First Night Camping in WW2 Officers Tent - Heavy Rain

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hey folks another Camping Episode this time oh it's heavy I've uh I've bought a new tent it's a British army officers World War II tent it's really heavy this is not a lightweight backpacking trip as you can see my bag's not packed very well it's the first time I've used this tent I'm looking forward to setting it up but real mixture of gear we are pretty much the beginning of Autumn it's going to be a lovely evening there's some rain in the forecast too let's go camping I've never set this up before so I've got no idea what I'm doing there seems to be some poles here but they're all still wrapped that shows you I've not used it at all there's some wood nice wood pegs here all made by the company that I bought it from okay more wrapping like a male and a female end so I'm guessing it's like a feral on a fishing roll it there slots in there that's the spike which I'm I think is going to go that way up to hold the canvas I don't know yet just sticking the poles together as I go I like the color like Cary color going to face the entrance to the camera no instructions nothing it's World War Two British officers style tent but made newer like a modern one made from that style I'm guessing that's the ridge pole because there's little holes here and I think these holes sit on top of whoopsie of the spot spikes I'm I'm totally guessing this there no instructions but I think that should sit on a spike yeah like that oh okay I kind of need to push it that way more because as I fold it up I want the middle to be here I have a feeling this bit's going to be really tough to keep it ight so these spikes go through the kind of Center the center of the ridge pole is there of the door so I'm just trying to get it all spiked up first through the holes of these ribbits like that and just hope that it all stays together as I lift it Center guy I got a feeling the tent as I lifted up because it's got no triangular legs it's just going to fall over again so what I'm going to do is try and um Peg out the inside of the the other side of the guidelines I just wonder if it might help if I do them super tight to begin with so I've kind of started it there's probably guys out there that are watching my films who have these tents and know how to set them up it's for my first time doing this type of tent It's Tricky but I think now I've got a rough now it's staying upright I think I can just keep adjusting each Skyline moving the pegs until I get it nice and tight we'll see um this one coming out it's looking a bit better so there there are these smaller tent Stakes that come with it the bigger ones I've used for the guidelines and these smaller ones I'm just going to use to Peg the base of the wall of the tent down I'm guessing that's what they're for so this is the back of the tent but it can also be made the front from the looks of it it's got the same rope as the front does it's just this one's being tied off really well to be there it's actually kind of stitched together but I'm guessing it can be undone because there's these little tie outs here which can hold the wall of the tent as you roll it up like again like you would a modern tent and that should hold there and the same the other side so you can have it get more air flow and have a back door and the front door is that now in doors can open like that you can roll them tie them up and there we have it the tent Army officer's tent is set up it's really quite spacious inside I am a I'm a small guy 5' 7 and a bit and as I'm stood up up my head just just touches the top of the pole benefits of being small I stand here you can almost see that's where the ridge pole is it just brushes my capat ideal I can stand up in the tent this is the inside on the tent just check everything feels pretty secure here's the two vents one there you can see outside to the woods beautiful view one there and then there's this kind of Hessian skirt which I've got on the inside at the moment I don't know if that's meant to go on the outside or the inside I would have thought the inside because it's hessy and it's not great if it's wet normally a skirt on the tent can go on the outside and you can weigh it down with with rocks and things to keep it secure but this one looks like it should go on the inside um you guys will know you have your tent but I'm just going to bring that skirt in getting it sticks up the way this looks cozy boys very cozy yeah I'm guessing there's a toggle there not sure on the other side H not sure about that toggle and what that's meant to do to be honest it doesn't lead anywhere it kind of goes oh it's there ah okay here's the toggles from the outside there I'm guessing they're just to stake your door down your back the back door so two stakes there so I'm going to try that yeah now it's not moving so as this is a mixture of of kind of old school gear and Mod Gear this camp out cuz I'm just testing the tent really cuz I've got future plans for it um I'm just going to use one of the raised beds the modern kind of one Tigress ones which I've used before but it just makes life a bit more comfortable in there it all kind of it's all this bed's all on like these elastic bungees that and it all it's really easy to put together I like it because it's simple and it's solid but I just like the fact that all the parts don't fly away every day they also if you get struggled to put them up they've got instructions in the bag itself attached to the bag itself just to kind of give you hand if you if you do forget how to put it together sort of horizontal well vertical sections these are the arms again all easy to attach that's one two another small bag bag inside a bag these are the legs and then if you remember the old army cck beds where you used to have to get on those metal legs and bend them in and then pull the canvas over with your fingers and it was so tight this simple little invention is awesome so at the end where the pole is there's just a pull tab here to get your finger in and give you the pressure to be able to pull the material over the pole and it makes life so much easier then you just lay this over for now these little legs then have this adjustable section here with these two pieces that you push in and it clicks into place and that's how you get your tension so you have to get it slack to begin with so put the leg facing closer in and you do that on all the legs that click the other Sid in and then just to tie it them you just click this in there use the leave use the leave and it clicks and it gives you the tension in the [Music] bed yes it [Applause] does just a light weight sleeping pad that's better it was uh given to me by a guy at one of the shows this year and it's a sleeping bag but it's a really unique one I have taken it out and had a look at it and stuff at home but it's it's called a I think this is pronounced right a GRS gritsy bag gritzy bag um it's Unique in the sense that it's actually a synthetic and wool mix a mixture of synthetic material and wool this is the summer sort of Summer version uh has a comfort range of 4° C limit is minus 1° C and the extreme is- 17° C so it's definitely more of a sort of Summer bag spring summer autumn we are experiencing really mild temperatures at the moment it's uh 16° today my favorite bit of this bag already is that there's this ZIP segment at the bottom of the base where your feet are with some mesh and I don't know about you but I get really sweaty feet at night so it's really nice to be able to have a breathable mesh section for your feet which will also help with the bacteria inside of it and the the odor that it would give off over time um it really helps to prevent that so it's nice and Airy for your feet and obviously in the colder months if you want to zip it up you can zip it up but I do really like that and I've not personally seen that before in a sleeping bag normally sleeping bags have it just straight down the side but this I've tried this out and it makes it so much easier getting in and out of the bag so it opens really well still keeps it shape let me take my shoes off a minute it just means when you go to reach for your zip sometimes you're having to fap around down the side to find it but it's right on the top of your B which is really easy to to sort of find the other thing is and I know this is appetiz on loads of sleeping guys is the Zips always get caught and you know a lot of Ste bags are like anti- Zip snag technology this one just has a really simple like cotton baffle thing and a a wide y-shaped zip which really genuinely does not snag as much as a normal bag does I mean look how rare is that to get that on a sleeping bag I like that so anyway the rest is is fairly fairly normal you've got an outside pocket here on your chest for mobile phones and things like that again it's attached to you but it's sort of to the side just easy to get in and out rather than the pocket on the inside there is a special pocket on the inside which is just a velcro one again for a mobile phone it's got all the washing details in there and then it's got your kind of normal baffle here around the neck and your adjustable Hood The Mummy shaped Hood which you get in sort of most sleeving bags lastly let me just show you this this final thing because this is really cool this bottom section of the sleeving bag there's something inside and there's a zip and then out pops this mesh mosquito net which I have never seen this before in a sleeping bag and what you do is it's got a zip just here and this ZIP attaches to this section just just I think it's here just Zips around like that and then you've got these this tube that comes with it there's two tubes already in and that's that's so it can fold up you just insert this other final tube this basically raises the head net above your head the mosquito net above your head don't get any bugs on you which is super cool there you go now you have a sleeping bag with a mosquito net above you so you can sleep out under the stars in the summer and not have any bugs bother you that zip is so good and then this is the cool bit you might look a bit strange but it's not about looks because to to have a mosquito net attached to a sleeping bag like this I just think that's a really good addition the fact that you don't have to have it on as well and like I'm literally looking out above the trees now up at the trees and through the leaves and if it it's still 16° so there are bugs around I'm not going to use this tonight though because I'm in the tent and I I don't really need it but for sleeping out in the open or in a really buggy area I think that's a really good invention fair play to that whatever they're called I think it's gr grp C fair play to them for diversifying there something that's been around for years put their own touch on it I like that anyway I'll put a link to it in the description I don't get any Kickback or anything from it the guy just gave it to me and said give it a go see what you think if you don't like it tell us and when you don't want to use it just pull out that piece that was in there and then it folds up into this circle like that it just goes into this small section at the back of your sleeping sleeping bag case can't in talk and there you go the stes in there one more feature which I do think is awesome is on the underside of it it's got three of these grippy these grip sections like rubbery bits and they they go all along the bottom of the the base of it so that you don't skid off of your sleeping mat on on your sleeping pad and it stays there and grips rather than sliding off your pad all the time very cool right we need to get a fire going and get some food on so running out of light decided to chop some wood off camera uh and I might go for like an upside down fire lay which I've done before cuz I'm cooking in a little mini Dutch oven tonight and so I want to I want to keep this fire nice and and hot ideally so I'm going to build it up using a barbecue fire lighter for this one no Bushcraft no pure Bushcraft stuff I've done this in my channel before but essentially the fire burns from the top down and it it's a low maintenance fire you really don't have to touch it once it's lit and that's my plan so I can go and gather some more firewood while this is kind of burning down there we go build a little raft set some Twigs on it and hopefully that's it I won't have to touch that now for probably about 45 minutes to an hour I can let that go that fire is burning just going to get the kettle warm next to it before I put the triet on later got some long pieces of Ash here which i' I've found split up earlier that i' done on a previous overnight so don't know why but I want to try it this way like Indian tee style and see if that makes it any difference sort of never really done it that way so we'll see what happens see what see how it goes we go three or four breaths and have a pillow didn't really bring a peeler with me for these uh sweet potatoes but a Bushcraft knife shall suffice for now just trying to keep as much of the potato as possible fire is still burning well uh it's 45 minutes later so that's good so fire is still not low enough for the Dutch oven but it's getting there but it is good enough for a cup of coffee like I said this trivet is a bit big but it's uh you can still make it work there's some heat to that fire now so the ash that I split was a bit wet let say a bit wet had some moisture in it wasn't wet and now I can feel that that the heat is has evaporated all that moisture out so now the fire is actually properly going oh look it's nearly boiling already the kettle as is my [Music] microphone dice these up a bit sweet potato and onion we're just getting too dusk now and that's 6:00 10 6 the clocks haven't changed yet so soon it will be dark at about 4: Bushcraft knives with a scandy gr find so hard to cut vegetables normally I use my openl cuz it's thin butchers it a bit but it's all going down the hatch haven't lit my one of these in ages my few hand Lon this has been a long time it's the work yes it does there is some fuel in there still the glass is a bit dirty I need to clean it but result this is going to be a full meal it's half up 40 minutes all right spices straight from the wife's cupboard so don't tell her bit turmeric bit cumin bit coriander chuing a bit of mixed spice as well and then cuz I don't want that to dry out I'm just going to add some chopped tomatoes just to give it a bit more of a sauce to kind of cooking oh look at that it's literally on the rim almost there's enough room for it to Bubble away I know you shouldn't people say oh you shouldn't use like Rich acidic tomato sauces in a dutch oven but I've never had a problem as long as you clean it and rinse it out soon after I've personally not had a problem with it it's when you like leave the uh sauce in there for got my gloves so I'm using my tripod sleeve or my arm to uh to move things and adjust things not the best but oh it does the job just right that's ready for the lid nice there we go then I'll just rotate the whole oven every 10 minutes or so so it Cooks evenly something I did forget was a bit of stock totally forgot so oh is that still hot steaming taking it off the uh the fire just about see it there but it's looking it's looking good still piping hot cuz it's cast iron but it tastes brilliant so to accompany that by the way I really like this this this one person Dutch oven I've actually got a smaller one than this which is more for kind of puddings and ret cheeses or Cam and bear cheeses and things like that but that is ideal for winter one pot wonders I'm really pleased with that I guess now it's winter it's more the time for those types of dishes so I've got some sour dough bread to go go with is that focusing yeah look at that salad dough bread to go with this dish because it it it's just it just works that's what I can say it works just load up the bread with a bit of that so there's due to be rain 36% chance now I can just about hear it light rain then it's going up to 58% at 10:00 tonight then it's going up to 81% and then 86% at midnight all the way through till 5 in the morning that is going to test this tent in fact Beyond 5: in the morning that's just like the next day's weather I'm looking forward to uh I'm really giving it a baptism of fire this tent but it's canvas so I figure it's going to hold up pretty well in the rain don't know if you can hear that dear monk Jack it's like a bar get got quite a few monk Jack in this Woodland just had the Tony owls going as well it was lovely it's like the epitome of a British Woodland deciduous Woodland at dusk is that a Munch and some tals it's so still tonight there's there's literally no wind whatsoever and I'm waiting for the rain which is due to be here now we're meant to be having 85% rain what is going on at least that monk Jack stopped barking but yeah lovely lovely uh quiet evening if it stays like this all night I'll sleep like a baby I got two young kids uh 3 and well she's nearly four now my daughter and then my son is now what's he a 17 month old 18 he's coming up 1 and a half I think but yeah it's uh I don't get load to sleep through the night sometimes so coming out camping I tend to uh I tend to sleep quite well don't tell my wife that but yeah if it's a still night like this with no wind or rain I think I might end up hopefully sleeping quite good but I also do like the sound of rain on the tent this is just so nice to be out camping again this time of year Autumn the leaves haven't properly changed yet they haven't started to the tips of the beach trees here they've just started to go don't know why I'm looking up it's pitch black trying to see any orange leaves up there no two weeks this Woodland's going to about 3 weeks actually this Woodland's going to look lovely and stunning the rain is arrived yes I wanted it to rain give the tent a proper test thing is it sounds really heavy outside but in this tent it just doesn't sound heavy at all cuz it's so thick I've also got the Leaf cover above me from the trees so it's not as um it's not as heavy as it would be if I was camping out in the open but it's nice I'm cozy there's a bit of warmth coming off the lantern it's still quite a mild night but I'm not going to wear a jumper in the sleeping bag and that's it that's all to report folks for tonight and we will see how the tent has fared in the morning what is it now 10:00 10:00 at night past my bedtime these days right I'm going to get some sleep and I'll let you guys know how the night went tomorrow for for morning it's a wet one it rains solidly for the whole night at times it was really heavy sometimes a little bit light the odd sticks falling down from the trees at night which is interesting I'm in a beach Woodland obviously so I'm quite wary of the branches spontaneously falling um which beach can do but I've checked above me and there's no kind of massive overhanging branches only small ones it's a really it's a really peaceful morning even though it's really wet I didn't I slept I slept pretty good to be fair I've got a bit of a stiff neck I don't sleep great with those inflatable pillows but um other than that I I slept really well and it was quite peaceful at night because of the rain the tent has held up really quite well I'm really impressed I don't think it hasn't been properly proofed or anything so this was definitely the test um a good way of proofing canvas tents in general is actually setting them up in the dry in the sunny day spraying them down with like a water sprinkler or a hose pipe getting them soaking wet then letting them dry again and then doing that a couple of times cuz what happens is where the on each seam where the C canas is stitched together as with any tent there's hundreds of or thousands of tiny little holes where the the needle's gone in and out to stitch it as that needle goes through the hole it obviously leaves a bit of a gap and water can come in so if you wet the canvas what happens is that thread expands and tightens around the canvas um or the other way around I can't remember but essentially that then contracts and dries and eventually it expands enough that it seals the holes all together so this is part of actually sealing the canvas tent anyway but I will put some canvas proofing material on it at some point whether it's some beeswax melted down beeswax and paraffin mix or something I'm not sure um obviously it will make it a bit heavier and and and it won't be as Supple but it will waterproof it but this is a great test look at that I'm really pleased with that very comfortable night with that raised bed as well and the sleeping bag got a say really good really really good wasn't cold at all but then it was a mild night but it's really comfy so I'm debating whether to have a file or not obviously everything soaked I didn't prep any wood last night and I kind of knew this was happening anyway so I bought with me some some kind of Brios buns and a packet of Oreos well I don't really feel too hungry so I'm not sure I'm going to do a for this morning these are just coming through not sure what they are yet mushroom guys out there might know but just coming through they're almost they're almost spiky on the top they feel really rough they're coming through and this is all Beach mushroom guys let me know what do you think very rough can't really see it underneath they're everywhere coming through here this one's been nibbled on Welcome to My humbled Abode that was bed last night and the lantern setup wo a bit close I basically just tied a bit of string around the Center Ridge Pole to tr to stick to that and then I can hang my Lantern straight from that it works really well so I was going to have a fire I've decided against it because it's the effort of obviously collecting all the wood I haven't got too much time this morning it's raining and it's 40 mph winds tomorrow it's raining for the next few days and it doesn't make make a difference so I was going to leave it here to dry but it's not going to dry so I'm going to have to take it home and hang it and then put it out which is annoying but it is what it is so yeah now I've decided against the fire and we shall pack down the tent wet and it's going to weigh a ton this tent weighs nearly 10 kilos with the full kit pegs and all I think it's like 9.2 or something without it's a heavy tent it's not for lightweight backpacking I think it goes like this if you I've just had a look at I've just had a look at the back and I think it goes like this I think each Loop feeds down into the loop below it to do it up I'm not sure on this at all I think it goes like that and then this somehow this Loop goes through there and then through that one this seems right and this is how you would do it up but I guess on the inside obviously that goes through there there and then through that one that's it and that's how that's how it's done up so I couldn't figure that out last night but I've just checked the back which is already done up and that seems to be the way so that's good to know how to do it up on the inside should I need to interesting loop system that I've never seen before but actually I can see the practicalities of it just feeding each Loop through it I mean look you can see the convenience of a zip right why they invented them but this still does an all job for right folks I hope you enjoyed the episode thanks so much for watching something slightly different and I'm looking forward to using that tent more over the coming months throughout the colder months it was a a test camp today and I'm really pleased with it it was a test camp for the last two days I'm really pleased with it it's heavy duty it's going to take a while to dry but um yeah that's based on the on the British army World War II officers tents out of breath from packing it away but thank you so much for watching I do appreciate it if you enjoy this type of episode feel free to subscribe I'll be back um hoping for Monday uploads evening time UK about 6:00 p.m. so hopefully I will see you guys next week cheers for watching and I'll see you in the next one love the thumbs off at the end nerd that
Channel: TA Outdoors
Views: 436,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: first night camping, first night, ww2, ww2 officers tent, ww2 tent, world war two, world war two tent, ww2 camping, taoutdoors, ta outdoors, military tent, military surplus, military surplus tent, british army, british army officers tent, ta outdoors ww2, camping, bushcraft, survival, overnight, solo overnight
Id: vvvn0_56nvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 41sec (2501 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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