3 Day Camp in the Woods - Bushcraft Shelter, Dog, Wool Blanket (STORM FORCE WINDS)

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sound Agustin alright [Applause] well chaps welcome to another episode PA outdoors this is a three day bushcraft trip I'm here with Dustin you guys should remember Dustin from one of our previous videos where we're actually in a pine forest we built some raised beds and we put a tarp over them and we had a really good cook up we are in for another epic cook up guys it's gonna be really good Dustin's we've just been building this kind of hazel with the shelter I don't know what you would call it but basically we've got a load of hazel saplings we shoved them in the ground we've made a kind of dome shape they're all like interlocked we're holding a nice structure it all keeps itself together where it's so interlocked and because they're so springy where their saplings it just helps to keep a rigid structure we're here like I say for three days and we've got some pretty cool forecasts coming our way today is already very windy tomorrow we've got some rain coming in and then on Friday we're at where Wednesday today on Friday we've got 40 mile an hour winds and rain as well so it's gonna be interesting it's gonna be a true test of our shelter that we've built here we are gonna use some man-made materials we're gonna get tarp it's a 4 by 4 meter tarp we're gonna put it over the top of the shelter Dustin has put is that a deer hide up there the DI just to protect the where all the Hazel's come up at the top some of them are woven around some of them can't come a little bit short and they're a bit sharp yeah spiking what I don't want to do is ruin my tarp so I just put it bare hide one of the deer hides I found in the past I just put one over the top just to take out all those sharp edges on the top and we've also got amber with us if you guys remember Dustin's dog amber a bundle of fun full of energy she's somewhere around she's somewhere around but we've got amber with us and it's gonna be a great trip stick along guys it's gonna be a real fun video here we are this is our this is what we've got for two nights three days this is what we're staying in we have spent quite a bit of today just scouting the area looking for a good place to make camp we're in October now it is pretty much beginning of October I've driven an hour and a half to get here to Dustin's place and actually the woodland the trees here the leaves they haven't turned color like that have where I am so it's quite interesting it's almost like back in the summer still but we've got some some good weather anyway so we're going to crack on we need to put a fire pit now don't we we do yet get a fire going kicked some food up and Dustin has got a real treat you guys I'm looking forward to it we're gonna have a fire here about here yeah and we blend in don't we look at that that absolutely blends in that camo tarp stealth shelter brilliant right let's get this fire going there's the pack I've got with me for three days it's a 30 liter pack he's got gloves on the outside cooks on the outside going wall blanket going a bit old-school but the wool blanket underneath and various sleeping gear in here I've got this foam sleeping pad although I don't need it because Dustin said that we're gonna make some kind of natural beds possibly we see the bowels or something like that it's going to be super cool and then I basically just got mostly camera buck batteries and camera gear in here and just the odd sort of spare layer of clothing for where it gets a bit chillier at night but we're not forecasted to get down to through cold tonight I think we might be in double figures for Celsius so that's pretty good like I saying it feels a bit more like back into summer we've got a good spot of weather coming in except for the rain that's every dog thing so as per previous episode Dustin's brought some hides with him some deer hides and we've got some sheepskin wool well sheepskin wants to go on top so we've got we didn't the hides benefit because we don't have to go and get loads and loads of Cedar boughs so we just got up pretty much a big armful and now you can see what Dustin's doing he's just putting the hides down on top of that which will prevent any sharp sticks and thicker kind of thick a diameter circumference Cedar boughs from digging into our back and obviously Amber's got her bed in the middle as well good we might need to get a few more yeah we'll probably Pat it out a bit later but we need to get that fly then we do yeah I think we should get the fire going yes oh yeah the meat sack um and I can fill them so as you can see it's starting to get dark now we've just got the fire going we're kind of backing off for the shelter stuff at the time being because we need to get some food and I'm really looking forward to the food tonight I cannot tell you it's gonna be amazing every time I come here with Dustin is always incredible food but it's lovely lovely evening you can see it's kind of light still but it's gonna get dark it's ten past six now and it's gonna get dark in about an hour ten past seven year cut by seven half past seven it's gonna be dark so we've done most of the major jobs that we wanted to do now it's time to cook up some good food right in here I'm going to add a bit of oil and this will allow us to turn into bit of a paste when it comes to smearing it onto the chicken it will give us a nice rub in here we've got some mixed herbs we've got some paprika and some tandoori spice so I'm just going to cut into these breasts and the legs there's a couple of cuts I'm a few times what this will do is it will break through the skin allowing us to really get that mixture that rub into the chicken into the meat to give us that maximum flavor so we've mixed it together I'm going to use one of these shave the interest the Hazel shaving and we mix it together to make a nice nice little paste paste what I mean is with a marinade what we'll do is when this is cooking will be every so often using a brush which would be a pine needle brush we'll just brush the chicken with the marinade just to keep that flavoring but for now what we'll do is we'll just pour a bit of this marinade onto our chicken on this and we're just gonna rub it in nicely so it goes in all over everywhere all those cuts that I've made that's where the flavor is going to be hiding [Music] so we've got loads of dry wood here Oh camera pretty sure it's hazel isn't it yeah I think the majority of the wood is mostly hazel but it's just so so pretty much tinder dry where we still not had loads of rain this is back in the summer and most of the summer so it's handy for us for this fire because it's just tend to dry easy to break forward chickens coming along good it's coming along good just a a later bird dipping sauce oh yeah yeah amber amber that's our dipping sauce yeah cooking good just put some more oil in this tiny little Dutch oven nice so small mate I know I've never seen tiny now that the oils in there I've got some cheese we're gonna put the cheese into this put the lid on now place this next to the fire and over the next 45 minutes to an hour or so this cheese will hopefully melt and it'll be next-level stuff what these guys don't know is this cheese absolutely hums it does it really is stinky this is a French cheese it's called raclette and yeah check it out check out recoleta cheese and how you'd normally eat it so buy yourself a nose plug at the same time yeah it's absolutely honking it really is Hoggins I'm just cutting off the edge there we go I'm gonna place the cheese into here like that with a bit of pepper on top and then we'll probably give it as I said 45 minutes to an hour yet quite a lot of pepper once it melts down we're gonna mix it up a bit on the top it doesn't have to go into the Amber's we'll just put it on the edge of the fire like that to gently warm I think it's time we gave it a turn the idea is to cook it like that to get them bones heated up straightaway and really really get the bones cooking now we're going to flip it rotate it like that and now we'll just wait for that give it another half an hour get a bit of colour and we'll turn it again I can feel the meat sweats already I'm sweating more than that chicken they sort of cooking it doesn't it's not quick we're talking maybe an hour and a half of cooking this over the fire maybe an hour and a half maximum two hours but it all depends on how hot the fire is how near the meat is to the heat it's all about adjusting it every so often we'll get some word we'll turn some of these we'll throw them in the front maybe we'll move it back at this to heart danyoung you've outdone yourself looking good again that is incredible that I can smell that and the cheese and everything all right we're looking lovely lovely well the idea I said we just grab one of these flat breads we just carve into this a bit again the meat sweats mate nothing like it the meat sweats and against Q's fingers yeah who cares now the idea so this is remember this is that raclette cheese so it's been on there for maybe what an hour and a half minutes yeah this is really really good stuff it's gonna give it a little mix that's just what it needs put a few carrots and a few these peppers in here spoon wise what am I going to use well I believe I know I'm actually going to use one whose flatbread there's no complaining now this is dying so this is it oh thanks we finish off with a little squeeze of lemon Wow you've outdone yourself and it's been on there for you know an hour and a half an hour 45 minutes and I think it's cooked really well there's no burnt of its it's cooked really well with my last parallel fire what our survey says what 10 out of 10 ah with that cheese as well that's living good right there oh this is really oh right I'm tucking in I'm putting the camera down this looks just ridiculous me I sang Dustin earlier every time I come here with Dustin and do a video I just eat like a king just ridiculous I've never eaten so good in the woods ever except when I comedy that's just insane there's some sauce on this chicken smells incredible that marinade dude so that just got a bit chicken let's give her cheese on there nice and early first time having raclette cheese raclette cheese it's already like solidifying we're so gonna sizzle carrots pepper I'm going straight in for an oh my god that cheese Jesus makes it really does you guys are missing out on us here I'll try and put the recipe for all of this below and how long they're really not how long we cooked it and everything yeah yeah nice simple rub just a bit of just a bit okay just got to keep an eye on it you don't it to burn no sit down chill out yeah and it's just to get cozy and then eventually your food cooks do the same this is just just carving off the chicken like that being able to carve off a whole chicken it's like a Sunday roast but way better I probably in fact I probably better here than I do at home but I come to you yeah I actually better food okay yes that Jesus is going solid already it's crunch and carrots well we have had an absolute feast so far tonight it's been lovely happy and was crying away from my chicken down here but we're gonna call it a night it's now I think it's about half 10th 1/2 10 yeah I think we're about half 10 so we've had some beers and we've had a good time relaxing catching up whether it's absolutely lovely at the moment it's just nice and warm there's a little bit of wind and we have to pin down the size of the shelter but I'll talk you through that tomorrow and yeah so we're gonna call it a night and we'll see you guys in the morning look at this cozy set up looking cozy in there time to get the wool blanket out wait coriander sure she just sits right in front of the camera Croatian she's a lady oh nice good come fire that warmth well good morning guys we both slept pretty well do you sleep all right listen yeah yeah we both say pretty well amber was pretty good through the night as well we had a couple of rain showers and then if you can hear it now but it's starting to rain and I look to the forecast what was meant to be light rain this morning is now turned into heavy rain and it's already started so what we're going to do is we've got a spare top just here we're gonna try and string it up maybe somewhere just in front of the shelter it's gonna be a true test of shelter for the next two days because we've got heavy rain today and strong winds tomorrow but we are in a dense wood and if you can see this that's it that's all it's only going to see us through till tomorrow so hopefully it should be okay fires completely out because we had a fair amount of rain last night so we'll get this tarp up get the fire going get some breakfast going and we can focus on what we're gonna do for today yeah but we're just raking up this tarp to keep the rain off so we found some dead upright some dead wood wrapping this paracord around the corner to keep it locked in and keeping tension on this I'm gonna take it down to where I think I'm gonna peg it about there and I'm gonna put a little loop on the end once I've got my loop and then thread this line back through so now this is ready for a peg to reach down here grab a peg flip through there and now what to do that's pretty rigid that's quite an easy way of getting a fire going I was just using the fire steel and then on the back of the knife tinder wise we just used some of these dead ends that are in the fire from last night we went to bed the fire went out woke up these are still dry few strikes on to thee onto the droid charcoal or charred ends straight away ember blow them together lovely now we can have a tea fine we can finally have a cup of tea yeah here we go there get on there let's just move this fire let's move this fire down a bit I'll get some wood for the fire as well there we go we've got pampers looking good look at this got the tarp got shelter beds lovely now gotta find the dog my little apple cook sir you say you met you're telling me you made that yeah I made that and then this is a bit of lime cordage a really like lime cordage makes a very nice strong neat neat cordage that doesn't have any or bits that fray yeah almost jute swine wood frame more than that it certainly would yeah that's really good we've got the fire going we're gonna get some breakfast um oh is it gonna be another feast stains your mouth you end up walking around with this eye dry mouth strong teeth me like blended cardboard they hot water I love us but I never used to I used to be like you I always just have an opt then I'm at and my wife and she made me really strong - yes she kept doing out of habit and I just got used to it yeah I didn't like it yes I just got used to it and now I absolutely love it and I when I get around dads he's like milvey is anything he loves a milky tea does he - Earl Grey Maui nice standards like peas I used to have like pet leaves and make it quite milky and I've discovered Earl Grey and it was like your tea is the best if you can get your oh there's no going back honestly if you Yorkshire see if you have it once there's no going back it's it's the tea to have this cheers mate so slow morning warms the soul as you guys can see we've bought we've we've made a pot hanger setup simple simple kind of white branches in each corner a cross brace and then some pot hangers for the kettle we've got the Dutch oven as well are we doing some Dutch oven cooking Dustin's telling me later yeah gonna do some duct oven cooking obviously we still got breakfast and there's a few camp tasks that we're gonna do but we're quite pleased with it so far we could do with building a bit of a fire wall yeah you know a five-letter back because we last night it got temperatures didn't obviously freeze overnight but it did get quite chilly once that fire had gone out and obviously once the fire is going we realized that the heat was just been wasted with it it was we could feel it in the shelter but yeah it could be much more efficient if we built a fire reflector and then when the fire was going the heat coming in here it was like yeah I'm reflecting on how much lovely wasn't it it was like a pocket of hot air in here mmm it was really nice it wasn't it wasn't cold it wasn't uncomfortable of night but we'll make it more conce right now we're slowly getting to each day making it more cut exactly so we've got the tarp because it has been raining although it's meant to be a lot heavier than it is at the moment so we didn't were getting away with it and yes got the tarp up got better cooking setup and the beds were fine you know I thought the Cedar boughs I thought we didn't have enough seed about Bailey obviously fine yeah what they weren't uncomfortable yeah nice warm insulating yeah it wasn't damp or anything those sheep skins are the dogs they are so good they make a massive difference I got a once in the night last night - amber amber woke both of us up and what was she doing she was so funny she when I heard her she was he was going back into the fire beyond the fire the fight gone out and she was licking something and yet I've forgotten to put away that small Dutch oven that small pot that we had that we recollecting that the raclette cheese was in she somehow managed to lick the lid off so the lid had fallen off and it's cheese in the bottom that's like solidified she's trying to really get her bottom jewelry no paper out it was quite entertaining she looked at me like oh please help Isis quickly ticket I put it up on the branch anything you know off the ground I think let's do it all in this one I didn't see that yeah proper skillet yeah poolside cams afternoon quite late afternoon yeah crazy isn't it is a proper dark overcast day at least like the baking potatoes yeah perfect in the sense of size that's what a three inch blade three three and half inch 4 inch handle proportion-wise Darcy perfect than that I didn't all the scale material is it's curly birch oh is it that's low life isn't it yeah yeah curly birch yeah it's nice I did the handle that's why Spence did you do that yeah well you're like you did all this I just clanking you know I was like around it all off yeah pins I never done it before like with anything you learn a lot you do the best thing to do is fail like learn and do it and fail exactly that's how you properly learn totally totally agree don't just read all the books I actually go and do it and fail at it yeah because you will succeed from doing that right so that's my input [Music] [Music] all right so this is breakfast looks good man that's good it's a it's onion chorizo potatoes and then eggs on top with them mixed herbs as well break up the little skillet yep just think the forks stuck in probably still cooking No Oh [Music] is nice guys nice oh yeah really hot that is brilliant hmm a nice mix of flavor so what's the plan after breakfast so I think we need to get a fire reflector built yes here because that rains gonna come in as well and if we're collecting wood and H we can do it maybe it's some firewood as well fire as well lots of firewood and then we're gonna take amber for a bit of a walk around the woods it's a massive wouldest that we're in it's actually almost like a small forest it's not really a wood so it's an actual forest so it is massive but so we're gonna take probably amber take around burner burner out burn some energy out and yeah collect some firewood build a fire reflector and there maybe any other contacts and by then we'll probably be ready for the next meal we are yet to have this heavy rain that's forecasted I mean there's been a sprinkling if that a sprinkling of rain no heavy rain the wind is picking up there's many many 40 mile-an-hour tomorrow morning and from what little sky you can see it's not very dark it's my like that the clouds are quite light yeah but thin nothing threatening if it comes it's gonna be a heavy shower just allow breakfast we're chasing the breakfast down with the last bit with a fig you know I sense Dustin he said have you ever had fix before and I said I've had a fig roll some of you might remember the fig rolls that you can get but I've never had a figure itself so teach me what we do so you do to just get in pinch the top and you're just trying to rip it open okay yeah and you just open it like like that that's the inside of a fig it's inside this is how I eat how I eat them by the way okay so once that once you once you've opened them up you just crunch it up Oh they're lovely so refreshing as well no not how I imagined they would look I was st. Dustin they look like an mouldy onion on the outside they definitely don't taste like it no nice and sweet they aren't not very strong flavor very snow and we're so watermelon wearing watered down that is so I'm talking like a watermelon or like a Kiwi as well yeah not quite a big roll but slightly healthier yeah yeah [Laughter] that's it when Stephanie freshened the wind yeah yeah we're just really lost because we're very very sheltered in here it is so dense and soon as you leave the wouldn't get Susy you reach the end of them the edge of the woodland yeah it was blistering out there weren't really windy guys we will show you the wind in a minute out now they out in the earth the open areas of wood and its way windier than in here it's easily I'd say 20 mile an hour up there yeah I would I'd like to be camping so I'm just lashing these this firewall together just you know quite basically I'm not doing anything luxurious just a couple of lashes half hitches and it's just gonna keep it all together because the top is this big top dog and split rotten but it would do the job it's pushing these support sticks apart so sometimes if you're doing a big high firewall a fire reflector you want to be doing this midway through and then at the top as well if you do it just at the top ends up bowing in the middle and put loads of pressure on the stick so you're doing a big thick firewall for winter the fire reflector tie these halfway down and then at the top as well and then start stacking your logs off just doing a simple Canadian Jam not very easy just an overhand knot like that if you can see this I do it in the light there and then another overhand knot like that so that's effectively acting as a stopper knot you wrap this around the tree at the branch and then you pull it back through and I'll show you that the other side there is my Canadian Jam not like that take one end around the stick and use this working end to push through that second overhand loop that you've made cinch it down tight and then you can ratchet down on it and it pinches on itself there not and that just gives you a good starting point to pull against and it doesn't slip but it's also really easy - on Diggs you've got this tag end here which you can pull and it undoes the knot nice and easy so there's other names for this knot Canadian general I think there's a it's this type of jam not there's quite a few different types of germinal and that way I can just wrap around pull it nice and tight the night person who gets here and I wrap it around there and kind of wrap it you can frack that over the top there like that and then finish off with just a half hitch because it just holds itself then those flaps help to pinch it down and that's like guitar string tight now rigid so the wind is really fresh and now then if you can tell on microphone but it's definitely picked up this is what was forecasted which is okay we're prepared for it it's certainly gonna put the old shelter to the test look how well that blends in it's awesome it really does blend in all made from hazel saplings in a bit of tarp but yeah so we're going on a little walk to try and show you some windier areas because it's blistering through but because it's so dense we're okay back there but these trees are swaying look at the size of some of these trees just hope the shelter's alright yeah we're about 230 guys I think we're just beyond t 30 and it's got really dark a little sudden look at those oh that's some rain clouds coming the rains are coming but it's definitely some rain clouds it's good job we move that tough yes what we've done is we had to move the tarp back because we know the rains coming the wind is here and it's very strong out in the open it's not a strong here although you can probably hear at the microphone there's some big trees swinging popular trees yeah we're gonna weighing we're gonna keep an eye out on everything just to just to check there's no deadfall this see looking like it's gonna come out and you can see why the camera it's gone dark it's only 2:30 in the afternoon so we've moved the tarp back because there it wasn't overhanging the front of the shelter and that meant that means that when the rain is heavy because there's a lot of leaf cover here so we should be right for a while but once it penetrates that leaf cover then it's gonna start dripping from the front of the shelter and we'll just have this puddle in front of the shelter so we decided to move the top back what 3 feet 3 feet and meter about 3 feet 2 meter moved it back really secured it down and now it's looking good so that's a yes we're not good cooking area if it rains it's actually gonna just run off off the side of it and not drip they wrecked directly in front of where we are yeah the camping cooking eating exactly they say we're now prepping for the next snack all I do is eat with Dustin that's pretty much butter and so that's probably what you guys think we do is just eat yes we just eat and make some build stuff but and drink this and drink beer we drink some fine ales but what we're gonna do is carve some sticks up Dustin's like she told me what I'm doing yet he just said get the bark off this stick flatten it up like he's done we need two of these and then he's gonna tell me more on then we need a little bit more willow no no so this is willow we're just gonna sterilize these again yeah over the fire just over the flame just to dry them off a bit sterilize them and then we will be skewing something I am excited we an afternoon tree okay sweet treat cuz that breakfast was pretty hefty so it was nice you know I don't feel too hungry after but a little snack wouldn't go amiss yeah maybe another cup of tea yeah I always always another cup of tea ladies and gents Dustin is preparing up a storm I believe forget the storm outside this is about to be a storm going on right by this fire all right so this is just there an afternoon treat something sweet I'm gonna cut into the banana a little bit peel away the top that top bit of skin then once we've got that shouldn't take some chocolate just press the chocolate into the banana you know idea is that when this is over the fire this will melt not go into a nice banana a chocolaty sweet treat so that one there oh yeah one left too late now here's one I made earlier Lupita so this just threads straight into straightening through the banana thread that one on move this stick back a bit thread this one on so I'm sure you guys can see where we're going with this they look like mini Viking ships they do they do no don't place these into that it's like this one up a little bit alright just need some heat now let's grab some these coals most of all though so we just have a little fire of hot embers we don't really want a flame if it flames up we'll just come along and we'll move them about until the flame goes out but I'm gonna dig through this fire and try and get some nice embers there to get underneath our bananas none of you guys to see this it looks really light but really if I put the camera settings on properly it's it's quite dark up there it's windy so we're gonna try and go on a firewood hunt get as much firewood as we can now so we don't really want to be doing at the dark do it now well that's dry yeah before the rain hits before the Sun Goes Down yeah exactly we've got the rain forecasted winds gonna be around let's exert some energy get some firewood there's so much dead wood around there's so much dead wood around yeah Oh that's all that dipping sauce in there yes that's all our dipping sauce and the cheese I don't know what Jax would be thinking about this be jealous would be yeah I'm gonna get a cold shoulder when I get a cup of tea Oh always always that's a rhetorical question - in English proper English with minute back on actually just move it aside don't need it for the moment no it's been about 20-25 minutes yeah these on no I can see some melted chocolate let's just slide these off these two bits of wood we don't need them anymore bone the truth so I'm guessing the bottom of the banana skin obviously burns but you don't eat the skin do you Sophie the chocolate it's already melting on my hands oh it's just falling apart brings back memories of that pancake we've had he does chocolate banana pancake well that's awesome - really good nice awesome it will cook to this it comes in its own packaging so a full own disposable Bowl basically great project for kids like parents out parents out there were kids what a project to get kids into the others easy as banana boat chocolate and on a boat rock book that is amazing I just show you guys make you a bit envious melted chocolate the banana is the bowl in itself just scoop the spoon in get in that chocolaty goodness hmm and a cup of tea to wash it down exactly and and no washing up really other than a spoon which will wash up in the tea mm-hmm we were halfway through already yeah yeah I should put about four bananas on that it's nice because you can just slow cook it not what you know even if you leave it an hour yep it's probably not Mila right yeah it's just keeping it warm that's all you got to do that's awesome month oh that job done five minutes not even five minutes I reckon what's the camera say two minutes twelve if you've never tried this give it a try next time you're out camping yeah highly recommend it all dispose will all biodegradable so this is a little idea of how you can cook an egg if you manage to accidentally forget your container your cooking pot gather yourself a bit of moss place your egg in the middle and then scrunch it all up like this then using some honeysuckle or pretty much any old vine you can vanish there you can find these in the honeysuckle tie off so bring that around through there quite it's quite fireball this stuff so it doesn't really snap if you get it last bit and then pull that in tight maybe bring the bottom round and just tie that off as well good idea to get this as compressed as you can put that round there going this one and that that is it this is our cooking pot what we need to do now is pour some water over it ideally if there's a stream or a river or even a puddle I guess you would put this in there for five or you know five or ten minutes and it would actually absolutely be drenched with water by putting this there ready on directly on top of the embers and building a fire on top with the water in there it will then begin to steam and cook your egg cooking time wise I don't know depends on how hot the fire is from experience maybe 20 25 30 minutes and what happens is you you won't be able to pick it out the fire unless you have a shovel for example why normally do is move the fire away and then because all of these honeysuckle vines will have burnt away you just use your you're actually your knife or your hands will stick you open up and then just reveal your egg hey we've got a nice bundle we've moved the fire aside leaving a nice little pile of embers now I'm using a bottle of water but if this says that if this was a river or if it was a river a stream nearby which there is it's about a ten minute walk and this is a quick demo to show you what you can do when you forget your cooking pot so there's a bit water dripping at the bottom stick it straight on and you'll hear the you hear it steam up straight away the plan is to build the fire back up please yeah there there's the most cook sort of dry out what start to burn down a bit in the center it should stay nice and steam nice and moist no way we have here we have Kurt mmm got their shell in them yep maybe slightly on the run inside oh well it's hard to know the time isn't it how long to cook it that's amazing it's a mess it isn't messy oh that's really good and if so it burns the outside of the shell a bit but that doesn't matter egg in Morse well I like love for you that's just a little primitive cooking you said you could cook something fishing well that that could be fish as well could be vegetables if you must cook anything in its primitive cooking isn't that really that's amazing Oh got our veg for the evening cooking nicely at the back there yeah it's ready for another feast people [Music] so this is the shelter we've kind of battened it down a bit more it's held up well last night Dustin's been sleeping that side in a preview bag I've been this side so a wool blanket this side that I've been using on a deer hide and then underneath some Cedar boughs not loads because the deer hide takes quite a bit of the stick out and actually some of these sticks are quite thick but they're down my lower leg end up here little pillow just sort of fold up pillow again more Cedar boughs we've got basket which we brought there which has all our food bits in and yeah there's a there was a big one here which I had to get out the way at the end of the night there that really dug into my back but what makes the difference is actually this sheep stick this sheepskin it's so thick and so padded it's amazing they make a huge difference eat just put that part under your back and then you're sorted last night we just grabbed the leather Cedar boughs like this shuts him on the bed and because we were it was getting fairly late at night we had a few things to do we didn't really trim them down so although I slept quite well these were still digging in my back but you know I didn't really mind because I had a few beers but what doing is just snapping these off at the fork so that you know I'm actually lying on that and not the uncomfortable stick part yeah it's a bit more time consuming but got way more time to do it today because we've we've done everything we wanted to do so we're just actually relaxing and making camp a bit better camps looking good now and you know we're not gonna sort of build anymore I don't think so I might as well make life a little bit more comfortable and make my bed just easier to sleep on I'm not worried about my back is a big stick there at the back but you know even like that oh that's so much better so much better yeah I just chucked down so many of these these thick steaks and yeah I just thought you know just I think the beer just helped me sleep really last night yeah beer bit of whiskey here which will will probably have later maybe some more nuts or something Wallace freshly-picked yeah oh it's good man it's a great trip and I'm really enjoying this peaceful camp is coming along progressing always helps when you're eating good food as well always hoped oh yeah naturally uncle Arthur's out had to be done had to be done had to be done cheers everyone that it's the worst of them so now it's just your skin deerskin again probably for down there and then the PS then a resistance that is a right thing oh the sheepskin the sheepskin but is it actually that way around my friends that's how you go camping that better that little bit of extra 20 minutes nothing I was was well worth it that took me 20 minutes to sort these branches out well worth it and then a wool blanket as well it's gonna be good gonna be a good night oh you wore them yeah fold it in half don't look inviting now pillow cooking wise we have butternut squash we've got some potatoes and onion and then these peppers and a bit of garlic as I was saying earlier I'm not sure if I've mentioned actually no we're talking about earlier yeah yeah the garlic I've just put this on the edge of the fire what this will do is it'll cook those out the garlic will cook you know go into a paste as we open up each clove we can squeeze out that garlic paste and it's kind of what we call smoked garlic it's really good it brings out such a different flavor we're going sort of hobo style with our cooking here a bit primitive a bit primitive yes kind of what we call like dirty cooking dirty cooking yeah have a smell on that I'll pass out to you smell already tell everyone it's not to cook oh that smells incredible so we got some peppers some baking potatoes really and butternut squash very well give that butternut squash another little turn oh nice and soft so when it comes to it we're going to take them all off just scrape off we could even use the actually scrape off with a charred the charred stuff but we don't want to eat we're potato wise you just when it comes to potatoes we're gonna scoop out the cooked potato we don't always have to you know use tin foil or boil them let's caveman it let's throw them straight on a bit like the egg yeah exactly if you're shortening resources why not just make the most of it what right well the vegetables pretty much cooked they've been taken out the embers they've put up being put aside Mike has put the grill on the over the embers and now it's ready for these two so we've got a sirloin steak and we've got a ribeye I'm not gonna boil it put lots of pepper on rubbishy pepper pepper kinda just a little blockage yes pepper on there can't be a bit Peppa mistake same again oh yes don't for this one just along the edge and just move that over oh yeah how'd you like your steak medium-rare just like on yeah effect I've just flipped the board so we got a nice clean surface on the shopping board let's lift that one out gonna leave her rest for a minute let's quickly have a quick look Oh perfect look at that those juices on the top it's geared and this one want to give this one maybe another what 15 seconds I'd say so yeah he's still got bit on the end these not cooked as much so yeah give it another bit right leave that for a minute in the mean so I'm gonna get this salt I'm kind of leaning over the fire now she's not ideal but the fame to put some more so it's not really affecting me put these veg over there yeah they might look a bit charred which they are sitting on the outside certainly on the outs one inside that matters is exactly it so I'll just pick these two up so soft not burnt at all inside perfectly can scoop that out with a spoon it's amazing or a fork that's worked out really well do this to clean it's just a little bit of ash I don't think a little bit of ash and you wanted it so you can cut these open and using a fork it's just going to be another smash and grab just get involved or look how juicy this is moving on to me what anybody a potato so that's his potato looking charred on the outside yeah that's to be expected look look at that so we can just using our Forks or spoons we can spoon them out here he goes one each onion just lifts all the charred vegetables conscious onion which is Fool's bar look at that it absolutely just falls apart Oh garlic garlic perfect thanks for reminding me just saw it in the background didn't want to leave on its own like that I'll place it down he only grabbed one of these look how juicy this is really juicing just by squeezing look at that oh it's not talking about paste that's what it's talking about smear that on to it yeah he's like butter isn't it is like button so sweet that's absolutely incredible let's get another one squeeze that paste onto there smells incredible it really does oh wow it will salt the better spud butternut squash as well yeah that is soft really soft and it's all pretty much it's rolling straight on the fire that's a pretty turn on each other so good you wouldn't think looking at the charred outside of that they would know fine inside yeah no that's the potato it's just a white blob to you guys but you cook through soft fluffy perfect is good do a bit butter yeah just to melt just afterwards the heat of the spud to let it mouth I'll have to put that on the list for next time mm-hmm telegonus butternut squash mmm-hmm the only kind of cooking utensil we used well was the grill ready wouldn't it mmm and that grow so lightweight down to nothing be oh you need your cook sir I do need my coat sir cook sir you just go back to the luxurious shelter juggle three walnuts well it is time for monkey shoulder whiskey oh yes lovely oh yes thank you very much in the cook sir but of everyday work sir I always lose my cooks oven literally every day hey coffee yeah rum pitch is the occasion it's all infused in the wood now hold on hold on and I just going to say congratulations you know you've passed 600,000 subscribers are now on six hundred thousand two hundred and fifty four Ozzie Oh Mike oh wow that's crazy that is crazy well that is thank you so much cheers guys thank you for all your support really appreciate it Cheers that's a fine whiskey that isn't it now we got feast as well guys the feast has not ended oh all right let's let's just show a warm up to the camera for those guys that have never seen a warm-up before I'm hoping you have who's never seen a wall now that my friends is a walnut they're quite small you saw those you get them a lot bigger but small as I say these are like the biggest nut we have one of the biggest nuts okay as far as our British nuts go these are one of the biggest but favorite are small in a walnut cent season the hazelnuts Oh hazel yeah I agree actually I'd say walnut and it's all really well for winter it for winter the husk is really strong you know Jack's stick with the bush girl for everything yeah open them up and they look like kind of like brains they do look at that Walmart City look at that you know they go really well with the whiskey mmm which yeah not some whiskey what a blend cheers me you guys doing well if you're still watching really appreciate it I know it so looks slightly longer video than normal it is do head on over see Dustin's YouTube channel bushcraft tools put link in the description Dustin's been doing a lot of kind of behind the scenes of this whole three-day trip so if you're interested in that sort of thing definitely go and check his channel out hit the subscribe button give him a comment tell him how from me even though he's it just across the the shelter from me and yeah go and support him it's been brilliant mate of apps you enjoyed it okay we've eat like kings again standard without fail you always produce some damn good food Cheers thank you but a great company is straight having it's a good company guys too good company [Music] [Applause] [Music] well good morning everybody and a fine English morning it is we've had easily forty mile an hour gusts this morning the forecasters the forecast has finally arrived if we woke up we were just saying this morning we woke up a couple of times in the night praying that trees wouldn't fall over on the shelter it is absolutely ripping through this woman God knows what it's like out in the open right now it's just it's a very very strong wind it's got that cozy feel of being in a tent when it's raining yeah yeah yeah we're not we know that too much rain yet but it's due to coming about now but there's still those the leaves on the trees so that's maybe why it's not coming through the kind of canopy level to the shelter yet but we slept pretty well I slept pretty well too fair did you sleep until I slept that's the last line that I did the first night yeah it's whiskey mate we did yeah well we had just about enough fire this morning to to get kettle on and get some tea because I see Englishmen can't function without any tea correctly yeah but fire reflector burn in the night the fire ate into it and just started feeding through the wood and I woke up at one point looking at a fire reflector thinking oh this is just gonna erupt in flames but because there was so much weed it was just putting the flame out like the flame would come up and then the wind would just go there's a gust and it would just put the flame out so it's quite interesting to watch but I'm nerve-racking it's those big poplar trees they must be they were swaying yesterday but they're 90 degrees today they must be going 10 metres either side yeah yeah yeah the wind yeah they're big trees actually proper tall ones they really tall trees but yeah it's worrying because there's a lot of trees with ivy all around them and always fear because that that ivy so much resistance for the wind to hit that it makes trees blow over so much easier and there's a lot of trees with ivy on the hood who knows I don't think we're gonna hang around much longer today guys to be honest it it's about 7:30 now it's still pretty dark out I think it's gonna be in one of those drink tea pack up yeah go yeah because the forecasted what should we do with the frame let it go back to nature I can't drink my tea yeah because it's just in a metal carpet although it's lovely and warm on this cold day it's just too hot to drink it take my lips off just I'll drink it maybe a pair lips left on them on the can yeah this is the remnants for ladies and gents of our PI reflector which got eaten by the fire over in this corner absolute destroyed still got my paracord left it's a slightly melted but I'll be keeping that we have a break in the wind this is where we've come out here it comes very good literally most set by but that women you'd have way more ashes there as well yeah I know the only phone you'd have so much more ash there from and that is are you got this hide up here as well that's that's camp for the last three days no suit about a perfect as well glad I adjusted them yesterday good little shelter surprisingly yeah you know it's not perfect by any means but it's held up in these strong winds and it puts the fire out the other day we reinforce these the back end of this shelter Dustin would grab some logs just to pin it all down you can see how it's kind of billowing out now where the winds getting underneath it but it's all pretty secure we've had no problems with it now it's gonna fill out yeah now we've got a tunnel shelter wind tunnel we're saying earlier with the shelter that it sort of looked like a tent or a bivy like a fishing baby you get over here in the UK but with all these strong winds usually as a normal tent we just would rat or wouldn't it were just in the wind it would flat like that and you just hear the noise all the time but because of this frame it stopped the wind would hit the shelter but it stopped all that flapping because these were just absorbing all of the winds blast and gusts which means that actually it was very quiet inside the shelter throughout the whole time that it is windy which is awesome but we're going to do the kind of bushcraft thing and get it back to nature leave leave everything how we basically found it and trying yeah Leave No Trace giving back to nature there is there is base camp what's left of it you'd never know sweat some leaves over got rid of the structure the hazel sapling structure Leave No Trace people and now you can experience the wind on our way back to the truck and the car this is this is mental out here actually mental we were so we were in such a safe spot in that dense woodland shielded everything look at this that's some serious wig going on now [Music] gusts of 40 one hour they reckon san agustin oh right it's mental I'm glad it's hit today on the way back to the truck and not the last two days but it's not it's not too far to go all the leaves come down pretty much autumn is here for sure for sure well they look at the leaves on the trees is still pretty green but loads are falling on the floor what a trip we're three days Rhys nothing like three days in the woods to reset the body clock it's been good fun really good fun this is beautiful look at this these trees well I got a truck in the woods she's been here three days and that's some leaf litter for any of these I need to clear all these off before we get going the batteries even flashing red see that it is I'm literally out of everything batteries have gone through what three camera chips yeah so much it's gonna be a long video for you guys but I hope you enjoyed it thanks so much if you if you watched it all the way through go and check out Dustin's bushcraft courses West Country bushcraft oco-2 UK go and check out his other websites all in the description below is Instagram and everything I hope you enjoyed it I'm gonna be back with dust and really soon we're going on another epic three day trip this time it's gonna be a mixture of woodlands and the coastal crimp as well I'm going forward to that yeah you guys you coastal guys have been really asking me pestering me loads to get back out on the coast and do another camp save it fishing yeah so sometime this month maybe end of the month a video might be out about the coastal trip so thanks so much for watching guys don't forget ta up those merchandises the link in the description below I'll see you guys real soon Cheers [Music] [Music] [Music] we are yet to have this heavy rain [Music] monkey shoulders guys give me back today [Music] you [Music]
Channel: TA Outdoors
Views: 1,505,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camp, woods, bushcraft, shelter, dog, camping, wool blanket, storm force winds, bushcraft camp, bushcraft shelter, deer hide, survival, bushcraft skills, forest, natural materials, storm, tarp, fire reflector, axe, saw, building, building a camp, building a shelter, cooking, fire, cooking over open fire, supershelter, camp update, ta outdoors camp, camping with a dog, build, wilderness, overnight, 3 days, surviving, how to survive, hobo cooking, tarp shelter, natural shelter
Id: lD4DFFugeO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 30sec (5790 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 16 2018
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