a skirt there's the kind of waterproof PVC I guess waterproof bathtub bit but there's this skirt here as well and it's got these d-rings which you can hook onto the top of the pegs or at least I'm going to hook them on the top of the pegs like that just makes it easy how cool is that it is like it is literally like an inflatable house they've even got like windows with slaps in there webbing to make it look like a house window that is really cool I do like these uh nice big tensioning straps for the rain skirt there that was the first time putting up an inflatable tent that was actually way easier than I thought it would be so cool got these guyin here as well which I guess for when it's a really windy day and you want to get everything pegged down being inflatable it's probably going to be catch the wind a bit but I'm not going to use these tonight because I don't know if you can tell there's zero wind in the air it's actually quite a mild day but it is going down to 5° tonight I think Celsius so we are going to have a wood stove right let's have a look inside got to say another really cool feature is these kind of zip-on covers that go over the skylights they're like a skylight so this one has the mesh on there I don't know how you get up there to roll it up you must have to open it from the inside to actually be able to roll that up cuz I can't I can't reach but that's mesh there and the same over there so it's like you can see into the forest above which I think is really cool you can see the trees they they also uh it came with the temp but I didn't bring it have like a clear PVC uh cover that goes on here so you have essentially a window so if it's rainy you can still have it open and get light in there but I haven't brought that with me today cuz it's not due to rain on each corner there are these little Windows here too so you've got a normal window you got a mesh if you want to keep the bugs out and let some light in and air flow and then when it's bad weather outside and you want to hunker down you can just zip up up the main window from inside or outside I like that and that goes all the way along two windows there loads on the front loads on the back oh there there's a mesh draw there as well we're going to keep this open for now though Buzzard there's two buzzards over there oh wow it's massive this is huge for one person this is ridiculous for six people you could sleep 15 or 20 people in the sleeping bag in here it's massive I can actually stretch totally up and touch the uh the air tubes here's where the stove goes there's more windows there but up here there's a string like paracord that goes all the way along the ridge for hanging clothes and sleeping bags and things like that it's all Tor so you can just hang things when the stoves on everything up here would get dry I really like that you see the whole air frame here the mesh Windows which yeah can be open from the inside if you if you want Total Forest but we're going to keep that shut today every single air tube in the on the whole frame is a zip with a protective kind of cura case to it and when you unzip it I think it's so that if you have any punctures you're able to get to wherever the hole might be in the air tube which I think is again a great idea you need to be able to get to everything in case you have a puncture it it would be nightmare to find where it is though but that's that's really cool like that I'm not sure on this I don't want to press it but it's kind of like an emergency valve or something to potentially to let a bit of I wonder if this is for when it's really hot conditions outside and obviously the air expands in a tent when it's hot and if that's for letting air out I'm not going to play with that cuz I've just pumped it all up and then down here is a tiny zip and a a hole vent for putting in an air conditioning tube or a kind of diesel heater tube so you can heat the tent via those as well but again I don't need that because the best bits up here here is the stove Jack with a little heat resistant material here that's velcroed on and it's secured to the tent um but there's nothing on the floor here because I believe you need to get the RBM stove which has the protective mats on there or I've just not packed it actually I might have forgotten it you know either way I've got a different stove with me today so we're going to set that up now if you're wondering what tent this is by the way it's the RBM Outdoors uh Panda air tent and it was actually sent to me about 6 months ago by them along with another one of their tents and I just haven't got around to using it until today and I kind of regret that cuz this would have been great in the winter proper winter but yeah they got back in they got in touch with me in like 2021 and I just never really found their messages until couple of months ago on Instagram um they did send me a stove as well a big stove for this tent and for the other one but I didn't bring it with me because we're Springtime coming into spring anyway and it's only 5° C tonight I don't think I need a massive stove so I've just gone for a smaller one and I'll use the other big stove potentially later this year [Music] here we [Music] [Applause] go I've got a couple of extra stove pipe lengths which I'm going to put on here because it's quite a tall tent and I want this the flu to be quite high so there any Ash that falls on it even though I've got a spark rester any Ash hopefully doesn't you know burn [Music] it I've got this stove mat heat mat as well which goes with this stove here so we put that down [Music] first [Music] [Music] for right we're set up with the stove for later this evening um I'm going to chop fire with in a minute for the fire pit and probably cook outside then maybe do some food or something on the stove here uh in the evening the old one Tigress bed really comfy had a number of good nights now on this something I do love about spring the burden is so the sun is I think I've got about an hour and 15 of sunlight of of light left before DUS comes it's nice now with spring coming it's starting to the nights and starting to draw out and then the clocks will change soon we get our evenings which is so nice not having to fight the light with filming but I didn't get here till late because my kids were sick the last few weeks I had it I caught the bug it's like a really bad stomach bug and then my wife has had it recently and so I've just made sure everything is okay at home before I left going to say I haven't been camping at ages I I did actually go camping last weekend with Steve the state detective and mark from MDM Outdoor Adventures and Andy from Kent survival uh we did a camp out we didn't do any filming any of us that was actually one of the weekends my my kids were sick so um I kind of went back home and then came back out to Camp it was it was a funny sort of day but it was really nice to to Camp with the guys we'll do some more stuff in the future and maybe actually film it next time I've got my new fire pit I'm really excited about this so the guys at winwell sent me this it's all very shiny and actually they didn't just send me a fire pit I've got a look I've got a uh they sent me this this like stainless steel table and some instructions so everything is flat and that is it how quick is that that's the fire pit and then there's the grill like that done that's really cool so where we had the camp the other day I still have lots of firewood left over from it here in the woods but it's kind of we've already split it down but I'm going to split it down a bit further to get it going and because I was late today it saves me having to so it all up it's quite nice to not have to soore the firew all the time so just split this a bit smaller for no Bush gr off today cuz I'm late for just chopping up some wood for the wood stove later might as well do it now while I've got the axe and it's just easy enough to to fire up the woods though fire pit is going well lots of air holes in it so it gets lots of air flow so actually it actually Burns a really clean flame helps that I've got seasoned wood but that is good got little chair I've packed honestly loads for this trip on so many kind of minimal gear trips it does make a change to do this type of camping one chair oh I didn't bring any beer I should have brought a beer oh airplane ow ow twice I might set these up in the tent to be fair couple of small tables I've obviously got the winwell table as well which I think I'll leave up here I got these little tables for indoors I might set those up by the stove I think we have brought the kitchen sink today folks literally everything oh this is like a Target CH that that let's get these [Music] in oh my camera you can just see the sort of sunlight starting to set over there or the sun's setting behind us lovely View bed stove and still so much space for [Music] activities [Music] this one one don't know if you can see but it's basically a lantern holder like that but it sticks up here not going to be going out of this door today so that's all shut and zipped up and then this one put there oh there's not much battery in it [Music] no okay your off handy little storage pockets on the bed so like sleeping bag covers and my pump pump bits can go in there for now clear the mess there's another pocket the other side I think as well [Music] for [Music] season the meat in a minute I've got this little seasoning kit spice kit which is really cool um got my kind of mixed spice there which I tend to use for steaks and general meat salt paprika pra sorry and cumin they're the main ones I use anyway when cooking but we need the salt and I'm doing boneless lamb leg steaks so I'm going to put some of this on it first that [Music] little bit of oil in my uh my daughter's and my son's top ofwar box cuz I forgot my other oil thing I'm cing lamb so Lamb's quite fatty it doesn't really need loads of oil I'm saying that like I'm a chef but I'm not and I'm not a good cook either daddy yes sweetie have you seen any owls I no I can hear the owls though I can hear them is it raining uh no we've had we've had a bit of rain but of a sprinkling are you are you filming on your friends I'm not filming with my friends today no I'm filming on my own sweetie daddy's on his own tonight what are we doing tomorrow um I don't know what we're doing tomorrow tomorrow daddyy will come home um but look do you want to see Daddy's tent she's called right on cooking time but it's because it's her bedtime and I can't not speak to her then right we got garlic potatoes cooking at the same time I'm going to cook some lamb so every couple of minutes look at that going to take these lamb steaks off and let them sit for a couple of minutes and then whilst the potatoes are still going I'm going to Chuck in a bit of asparagus mix this up a bit so that is the dish I've got with me this garlic dip and some flatbread as well cheers folks that was very hard to cook I was talking to Eve Eve's my daughter by the way ands really nice need some flatbread garlic dip garlic and chive sorry a lot of garlic in this dish garlic potatoes garlic and chive dip I think what I'm going to do is let this fire burn out it's actually getting a bit Smokey now um let it burn out and then bring everything in the tent get the fire going in the tent sit and chill maybe have a beer or two and a hot chocolate or coffee or tea I'm not sure yet but I'm going to get the tent it's definitely stting to drop a bit now because it's bigger I'm not going to get so hot like I do in the smaller ones when I have a uh do a hot Ting night but it will still get nice and warm because it's got that a frame and the heat must all just sit in the top I'm looking forward to it the Moon looks amazing let me just show you before I bring the gear in looks so [Music] good there's no damper on this up there but I always have my damper open the valve anyway all the time when I'm using wood stove and I like to control the air flow from here from the front air intake I think damper is more important when it's a really kind of windy day one near the back one the front we're cooking a little table here the longer one actually near the bed trusty carbon monoxide alarm so I got this little portable radio uh few months ago now I got it I can't remember what I got it Amazon or something it's got a solar panel on the top here so it can kind of run via solar well kind of keep the batteries charged during sunny days oh and it's a light as well I didn't realize that that's cool so you can lift it up and it acts as a light there's another light there I'm not sure how that well it's got a us it's got a DC in so it can charge that's why it's got a lithium iron there baral on the back this is my first time probably looking at it guys by the way little lanyard and a crank handle to if it's low on battery Crank It Up [Music] oh there's the light there's a light button there let's turn that light on so it's got two lights it's a Nifty piece of Kit or any other institution and helping this country be run better Belgian hot chocolate right it's just about cooled down about 40 minutes later I've forgot my plastic cup so metal it is it's nice so I'm probably going to let the stove put one more log on the stove and then let it burn out cuz it's only five or six degrees Celsius tonight and I've got my three season bag Ste bag so once I'm in that I would get too hot I think is that a pheasant yeah I get too hot but it's been brilliant so far in terms of the stove area I'm really pleased with that and there's just so much space in this tent I'm definitely going to use this more for family camping this tent and and bring my kids and my wife in it and have like a big double inflable mattress bring the kids beds in here in the steeping bags have a few more tables set up and yeah do some camping trips this spring and summer with them excuse me 30% chance of rain tonight which in England could mean anything that might mean 100% so I've shut them down zipped them up so the tent's totally sealed now um I might crack a vent or two but I've got my car mon oxide larm anyway right I'll finish my hot chocolate and uh listen to a bit more radio I think just heard a load of owls got into my sleeping bag I was sorting bits out in the tent and the owls kicked off and I went to press record and of course they stopped but anyway stove's going to burn out now it's nice and warm I'm toasty and I will see you guys in the morning unless there's any drama in the night I'll try and record but hopefully there's not see you in the morning [Music] [Music] I for [Music] for for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning and a beautiful one at that I've been up probably an hour and a half now I've had uh I've packed all the gear away in the tent to begin with uh just because it saves on time I find doing it when I first get up doing that task got the fire going had a nice breakfast the Sun is up well actually it's just started to Cloud over but it was a really beautiful sunrise um yeah it it was a really nice night really peaceful night lots of tny owls I could hear quite a few pheasant this morning the ones that survived the season but it was a really good night I'm s I'm really am pleased with this tent um in terms of this is basically a dry run for family camping this summer with my family probably not filmed on YouTube much cuz I I tend to do a lot of that I do I do do it sometimes but um yeah I just enjoy family camping trips we do it every summer uh spring summer sometimes into Autumn I'd like to do a winter camp actually this year with them but yeah I'm very pleased with it because it's ideal space for the kids to run around in and for to have the wood stove if I need to uh two hopefully kind of double beds in there it's you know it's big it's bulky it's heavy but it's something that I would drive in it's not something I would hike in so my car is about a kilometer from here so I fed the gear back and forward to get up here super pleased with the fire pit as well that is that has been brilliant to to cook on and just have a fire in I love the fact that it folds flat as well I've not seen that before I know these have been around a while I'm just a bit late to the party but yeah I'm glad I uh I'm glad I chose that one if you guys remember the flat pack cabin I've got some more modifications that I'm going to make to that as suggested from some of your the comments in the previous videos I'll link to that somewhere up here or in the description below but it's basically my last video on the channel before this uh yeah that's uh that's a really cool project and I've got some more things I'm going to do to that probably going to move it around somewhere different in the woods uh but I've also I've started another project on another one which is totally different but it's going to going to be really cool it's a little bit more ambitious um slightly bit slightly bigger not too much bigger but it's it's very cool Concepts and I don't know if I'm going to be able to pull it off but hopefully I can you can see there's a deer just I think up here I don't know if the right lens for it over there some staring at me there he goes is flashing so I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to film the whole thing so I'll do a quick close out now and say thank you so much for watching really appreciate it um the one thing I didn't mention at the beginning of the episode which I was totally forgot is we're now going to try for Tuesday uploads so Tuesday UK time around about 5:00 p.m. uh if you that's when I used to historically upload for 10 years and for some reason I had kids and obviously just that upload schedule went all over the place so Tuesdays 5:00 p.m. UK time to help you remember just think ta Tuesdays that's what we're going to go for folks um and also I'm going to be at the Bushcraft show this year which is the 25th to the 27th of May and it's a great event I'm going to have a stands there probably have some ta axes ta treer pack packs all sorts of pouches and and Bushcraft bits it's one of the probably the only opportunity a year I get to meet my subscribers so it would be great if you're able to come along um and have a chat I'd love to to chat to you guys cuz a lot of the time it's just me on my own out here filming so it's quite a lonely job so it' be great to meet some of you if you're there um they've actually offered a discount code for you guys uh I think it's ta15 on the Bushcraft show website which will get you 15% off your tickets um you can um you can camp there for the weekend you can camp in The Woodlands you can camp in the fields if you've got family there's quiet camping there's uh loads of Bushcraft classes on there that you can do and survival skills uh and big names like Ray Mir is going to be there as well so if you're around on the 20 about the 25th to 27th I think or 28th of May um this year then yeah ta15 can get you 15% off your tickets and it' be a great chance to to meet you guys so um yeah I'm going to put the tent away and see if it'll go away uh with some battery left on the camera I just want to show the deflating of it and see what it's like do not die on me this is like the best bit it's going to be a lot of pressure Ah that's what that red valve is for I reckon because there's a lot of pressure if I there we go so you undo it slightly and you push this and it just lets a tiny bit out so it doesn't have all that pressure of a bang it's got red on it which I guess means danger pressure [Music] Val for
Channel: TA Outdoors
Views: 146,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DuLGIwhObSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 47sec (2747 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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